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交易费用视角的政府行为 --以温州模式为例   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
温州模式发展初期,地方政府通过保护产权、内化外部效应等措施降低了交易成本,而地方政府对经济的弱控制客观上又降低了因过度干预形成的交易成本。但是,随着温州民营经济的发展,地方政府过去偏弱的服务功能,使得温州民营经济发展正面临着投资环境相对恶化形成的交易成本约束。在现代市场经济中,要通过建立规模适度的、行为规范的、服务型的政府,降低市场交易成本,为经济发展提供良好的外部环境。  相似文献   

不同的模仿,其性质和结果大不相同。有的公司只对模型原样照搬,有的公司对模型稍加变通,以适用公司的实际情况,而有的公司则在原始模型的基础上大加改进,试图达到天壤之别的效果:有的公司费尽心思,想方设法吸收、借用模型,而有的公司只要将看得见、摸得着的外在特征模仿到手,就会心满意足了。  相似文献   

苏南是乡镇企业的发源地,曾经创造了“苏南模式”的辉煌历史。如今,这些乡镇企业通过机制转换,又焕发出勃勃生机:民营化后的企业活力倍增,成为我国民营经济发展最快、最活跃的地区之一。从今天发表的这篇解读中国民企发展的对话中,我们或许能从澄星20年的发展历程中得到一些宝贵的启不。  相似文献   

参与此次联合展演的17家入围品牌,普遍已经拥有十年左右的创业历史。十年前,他们中有的是仅仅注册了商标,有的是刚刚注册了企业,有的则是一直在尝试代销代理经营。其中的10家企业都是在2009~2011年之后才逐渐走上品牌化、企业化运营道路,在系统化构建品牌特质、加大品牌形象推广力度、创建企业营销模式、完善企业管理和团队建设等方面逐渐形成了自己的特色,品牌经营也取得了跨跃式发展。  相似文献   

民营经济是民生经济,是促进县域经济发展的主体,是联结工农、城乡的桥梁和纽带。近年来德州市高度重视民营经济的发展,创建了德州模式,民营经济在城乡一体化进程中发挥了主力军的作用。本文着重阐述民营经济大发展对推进城乡一体化进程的重大意义;发展民营经济与推进城乡一体化进程相结合的用法;充分发挥民营经济在城乡一体化进程中主力军作用的建议等,对民营经济发展和推进城乡一体化进程工作具有启示作用。  相似文献   

企业的盈利模式有多种,有的以量取利,有的则完全以利润率为获利的方式。笔者在本文之中试图探讨一种以客户价值+企业盈利的获利模式。企业的盈利模式不仅取决于企业的经营模式、企业体制,也与企业的文化、价值观也有很大的关系。  相似文献   

民营经济在地方经济发展中被寄予厚望.认真研究民营经济,思考如何加快民营经济发展是一个非常必要的课题。本文在分析对长沙民营经济发展现状和存在问题的基础上,从政府职能转变、加大金融支持、加快企业自身创新等方面提出了一些可行对策以期能够真正促进长沙民营经济的快速健康发展,迎来长沙民营经济发展生机勃勃的春天,推动长沙经济的全面发展。  相似文献   

<正>促进民营经济发展壮大,社会有需求,市场有期待。今年是全面贯彻落实党的二十大精神的开局之年,进入新的历史阶段,世界正经历百年未有之大变局,民营经济发展的内外部环境发生深刻变化。促进民营经济发展壮大,社会有需求,市场有期待。建筑业不仅是国民经济的支柱产业,也是其他行业赖以发展的基础性行业。从2022年统计数据来看,全社会建筑业增加值8.34万亿元,占GDP比重6.89%,吸纳从业人员5184万人,有力支撑了国民经济持续健康发展。同时,建筑业的发展仍面临着很多挑战,民营建筑企业抗风险能力低下,同时受困于资金实力、融资能力、技术能力等实际问题,市场空间受到积压,发展放缓。  相似文献   

后起国家典型的发展模式以及对我国的借鉴意义一、汽车工业后起国家的典型模式以及评价从国际汽车工业的发展历史来看,后起国家存在着两种典型的发展模式:一是以韩国等为代表的“自主发展模式”;二是以巴西、西班牙、加拿大等国家为代表的“完全开放模式”。“自主发展模式”的要点是基本依靠国内的资源,建立一个比较完整的汽车工业体系,包括自主开发能力、民族品牌、整车制造能力、国内的零部件供应体系,在产业升级和技术能力的提高过程中,虽然也通过技术引进等方式借助了外部的力量,但是基本排斥外商直接投资。韩国等国家的基本做…  相似文献   

中国医药行业物流运营模式研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近几年来中国医药行业进行着重大的改革,发生了巨大的变化,医药企业面临着生存危机,在这种状况下,医药物流和供应链管理成为医药企业发展研究的重要领域。本文在基于大量实地调查和分析的基础上,对中国医药分销物流的运作模式和问题进行了概括分析。并提出了中国医药分销物流发展的前景与模式。  相似文献   

The radical political and economic reforms sweeping through former socialist countries during the last decade have opened rich opportunities for privately owned businesses to emerge and develop. Since the market institutions and infrastructures in these countries are largely underdeveloped, private firms in transition economies rely extensively on interfirm partnerships. This raises the question of how—in the absence of institutions that legitimate markets, contracts, and private property—managers of new business ventures develop new relationships. This paper addresses this issue through analysis of multiple subcontracting relationships formed at a private garment company in Vietnam. This analysis suggests that firms in transition economies develop interfirm trust in ways that are quite different from their counterparts in more highly developed economies.  相似文献   

