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在网络融合技术日渐成熟、固话业务发展下滑和用户需求更趋多样化等多重因素的影响下,电信运营商向全业务运营转型已成主流发展趋势。本文结合我国移动通信行业发展状况,探讨移动运营商应对全业务竞争的转型策略。  相似文献   

以神龙汽车公司为例,对武汉汽车工业发展现状和存在问题进行分析,说明现代物流对武汉汽车工业具有支撑作用,利用现代物流可以降低企业的库存水平和零部件采购成本,以及通过将物流业务外包,可提高企业的核心竞争力。  相似文献   

探讨当前重载铁路在网络通信管理过程中存在的资产统计分析困难、全局拓扑不直观、资源分配不及时等影响到行车作业安全和效率的问题,通过基于当前的网络通信技术监控手段,研究重载铁路运输场景中数据通信网络需要管理的内容,构建由资源管理、网络协议管理、IP资源管理、网络拓扑管理、业务管理等功能组成的重载铁路数据网资源管理系统。结果表明通过该系统可以提升数据网络资源的管理效率,使网络环境的组成更为直观,可更好地了解全网设备边界及流量情况;对IP资源的分配和使用进行管理,避免IP资源分配不合理;可以分别对不同的业务系统进行标记,并分析不同业务系统的资源占用情况,为重载铁路数据网资源管理相关功能设计提供参考。  相似文献   

林木 《中国储运》2018,(6):36-36
中兴被美国禁售7年,股票停牌,引起全民关注,于是稍有风吹草动,无论是官媒还是自媒体,都以自己的见解进行评论。也难怪舆情涌动,中兴"缺芯少魂",从电信设备、手机终端,到软硬件供应都极其依赖美国供应商,美国商务部的裁决,使这个全球第四大电信全业务设备商陷入灭顶之灾。  相似文献   

电信业务运营支撑系统(BOSS)和城市轨道交通自动售检票系统(AFC)分别是电信行业和城市轨道交通行业的经营业务收入平台,同时也是各自企业信息化的基础平台,有很多相似之处。从分析BOSS系统和AFC系统的相似及不同之处入手,对电信BOSS系统的发展过程,包括系统的建设、功能、规模、投资、维护、系统升级、业务覆盖面等方面进行论述,结合城市轨道交通AFC系统发展现状,指出AFC系统今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

空运货物长期发展趋势前景令人担忧。业内长期担忧货运业产能过剩和收益恶化,而需求的增长速度正在放缓。特别是,货机运营业务正在“放大镜”下仔细审议,在董事会会议中提出了货机存在的可行性问题,许多航空公司认为货机现在就是累赘。在这种情况下,优化航空货运业务至关重要。  相似文献   

2006年12月2日,由中国交通建设监理协会组织的赴美国、加拿大交通建设监理业务考察团进行为期12天的业务考察。该考察团是由中国交通建设监理协会副理事长谭占海、部机关服务中心副主任朱培亭、南华监理所副所长李聪、重庆长信工程建设监理有限公司总经理刘毅、武汉大通公路桥梁工程咨询监理有限公司总工程师李一强5位成员组成。主要通过美、加政府有关部门、企业.对当地的交通建设及工程监理业务情况展开一系列业务考察。  相似文献   

航空货运业务如何才能很好地匹配航空公司业务?货运业务被认为是一项额外收入来源还是一项具有战略意义的业务?这是否会因收益下滑以及更严格的保安限制而导致货运收入艰难重重?虽然波音公司对今后货运发展充满信心。从表面上看,毫无疑问,航空货运是一项好业务。波音公司最新的《市场前景报告》预测在今后20年货运增长率将达到6.1%,而客运只有4.9%,同样货物能够在客机机腹载运,这几乎不引发任何附加成本。这就是航空货运业务的优势!另一方面,既然货运业务增长速度高于客运,那么那些以客机为主的承运人不可避免地将逐步丧失市场份额,由拥有全货机的航空公司取而代之。与此同时,航空货运业务的客  相似文献   

中国铁路“走出去”战略的不断实施,是我国铁路产业链竞争能力发展到高级阶段的内在要求.在竞争力理论分析基础上,重点对国家协调能力、铁路工程建造能力、装备制造能力、运营管理能力、投融资能力、国际项目运作能力等六大能力进行了剖析,认为我国铁路“硬能力”增长速度高于“软能力”增长速度,需不断提升综合竞争能力.提出了我国铁路“走出去”战略遵循多元化增长型战略模式,重点拓展亚非拉国家的铁路市场业务,有力推动我国铁路产业链的拓展升级.  相似文献   

<正>60万驾驶人密切关注"武汉交警"微信,18种业务可以网上远程受理,近五成驾驶人通过手机缴纳交通违法罚款,通过微信快速处理交通事故所占比例达到70%以上……短短一年多时间,"武汉交警"微信挑起了"智慧交通"大梁,在解决交管工作"九难"、缓解武汉交通拥堵等方面发挥了重要作用,也成为全国政务系统中应用互联网技术的佼佼者。在"腾讯2014年首届互联网政务峰会"上,"武汉交警"政务微信获得"2014年互联网政务服务奖",武汉市交管局作为全国交警系统唯一代表,受邀上台交流经验。  相似文献   

This work describes a methodology for determining the average vehicle kilometres travelled by the private national car fleet in Ireland and estimating the disaggregated CO2 and NOx emissions from private vehicles in the Irish road transport sector for the period 2000–2005 using national car test records. The developed methodology facilitates the calculation of greatly improved estimates for vehicle kilometres under a range of constraint variables and thereby enables the disaggregated analysis of specific vehicle fleet groups and their associated activity patterns to support evidence-based policy development. The results indicate that while older vehicles are contributing significantly to car NOx emissions; newer cars produce a higher share of CO2 emissions than older cars in the vehicle fleet.  相似文献   

