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我国乳品产业市场结构分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文通过对我国乳品产业的市场规模、市场集中度和进入壁垒等方面进行分析,进而得出以下结论:我国乳品产业组织仍然处于发展的初期;大多数乳品企业具有区域性特征,产业规模偏小,规模不经济;乳品产业呈现出垄断与过度分散竞争并存的格局;乳业属于高投入、高产出、高风险、高回报产业,产业进入壁垒较高。  相似文献   

我国中药材加工产业市场结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对我国中药材加工产业的市场集中度、产品差异化和进入壁垒等方面的分析,进而得出以下结论:我国中药材加工产业组织处于发展的初期;由于中药资源的区域性,大多数中药加工业具有区域性特征,产业规模偏小,规模不经济;中药加工业呈现出垄断与过度分散竞争并存的格局;中药属于知识密集产业,进入壁垒趋高。  相似文献   

在阐述苏北杨树加工产业市场结构分析意义的基础上,从市场集中度、产品差别化以及进入和退出壁垒等方面对苏北杨树加工产业市场结构进行了分析和描述,指出目前该市场集中度低、产品雷同,进入和退出壁垒小等现状,表明该产业有类似完全竞争的市场结构。  相似文献   

中国乳品市场进入壁垒与产业发展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
中国乳品市场的规模经济壁垒、必要资本量壁垒和产品差别化壁垒较低 ,使得产业内竞争激烈 ,部分企业为了获得竞争优势 ,采取了一些不利于产业发展的行为 ;同时乳品市场的绝对费用壁垒较高 ,使得各大企业都努力控制奶源 ,结果使奶农处于受“要挟”的境地 ,影响了整个乳品产业的发展。这些问题需要政府制定相应的纵向组织政策和产业组织政策予以解决。  相似文献   

我国蛋鸡产业平台期现状分析及发展策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在分析我国蛋鸡产业发展现状的基础上,指出我国蛋鸡产业经过近20年的快速增长,在20世纪末进入了缓慢增长的平台期。蛋鸡产业发展进入平台期后显现出许多新问题,例如生产者因过度竞争面临亏损或微利的境地,产品安全、卫生和质量缺乏保障等。针对以上问题,本文指出:蛋鸡产业进入壁垒低、退出壁垒高,我国农村劳动力转移或退出存在障碍,农户盲目跟从市场信息,蛋鸡产业采用小规模的生产方式,消费市场相对饱和等,是蛋鸡产业发展进入平台期后遭遇到一系列问题的主要原因。针对以上原因,本文提出了我国蛋鸡产业发展的策略。  相似文献   

中国天然橡胶产业市场结构分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对中国天然橡胶产业的市场规模、市场集中度、产品差别化和进退壁垒等方面进行分析,进而得出以下结论:中国天然橡胶产业组织仍然处于发展的初期;大多数天然橡胶企业具有区域性特征,产业规模偏小,规模不经济;天然橡胶产业呈现出垄断与过度分散竞争并存的格局;天然橡胶属于高风险、高回报产业,产业进入壁垒较高。  相似文献   

与诸多行业大佬、社会资金涌入种植领域迥异的足,农产品流通环节的投资却是十分冷淡。正如一何农业专家所说,我国农业只有产业物流,没有物流产业。在国外,流通环节唱主角的批发商大多足资金雄厚、规模庞大的物流公司;国内,受上游种植与下游终端渠道分散的影响,农产品流通领域却鲜有资本的进入,更没有诞生出大规模的物流企业。  相似文献   

在我国加入WTO,逐渐融入全球资本和商品市场的背景下,外资正以前所未有的速度和规模进入我国粮食产业,并出现了横向拓展、纵向延伸、全面覆盖的趋势。按照人世承诺的要求,自2009年起,外资企业可以在国内从事粮食的收购、销售、储存、运输、加工、进出口等经营活动。外资的进入,在粮食生产、流通、消费领域、粮食进出口贸易等方面对国内粮食产业的控制力、竞争力和可持续发展能力均将产生一系列冲击。因此,  相似文献   

目前我国罗非鱼产业已陷入过度竞争状态,激烈的价格竞争不仅使企业利润微薄,也影响整个罗非鱼产业的发展。产业进入壁垒过低是造成过度竞争的重要原因。本文通过分析我国罗非鱼产业进入壁垒及其影响,提出了我国罗非鱼加工业发展的建议:通过适当政策提高进人壁垒,以增加企业的集中度,提高专业化;同时积极营销,实施差异化战略,建立自主品牌。  相似文献   

