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高速钢磨屑的熔炼王长生,张铁军,王铁,俎晓彤一、刚吕高速钢具有很高的硬度.一般大于HRC63.高的可达HRC68~70,主要用于制造各种刃具,而且大多采用磨床进行加工制造.这样就产生了大量磨屑废料。高速钢按所含合金元素可分为:()钨系高速钢(Wg~1...  相似文献   

高速钢磨屑再生利用展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
指出了回收利用高速钢磨屑的优点,并简要叙述了几种国内外再生利用高速钢磨屑的技术,且对高速钢磨屑今后的发展提出了自己的观点。  相似文献   

高速钢是高速工具切削钢的简称,因它适用于高速切削而得名。商业上简称高工钢。又因它锋利,所以人们也常称它为“锋钢”。高速钢废料的回收管理工作,一般说来,冶金厂的工作严密,工具厂的工作有好有次,使用高速钢材及工具的各种机械厂的工作则比较差。就废料来说,料头的回收管理,利用比较容易,钢屑的回收、管理、利用则比较困难,而高速钢磨削废料及氧化铁皮的回收利用则完全是空白。  相似文献   

高速钢废料的再生利用王长生(黑龙江省冶金研究所)一、前言高速工具钢是一种高合金钢,它与普通工具钢不同,普通工具钢采用增加钢中合碳量和适当热处理方法来提高硬度和韧性,当高速切削或切削量加大时,刀具被加热到400~500℃时,刀具的硬度大大降低。高速工具...  相似文献   

徐江涛 《魅力中国》2014,(2):121-121
使用车床进行切槽和切断时,经常选用普通高速钢材料的刀具,因为它工艺性能好,制造成本低,所以出厂时常被做成矩形方坯刀条或者锻造刀坯,用户使用时根据切削用途自己磨制。通过这种方式制作的车刀,特别是切刀,材料利用率不到15%,极大地造成了刀具材料的浪费和成本的提高。在工作中,通过长期的实践和总结,我们用电火花线切割机床把高速钢刀坯切成薄刀片,把切好的刀片装在提前做好的刀夹上,用于车床的切槽和切断。使用这种方法对切刀优化设计后,磨刀方便,切削效果良好,减少了材料损耗和节约了成本。  相似文献   

介绍了采用硅热法回收高速钢磨屑中的W、Mo、Cr、V并冶炼生产再生合金原料的原理及工艺过程,对原料粒度、还原剂、石灰及单位热效应对回收率的影响进行了分析研究。结果表明:该冶炼回收工艺是可行的,W、Mo回收率在95%以上,Cr回收率大于55%,V回收率不低于20%。冶炼出的产品质量稳定,可满足炼钢使用要求。充分做到了废物利用,具有明显的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

从铁鳞及废钢屑中回收难熔金属夏文堂随着高速钢产量的不断提高,高速钢铁鳞及废高速钢钢屑(铣屑及磨屑)的量也不断增加。在通常情况下,高速钢铁鳞一般被当作垃圾处理,而高速钢钢屑由于太细,不易返炉重熔,往往被廉价处理。高速钢铁鳞及废高速钢钢屑含有W、Mo、C...  相似文献   

一、前言:我国机械加工业正在迅速发展,金属切削刀具(以下简称刀具)的使用量越来越多,而制做刀具的主要材料——高速钢和硬质合金的资源越来越少。根据一些权威性的统计资料表明,高速钢的主要元素资源就世界范围而言,可靠的储量只够40~60年使用,加上潜在的储量也只能用100年。硬质合金中的钨资源全世界已探明只够用50年。因此,研究开发废刀具的再生利用,对节约资源、节省能源具有重大意义。本文根据硬质合金刀具和高速钢刀具的特点,确定了废刀具再生利用系统,并介绍了其再生利用方法,供有关工厂和回收部门参考。  相似文献   

