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2011年2月初,欧盟27国领导人聚会布鲁塞尔召开首脑会议,重点讨论了欧盟未来十年的能源战略。欧盟"能源峰会"确定了欧盟能源政策的四大目标:一是确保欧盟能源市场正常运转  相似文献   

随着欧盟第五轮东扩的完成,受高工资、高福利以及更好生活环境的吸引,来自于中东欧地区新入盟国家的移民潮开始席卷老欧盟国家。一方面是大批劳动力的西移,另一方面是原欧盟国家从本国利益出发迟迟不愿开放劳动力市场,使得欧盟"劳动力市场一体化"的目标遭遇阻碍。本文主要从制度角度探讨欧盟东扩后劳动力西移与欧盟的就业市场一体化计划之间冲突发生的原因,并认为欧盟劳动力市场的制度性分割和与就业市场一体化的冲突是能够通过制度的改善来缓解和消除的。  相似文献   

在全球能源供求状况日趋紧张的背景下,能源安全成了各国经济发展战略中的重中之重。欧盟重视能源安全和整体能源政策的制定。其政策着力于对内管理能源需求并开发替代能源,对外实现能源进口来源多元化。  相似文献   

本文阐述了欧盟在联合国对外代表制度的发展以及《里斯本条约》对欧盟代表制度的改革,对“后里斯本”时代打造更具有凝聚力的欧盟提出了相关政策性建议.要给予高级代表充分的人力、物力资源支持,巩固其在欧盟对外决策中的代表和领导作用;“对外行动署”必须以全面和专业作为指导原则,冷静地分析全球政治形势,制定相应的对外战略,树立其在欧盟内部的威信;成员国之间必须加强信息共享、增进合作;欧盟应继续在联合国框架下积极参与多边合作.  相似文献   

欧盟作为区域经济一体化最为成功的实践,已经在世界经济贸易舞台上起着举足轻重的作用,对国际贸易模式产生了深远的影响,作者在本文中分析了欧盟在国际贸易方面的特点,认为其对外贸易额增长较快,且成员国之间的贸易迅速增长,内部贸易比重扩大,贸易结构和对象也有较大变化,基于这种分析,作者从欧盟内部、外部两个视角论述了欧盟对国际贸易模式的影响。  相似文献   

无论是一体化采取的形式,还是包含的成员国数量,欧盟都是目前世界上一体化程度最高的地区。欧盟还与其他国家建立了多种形式的经济和贸易合作安排。未来,欧盟一体化将在继续消除内部市场要素流动障碍、扩大外部影响、增加新成员和进一步开放服务部门等方面得以深化。  相似文献   

本文讨论了欧盟与俄罗斯的能源关系和博弈。主要分析欧盟能源安全结构及相关政策、俄罗斯对欧盟能源政策反应、以及双方在控制能源、运输和欧盟市场的竞争。通过分析发现,欧盟推行市场自由化反对俄罗斯能源垄断,形成了多边能源治理和天然气出口国论坛。本文试图揭示欧盟与俄罗斯能源天然互补关系背后,双方的能源关系不断恶化,并未形成真正的能源战略伙伴。因欧盟天然气市场自由化要求垂直分拆天然气产业所有业务,反对俄罗斯垄断其天然气行业,俄罗斯天然气股份公司面临被分割局面。俄罗斯反对欧盟能源宪章条约和第三能源方案,天然气出口国论坛是俄罗斯反对欧盟能源市场自由化,构建实施多边和全球能源治理的重要尝试,也使欧盟与俄罗斯能源关系更加复杂。  相似文献   