This paper utilises revealed-preference parking trend data from parking meters ex ante and ex post of a general 50% price increase in the hourly cost of on-street parking to estimate the on-street parking price elasticity of demand in an area of Dublin, Ireland. Estimates are presented for the aggregate price elasticity of demand level and individual estimates for specific time periods and days of the week. In terms of reduced parking frequency, the average price elasticity of demand reported is −0.29. Daily average estimates are consistent, with one notable exception being Thursday, a ‘late night shopping’ day for which a lower price sensitivity is reported. Morning periods are also shown to be more responsive than other time periods in the test area, indicating some potential for influencing morning inbound peak traffic levels.  相似文献   

企业筹资中亟待重视非显性成本的管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在企业筹资过程中,必然会导致非显性成本的产生。非显性成本具有不可控、误导等特性,往往掩盖企业总成本的真实性,影响决策的预期效应,影响经济决策的科学判断和正确选择。因此,不能把非显性成本排除在经济形势观察的视野之外,为此对铁路企业筹资中降低非显性成本提出有关建议。  相似文献   

我国西部交通发展战略与措施探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地区间发展不平衡、东西部差距加大,已成为我国国民经济和社会全面持续发展的羁绊,而交通是其中的一个主要影响因素。针对目前我国西部交通发展建设中存在的问题,对西部交通的发展战略目标和设想进行了探讨,提出了建立西部综合运输体系新格局,以及加快西部交通发展的建议。  相似文献   

This paper advances (i) propositions of consumer behaviour theory in tourism via storytelling theory and (ii) skills in decoding elements and subtle details that appear in ‘good stories’ versus not‐so‐good stories within travel contexts. The present paper presents a set of iconic story symbols for use in decoding stories and shows how to use these tools for decoding tourism‐related narratives. Practice using these visual iconic symbols in decoding stories achieves effective storytelling learning via cognitive sculpting; that is, learning improves from moving and arranging (sculpting) potentially three‐dimensional story or electronically movable icons while talking or writing narratives. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The business traveller contributes significantly to the turnover of the hotel industry and, with the globalisation of business, this sector shows signs of increasing growth. Service quality has now become one of the main factors used to gain competitive advantage, thus the industry must focus more specifically on the needs and expectations of its business customers. The aim of this paper is to focus on the business travel market and more specifically on the comparison of two hotels in two European cities, Brussels and Manchester. This area of research has not been attempted before and will provide an interesting comparison with findings in USA. A literature review identified the relevant attributes used to measure service quality, which were utilised to design a questionnaire, distributed to customers in a five star hotel in Manchester and in Brussels. The primary data obtained were then compared with the findings of other researchers. The analysis indicated that Brussels scored the majority of the attributes more highly (many significantly) than did Manchester. This may be influenced by the international profile of the Brussels respondents who tended to travel on business more frequently than the Manchester sample. The comparisons with the USA surveys found some inconsistencies that might be attributed to societal differences.Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper examines how a single international border can exact different policies, practices, spatial variations, and tourism spaces at various points along its length. Based on an examination of the westernmost portion of the Canada–US frontier, this constructivist study investigates how the juxtaposition of barriers, attractions, transit spaces, and tourism landscapes is created concurrently on a single stretch of an international boundary. Four coterminous ‘zones’ of tourism were identified, including an area of illegal activity, ports of entry or crossing points, the peace park, and the exclave zone. Theoretical and practical implications are drawn from this study for border managers, tourism planners, and border agencies.  相似文献   

This paper develops an event study to investigate the airfare effects of the bankruptcy of a financially distressed full-service carrier (FSC) and its subsequent acquisition by a low-cost carrier (LCC) in Brazil. We account for the distressed carrier's survival network design strategies (SNDS) pursued during its reorganization—a suspected source of sample selection bias. Additionally, as rivals' pricing could be aimed at driving the distressed/bankrupt carrier out of the market, we treat the carrier's distress as endogenously determined with it. Our results do not uncover any survival pricing behavior stemming from SNDS, but reveal fiercer price competition from rivals in periods preceding both the distressed carrier's bankruptcy filing and acquisition. We also find evidence of enduring price competitiveness in the long run of the acquisition event, shedding light on the potential facilitating role played by bankruptcy protection regulations in keeping and sustaining market contestability after the bankruptcy-filing period.  相似文献   

The post-war era saw a dramatic decline in both the volume and market share of freight transported by rail in Britain. This decline was associated with the closure of thousands of rail freight facilities and reduction by one third in the route mileage of the national railway network. However, as a result of railway privatisation and increasing constraints on the competitiveness of the road haulage industry, the long decline has halted and rail freight traffic is growing. This article reviews the implications of this change for the demand for rail freight facilities and for extra capacity in the railway network, and considers how the land-use planning and transport planning systems might respond.  相似文献   

我国铁路运输发展战略的SWOT分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
SWOT分析法是将企业经营复杂的外部环境和内部条件归结为机会和威胁、优势和劣势4个方面,并对其进行综合分析和科学匹配。从加快我国铁路改革发展的目标出发,探讨如何运用SWOT战略分析方法,确定我国铁路运输企业目前面临的重要外部机会和威胁,以及内部存在的主要优势和劣势,从而对目前我国铁路运输业选择和制定的发展战略做出科学的评估。  相似文献   

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