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张宝钰 《价值工程》2011,30(36):291-291
随着西方职业体育的发展,关于职业体育联盟竞争平衡问题的研究成为西方学者研究的重要内容,研究的内容主要涉及到竞争平衡的衡量方法的研究、制度安排与竞争平衡关系的研究等内容。  相似文献   

职业体育联盟是一种被称为"无烟工业"的体育产业类型,近些年来,我国受到世界其他国家的影响,职业体育联盟逐渐兴起并得到了充分的发展,并且在国民经济发展中越来越体现出其潜力. 我国由于相关建设管理制度不完善,职业体育联盟发展过程中存在诸多问题,"假、赌、黑"等一系列不良现象逐渐影响着职业体育产业的康健运行. 因此加强职业体育联盟产权结构以及结构制度失序治理机制方面的理论研究极有必要. 本文主要对职业体育联盟进行深入分析,通过专用性投资、共有产权以及利益相关者三方面建立一整套体育职业联盟产权结构与治理机制的理论框架,研究我国职业体育联盟产权结构以及制度结构失序的有效治理方式.  相似文献   

魏鹏娟 《价值工程》2013,(21):289-290
针对我国职业体育市场的垄断态势,有必要将职业体育运动明确纳入反垄断法调整范围,明确职业体育反垄断法的基本原则和豁免尺度,加快职业体育管理体制改革。  相似文献   

一定的联盟组织形态将对应一定的联盟治理机制及模式。我国职业体育联盟组织形态的构成违背了公司治理结构的基本原则,为此,需重塑联盟的组织形态及治理结构,构建出资者财务体系,并加强财务报告内部控制制度设计。  相似文献   

制约我国职业体育产业可持续发展的管理要素主要表现在政府权限过大,单项协会功能变质,且管理不善;法制建设滞后;经营模式不合理;联赛产权不清;竞赛表演市场不兴旺。因此,应在管理体制和运行机制上加以创新,加强政府对职业体育的宏观调控与管理;实行体育协会实体化,发挥体育协会自我管理功能;完善职业体育的法制建设和规章制度;明确俱乐部性质和产权,建立现代化企业制度;建立产权明晰、独立的职业联盟,进行公司化管理;采取切实有效的措施,大力培育与壮大竞技表演市场。  相似文献   

基于《中华人民共和国反垄断法》第45条关于经营者承诺制度的概括性规定,结合美国同意判决制度和欧共体承诺决定制度的相关问题进行分析,从承诺制度的实体内容、程序安排和制衡机制三个方面提出对中国承诺制度之创新。  相似文献   

析管理咨询与审计职业健康   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
管理咨询的深入发展已经对审计独立性构成实质性的威胁、不利于审计职业的健康发展。审计独立性的提高和审计职业的健康发展需要从多方面加以考虑,本从审计职业的存在依据、完善和落实相关的制度安排、加强诚信教育等方面予以探讨。  相似文献   

人性假说是认识个体行为的基础,不同假说对个体的行为作出了不同的解释和预测。本文以REMM假说为基础,对注册会计师职业的发展及其制度安排进行了剖析。研究发现:注册会计师职业的演进以追求经济收益、垄断地位和规避风险等为主线;注册会计师职业的内核性制度安排本质上是其利益的保护装置,尽管支撑性制度安排构成了其行为约束,但注册会计师对支撑性制度安排作出了典型的REMM反应。  相似文献   

物流联盟形成机理研究   总被引:47,自引:2,他引:45  
在追溯交易费用理论及其决定因素的基础上,认为物流联盟是节约交易费用的制度安排,提出物流联盟是为有效利用组织和市场双重优势的一种组织创新的观点,从而揭示了物流联盟的形成机理,为我国开始物流联盟的研究提供了一条思路。  相似文献   

寡头垄断涉及限制竞争协议、滥用市场支配地位、企业合并这三个反垄断法的基本制度,是反垄断法要解决的主要问题之一.在寡头垄断市场结构中,市场上只存在几个厂商,所有厂商都认识到它们的行为在很大程度上相互依赖,每个厂商在确定产量和价格时都会考虑竞争对手的行为和反应.  相似文献   

Despite the social and (increasingly) commercial significance of sport and sporting bodies worldwide, they remain under‐represented in the mainstream management literature. One of the more recent and dramatic examples of the global sports–media nexus is the ‘Super League saga’ in Australia. This paper recounts the tale of the Super League saga, providing a holistic analysis of the events and competitive issues arising by drawing on literatures concerning the economic nature and value of sports leagues, the resource‐based view of the firm and the nature of psychological contracts in changing environments. The analysis confirms the general monopolistic tendencies of professional sports leagues in an increasingly global industry driven by the sports–media nexus, in accord with a number of comparable cases internationally. The particular conditions of the Australian marketplace that exacerbate this tendency beyond, for example, that found in the USA, and differences in the outcomes of battles between rival leagues are also considered. The Super League saga portrays the importance of effective management of resources key to the production of the ‘rugby league product’ including, among others, the often over‐looked importance of careful management of local resources for the success of global strategies, and, where human resources are key, the importance of psychological contracting. The holistic analysis of the Super League saga in Australia affords lessons that extend well beyond the realm of sports.  相似文献   