再生合金钢磨屑废料陈军,江博新编译我国工具、量具、刃具制造行业每年要使用大量的合金工具铜、高速钢。因产品要求精度光洁度都比较高,一般都采用砂轮磨床加工。在加工过程中产生了大量的合金钢砂轮磨屑废料。这些废料目前大部分被当作垃圾丢弃.不仅污染环境.也造成...  相似文献   

目前,我国量具、刃具等工具生产加工行业每年产生大量的磨屑(俗称砂轮末)。据初步统计,仅哈尔滨市几个主要厂家(如哈尔滨量具刃具厂、一工具厂、二工具厂)就年产这种磨屑近千吨。而它们往往被当作工业垃圾扔掉,这种处理方法不仅污染环境,而且其中所含的贵重金属(如钨、钼、铬、钒等)也随之流失。为此,我们研究了用磨屑料冶炼合金工具钢(高速钢)锭的新技术,使磨屑料回收再加工,增加了企业的经济效益,同时也净化了环境。  相似文献   

We investigate what scale variable is most appropriate in the money demand function for Malaysia. Candidates include income, consumption, disposable income, and domestic absorption and these are considered for simple sum M1 and M2 and for Divisia M1 and M2. Non-nested tests and other model selection criteria such as R2 are used. The non-nested tests for the M1 aggregates are inconclusive but more support is given for income as the scale variable for the M2 aggregates, especially for Divisia M2. The other procedures also show that income is preferred for M2 and some support is also given for income for the M1 aggregates.  相似文献   

基于协整和误差校正模型对货币流通速度的实证分析表明,我国M1流通速度与收入、通货膨胀率和货币化变量之间存在长期稳定的协整关系,M2流通速度与收入、价格指数、货币化变量和储蓄率之间存在长期稳定的协整关系,所有符号符合理论预期。M1流通速度的短期动态函数的稳定性比M2的要差一些。这表明目前我国以货币供应量作为货币政策的中介目标是可行的,且应主要以M2为货币政策的中介目标,同时不忽视对M1的监测。  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper tests Friedman's hypothesis that increased variability in the growth of money supply causes velocity to decline, using Egyptian data from the period 1960–99. The monetary aggregates M1 and M2 are decomposed into anticipated and unanticipated components and the variability of money growth is computed as the standard deviation of five years of monetary growth rates. Cointegration tests show that there is a statistically significant long‐run relationship between the variability in money growth and velocity, for both M1 and M2. However, while increased variability in the growth of M2 is found to be associated with lower velocity — supporting Friedman's velocity hypothesis — increased variability in the growth of M1 seems to have no influence on velocity, possibly because the definition of M1 has changed over time. The findings also suggest that anticipated movements in M2 volatility are not neutral, in the sense that they do affect velocity. An important implication is that the scope for discretionary monetary policy in Egypt is somewhat circumscribed in the short run. However, if the Central Bank of Egypt were to make its decisions more transparent and pre‐announce its policies, then velocity would be more predictable and monetary policy more potent.  相似文献   

透水混凝土是一种利于促进水循环、改善城市生态环境的环保型建筑材料,它在满足良好透水性的同时,也要确保其强度满足使用需求.通过在混凝土中掺入不同掺量的粉煤灰、硅灰和纳米SiO2,研究对比了单掺粉煤灰、硅灰、纳米SiO2以及复掺下取代部分水泥的透水混凝土力学性能.在此基础上,再使用SEM扫描电子显微镜观察水泥浆的微观形貌特征,探究3种矿物掺和料提高透水混凝土力学强度的作用机理.结果表明:在不影响透水混凝土渗透系数的前提下,3种矿物掺和料对透水混凝土的28 d抗压强度和抗折强度贡献程度为纳米SiO2>粉煤灰>硅灰;复掺10%粉煤灰、8%硅灰和2%纳米SiO2的强度均比3种掺和料单掺时的强度高;结合电镜扫描,发现复掺粉煤灰、硅灰与纳米SiO2可对透水混凝土强度发展有良好的超叠加效应,降低了透水混凝土的结构缺陷.  相似文献   

