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在当前的社会背景下,工会在国企的发展过程中发挥着重要的作用,它在维护员工利益以及推动企业与员工的沟通与联系等方面作出了突出的贡献。随着国有企业的不断改革与创新,时代环境对工会的工作也提出了更高的要求,工会需要进行职能转变以及服务创新。  相似文献   

李建民 《科技与企业》2014,(23):135-135
企业基层工会是企业员工自发组织的一个群众组织,也是党领导下的工人阶级组织,对国家政权起着重要的作用,能够直接影响企业员工的思想政治工作。因此,基层工会要充分发挥自身条件优势,履行自身职能,从而开展细致的企业基层工会思想政治工作,本文对企业基层工会思想政治工作的创新途径进行深入研究,并提出相关的见解。  相似文献   

罗伟 《科技与企业》2014,(3):202-202
工会是党联系群众的桥梁和纽带,在群众之间的作用和影响非常的深远。同时,工会也是员工合理利益的维护者,是员工正当权益受到损害时应当出面维护的组织,是员工的主心骨,是利益的盾牌,工会是群众与员工经济权益与民主权益的坚守者、维护者、实现者。在经济全球化的时代背景下,各国加强联系的条件下,工会的作用越来越重要。现在,国内的企业与经济蒸蒸日上飞速发展,工会的职能也应全面担起,不能懒散无章。工会工作进行创新,是时代的要求,是潮流发展的呼唤,但工会工作创新又不能过于毛躁、过于武断,要循序渐进,稳中求发展。下面的内容,我们就来讨论一下基层工会工作创新的要点。  相似文献   

企业工会既是企业组织的一部分,更是企业员工利益的直接代表和维护者。在社会主义市场经济飞速发展,企业竞争日趋激烈的当下,要更好地促进企业的发展,在竞争中取胜,赢得员工的支持与积极性是必要的。所以,要对企业工会的职能及其重要性有清楚的认识,并探寻优化企业工会职能的策略,更好地发挥企业工会职能,促进企业的长远发展。  相似文献   

林键 《企业导报》2012,(17):146-148
国有企业工会在我国国有企业的发展中有着举足轻重的作用。首先分析了我国国有企业工会职能升级创新的具体内容,然后提出了实现国有企业工会职能的升级与创新的具体途径和相关对策建议,以便更好地发挥国有企业工会的效应。  相似文献   

现阶段,党和国家将创新置于我国现代化建设全局的核心地位。工会作为党和群众的“桥梁和纽带”,在实践中不断推动高质量发展,支持实施创新驱动发展战略。已有研究表明我国工会对企业生产创新具有积极影响,然而,对于企业工会如何促进企业创新,目前学界尚未有清晰和深入地解释。本文基于“嵌入—赋能”视角对4家制造型企业进行扎根理论的多案例探索性研究,构建出工会促进企业创新的理论模型。研究发现:工会对于企业创新的影响路径是由外部组织嵌入激活工会内生动力,从而实现外部力量和内生力量之间的高效联合,在这个过程中,既要给予“政策”、“思想”、“资源”的支持,又要立足工会自身优势与职能的发挥,对员工进行参与赋能、技术赋能与精神赋能,以此提高员工的技术技能素质,促进企业创新。此外,技术赋能是工会助力企业创新实践的核心维度,其重要性应给予高度地重视。通过深入挖掘企业工会促进企业创新的作用路径,不仅有助于丰富现有工会助力企业发展的理论基础,而且对于推进工会工作的高质量发展具有积极的指导意义。  相似文献   

李昉祎 《科技与企业》2013,(23):288-288
随着经济社会的发展,以及越来越多企业制度的确立,我国的工会组织面临着前所未有的挑战。原有的国企工会职能已经不能适应新形势下国企的发展,且随着我国开放程度的加深,西方国家工会在中国的渗入,国企工会急需改革与创新。本文从工会职能的特点入手,提出了新时期工会职能转变与创新的看法和建议,为企业提供可借鉴的新思路。  相似文献   

国有企业进行思想政治工作的主要目的是:实现员工依靠以及员工教育之间的共赢。工会在国有企业政工格局中占有相对特殊的地位,因此在企业运行中需要合理的处理工会与企业、工会与党组织、工会与企业员工之间的关系,明显各自的职责,将员工权益作为首要解决的问题。这样才能保证工会组织性质、特色,将工会组织所具备的工作职能全面的落实到位。  相似文献   

新时期,工会思想政治工作面临诸多新问题和新挑战。因此,需要充分利用工会在职工思想政治工作中的优势,不断地进行思想政治工作的创新,才能使工会思想政治工作在新时期走出一条适合自己的发展之路,才能更好地履行工会应有的职能。  相似文献   

对于工会组织来讲,是我党进行群众工作的关键力量,对促进社会和谐发展有着至关重要的作用。工会组织能够全面调动群众、给予人们正确引导、为民众提供服务,并且保障人们的合法权利及利益。在企业中,工会是由众多员工构成的,是将我党与人民群众紧密关联在一起的纽带与桥梁,能够推动企业建设群众路线的进程,所以,相关工作人员应重视工会,更好的发挥工会的职能与作用。本文简要探讨了建设和谐文化、发挥工会职能的措施,目的在于进一步提高工会建设质量,为员工提供更优质的服务,推动企业进一步发展。  相似文献   