龙静 《欧亚经济》2022,(6):75-95
作为欧盟内典型的新兴市场国家,波兰的产业与能源结构、经济与社会发展特点等使它在推进可持续发展的道路上结合自身国情特点,在目标设定、战略选择和政策推行上不同于欧盟内部的发达成员国。但在世界各国积极推进联合国《改变我们的世界——2030年可持续发展议程》的国际大势和欧盟在节能减排领域设定的多重约束面前,波兰国内层面的战略和政策也随之出现了重大调整和积极完善。中波两国在经济与社会发展水平、产业与能源结构、节能减排过程中的主要任务和挑战等方面具有一定的相似度和可比性,构成了两国在可持续发展领域加强合作的有利条件。但不可否认,中波可持续发展,特别是在节能减排和清洁能源领域的合作也受到诸多因素的干扰,在走深走实的道路上面临多重挑战。  相似文献   

随着欧盟一体化进程的加快和我国外向型经济的快速发展,我国与欧盟中小企业间的技术合作取得了较大的发展。而在WTO下如何有效实现双方技术合作将是我国中小企业未来对外合作发展的重要关键。本文首先分析了WTO下欧盟与我国中小企业技术合作存在的机遇及相关障碍,然后根据双方中小企业技术发展的特点,提出了在进行技术合作战略选择时所应把握的策略。  相似文献   

旅游区域一体化的动力具体包括内部推动力、外部推动力以及阻碍力。内部推动力可以从旅游需求与旅游供给两个方面进行阐释。外部推动力可以从“公权”界定的驱动和一体化正外部性效应的诱导两个途径来进行解释。制约因素主要受制于市场壁垒、补偿欠缺两个方面。旅游区域一体化的发展离不开市场与产品。市场与产品的一体化程度决定了旅游区域一体化发展的进度与质量,同时,区域旅游市场一体化和区域旅游产品组合创新、一体化还需要通过区域旅游管治一体化来保障实施。  相似文献   

European integration and corporate restructuring: the strategy of Unilever, c.1957‐c.1990. While much has been written about the politics of European integration, discussion about the role of business in this process has been largely confined to lobbying activities. This article focuses on the business reaction to European integration. It highlights the constraints facing one of Europe's largest firms in building a regional detergents business. These included divergences in market demand and political obstacles to rationalization, but more serious was a corporate culture based around local decision making and consensus. The study demonstrates that a full understanding of the European integration process must incorporate a firm‐level analysis of how Europe‐wide businesses were built after 1957.  相似文献   

欧洲经济货币联盟建立以来,欧盟债券市场发展迅猛,其一体化进程也取得了令人瞩目的成就。本文通过结构性VAR模型对欧盟债券市场的一体化进行实证分析,在肯定其成果的同时,发现各成员国的债券市场在一体化的进程中存在着较为明显的失衡现象。这种现象与各成员国在相关法律环境、制度安排及基础设施建设等方面存在差异是密切相关的。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes relative wheat price fluctuations to investigate market integration among 72 European and US cities. Applying a Dynamic Factor Model, which has seldom been used in market integration analysis, prices are decomposed into international, national and local components. Thus, national and international market integration are identified by a statistical restriction, and results for each single market are obtained. The first result is that globalization has accelerated faster in the first than in the second half of the 19th century, putting the post-1850 transport revolution into perspective. The USA integrated only later into the European market, discounting the role of the “grain invasion” for trade history. I also show that the European nations that turned protectionist after 1880 reduced the impact of foreign shocks, while free traders fully integrated into the international economy.  相似文献   

我国要实现节能减排的战略目标离不开建筑节能。既有建筑节能绿色化改造是永恒持续的历史任务与责任,既有建筑节能改造EPC模式及驱动要素研究是建筑节能改造市场发展实践的内在需求。既有建筑节能改造外在驱动要素—政府管制促推市场发展需要彰显目标导向、服务保障、市场调控和项目治理的四大功能;内在驱动要素—ESCO竞争优势增强市场活力需要强化ESCO的服务能力、基础能力、核心能力、建设能力、开拓能力和治理能力等集成为一体化的综合能力;内外在要素驱动双向驱动实现对策首先是基于战略规划引导的政府管制为主流的驱动发展策略,其次是基于市场竞争引擎的ESCO竞争优势为牵引的驱动发展策略,再次是基于市场治理平台的多方共赢的内外在合力驱动发展策略,最后是基于市场需求导向的多方驱动的业主内源发展策略。其目的在于实现既有建筑绿色改造的健康可持续发展。  相似文献   