Sports leagues in different parts of the world are set up in different ways, some as open leagues and some as closed leagues. It has been shown that spending on players is higher in open leagues (Szymanski and Ross 2000; Szymanski and Valletti Rivista di Politica Economica 95:3–39, 2005). This paper extends these studies, finding that sports leagues that practice promotion and relegation will have unambiguously higher aggregate spending on player talent than closed leagues. This will lower profits in the open league, but increase fan welfare.  相似文献   

This paper analyses a particular managerial problem that sports clubs face from time to time. The aim is to identify the effects that alternative stadiums and stadiums' features have in ticket prices and demand. Simultaneous equations models by three-stage least square estimator using instrumental variables is the method employed. The findings evidence that alternative stadiums negatively impact attendances, but clubs can offset this effect playing at high-quality alternative stadiums. Results also evidence that fans care about security levels. Some policies for football leagues are discussed as limits in the use of alternative stadiums, league fixtures and hard requirements concerning security.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of sharing the revenues from broadcasting sports leagues among participating teams. We introduce axioms formalizing alternative ways of allocating the extra revenue obtained from additional viewers. We show that, combined with some other standard axioms, they provide axiomatic characterizations of three focal rules for this problem: the uniform rule, the equal-split rule and concede-and-divide.  相似文献   

Minor league baseball has enjoyed a renaissance in recent years. In many communities baseball supporters are proposing sports stadiums often with some degree of tax support requiring voter approval. Economic growth and development are issues citizens are asked to consider when they vote. This paper presents an easily adaptable model for estimating the direct and indirect economic impact of a minor league baseball team on the community. An application of the model is featured. Direct expenditures from external sources are estimated and RIMS II regional multipliers are applied to determine the indirect impact on area output, earnings and employment.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether coaching and general manager (GM) changes among three professional sports leagues—the National Football League (NFL), the Major League Baseball (MLB), and the National Basketball Association (NBA)—effect on‐field performance. Our empirical methodology uses team‐level data by season and adapts a lag adjustment econometric approach designed to resolve several statistical challenges that arise both in general managerial settings and in sports settings. Our main finding is that coaching changes in the NFL boost the number of wins per season by between 0.5 and 1.2 in each of the first five seasons. Coaching changes have smaller, but still positive, impacts in the MLB and NBA. For all the three leagues, we find that GM changes have no discernable impact on performance. A separate cross‐sectional analysis suggests that those small impacts stem from coaches and GMs having extremely compressed talent distributions. The data indicate that coaches and GMs, en masse, are important, but changing the people who occupy those positions rarely seems to move teams to different locations on the performance distribution.  相似文献   

Often sports leagues, organising committees, and team owners justify the use of public funds to build sports stadiums by the perceived economic impacts and civic pride generated by the teams or mega‐events. Since the 1980s many economic studies have examined the economic impact and civic pride created by professional sports teams. Most of the economic literature finds sports teams or mega‐events have little or no economic impact, but there are mixed findings on the magnitude of civic pride. Overall, most of the economic literature suggests that the benefits created by sports teams or events do not outweigh the cost of public subsidies provided. We conduct a survey of public opinion on US residents’ perceptions of economic impacts and civic pride benefits from mega‐events such as the Super Bowl and the Winter Olympics. Our study asks the question: Do residents believe that mega‐events and sports teams generate positive economic impacts and civic pride or not? We find that, like economists, the public doubts that public funding of mega‐events is a good idea.  相似文献   

杨涛 《价值工程》2010,29(34):14-15
通过中国职业篮球联赛供应链的构建,来分析中国职业篮球联赛表演权的具体形成及其表现形式。同时从经济学、著作权法、不完全合同理论三个角度分析中国职业篮球联赛表演权的最终产权归属。旨在对中国职业篮球联赛表演权的归属有个直观、全面的认识,并保护职业篮球运动员、教练员和职业篮球俱乐部的合法权益。  相似文献   

李华忠 《价值工程》2014,(30):289-290
当前,高校毕业生就业创业工作得到了全社会的关注,服务引导青年大学生就业创业是高校共青团组织的重要使命,高校共青团组织要从帮助学生树立科学的就业创业观、提升个人综合素质、将个人理想融入社会发展等多角度服务学生,增强学生就业创业能力。  相似文献   

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