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This paper investigates the relation between short selling and stock price at an aggregated market level. In order to study the differential impact of market microstructure on short selling, the data from Japanese stock markets are used. Both traditional regression and Markov switching models are used to compare Japanese results to those of U.S. and to admit non-stationary relation between short selling and stock price, respectively. Particularly, relatively long period (1978–2002) of analysis including bullish and bearish periods gives a good testable bed for studying the effect of short selling on stock price according to market condition. The empirical findings reveal that percentage change of short interests has a statistically significant positive relation with stock returns. It gives regulators policy implication that short selling is not a destabilizing activity, but an acceptable form of trading even in the absence of market makers. And short selling information cannot be used as an indicator for predicting future stock markets.  相似文献   

This study examines the heterogeneous impacts of Abenomics on the Japanese stock market using fund flow data. While Fukuda (2015) identifies changes in foreign investors’ expectations from price changes in financial markets, we focus on changes in the quantity demanded of Japanese stocks. We obtain three findings. First, only foreign investors aggressively and immediately purchased Japanese stocks at the onset of Abenomics. Second, since the two years following the launch of Abenomics, foreign investment inflows into Japanese stocks have changed due to external factors originating in the United States. Third, a VAR analysis shows the heterogeneous impacts of Abenomics among investors inside and outside Japan. However, the changes in foreign investors’ expectations are short-lived in the sense that signs of permanent shifts as a result of Abenomics cannot be identified after 2014.  相似文献   

The Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) introduced a change in its minimum tick sizes on April 13, 1998, for stocks traded at certain price ranges. We investigate the liquidity and market quality of the stocks affected by the tick size change, using a unique and comprehensive tick-by-tick data. We find that the quoted spread (effective spread) declined significantly by 20 to 50 percent (by 24 to 60 percent) after the tick size change. Reductions in spread are greater for firms with greater tick size reductions, greater trading activity, and higher transitory component in the bid–ask spread. Although investors are more aggressive in posting quotes, there is no definite evidence of an increase in trading volume. Overall, our evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that the minimum tick size creates economic rents for liquidity providers, which is lowered upon tick size reduction. J. Japanese Int. Economies 21 (2) (2007) 173–194.  相似文献   

This study examines the characteristics of the stock ownership by institutional and foreign investors, as well as their effects on stock price performance in Japan and Korea. The main results of this study are summarized as follows. First, foreign investors have a clearer preference for stocks with large capitalization and low book-to-market ratios than do institutional investors in both Japanese and Korean stock markets. Second, foreign investors prefer stocks with a high return on equity, especially in Korea. Third, average returns have more apparent differentiation among institutional (foreign) ownership portfolios than among foreign (institutional) ownership portfolios in Japan (Korea). Fourth, the stocks that are preferred simultaneously by both institutional and foreign investors show statistically significant positive abnormal returns in both Korea and Japan, whereas those preferred by either institutional or foreign investors show statistically significant positive abnormal returns only in Korea. The institutional investors' incentive for stock holding, the extent of stock market efficiency, and stock price polarization could be the possible explanations for the different empirical results observed for Japan and Korea. J. Japanese Int. Economies 21 (2) (2007) 195–213.  相似文献   

This study provides evidence regarding the effects of online trading on stock price and trading volume reactions to quarterly earnings announcements. We test for differences in stock price and volume reactions to quarterly earnings announcements between a period with a significant amount of online trading (1996‐99) and a period without online trading (1992‐95). We conjecture that online trading has increased the proportion of naive investors in the market. We predict that this will result in (1) a decrease in the average precision of investor information prior to earnings announcements leading to higher earnings response coefficients (ERCs), (2) an increase in differential interpretation of earnings leading to higher trading volume reactions that are unrelated to price change, and (3) a decrease in differential prior precision leading to a decrease in the association between trading volume and absolute price change. We find evidence consistent with all three predictions. Our findings are relevant for assessing the validity of concerns about online trading expressed by regulators and the validity of theoretical models of trade with asymmetrically informed investors.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the common volatility structure of stock and exchange rate markets of Taiwan. The two markets are often linked together and we are interested in knowing whether price or volume is a good proxy to pursue this issue. We claim that Taiwanese government interventions distort the timing of conventional price volatility clustering in the two markets. The unrestricted trading volumes reveal more information regarding the market than price. We find that common volatility does exist in the stock and exchange markets and this fact is uncovered more easily by using trading volume than by using prices.  相似文献   

