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高科技窃电是技术明显高于传统窃电方式的手段,它借助于一系列专业的辅助装置,利用遥控窃电器或者是升流窃电器来进行窃电活动。与传统的窃电手法相比,高科技窃电技术有了较大改进。文章分析了目前较为常见的高科技窃电手法,并提出了相应的对策,希望对相关人员的反窃电工作有一定的帮助。  相似文献   

窃电是以非法侵占使用电能为形式,实质是以盗窃供电企业电费为目的的违法犯罪行为,带来了一系列的安全隐患和社会问题,危害巨大。该类窃电行为隐蔽,手段层次不穷,甚至采用高科技手段,并运用反"侦察"手段窃电,导致搜查工作难以开展,取证困难。文章对城区电网企业窃电技术与反窃电措施进行了研究。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展和用电量的增大,尤其伴随着市场经济体系的建立,窃电问题变得越来越突出,虽经供电企业对供用电秩序的整治,使得窃电现象得到有效遏制,但窃电分子仍然千方百计采取各种方法进行窃电。文章首先结合具体的窃电案例介绍了窃电方法及手段,进而阐述了窃电查处注意事项和查处窃电案件的体会,最后分析了可采用的防窃电办法,对于开展防窃电工作有很好的指导意义。  相似文献   

在电力行业中,窃电是一个一直困扰供电部门多年的难题,虽然供电部门从多方面加以防范,诸如加强防窃电措施,提高防窃电意识,配备防窃电器具等,但道高一尺,魔高一丈,窃电手段也随之层出不穷,窃电手法也更加具有隐蔽性。为此,我们对照窃电案例,对窃电方式及手段进行研究,以期更好地提高反窃电技术水平,进一步规范供电秩序,彻底堵塞窃电漏洞,使供电企业的损失降到最低,进一步维护供电企业的权益和利益。  相似文献   

防窃电问题是电力部门工作中的难点,窃电技术的升级给供电部门的防窃电技术带来了更为严峻的考验.文章简述了防窃电的意义,剖析了常见的窃电类型和手法,给供电部门的防窃电工作提供了依据.针对窃电的方式,提出了一系列的防窃电技术措施,为供电企业防窃电提供参考.  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了农村电网的反窃电工作,首先是农村电网现存常见的窃电方式与现状;其次是现今农村反窃电工作存在的问题,窃电现象屡禁不止的原因;最后针对窃电者、电管员以及电力设施几个部分提出了反窃电措施,说明反窃电工作的重要性。  相似文献   

于涵川 《价值工程》2010,29(33):304-304
本文介绍了供电企业窃电基本类型和常见的窃电方式,分析了计量回路窃电的主要方法,提出了供电企业防窃电建议,阐述了供电企业防窃电技术措施。  相似文献   

浅谈供电企业的反窃电工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文阐述了供电企业所谓的窃电行为和我国现阶段发生窃电行为的原因,以及主要窃电方式的分析,探讨了目前反窃电工作的难度和开展反窃电工作的有效措施。  相似文献   

电力系统中长期出现高线损一方面是由于设备过于老化,另一方面是由于人为窃电。人为窃电是一种违法的行为,对其进行取证属于检查窃电的一个难点。目前,很多供电企业都采用相应的技术方法,找出窃电的证据,惩罚窃电分子。但是提取窃电证据存在很多难点。本文主要研究用电检查中的窃电取证相关内容以及对策,供读者参考。  相似文献   

对窃电的各种原因、方式进行分析总结,特别对窃电的技术方法进行分析研究,并有针对性地提出一些反窃电技术措施,以期更好地提高反窃电技术水平,彻底防范和杜绝窃电行为。  相似文献   

We measure the change in value to sellers and buyers of divested high-tech assets. Sellers and buyers experience favorable announcement effects in response to high-tech divestitures. However, buyers of divested high-tech assets experience more favorable announcement effects than sellers, which is opposite of the related research findings on other types of divestitures. Based on a cross-sectional analysis, the announcement effects for sellers of high-tech assets are more favorable when there is an investment bank advisor, the transaction price is disclosed, and the size of the divestiture is large. The announcement effects for buyers of high-tech assets were also more favorable when there was an investment bank advisor during the tech-bubble period. Overall, the results suggest that the stock price behavior in response to divestitures of high-tech assets is distinctly different from that of other types of divestitures.  相似文献   

我国实施高新技术企业政策历经三十多年,高新技术企业数量逐年增加,对引领企业自主创新功不可没.虽然高新技术企业发展较快,但在各区域间存在较大差异化,表现在数量规模、创新能力、经营质态上,西部、东北地区与东部地区、中部地区比较差距较大.本文由这种区域差异化的原因探析出发,从区域层面和国家层面对推动西部和东北地区高新技术企业...  相似文献   