Emerging countries are using privatization as a key strategy in their drive to become free market economies. Although these ownership changes are rapidly gaining prominence, the academic literature has been equivocal about the performance benefits of private vs. state ownership. The lack of clarity in findings can be largely traced to the underspecification of the models that prior studies have examined. Specifically, prior studies have mostly ignored the central role of competitive rivalry. This paper proposes a model that centers around the interactive, inseparable effects of ownership and competitive rivalry on firm performance. Results of the empirical examination set in India show that competitive intensity moderates the relationship between ownership and performance. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Using a comprehensive sample of listed companies in Hong Kong this paper investigates how family control affects private information abuses and firm performance in emerging economies. We combine research on stock market microstructure with more recent studies of multiple agency perspectives and argue that family ownership and control over the board increases the risk of private information abuse. This, in turn, has a negative impact on stock market performance. Family control is associated with an incentive to distort information disclosure to minority shareholders and obtain private benefits of control. However, the multiple agency roles of controlling families may have different governance properties in terms of investors’ perceptions of private information abuse. These findings contribute to our understanding of the conflicting evidence on the governance role of family control within a multiple agency perspective.  相似文献   

民间借贷的发展,一方面是由于存在着金融抑制、交易中的信息不对称以及对中小企业而言的低成本;另一方面,数量庞大的民间资本亦为其提供了丰厚的土壤。民间借贷虽然具有一定积极作用,但是对其存在的问题不容忽视。文章时此作了较为深入的分析,并提出一些对策建议供有关部门参考。  相似文献   

This paper outlines the conditions under which contracting of different types succeeds in the provision of public services to agriculture. It observes that performance contracting has been widely attempted in adjusting countries but generally with little success, since it is demanding of resources, flexibility and motivation in government under conditions where these are scarce. Examples are drawn from agricultural marketing. Given the largely private nature of the services to agriculture currently provided by the state, the long-term reform strategy should be market development. Contracting out and management contracting may have a role in this strategy, particularly in better managed adjusting economies.  相似文献   

Extensive studies of the organizational slack–performance relationship offer mixed findings in developed economies while little research attends to transition economies. Replicating and extending earlier work by Tan and Peng (2003), this study examines the relationship between organizational slack and firm performance in China and focuses on the moderating effects of firm ownership and competitive intensity. Empirical findings based on longitudinal data from 60,945 firms during 1998–2002 suggest that the impact of organizational slack on performance is stronger for private enterprises than for SOEs and foreign-invested enterprises. Furthermore, industry competitive intensity positively moderates the effect of organizational slack on performance. In a three-way interaction effect, the moderating effect of competitive intensity on the organizational slack–performance relationship is weaker in SOEs than in private enterprises and foreign invested enterprises.  相似文献   

Two game models are developed based on production costs and scope economies to investigate the widely observed multi-client outsourcing (MCO) phenomenon. Analytical results demonstrate that outsourcers’ high in-house production costs and the advantage of scope economies motivate firms to outsource collectively to an independent vendor. Under certain conditions, if both firms make their outsourcing decisions simultaneously, collective outsourcing is one of the two equilibria; if both firms make decisions sequentially, collective outsourcing becomes the unique equilibrium. Furthermore, the comparative statics of the critical degree of scope economies are examined for the occurrence of MCO with regard to diverse market parameters. Finally, it is proved that market prices decrease as the degree of scope economies increases when MCO occurs. This research helps explain some widely observed phenomena such as malls, supply chain cities, and the China price.  相似文献   

Our study addresses the limited attention paid to the role of indigenous institutional environments in framing the legitimate forms of governance used to shape buyer-supplier exchanges. Drawing on institutional theory and marketing channel literature, the study suggests that the emphasis in buyer-supplier exchanges on communication modalities and norms has much to do with the effectiveness of legal systems in a buyer's country. Three contexts for legitimacy are conceptualized from an examination of exchanges in developed economies with strong formal institutions and transitioning economies with underdeveloped institutions. Using surveys of US buyers to represent strong formal institutional environments, we conclude that buyers heavily influenced by regulative enforcement place a relatively greater emphasis on formal information sharing in their partnership efforts to build trust and enhance supplier performance. From surveys of buyers in India and China, we conclude that buyers place a relatively greater emphasis on informal information sharing when their legitimacy derives from the endogenously enforced moral codes of their private networks. Finally, surveys administered in Brazil and Russia revealed that buyers in environments pressured by the familial loyalty practices of their private networks place a relatively greater emphasis on the norm of solidarity to build trust in their suppliers.  相似文献   

Human resources are increasingly crucial to the growing economies of East Asia, which are striving to diversify economically toward higher value-added product-markets to continue their growth. Human resource management (HRM) in Taiwan, based on Confucianism and influenced by Western management research and practice, has been experiencing a major paradigm shift of sorts in recent years. With Taiwan’s rapid economic growth followed by its industrial and institutional transformation, HRM in the region has been developing to cope with the increasingly competitive and fast-changing business world. As such, this study reviews HRM’s development in Taiwan over the recent decades. The reviewed studies were gathered from work published from 1990 to 2016 appearing in the Social Sciences Citation Index or Taiwan Social Sciences Citation Index Chinese journals. A detailed discussion of HRM development in Taiwan is made, along with a summarizing scheme and some comparison to HRM in other select economies in East Asia, including those of Mainland China and Hong Kong which share the same cultural lineage and values.  相似文献   

逆向物流中企业规模经济效益可以有效促进政府补贴行为。文章建立了基于企业规模效应的三阶段博弈模型,确定了企业最优回收数量和存在规模经济效益时的政府最优补贴率,分别讨论了政府补贴率与企业投资水平及规模经济效益的关系。结论显示:政府补贴可以降低企业投资门槛,从而提高企业投资新设备的积极性;企业规模经济效应会显著提高政府补贴产生的环境保护效益,促进社会总效益达到最优化。  相似文献   

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