统筹两个市场两种资源 确保农业产业安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
过去30多年中,中国在有效利用农业两个市场和两种资源方面取得了显著成效,引进了十几万份动植物种质资源和一大批先进适用农业生产技术,吸引了大量的国外资本投入,农产品贸易快速发展增加了农产品有效供给、促进了农民增收。但是,部分农产品进口的快速增长和外资对特定产业的过度进入给中国农业带了挑战:新增农产品需求市场被过度挤占,农产品趋势价格受到明显抑制和打压,跨国资本大量进入特定产业对中国民间中小资本形成了挤出效应,部分产业的控制权和部分农产品的定价话语权受到削弱,国际农产品市场波动向国内市场快速传导加剧了国内农产品供需和价格的不稳定。维护中国农业产业安全,关键是要在坚持开放中加强对农业利用两个市场和两种资源的统筹。  相似文献   

消费者对茶油价值认知不足产生的信息不对称使得茶油市场失灵,潜在的市场需求无法转变为实际的市场需求。调查统计表明,消费者对茶油具有较好的知名度,但却只有较低的价值认知度。影响消费者对茶油价值认知的主要因素包括消费者的性别、学历、收入水平和对健康的关注程度。对茶油价值的认知不再依赖于通过直接的生产地接触获取,也不依赖于经常购买日常食品。根据实证分析可以预测,对茶油价值认知度高的消费者将越来越多,需要通过不断消除居民的性别偏好意识、促进教育资源的平等分配,降低接受高等教育的门槛、促进收入合理分配和不断提高居民对健康的关注水平来促进消费者对茶油价值的认知。  相似文献   

Organic conversion subsidies used in Europe are less likely to be politically acceptable in the United States, where organic agriculture development is market‐driven. Persistent barriers to conversion in the United States include limited availability of and access to production and market information, training in management systems and cost of conversion‐related investments. By determining whether these factors affect the requirement of a subsidy to convert, we can suggest whether U.S. policy makers need to provide subsidies to encourage conversion and identify policy variables consistent with market‐based approaches that could stimulate conversion. A utility difference model is used with Swedish data to analyze factors that determine whether a subsidy is required to motivate organic conversion. The results show that farmers requiring subsidies manage larger less‐diversified farms and are more concerned with organic inspection, quality, and adequacy of technical advice. Access to more market outlets and information sources substitutes for payment level in the farmer's utility function, indicating that services rather than subsidies may be used to encourage organic agriculture. To the extent that conditions are similar in the U.S. organic sector, market‐based programs such as cost‐sharing for conversion and market access improvement should stimulate growth of this industry.  相似文献   

The Doha round of multilateral trade negotiations commits World Trade Organization (WTO) members to improving market access for both agricultural and nonagricultural goods. Tariff barriers on wool products represent a small but important subset of these negotiations. To inform the debate on the round, we analyze the distortionary effects of recent (1997–2005) tariff barriers on wool products using a model that applies a comprehensive analytical approach with regard to the production, trade, and consumption of wool products. We also account for any indirect effects of wool tariff barriers on the nonwool economy by incorporating the production, trade, and consumption of nonwool products, that is, the framework is a comparative‐static global general equilibrium model with a detailed representation of the world wool market. Changes in wool tariffs over 1997–2005 lead to positive welfare effects for most regions; Italy, China, and the UK are estimated to have gained the most from the changes. The results indicate that the nature of recent wool tariffs severely distort the size of wool industries in different regions. The changes in the output of wool commodities are extreme reflecting the discriminatory nature of the tariffs.  相似文献   

Tariff rate quotas (TRQs) were introduced at the end of the Uruguay Round to support market access following the tariffication of nontariff barriers to trade in agriculture. The allocation of import licenses under the TRQ regime in the Canadian chicken industry is currently made according to discretionary criteria. The welfare properties of this import licensing scheme are evaluated in comparison with a less discretionary allocation method such as first-come, first-served (FCFS) using a numerical model. The analysis also provides a welfare evaluation of both methods as the current minimum access commitment for chicken imports is expanded. It is found that total welfare in the Canadian chicken industry is likely to be higher under a TRQ administration method based on nondiscretionary criteria such as firstcome, first-served. However, particular assumptions about the chicken producers'response to increased foreign competition can reverse this finding. Moreover the welfare differences between the two license administration schemes are less important when market access to imports is substantial.  相似文献   