随着知识经济的发展,智力资本与无形资产的区别越来越明显。智力资本比无形资产涵盖的范围更加广阔,具有更强的创造价值的能力。在高新技术企业中,将无形资产和智力资本区别开来,注重智力资本的范围和计量等方面研究将很有意义。高新技术企业不仅关心企业的无形资产,更要注重智力资本涵盖的范围,注重人力资本、顾客资本、创新能力等智力资本要素在企业中所起到的重要作用。  相似文献   

经过十几年的实践和探索,江苏沿海地区高新区已经发展成为当地高新技术产业和新兴产业的主要基地,成为集聚科技和智力资源、体现自主创新成果的综合载体和战略先导区。随着以连云港为龙头的江苏沿海开发上升为国家战略,分析高新区经济发展现状,进一步探讨、研究高新区经济发展目标和发展战略具有深远的现实意义和指导意义。  相似文献   

This article examines the financing of high-tech Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in China at different stages of business development, based on a survey of 74 face-to-face interviews with high-tech SMEs and additional nine informal face-to-face interviews with bank and government officials in the two Chinese provinces of Guangdong and Guangxi. Attention is focused on distinguishing different financing methods according to particular stages of an SME's business life cycle. The findings show the importance of informal financial sources from individuals and firms’ employees for high-tech SMEs at all three development stages. Such sources have become a central aspect of the financial infrastructure for the private sector in China. The article distinguishes between the alternative methods or practices used by firms at all three stages, seeking to either overcome particular financial constraints or to avoid the commitment of large capital investments in relatively long-term projects. It identifies the absence of demands and a gap for medium- and long-term funding for high-tech SMEs, placing a serious barrier on the ability of high-tech SMEs to engage in R&D for making more fundamental innovation and developing new/distinctive products. It concludes by making the implications of these findings for China, and internationally.  相似文献   

本文分析了贴现现金流量法和期权定价法在评估高息技术企业中的先进性和科学性,全面确定了其中相关参数的内涵和取得方法,对以后更有效的进行高新技术企业的价值评估提供了新思路,为以后开展高新技术企业的价值评估提供了更有意义的帮助。  相似文献   

基于心理契约的科技企业核心员工流动管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区别于一般员工,核心员工是科技企业核心竞争力的重要载体,能够为企业创造巨大的价值。然而,由于科技企业核心员工具有较强的自主性、优越感和自我实现需求,维系科技企业核心员工这一特殊群体的稳定也比一般员工难度更大。本文试图从心理契约的视角切入,结合科技企业核心员工的特质及其心理契约的差异性,分析科技企业核心员工心理契约违背的原因,构建心理契约对核心员工流动影响机制模型,分析心理契约的形成、维护、修补三个阶段,提出防止核心员工流动的对策,以期在规范企业行为的同时,提高员工满意度,进而降低企业核心员工流失率。  相似文献   

As significant strategic players in China's economy, high-tech industries need to evaluate and analyze the technological innovation activities from a system point of view to understand and improve their technological innovation efficiency and, thereby, promote their development. Different high-tech industries have different characteristics and thus benefit from different industrial development policies. However, few studies to date have discussed this issue from a systematic perspective. In this study, technological innovation activities are divided into a research and development (R&D) stage and a commercialization stage. A high-tech industrial evaluation framework of technological innovation efficiency based on two-stage network data envelopment analysis (DEA) is constructed with shared inputs, additional intermediate inputs, and free intermediate outputs. Our empirical results indicate that the overall efficiency of most industries is relatively low and the differences between the five high-tech industries (i.e., sub-sectors) we examined are large. The Spearman correlation shows that overall efficiency and R&D efficiency are more correlated than overall efficiency and commercialization efficiency. Additionally, R&D has better average efficiency. The sub-sector with the highest average efficiency is computers and office equipment, and the one with the lowest average efficiency is medicines. These findings indicate the inadequacy but potential for breakthroughs in the evolution of high-tech industries in China. The analysis proves that it is necessary to create different industrial policies to encourage effective progress in certain high-tech industries, and some guidelines for doing so are provided.  相似文献   

在新的时代,中国企业之间的竞争变得更加激烈。为获得竞争优势,高新技术企业应继续开发创新,规范研发支出的投融资,享受企业所得税优惠政策。同时,中国正处于经济快速发展阶段,技术革命已成为现代企业发展的重要推动力。研发投资中的财务处理问题已成为高新技术企业界关注的焦点。它不仅影响企业的经营状况,而且关系到企业未来的发展潜力。从加强高新技术企业研发费用管理的重要性出发,论文分析了在我国新经济发展的大气候下,高新技术企业研发费用财务处理中存在的漏洞,提出了解决问题的对策,为相关企业的管理人员提供参考。  相似文献   

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