工会是党联系职工群众的桥梁和纽带,它不仅具有促进职工提高道德素质和科学文化素质的职能,而且起到维护职工合法权益的作用。为了更好地发挥工会的自身优势,必须加强工会的内部构筑,向学习型企业的方向迈进,最终成为广受社会信赖和尊敬的行业。文章从思想、执行、企业3个方面入手,结合创先争优和企业文化的联系性,由局部到整体,对发挥工会优势,创建学习型企业进行了思考。  相似文献   

孙莹 《价值工程》2012,(12):106
工会会计作为上级工会财务制度的执行者和本单位工会财务工作的管理者,其财务活动的规范性和有效性将直接关系到全市工运事业的整体发展。结合我市各级工会财务工作的现状、存在问题,就如何提高会计工作管理水平做粗浅探讨。  相似文献   

基层质检机构在市场经济条件下,如何面对财政“断奶”和经费不足,提出应变关键是提高人员素质,进行技术改造,拓宽服务,在公正条件下增加收入,才能保生机。  相似文献   

Elie Appelbaum   《Labour economics》2008,15(3):315-333
The paper provides a model that explains the probability of strikes by the union's use of militancy as a strategic tool in bargaining. Militants are useful because they provide a credible threat, hence enhancing the union's bargaining position. Using a multi-stage bargaining game, we show that, in general, militants will be used by the union as a strategic tool. The strategic benefit of militancy is reflected by the fact that the wage and employment level will be higher in a union that uses militants, compared to a union that does not. We use the model to show that the level of militancy and the probability of a strike decrease with the union's power. This suggests that policies that increase the strength of the union will have, at least, a partial positive effect on social welfare. We also show that the model can be viewed as providing an equilibrium of a repeated game, an interpretation that can explain the probability of strikes even in the absence of militants.  相似文献   

面对未来竞争激烈的经营环境,人力资源管理将成为影响企业经营成败的关键因素之一,健全的薪酬制度是吸引、激励及留住人才的有力工具。设计一套科学、合理的薪酬体系,成为企业薪酬管理的难点。全面薪酬管理将经济性薪酬和非经济性薪酬结合起来,满足员工多层次、多方面的需求,是目前薪酬体系设计的发展趋势。文章阐述了某发电运营公司的全面薪酬管理体系,该薪酬体系以理论分析为基础,结合行业特点和公司实际,充分利用全面薪酬管理体系对更工进行短期、中期和长期的激励,兼顾其外在和内在需求,把经济性薪酬和非经济性薪酬紧密结合起来,实现了员工利益和企业的统一,在具体实践中取得了良好的效果,为企业取得较好的经济效益,促进了企业健康、良性及长远发展。  相似文献   

A third statutory trade union recognition procedure was introduced in the UK in 2000. This paper explores the scope for increased recognition, employers’ willingness to concede recognition, unions’ response to the procedure and, finally, the use of it so far. The paper concludes that, while the procedure may be sustainable in the long run, its direct impact on union membership and recognition may be minimal. The indirect effect, through voluntary recognition will be greater. But any reversal in union decline will ultimately be dependent upon successful union recruitment well beyond their conventional territories.  相似文献   

For trade union bargainers one of the infallible laws of political economy is that wages lag behind prices. This means that in an inflationary era the real value of the wage to which their members are entitled will be eroded, and some compensation will have to be made for this at the next round of wage negotiations. Therefore, changes in the cost of living since the last settlement will be regarded by trade unions as one of the most important factors to be taken into account in arriving at a new settlement. This is implicit in the statement made by the TUC in 1971 that “it requires pay increases of at least 10 per cent simply to restore the real disposable pay of a union's previous settlement 12 months earlier”. Economists, on the other hand, argue that once an inflation is under way, then economic agents will develop an inflationary psychology—that is, they will expect it to continue and will adjust their behaviour accordingly. If this is correct, trade union bargainers will attempt to anticipate inflation by trying to fix the money wage at a higher level than they would aim for if the price level were more stable.  相似文献   

This article shows how engagement with the internet and aspects of the new economy/society require an appreciation of union difference and politics. It shows how union responses vary due to four factors: communication strategies, union identity, forms of internal democracy and a range of organisational and social contingencies. The article will study the phenomena of the internet in the context of one national case study, Spain. It is a country that allows us to view the political dimensions of the internet, and the way they link to communication strategies, due to the manner in which the labour movement has transformed and modernised itself. It is also of interest because methods of communication have been at the heart of the way in which unions have developed and differentiated themselves. This article will argue that a greater sensitivity is required in terms of union history, politics and identity if the impact and use of new forms of communication are to be fully appreciated. It also points to the need to appreciate tensions between different forms of communication.  相似文献   

论对员工个性差异的管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章提出管理者可以根据员工个性差异分配与其个性相匹配的岗位、在人员搭配上实现个性互补、通过管理制度规范化与员工个性激发辩证统一等方式来进行管理以期实现员工人尽其才、企业健康发展。  相似文献   

Steps towards internationalisation of the trade union movement are considered in the context of the process of political and economic integration taking place in the EU. The trade unions are trying–partly via the ETUC–to play a role at pan-European level. However, the European trade union movement is not a cohesive entity. Besides, it has no significant transnational power-resources. These factors suggest that any European IR-system will be based primarily on political regulation rather than on a system of collective agreements.  相似文献   

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