张勇 《特区经济》2009,242(3):107-109
本文对五粮液正股(000858)及权证日内交易模式进行了实证研究,结果表明五粮液正股的波动率(L型)和交易量(U型)日内模式不同,认购权证均呈L型模式,认沽权证均呈U型模式;对正股和权证日内波动率进行的GRANGER检验表明,正股波动率是导致认购权证日内波动率形成的原因,但不是导致认沽权证的原因。文中对我国市场呈现这种日内交易模式的原因进行了初步探讨,认为主要是由于中国股票市场和权证市场所执行交易制度的不同和较高的交易成本。  相似文献   

肖奎喜  杨岩 《特区经济》2014,(11):137-138
2008年金融危机后美国采取量化宽松货币政策造成大量流动性进入新兴经济体股票市场。通过建立面板VAR模型,运用脉冲响应函数和方差分解技术分析了美国货币供应M1、股票市场以及联邦基金利率透过汇率、利率和预期方式对新兴经济体股票市场价格指数产生的影响。结果表明,美国量化宽松货币政策对新兴经济体股票市场价格具有正向溢出效应,利率渠道影响效果显著。  相似文献   

This paper conceptually distinguishes the intrinsic value from the fundamental value, though most of previous literatures have implicitly deemed them to be identical. The distinction of the two concepts clarifies the relation between the market efficiency in the sense of Fama (1970) and the over- (under-) valuation for evaluating the stock market. Then, this study proposes an alternative measure of ‘magnitude of market inefficiency’ for accessing the trading systems and applies this measure to the nine stock markets during the two sub-periods. The trading systems of three markets improve in the second period, while the others become worse. This study also proposes an alternative measure of a fundamental value of stock price based on a macroeconomic model and makes clear the relation of the over- (under-) valuation of the market to the magnitudes of market inefficiency. Thus, the application to the Japanese stock market indicates that the magnitudes of inefficiency are small compared with the net over- (under-) valuations. It is because the magnitude of inefficiency is stationary while the net over- (under-) valuation is non-stationary.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the impact on the Korean stock market of the inter-Korean summits in 2000, 2007, and 2018 and the North Korea–United States summit in 2018 using the event study methodology. Three portfolios, which have high exposures to North Korea risks are constructed: stocks related to Kaesong Industrial Complex (KS portfolio), stocks related to inter-Korean economic cooperation (IEC portfolio), and stocks related to the defense industry (DEF portfolio). Empirical analysis show that the cumulative abnormal returns (CARs) of KS, IEC, and DEF portfolios react positively or negatively to each summit. These results imply that peace does not simply play a role in boosting stock prices and that the stock price reflects all available information related to the summits, including the process and agreement of the summits' discussion and political context. The robustness test (performed by changing the event day to the announcement rather than the agreement) shows that KS and IEC portfolios reflect positive expectation and that the DEF portfolio reflects negative expectation in the financial market. Although each CAR pattern varies, it is true that the stock price reflects all available information of summits swiftly. In other words, our paper shows that the efficient market hypothesis holds in the Korean stock market.  相似文献   

This paper questions whether the proliferation of alternative trading venues in Western Europe after MiFID implementation in 2007 affected market quality. By means of a difference-in-differences analysis, we evaluate changes in market quality of stocks that initiated trading in Multilateral Trading Facilities (MTF) in relation to matched samples. Our analysis provides evidence that the overall liquidity (measured by transaction costs and price impact) and trading activity increased in the short term with trade initiation in MTF. Notably, we show that fragmentation did not cause lower price precision or informativeness, but some tests suggest that fragmentation correlates positively with volatility. The results of this study are stronger for stocks with greater propensity for MTF trade initiation, i.e. stocks with greater size and liquidity prior to that event. Interestingly, the impact on liquidity and trading activity varied across stock exchanges and timing of MTF trade initiation. As for long run effects, our results suggest an improvement of overall liquidity and a neutral effect on the trading activity of traditional exchanges.  相似文献   

本文首先利用流动性综合测度指标,将证券交易数量、证券流动性水平及证券市场流动性水平引入到证券价格函数中,构建了证券价格差异的流动性模型,从流动性角度探讨证券价格溢价问题,在理论上证明了证券流动性价值的存在性。随后,本文利用A、B股股票实证分析证券流动性价值,实证结果表明,股票流动性水平与股票市场流动性水平可以解释A、B股价格差异,中国股票市场存在流动性价值,流动性价值受股票流动性水平、股票市场流动性水平以及股票交易数量影响。  相似文献   

陈春春 《南方经济》2019,38(2):51-68
噪声交易与股票流动性都是行为金融研究的重点,但二者的相关性问题学界一直未能达成一致,"正负之争"不休。文章改进Kyle (1985)的假设,构建符合中国实际的流动性数理模型,模型表明:噪声交易与流动性负相关,且相关关系受信息不对称、风险厌恶度等因素的影响。进一步,文章以中国沪深300指数的成分股数据证实了"噪声交易-流动性"关系,发现其存在显著的月历效应和市场行情效应。文章对"正(负)相关"理论进行了梳理和评析,为争论的清晰化、明朗化做出贡献。  相似文献   

