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在全球经济一体化的浪潮推动下,要求打破各种贸易壁垒的需要日趋迫切.在这种形势下,绿色贸易壁垒这种新兴的非关税壁垒却在各国迅速形成,并随着时间的推移而愈演愈烈.其因环境保护而具有一定的合理性、隐蔽性和技术性,使其越来越成为保护主义手中有效武器.绿色贸易壁垒正成为21世纪我国出口贸易发展的巨大障碍,因此,认真研究绿色贸易壁垒的基本内容和特点,深入把握其形成和发展的规律,认真总结国内外的经验与教训,积极寻求对策,打破壁垒,扩大出口,努力实现我国对外贸易的可持续发展.  相似文献   

随着贸易自由化的发展,蓝色壁垒逐步成为贸易保护主义者的新工具,并成为我国对外贸易中面对的新问题.本文分析了蓝色壁垒对我国出口贸易的消极影响,认为蓝色壁垒对于我国出口产品的竞争力等方面有较大影响,应综合采取多种措施尽量避免其不利影响.  相似文献   

陷入困境银行的退出壁垒和我国相关问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王颖捷 《金融论坛》2003,8(2):45-49
本文主要以产业组织理论为指导 ,研究了陷入困境银行的退出壁垒 ,认为银行不仅具有一般企业的退出壁垒 ,还有其特有的高社会性退出壁垒。降低陷入困境银行的高社会性退出壁垒的原则是规避金融风险的传导性 ,处理好保驾护航式退出与市场化退出机制的关系 ,处理好成本与收益的关系。相应的国际经验是完善预警制度 ,建立、完善法律法规 ,专业而权威的机构监督银行的退出 ,采取不同的形式处理困境银行的退出 ,建立和完善存款保险制度。本文最后研究了我国银行业的退出现状和如何建立、完善陷入困境银行的市场退出机制 ,以降低退出壁垒并保证经济和社会的稳定  相似文献   

本文从分析绝对集中度CR4指标,研究商业银行市场结构的路径变迁.研究表明在样本期间,我国商业银行的集中度有下降的趋势,但我国商业银行市场结构集中度总体上偏高;从中国银行业的进入与退出壁垒研究,表明我国中小商业银行存在较高的进入退出壁垒.因此,基于市场结构视角提出要放松市场准入,加快中小商业银行快速发展的应对方略.  相似文献   

陷入困境银行的退出壁垒和我国相关问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要以产业组织理论为指导,研究了陷入困境银行的退出壁垒,认为银行不仅具有一般企业的退出壁垒,还有其特有的高社会性退出壁垒。降低陷入困境银行的高社会性退出壁垒的原则是规避金融风险的传导性,处理好保驾护航式退出与市场化机制的关系,处理好成本与收益的关系。相应的国际经验是完善预警制度,建立、完善法律法规,专业而权威的机构监督银行的退出,采取不同的形式处理银行的退出,建立和完善存款保险制度。本文最后研究了我国银行的退出现状和如何建立、完善陷入困境银行的市场退出机制,以降低退出壁垒并保证经济和社会的稳定。  相似文献   

随着当代世界经济的发展和国际贸易自由化的逐步深入,当前国际贸易壁垒的趋势已由制定高基税逐渐转变为以技术标准的制定为主的技术性贸易措施,这种隐形贸易保护的措施已经逐渐成为世界上发达国家保护本国商品市场的措施,这种贸易壁垒对国际贸易产生很大的影响.现夸我国作为发展中国家,在这种情况下的对外贸易受到严重的冲击.此时,加强时国际贸易壁垒趋势的研究,并积极采取适当的对策来突破当前国际贸易的壁垒,对加快我国对外贸易的发展有着重大的意义.  相似文献   