Brazilian small-scale farmers are seeking new types of collaborations and economic opportunities amid a changing world. Market opportunities, however, have incurred demanding environmental, financial and labor requirements, and created trade-offs between expanding cash crops and maintaining livelihood security. We analyze the Tomé-Açu region in the Brazilian Amazon, where different collaborative models between small-scale farmers and other social agents (industries, government, non-governmental organizations) have emerged. Local farmers are engaging in collective actions and pursuing different types of partnerships, which facilitate knowledge exchange and access to market niches, also helping them overcome the infrastructural and logistical deficiencies that have historically limited rural development in the region. In particular, we discuss the diffusion and adoption of agroforestry and oil palm production systems among small-scale farmers. We examine the challenges and opportunities these partnerships and social innovations have created for local farmers, who are part of heterogeneous groups with distinct roles, assets and contexts. The state-led oil palm program posed challenges to small-scale farmers who experienced asymmetrical relationships within their partnership with private companies. On the other hand, the farmer-led agroforestry model opened new opportunities for farmers who had more flexibility in deciding their production arrangements, developing new agroforestry techniques, and pursuing commercialization pathways. Despite their limited power, small-scale farmers have been able to overcome some structural barriers through innovations, entrepreneurship, and renegotiation of oil palm contract farming. Thus, their ability to engage in both farmer-led agroforestry and state-led oil palm programs provides concrete examples of the potential of local governance based on collaborative arrangements to support sustainable farming production systems.  相似文献   

本文通过对铜资源的国家和公司集中度进行分析,阐明铜市场已经形成较高的产业集中度和垄断程度,呈现以资源垄断和供需重心相分离的世界矿业新格局,但与铝、镍、铁矿石的产业集中度对比,铜行业垄断相对较低,市场进入壁垒相对较低。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the debate on peasant differentiation and market integration in the food sovereignty literature by examining the smallholder‐oriented oil palm sector in Ghana's eastern region. Against the background of loosening entry barriers in global value chains, and through an analysis of farmers' different positions in palm oil's multiple markets, we witness peasant‐like patterning of production and strategic market participation among well‐situated non‐contract farmers. We propose that such interface settings where commodity relations are present, but do not penetrate fully offer valuable entry points for revisiting the role of global markets in peasant reproduction in the Global South. We consequently argue the need to replace the idealized category of “peasant” with an analytical category that can recognize social differentiation and reproduction through partial engagement with commodity markets.  相似文献   

This paper examines the magnitudes of border effects on Canada's beef exports, and assesses the prospects for market access. The empirical analysis relies on a gravity model derived from a supply-based framework, and implements different econometric methodologies. It covers the conventional measurement of border effects that is determined relative to the intranational trade baseline. Also, it sets alternative baselines to estimate the wedge between the border effects on beef exports of Canada and those of other countries. The estimated parameters are used to carry out different scenarios to examine the tariff-related and nontariff border effects, and to evaluate the impacts of trade preferences for Canada's bilateral beef exports. The results reveal significant trade impediments facing Canada's bilateral beef exports to many large markets (e.g., EU-15, Japan, Republic of Korea, China, and Russia), and they often indicate that the effects of tariff reductions become considerably larger when coupled with reductions in nontariff impediments. Also, they underscore the significance of North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)’s preferential market access for Canada's beef exports. The export opportunities for the Canadian beef industry that are generated through lower trade barriers would, however, decrease when trade barriers facing other beef-exporting countries are reduced.  相似文献   

China's production of livestock products has generally kept pace with her rapidly increasing demand. Over-supply and market corrections for various livestock products took place over the latter part of the 1990s and large numbers of householders exited this type of production. Using household survey data, we estimate the relationship between a household's specialization in livestock production and household net income in 1995, and use a logit model to explore some predictors of household exit from livestock production over the following decade of market instability. We conclude that specialist livestock households with access to necessary skills, technologies, and markets increase their incomes from further livestock specialization in the base year, whereas those to whom livestock production is relatively unimportant can increase household incomes by diverting their resources away from animal husbandry. It was specialist rather than diversified livestock households that tended to bear the brunt of the adjustment to unfavorable price movements over the decade post-1995. Policy concerns include the exit of larger-scale specialized producers who tended to earn relatively high household incomes in 1995, barriers to the effective formation and operation of horizontal and vertical integration options to help mitigate market instability, the further development of insurance programs and markets for livestock producers, and development assistance to livestock households that for various reasons cannot increase scale and specialization.  相似文献   

石油及其制品,无论作为生产中的中间投入,还是用于居民生活消费,都是一次性消费品,石油交易在本原上应属于产品市场.由于期货市场的发展,国际石油市场投机性增强,属性发生变异-从产品市场演变为具有产品市场和虚拟经济市场双重性的市场,并形成经济泡沫.在这样的市场上,消费者要被迫按资产价格购买消费品.这类泡沫很难消除,中国宜调整能源战略,以适应形势,抵御损害,使自己立于不败之地,并谋求长治久安之计.  相似文献   

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