The paper studies the interactions between the US and four East Asian equity markets. The focus is on the change in the information structure/flow between these markets triggered by the 1997 Asian financial crisis. It is shown that the information structure during the crisis period is different from that in the non-crisis periods. While the US market leads the four East Asian markets before, during, and after the crisis, it is Granger-caused by these markets during the financial crisis period but not in the post-crisis sample. Further, in accordance with concerns reported in the market, the Japanese currency is found to affect these equity markets during the crisis period. The Japanese yen effect, however, disappears in the post-crisis sample. The Japanese currency effect is quite robust as it is found from both local currency and US dollar return data and in the presence of Japanese stock returns. J. Japanese Int. Economies 21 (1) (2007) 138–152.  相似文献   

International equality of stock market returns   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Real returns, excess returns, and nominal returns from stock markets in 11 developed countries are compared for the difference in their means and variances by using a new procedure to test their equality and to determine if one stock market dominates another. The sample period from January 1973 to September 1989 is divided into three subperiods. Results show that stock markets in the United States and Germany dominate those in the other countries in early sub-periods, but not in a recent sub-period, to indicate an increasing capital market integration. Integration with Germany has increased more than with the United States, due possibly to the European Monetary System.  相似文献   

国际金融危机席卷全球之后,金融交易税重新受到高度关注,各国陆续提出了若干种实施方案。本文首先回顾了当前国际金融危机下的全球经济走势及各国提出金融交易税的宏观经济背景,其次阐述了金融交易税理论的内涵及效应,并结合国内外关于金融交易税的各类研究探讨交易税如何影响金融市场的有效性和稳定性。论文不仅比较了历史上各国征收金融交易税的经验及效果,而且估计了调整证券交易印花税对中国股市的实际影响。最后,分析了国际上开征金融交易税的可行性,并就中国金融交易税的方案提出政策建议。  相似文献   

本文在控制样本自选择偏误的基础上.实证分析了我国上市公司的信息披露质量差异对投资者交易行为的影响.研究发现,投资者在关于股票价格和风险的交易决策时对不同信息披露质量的公司具有行为差异,高披露质量的公司有较低的信息成本和市场风险;但是,公司信息披露质量高低对投资者的股票交易数量、交易速率的影响尚不显著,且不知情者"跟随"交易现象明显,市场投机氛围重,表明我国证券市场的有效程度尚待提高.本研究为规范和引导我国上市公司的信息披露行为及健全证券市场制度提供了经验证据.  相似文献   

R.Q. Doeswijk 《De Economist》1997,145(4):573-598
The efficient markets hypothesis states that at any times security prices fully reflect all available information. Contrarian investment strategies do not recognize the efficiency of capital markets. They call for buying undervalued stocks, i.e. stocks with a low price relative to their fundamentals. The idea behind such a strategy is to take advantage of the extrapolation behaviour of naive investors. Using a fresh and extensive data set from the Dutch stock market, we found that these strategies yield an outperformance without a higher risk. Our results make it hard to maintain the efficient market hypothesis.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the competitive impact of the recent import liberalization of the Japanese oil product market. In response to the import liberalization in March 1996, not only did the market price of gasoline decline sharply but also its domestic production kept rising and did not decline relative to imports. Moreover, its price fell substantially before the actual liberalization of the import. This paper demonstrates both theoretically and empirically that the theory of implicit cartel can explain such features of the impact of import liberalization very well. The paper also identifies the significantly positive welfare impact of such liberalization due to the expansion of supply in a market with a large tax wedge between price and cost and, possibly more importantly, due to the transformation of competitive conduct from unproductive investment for cartel-rent shifting into price cuts. J. Japan. Int. Econ., December 1999, 13(4), pp. 397–423. Hitotsubashi University; and Keio University. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: L40, F12, K21.  相似文献   

Herding behaviour in the Chinese and Indian stock markets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The existence of herding behaviour challenges the validity of the “efficient market hypothesis”. This study examines herding behaviour in the Chinese and Indian stock markets; our findings suggest that herding behaviour exists in both. The level of herding depends on market conditions. In the Chinese market, herding behaviour is greater when the market is falling and the trading volume is high. On the other hand, in India the study finds that it occurs during up-swings in market conditions. Herding behaviour is more prevalent during large market movements in both markets. In relative terms, a lower prevalence of herding behaviour was detected in the Indian stock market.  相似文献   

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