This article analyses coal market integration in Europe over the long nineteenth century. The market integration of coal, a key commodity associated with the industrial revolution, is an aspect of European economic history that has received little attention. The literature on the evolution of markets has concentrated on agricultural products, mostly cereals. This article examines intra- and international market integration in the principal coal-producing countries, Britain, Germany, France, and Belgium; and adds three main consuming southern European countries to the analysis of the international market. It provides new evidence on prices, as well as trade, and uses a straightforward approach to address coal price behaviour. Despite shocks, clear trends toward integration in both domestic and international markets can be observed, even if by one of our measures the latter started at a later date. Processes of market integration, however, seemed to slow from the end of the nineteenth century. Explanations are offered as to the causes of the extent and timing of integrations: reductions, mainly, in transportation costs, but also in information costs, and, in the international market, protectionism. The influence of cartels, on the other hand, may have been limited, particularly in the international market.  相似文献   

Recent events, such as the California energy crisis, the failuresof the UK's railways, and the consequences of the third-generation(3G) mobile licence auctions, have called into question theEuropean reliance on a strategy of network industry liberalization.Substantial concentration in energy and telecoms markets hasalso raised the issue of the consistency of competition policywith the creation of internal energy and communications markets.The paper considers the multiple market failures in these industries,and the problems raised by a series of national policy approacheswhich fail fully to reflect the economies of scale and scopeand the European-level public goods. Security of supply in energy,the roll-out of broadband, and the gains for an overarchingapproach to climate change require a more European focus. Thisin turn will require institutional reform at the European level.Failure to address this Europe-wide agenda will leave Europebehind the USA.  相似文献   

李恒光   《华东经济管理》2008,22(1):57-61
文章运用市场细分的思想,对我国的创业企业市场进行细分,进而结合民营科技企业孵化器的自身特性,提出其市场定位及发展战略.此外,文章针对科技企业孵化器综合能力定量评价研究较少、尚没有一个完整的评价指标和方法体系的现实,综合运用层次分析法和模糊教学方法建立比较科学、系统的科技企业孵化器综合能力评价模型,为科技企业孵化器综合能力进行评价提供依据,并引导民营科技企业孵化器的发展.  相似文献   

农家乐在增加农民收入、解决农村就业、实现城乡一体化等方面发挥着越来越大的作用。但经过20余年的发展,农家乐也显现出对市场缺乏细分、缺乏品牌和缺少特色的问题,其结果是抑制了农家乐的可持续发展。解决的途径是经营者在对客源市场细分的基础上实施差异化战略,即开发养生保健型乡村旅游产品的战略;开发度假型乡村旅游产品的战略;开发体验型乡村旅游产品的战略;开发休闲型乡村旅游产品的战略。而政府则应提供相应的政策和制度保障。  相似文献   

The European Union has reached a deeper level of market integration than any other region. In many ways its success parallels the integration of national-level markets, particularly in the broadly similar continental project of the United States. This paper asks whether the EU and US cases hold any lessons for the pursuit of market integration in East Asia, and reaches two positive conclusions. First, the two Atlantic continental markets display a common content of institutions and policies that helped generate broad legitimacy for market integration. Secondly, while there is wide debate over the historical mechanisms that produced successful “embedded” market integration in the EU and the US, several of these mechanisms may be reproducible in East Asia.  相似文献   

杨永红 《特区经济》2007,1(5):80-82
黄金股制度系进行国有企业私有化改革之产物,目前在欧洲正面临着来自欧盟的干预。欧洲法院在审理英国、葡萄牙、西班牙、法国和比利时有关黄金股制度的案件中,宣布黄金股机制对欧洲共同市场中资本自由流动构成障碍,必须严格控制其例外之适用。它预示着资本自由化的黄金时代正在欧盟内开始。  相似文献   

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