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Little empirical research has explored Canadian investors' interest in responsible investing. A variety of demographic and attitudinal characteristics can contribute to who makes ethical investments. Using a survey of 1,834 residents of Ontario, Canada three groups of investors are identified: those interested in responsible investments who actively avoid investing in some sectors, those interested in responsible investments who do not actively avoid any types of investments, and traditional investors that are not interested in responsible investing. Demographic and attitudinal variables that explain who falls into which group are explored.  相似文献   

基于区域产业集群发展形成的产业集群整体品牌现象,宜采用“区域产业集群品牌”(简称“区域产业品牌”)概念术语。“区域产业集群品牌”不同于“区域品牌”、“区域产业集群品牌形象”。区域产业集群品牌具有区域俱乐部型公共产品、区域共有产权和区域标识性知识产权等属性。  相似文献   

区域产业集群整体品牌的名称术语规范研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
“区域产业集群”概念清晰地揭示了产业空间集聚的“产业特性”和“地域特性”,是概括产业空间集聚现象的最适宜名称术语。将基于区域产业集群形成的集群整体品牌命名为“区域品牌”,具有明显的缺陷。“区域产业集群品牌”或“区域产业品牌”概念术语全面彰显了“区域”、“产业集群”(或“产业”)和“品牌”三大元素。  相似文献   

Technology is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for regional economic development. Regional innovation networks transform technology into competitiveness of firms and thus contribute to economic development. Intangible assets, such as social capital, decide how effective regional innovation networks function. Differences in regional social capital thus help explain regional differences in economic development. Regional social capital originates from the embeddedness of firms in regional webs of social relations. The norms, values and customs of these networks facilitate collaboration for mutual benefit. As innovation is increasingly a network effort, embeddedness and social capital also help explain how and why networks of innovating companies are successful, as the case study of the Stimulus Cluster Scheme shows.  相似文献   

With the emergence of smartphones, the paradigm of the mobile ecosystem has changed rapidly. In particular, global mobile firms focus on technological competition when jostling for market position in recognition of the strategic need to secure a strong mobile platform. In this paper, we analyse the network structure of technological knowledge flows in mobile ecosystems using US patent citation information. We find that two subsectors, platform providers and application and software providers, are at the centre of knowledge exchange activity and play a brokerage role as the key knowledge mediator. Then, we categorise mobile firms into five different groups based on the patterns of their network centrality: knowledge keystone players, knowledge-distributing mediators, knowledge-absorbing mediators, catch-up players, and pure knowledge receivers. The categorisation of firms demonstrates that knowledge flows in the mobile industry converge towards a few leading firms, and such patterns are shaping the mobile ecosystem with respect to technological knowledge. The firms categorised as catch-up players have played a brokerage role within their group, while the firms categorised as knowledge keystone players play a brokerage role across different groups.  相似文献   

With formal insurance and credit markets either absent or inaccessible to rural agents in most poor rural economies, social networks play a highly important role in mitigating the risks that agricultural households face. These kinds of informal insurance schemes are presumed to be most effective in the face of idiosyncratic risk. However, social mechanisms also exist in developing countries that may reduce locally correlated risk such as the adverse economic effects of climatic conditions that affect multiple residents in a village. This paper analyzes the role of localized (bonding) and of spatially dispersed (bridging) social capital in mitigating the impact of idiosyncratic and of locally correlated shocks on farm households’ livestock endowments. Using dynamic panel generalized method of moments (GMM) system estimation with seven‐period panel dataset of over 400 households, we find that bonding social capital is able to protect households’ livestock assets against idiosyncratic shocks, but bridging social capital does not play a role in mitigating the impact of correlated shocks. The results hold up to multiple robustness checks. A test of different hypotheses about the nature of these assets’ trajectories rejects the asset poverty trap hypothesis, and instead finds that livestock asset dynamics are characterized by a single stable equilibrium.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the identification of regional business clusters as a primary step in the design and implementation of cluster-based development strategies. A methodology that has not been used previously to identify clusters is applied to data on inter-industry linkages from the input–output table of a region in northern Spain. The first advantage of this approach, hierarchical clustering on principal components (HCPC), over the use of factorial analysis alone, is that it involves the application of objective clustering techniques to the principal components analysis results, which leads to a better cluster solution. A second advantage is derived from using a mixed algorithm for the clustering process – a combination of the Ward’s classification method with the K-means algorithm – which improves the robustness of the final results.  相似文献   

Persistent problems feature prominently in transition management and system innovation literature. They serve both as a point of departure, and as justification for the contention that a system innovation is needed. The concept ‘persistent problem’ however is underdeveloped; it is used to label (symptoms of) problems that appear to be complex, uncertain, difficult to manage, and difficult to grasp, but as such provides no way for unravelling how the persistence of these problems actually works. A better understanding can help new practices, like niche-innovations, to overcome enduring problems, contributing to a transition or system innovation. Drawing on the work of Giddens and others, this paper proposes a conceptualisation that can be used to identify and unravel persistent problems. The conceptual framework is built on the notion of systemic reproduction, and further operationalised by iteratively combining a historically informed system analysis with an actor-guided system analysis. The historically informed analysis focuses on features that are exactly the strongholds of the current system, but are said to have negative side effects. In concurrence with that, the systemic reproduction of these negative side effects can be unravelled by analysing how new practices shape their agency in relation to their direct environment. A persistent problem then is a systemically reproduced negative side effect of a success factor of the system in focus. The operationalisation brings the conceptual framework to the actor level, and opens up possibilities for investigating how systemically embedded problems manifest themselves in the daily practice of actors that try to take on enduring problems. In the second part of the paper, this approach is illustrated by using it to unravel problems of tenability of the Dutch health care system. A historically informed analysis is integrated with an analysis of a new practice in health care that deals with patients who suffer from medically unexplained physical symptoms.  相似文献   