胡建新 《中国外资》2009,(10):13-13,15
在全球经济一体化的浪潮推动下,要求打破各种贸易壁垒的需要日趋迫切。在这种形势下,绿色贸易壁垒这种新兴的非关税壁垒却在各国迅速形成,并随着时间的推移而愈演愈烈。其因环境保护而具有一定的合理性、隐蔽性和技术性,使其越来越成为保护主义手中有效武器。绿色贸易壁垒正成为21世纪我国出口贸易发展的巨大障碍,因此,认真研究绿色贸易壁垒的基本内容和特点,深入把握其形成和发展的规律,认真总结国内外的经验与教训,积极寻求对策,打破壁垒,扩大出口,努力实现我国对外贸易的可持续发展。  相似文献   

李娟  刘炜 《中国外资》2009,(20):23-23
随着贸易自由化的发展,蓝色壁垒逐步成为贸易保护主义者的新工具,并成为我国对外贸易中面对的新问题。本文分析了蓝色壁垒对我国出口贸易的消极影响,认为蓝色壁垒对于我国出口产品的竞争力等方面有较大影响,应综合采取多种措施尽量避免其不利影响。  相似文献   

从产业组织学的角度对我国银行业的市场结构进行了初步研究,重点分析了我国银行业的市场集中程度、市场进入壁垒等相关问题.  相似文献   

基本经济制度的经济功能对于社会经济发展有着较为深远的影响,其功能的体现,将直接影响社会经济制度的基本价值与合理性。我国基本经济制度的经济功能主要体现在对社会生产力的促进,以及资源的优化配置等方面,本文以我国基本经济制度的经济功能为研究对象,分析其在国家经济发展的重要作用,并将国家经济的健康、稳定、可持续发展作为衡量国家基本经济制度适用性的根本标准。  相似文献   

金融产业的进入壁垒包括经济性进入壁垒和非经济性进入壁垒,发达国家的进入壁垒主要表现为经济性进入壁垒;发展中国家的进入壁垒则主要表现为非经济性进入壁垒。进入壁垒的改革与其他配套改革的复杂性使发展中国家面临的改革任务更加艰巨。  相似文献   

This paper explores the determinants of financial development by focusing on the role played by barriers to the diffusion of financial technology. These barriers are measured using human genetic distance from the technology frontier. The results based on cross-sectional data for 123 countries suggest that genetic distance to the global frontier has an economically and statistically significant effect on financial development, in that countries that are genetically far from the technology leader tend to have lower levels of financial development. Genetic distance is found to have the largest effect, even after controlling for other determinants of financial development established in the literature. These findings indicate that cultural barriers to the diffusion of financial technology across borders impact financial development by influencing the follower countries’ ability to adopt and adapt innovations from the frontier.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the role of expectations about the government policy in the official foreign currency market in determining the black market premium. We use data for the recent float from six emerging markets of the Pacific Basin where active black markets for foreign currency exist, namely, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. To test the impact of anticipated and unanticipated shocks to the official exchange rate on the black market premium, we employ the two-step procedure of Hoffman et al. [Hoffman, D.L., Low, S.A., Schlagenhauf, D.E., 1984. Tests of rationality, neutrality and market efficiency: a Monte Carlo analysis of alternative test statistics. J. Monet. Econ. 14, 339–363] which provides corrected F-statistics and allows us to draw valid inference in the presence of generated regressors. The main finding of our analysis is that anticipated and unanticipated shocks to the official exchange rate have an impact on the black market premium in all six Pacific Basin countries. These results suggest that portfolio balance models provide the suitable theoretical framework for analyzing the behaviour of the black market premium in the markets for foreign currency in the Pacific Basin countries. Furthermore, this implies that economic agents in these countries are sensitive to expected returns in foreign exchange.  相似文献   