Divisia M1 and M2 are constructed for Malaysia. Unlike M1, Divisia M2 shows significant differences in both level and growth rates from its simple sum counterpart. We also compare these Divisia measures to simple sum M1 and M2 in a money demand function. Using error correction models, we examine short-run dynamics between these monetary aggregates and money demand determinants such as inflation, domestic and foreign interest rates, financial wealth, and income. We find that Divisia M2 is the most appropriate monetary aggregate of the four candidates to track money demand in Malaysia and should be used when conducting monetary policy.  相似文献   

The Center for Financial Stability (CFS) has initiated a new Divisia monetary aggregates database, maintained within the CFS program called Advances in Monetary and Financial Measurement (AMFM). The Director of the program is William A. Barnett, who is the originator of Divisia monetary aggregation and more broadly of the associated field of aggregation-theoretic monetary aggregation. The international section of the AMFM web site is a centralized source for Divisia monetary aggregates data and research for over 40 countries throughout the world. The components of the CFS Divisia monetary aggregates for the United States reflect closely those of the current and former simple-sum monetary aggregates provided by the Federal Reserve. The first five levels, M1, M2, M2M, MZM, and ALL, are composed of currency, deposit accounts, and money market accounts. The liquid asset extensions to M3, M4-, and M4 resemble in spirit the now discontinued M3 and L aggregates, including repurchase agreements, large denomination time deposits, commercial paper, and Treasury bills. When the Federal Reserve discontinued publishing M3 and L, the Fed stopped providing the consolidated, seasonally adjusted components. Also the Fed no longer provides the interest rates on the components. With so much of the needed component quantity and interest-rate data no longer available from the Federal Reserve, decisions about data sources needed in construction of the CFS aggregates have been far from easy and sometimes required regression interpolation. This paper documents the decisions of the CFS regarding United States data sources at the present time, with particular emphasis on Divisia M3 and M4.  相似文献   

我国历年严厉执行的现金投放计划属于计划经济性质的现金管理政策。这在市场化改革过程中已造成了M0与M2、M0与GDP之间的非均衡增长。文章认为,当前我国公众消费仍以使用M0交易为主。基础货币管理政策和现金投放计划这种双轨的货币调控制度,容易引起消费量与信贷投资量之间的非均衡增长,从而形成消费需求与投资相比的缺口。因此,现金管理效应可能是造成我国流动性过剩的制度原因之一。  相似文献   

We investigate whether the United States economy responds asymmetrically to positive and negative money supply shocks of different magnitude, using a test recently introduced by Kilian and Vigfusson (Quant Econ 2:419–453, 2011) based on impulse response functions. We use quarterly data, over the period from 1967:1 to 2014:1, and the new CFS Divisia monetary aggregates, making a comparison among the narrower monetary aggregates, M1, M2M, MZM, M2, and ALL, and the broad monetary aggregates, M4+, M4-, and M3. We show that there is no statistically significant evidence of asymmetry in the response of the U.S. economy to positive and negative money supply shocks of different magnitude.  相似文献   

The intertribal Musket wars that spread throughout Māori society in the 1820s and 1830s have received much attention from historians. This is also true of the history of trade between New South Wales and New Zealand occurring at the same time. However, at present, the link between these two phenomena remains poorly established. This article draws on the primary material available about the trans-Tasman arms trade from a relatively untapped source, Sydney newspapers, revealing the surprising extent of this commerce and the fact that firearms imports peaked in the early 1830s. This information necessarily requires revision of our understanding of the Musket wars themselves.  相似文献   

李朝庆 《特区经济》2007,225(10):61-63
本文采用长期弹性分析方法对我国货币供给极中性问题进行实证研究。结果表明:M 2体现极中性特征,M 1在短期内非极中性。在长期M 1也有非极中性趋势,但由于数据有限,还没有充足证据证明长期非极中性。笔者认为:市场的非有效性和M 1对经济影响的非对称性是造成M 1非极中性的原因。  相似文献   

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