Multinational companies (MNCs) have historically used corporate subsidiaries to isolate income earned in lower-taxed jurisdictions from tax in a higher-rate home country. This planning technique has been long accepted as a strategy to lower the MNC’s effective tax rate and maintain shareholder value. A recently study, however, demonstrates that this is an inefficient, and possibly inappropriate, strategy. This article conducts a comprehensive empirical benchmarking analysis by applying cluster analysis to empirically identify peer groups of MNCs operating in the pharmaceutical industry. We find that most firms consistently fall into the same cluster, providing evidence that income shifting can be benchmarked by industry sector. We also find special cases where firms should be excluded from the benchmark.  相似文献   

This paper estimates core inflation in Norway, identified as that component of inflation that has no long-run effect on GDP. The model distinguishes explicitly between domestic and imported core inflation. The results show that (domestic) core inflation is the main component of CPI inflation. However, CPI inflation misrepresents core inflation during some periods. The differences are well explained by the other shocks identified in the model, in particular the oil price shocks of the 1970s when Norway imported inflation, and the negative non-core (supply) shocks of the late 1980s, which pushed inflation up temporarily relative to core inflation.  相似文献   

外部性、网络外部性与网络效应   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
20世纪90年代中后期互联网的飞速发展使其日益走进人们的生活,“网络”也逐渐成为日常用语。不过,经济学对网络以及与网络化相关现象的研究要比这早得多,经济学文献中的“网络”概念,也决不仅仅指互联网,其含义要广泛得多:有时是指各种电信网、广播电视网以及因特网等“有形网络”(physical network);有时是指“无形网络”(virtual network),如电子邮件使用者网络。  相似文献   

We study an infinite horizon game in which pairs of players connected in a network are randomly matched to bargain over a unit surplus. Players who reach agreement are removed from the network without replacement. The global logic of efficient matchings and the local nature of bargaining, in combination with the irreversible exit of player pairs following agreements, create severe hurdles to the attainment of efficiency in equilibrium. For many networks all Markov perfect equilibria of the bargaining game are inefficient, even as players become patient. We investigate how incentives need to be structured in order to achieve efficiency via subgame perfect, but non-Markovian, equilibria. The analysis extends to an alternative model in which individual players are selected according to some probability distribution, and a chosen player can select a neighbor with whom to bargain.  相似文献   

We study a model of network formation where the benefits from connections exhibit decreasing returns and decay with network distance. We show that the unique equilibrium network is a periphery-sponsored star, where one player, the center, maintains no links and earns a high payoff, while all other players maintain a single link to the center and earn lower payoffs. Both the star architecture and payoff inequality are preserved in an extension of the model where agents can make transfers and bargain over the formation of links, under the condition that the surplus of connections increases in the size of agents’ neighborhoods. Our model thus generates two common features of social and economic networks: (1) a core-periphery structure; (2) positive correlation between network centrality and payoffs.  相似文献   

This paper uses regional panel data to investigate the mechanism whereby foreign direct investment (FDI) has contributed to China's regional development through quantifying regional marketization levels. It is found that FDI inflow generates a demonstration effect in identifying regional market conditions for investment in fixed assets and hence affects industrial location. In addition, its effects on regional export and regional income growth have varied across east, central and west China since the second half of the 1990s, depending on differences in FDI orientation between different regions. In east China, geographical advantage in exports attracts FDI inflow and FDI promotes exports. In addition, the rise of the FDI–GDP ratio increases east China's share in national industrial value added. These effects contribute positively to regional income growth in east China although there is a direct crowding‐out effect between FDI and domestic investment (as input) in growth. In contrast, the negative impact of FDI inflow on regional export orientation in central China weakens its contribution to regional income growth. Furthermore, the contribution of the improvement in the market mechanism to regional development is evidenced in attracting FDI, in promoting export and directly contributing to regional income growth.  相似文献   

We consider a political economy model of country whose citizens have heterogeneous preferences for a national policy and some regions may contemplate a threat of secession. The country is efficient if its breakup into smaller countries leads to an aggregate utility loss. We show that in an efficient country whose citizens' preferences exhibit a high degree of polarization, a threat of secession cannot be eliminated without inter-regional transfers. We also demonstrate that if majority voting is used to determine the redistribution schemes within the country, then a high degree of polarization yields the full-compensation scheme as the unique political equilibrium.  相似文献   

Using an unbalanced panel of 539 Vietnamese districts from 2000 to 2010 and the corresponding politicians’ profiles, we examine firm behaviour in response to favouritism by top-ranking politicians towards their districts of birth. Results show that the number of firms tend to increase in the home districts of politicians after they assume office. This favouritism is particularly pronounced for private domestic firms, construction firms and rural areas. However, state-owned firms are indifferent. We discuss the non-response of state-owned firms, potential mechanisms and channels behind the statistical results.  相似文献   

In the present study, regional visionary capability is seen as a crucial factor in building regional competitive advantage under the present techno-economic paradigm. Regions are considered as strongly path-dependent entities needing to create new, even radical, paths to stay competitive in a rapidly changing world. The Regional Development Platform Method (RDPM) is presented as an innovative tool in developing regional innovation systems. The RDPM consists of eight phases and the focus of the present article is on the fourth phase of the RDPM: the search for new regional development paths and building regional visionary capability. The RDPM has been tested in the Lahti (Finland) regional innovation system revealing the need to develop the fourth phase further.  相似文献   

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