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问题建议类信息的编报是党委信息工作中的重点和难点,本文总结了这类信息选题的六种工作方法,并以实例加以阐述说明。问题建议类信息编报"题"从何来?近年来,我们在信息服务中坚持问题导向,围绕党委中心工作和重大决策部署,以确立信息选题为突破口,逐步形成了"六题"工作法。从党委决策中"找题"。主要是加强对党委阶段性中心工作的研究。近年来,市委每  相似文献   

叶靖 《物流技术》2012,(15):420-422
通过对"课相"概念的分析把握,在剖析高职现代物流专业4级"仓储类"职业岗位典型工作任务的基础上,设计出了4级"仓储类"课相开发思路。  相似文献   

本文结合建设国家级实验教学示范中心的工作实践,介绍了目前高校化学类实验室安全管理工作中存在的问题,并总结了发达国家的先进经验,据此提出了改进实验室安全工作的创新性措施,建立了"借鉴创新型"的国家级实验教学示范中心安全管理体系。  相似文献   

现代社会不断发展,高校内部学生档案管理工作也面临着新的挑战。随着各项档案管理法律法规的推行,学生档案管理工作逐渐成为了高校档案管理工作中的重点,并且成为了一项新的档案类别。"学生类"档案对于学生的学习和成长活动情况进行了记录,实现"学生类"档案数字化管理,可以有效地提高档案管理成效。  相似文献   

随着改革进程不断深化,国家层面提出了"供给侧结构性改革",不断强调市场在资源配置领域的决定性作用,然而,一部分地方政府仍然违背市场规律,通过一些过度干预的"类计划经济手段"开展经济工作,造成各类资源大量浪费,产品过剩严重。本文将通过实例结合供给侧结构性改革与政府"放改服"改革理论,来分析出现这种现象的原因及后果,并提有针对性的改进建议。  相似文献   

煤炭行业类的传统产业需要对"互联网+党建"的重要性和必然趋势有一定的认知。在新时代的转型发展过程中,抓住信息化大数据,将传统党建工作的"不变"和技术创新的"变"进行有机结合,运用"互联网+"使党建工作更便捷高效、更有深度力度。同时,党建工作在新机遇下也面临着新挑战,信息管理存在着很大的难度。因此,论文就新时代煤炭企业如何做好"互联网+党建"工作进行了探讨。  相似文献   

<正>2017年11月18日,随着国网中兴有限公司所属的北京中兴物业管理有限公司客服类、工程类、餐饮类和秩序维护类技能竞赛实操考核的完成,该公司2017年度"岗位练兵,技能比武"活动圆满落幕。今年以来,国网中兴物业认真贯彻落实国家电网公司党组决策部署,坚持"集约资源、优化模式、创新突破、提高双效"工作要求,以安全、质量、效率、效益为中心,全面提升公司发展能力和管理水平,紧紧围绕  相似文献   

季菲 《楼市》2012,(11):44-47
恃"绝版"价格坚挺,月均成交暴跌五成住宅价格普降,"类住宅"优势顿失。2012年,酒店式公寓陷入了疯狂过后的沉默,供销乏力。尽管顶着"稀缺"的帽子,但过万的库存仍是不得不面对的现实。缺失特性,仅作为"类住宅"存在的"酒店式公寓"始终难逃"失宠"的尴尬。  相似文献   

"小稿子"不小,要大中谋小、"小题大做"、以小见大、大小得当。在文稿工作中,"小稿子"的起草是常态、是大多数。所谓"小稿子",是指一些看似小部门、小事项的稿子,或专业型、小范围使用的稿子,或一些活动、一些场合中的演讲类小稿子。对"小稿子",不能因其小而轻之。这里试结合几个例子,谈谈如何起草"小稿子"。  相似文献   

谢姝 《现代企业》2021,(2):158-159
受宏观经济影响,建筑施工企业的"两金"近年来呈现上升的趋势。"两金"比例的升高,可能会导致企业现金流短缺甚至企业资金链的断裂,影响企业资产的质量和盈利能力,不利于企业的长远发展。建筑施工企业如何建立"两金"压降的工作机制成为关键。一、建筑施工企业"两金"的概念和重要性"两金",是指企业的应收款项和存货类两类流动性资产。应收款项包含应收账款、应收票据、其他应收款。"两金"是除货币资金之外,建筑施工企业最重要的两项流动资产。  相似文献   

丛苗 《企业技术开发》2009,28(11):125-126
在计算机实验课教学工作中,如不能及时地排除计算机故障,就会影响正常的教学进程,使教学内容受到影响。因此,对于教学用计算机出现的常见故障应及时排除,以保证教学计划的正常进行。教学用计算机的常见故障通常可分为两大类:硬件类故障和软件类故障。常用的故障排除方法主要有:拨插法、替换法、升温法、测量法、直接观察法等。  相似文献   

校园网的建设对于高校的教学、科研及管理水平的提高有着重大的意义,文章通过对校园信息网络系统的总体目标及具体要求、建网原则和系统选型等方面进行探讨,提出了构建一个高性能的、有实用价值的校园网的设计方案。  相似文献   