对于保险经纪市场结构的研究,传统方法是运用市场集中度和市场壁垒指标,而由于我国正处在经济转型期,市场特点与发达国家有所不同,本文提出了隐性行业壁垒的分析方法。基于2005年~2009年保险经纪市场数据进行的两种不同的实证研究显示,我国保险经纪市场结构的演进趋势有所不同:传统分析方法的结果表明,保险经纪市场的总体特征是垄断性较低、竞争性较强,且呈现出竞争性逐步增强的趋势;隐性行业壁垒方法的结果表明,保险经纪市场中存在有较为明显的垄断性特征,且这种垄断性特征随着时间的变化呈现出增强的趋势,结论的差异值得保险经纪市场的监管者、参与者等利益相关者予以高度重视。  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of foreign bank entry on bank competition in the host countries. Using data for 148 countries over 1987–2015, I find that although on average an increase in the number of foreign banks is associated with more competition in the host country, competition increases in developed but decreases in developing countries. Stringent capital requirements, higher market entry barriers, and effective credit information sharing can mitigate the impact of foreign bank entry, while better supervision and external governance strengthen the link between foreign bank presence and competition. The findings justify the regulations on bank capital adequacy and call for an effective credit information sharing mechanism.  相似文献   

The global financial crisis proved the critical impact of the gap between individual rationality and group rationality. This gap is not supposed to arise in a Neoclassical world, but it frequently arises in a world as complex as ours. The paper explores how endogenous instability might arise due to such a gap, and what behavioral rules might help to mitigate its impact.  相似文献   

基于2010-2015年"一带一路"沿线国家对华贸易数据,运用社会网络分析方法(SNA)分析沿线国家对华贸易空间关联网络结构,结果发现:沿线国家对华贸易空间关联规模较大,呈现出复杂的、具有"中心-边缘"形态的网络结构,土耳其、俄罗斯、印度、埃及等国家处于网络的中心地位.在贸易空间关联网络基础上,构建空间滞后模型(SLM)和空间杜宾模型(SDM),考量"一带一路"沿线国家对华贸易的关税政策因素,结果表明:沿线各国的关税政策不仅对本国对华贸易存在显著的影响,而且对相邻国家的对华贸易也具有一定的"外溢效应".因此,我国在制定促进"一带一路"贸易畅通的关税政策时,应创新协同治理思路,努力消除关税壁垒,深化双边和多边税收合作,建立多层次、差异化的税收协调机制,发挥关税制度正向空间外溢效应.  相似文献   

What are the sources of economic growth? This paper presents a multicountry growth model of innovation and the adoption of foreign technologies through trade. The costs of both domestic innovation and adopting foreign innovations are estimated using data on innovation, output and trade. A decomposition of the sources of growth shows that technology adoption accounts for about 65% of “embodied” growth in developing countries. Developed countries grow mainly through domestic innovation, which explains 75% of their “embodied” growth. Counterfactuals show how growth rates and levels of income would change if countries faced the same barriers to adoption and research productivity.  相似文献   

We use realized variances and covariances based on intraday data to measure the dependence structure of eurozone sovereign yields. Our analysis focuses on the impact of news, obtained from the Eurointelligence newsflash, on the dependence structure. More news tends to raise the volatility of yields of financially-distressed countries and to decrease the covariance of distressed countries’ yields with German bond yields, suggesting a potential flight-to-quality effect. Common news about the euro crisis and news about specific countries tend to raise the covariance of yields between distressed countries, indicating potential crisis spill-over effects. However, we do not detect spillover effects from news about third countries to the covariance between other country pairs. Bond purchases by the ECB under its Securities Markets Programme (SMP) mitigate the negative crisis spillovers among the distressed countries and reduce the potential flight-to-quality from the distressed countries to Germany.  相似文献   

Using a large firm-level dataset of 2920 IPOs from 21 countries we examine the impact of country-level institutional characteristics on the underpricing of IPOs. Through hierarchical linear modeling we are able to control for firm-specific and issue-specific characteristics and test whether country-specific institutional characteristics add explanatory power to explain the level of underpricing. Our results show that about 10% of the variation in the level of underpricing is between countries. The quality of a country’s legal framework, as measured by its level of investor protection, the overall quality of its legal system and its level of legal enforcement, reduces the level of underpricing significantly.  相似文献   

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