夏高彦 《价值工程》2011,30(7):235-236
艺术设计是一门实用性艺术,是在美学理论的指导之下为人类生活服务的艺术门类。在高校教育过程中,艺术设计在课堂教学、校园文化、校园环境等诸多方面起着不可小视的作用,是高校教育品质提升不可或缺的助力军。  相似文献   

文中运用课程效能评价理论对物流专业课双语教学中的教学环节、教学方法、试卷和学生运用专业外语的能力等方面的成效进行分析。对以往缺乏系统理论指导而进行的探索式双语教学的分析总结,对现有的专业课程设置、专业培养目标、双语教学管理和激励机制、授课方式、评价标准,以及如何提高学生的专业外语素养和运用能力进行了深入地思考,并提出了建议和对策。并提炼研究结论为:物流类专业课双语教学应依据专业培养方向和目标有序、适当地进行;物流类专业课双语教学的教材和教学要件的选用和建设,应该遵循适用和实用原则;物流类专业课双语教学的评价不能仅仅通过专家和学生对任课教师课堂评教的分数,学生的期末考试这类单一的途径完成;物流类专业课双语教学的教学方法和教学环境应进一步改进等。  相似文献   

A bstract . Statisticians, students, teachers and even non statisticians can learn from a study of misuses of statistics. The practitioners can improve their use of statistical methods in research , the student can learn the correct method of analysis and the effects of incorrect analysis, the teacher can improve teaching and the non statistician can learn to evaluate statistical inputs to decision making All users of statistics, professional and nonprofessional, can benefit from the same examples. In this paper, the authors categorize misuses, by both the nature and effect of the misuse, and give examples for each category.  相似文献   

In this research the impact of two types of end anchors on the linearity of the category rating scale is studied. Two functional measurement experiments were carried out, each requiring a different kind of judgement, i.e., job satisfaction ratings and attractiveness ratings. One group of participants rated the stimuli using a category rating scale with fixed anchors, while another group was presented with a self-anchoring category rating scale. The results indicate that researchers can be confident in the ability of both category rating scales to provide linear data. This implies that the different end anchors do not impact on the linearity of the category rating scale.  相似文献   

We develop a nuanced understanding of what drives producers’ and audiences’ categorization activities throughout market category development. Prior research on market categories assumes prototypical similarity to be the main or even only driver of categorization. Drawing on a comparative, longitudinal case study of the market categories ‘functional foods’ and ‘nanotechnology’ in Finland, we find that evolving perceptions, knowledge, and goals also impact categorization. Furthermore, our analysis uncovers that goal‐based categorization is characteristic for vital market categories, and the lack thereof may mark a waning interest and category decline. Overall, while previous research stresses the role of clear boundaries and knowledge bases for a viable category, we find that overly strict boundaries may constrain category vitality and renewal.  相似文献   

品类度代表着具体商标区别于其他商标的程度,是提升品牌价值的关键。卷烟新品在营销时,以对立品类理论指导营销活动能够帮助新品卷烟在市场竞争中脱颖而出。论文分析了消费者选购模型,结合品类度的基本特征,认为对立品类竞争是新品卷烟营销的可靠方案,并提出具有现实意义的指导意见。  相似文献   

The organizational literature is increasingly interested in the origins and consequences of category emergence. We examine the effects of being affiliated with categories initially considered illegitimate (‘divergence’), and of organizational attempts to blur the boundaries between categories (‘straddling’), on capital market reactions to firm announcements. We develop arguments for how these effects likely vary with increasing legitimation (‘currency’) of the category. We apply event study methodology to the complete population of firms' announcements of open source activities, an open innovation model for software development that is novel and defies the extant dominant logic of software production and valorization. Over a ten‐year period, we find negative effects of divergence, positive effects of straddling, and that the magnitude of both these effects diminishes with increasing category currency. The implications for theories of organization and open innovation in the context of category emergence are discussed.  相似文献   

Since the mid-1970s, authors from academia and from business have recognized that the strategic contribution made by supply is multi-faceted, although their work does not distinguish among the levels of strategic contribution. This study makes this differentiation by using a systematic literature review of the last 30 years and by performing a content analysis of 131 selected articles. The analysis of the increasing sophistication of supply's strategic contributions leads to three main observations: 1) the different types of contributions can indeed be classified into categories: category I (support to corporate improvement targets), category II (support to the organizational competitive advantage), and category III (source of sustainable competitive advantage); 2) contribution types in category I have been recognized since at least the early 1980s, while recognition has progressively taken place mostly in the 1990s for categories II and III; and 3) the contribution types in category I are perceived both as contributions that the supply function must master before it can take on those in categories II and III, and as contributions expected even when the supply function already contributes well to categories II and III. Therefore, supply professionals should develop their ability to better utilize the currently acknowledged strategic contributions, while being ready to take advantage of the new types of contributions.  相似文献   

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