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李建升  李巍 《财贸研究》2011,22(2):136-143
企业社会责任与企业财务绩效的关联性决定企业的社会责任态度和行为。通过对浙江纺织行业样本企业数据的计量分析发现,前期企业财务绩效和后期企业的社会责任状况显著正相关;而前期企业社会责任和后期企业财务绩效之间、同期企业社会责任和企业财务绩效之间呈负相关趋势,但统计不显著。出现这种结果的原因可能在于当前中国社会责任市场缺乏,企业社会责任行为的推动力是行政力量而非市场力量,企业社会责任不能顺利转化或提升企业绩效。构建社会责任市场以实现企业和社会的双赢,将有效改善中国企业社会责任状况并促使持久的企业社会责任行为。  相似文献   

Prior studies assert that social trust may positively influence the economic performance of countries and firms (within those countries). This paper proposes a more nuanced mechanism whereby corporate social responsibility (CSR) mediates the relationship between country-level social trust and firm-level financial performance. Anchored in neo-institutional theory, we theorize that social trust instills norms of trustworthiness and willingness to trust others guiding individual and corporate behaviors. In order to comply with such norms and gain legitimacy, firms in high-trust society are more likely to commit to CSR activities that serve the interests of stakeholders. CSR activities, in turn, can positively influence financial performance by enabling firms to access stakeholders' resources and capabilities and to decrease transactions costs in the stakeholder relationships. We tested our theory by analyzing 9818 firm-year observations across 34 countries, during the 2006 to 2015 period. Our analysis shows the expected CSR mediation in the relationship between social trust and firm-level financial performance. Our findings are robust across different models addressing the concerns of endogeneity, alternative measures, and potential moderators.  相似文献   

Increasingly, companies implement social and environmental standards as instruments towards corporate social responsibility (CSR) in supply chains. This is based on the assumption that such standards increase legitimacy among stakeholders. Yet, a wide variety of standards with different requirement levels exist and companies might tend to introduce the ones with low exigencies, using them as a legitimacy front. This strategy jeopardizes the reputation of social and environmental standards among stakeholders and their long-term trust in these instruments of CSR, meaning that all expenses for their implementation are of no avail for the companies. Therefore, this paper highlights which criteria are important for the selection, implementation and improvement in order to achieve a company's aim, but also to strengthen the legitimacy of social and environmental standards. This research is based on conceptual thought and some existing empirical research, comparing four different social and environmental standards, revealing weaknesses and strengths. It exposes the basic conditions for the success of such standards among stakeholders and identifies the need for more empirical data.  相似文献   

Recent journalistic criticism of the concept of corporate social responsibility rests on the assertion that social responsibility adds nothing to corporate profits. Hence, inclusion of the motion in the business vocabulary amounts to nothing more than “double talk.”The author of an influential 1953 book on the topic took another look at social responsibility twenty-five years later and found “few gains in the quality of business stewardship over that time.” The idea “remains peripheral to the mainstream of economic thought.”Corporate social responsibility involves more than simply being a law-abiding corporate citizen. It reaches into these decision-making areas where perfectly legal choices may have harmful social consequences. As evidence of social harm amounts, society has to define and defend the ground on which it requires an appropriate response from the business corporation. Society will get the response it demands.  相似文献   

企业履行社会责任与企业绩效的关系一直是社会责任实践和理论研究中的热点问题。纺织行业作为典型的劳动力密集型行业,社会责任问题随着全球社会责任运动备受关注。本文以利益相关者理论为理论基础,以中国20家纺织业上市公司2001~2010年的数据为样本,利用实证的方法,从财务角度分析企业履行社会责任对企业经济效益的影响。从整体分析看,履行对各利益相关者的责任与企业绩效呈现较强的正相关性。  相似文献   

There is a growing interest in how the notion of corporate social responsibility (CSR) as shared value creation is translated in Scandinavia. However, current research seems to disregard that the specific institutional context is ambiguous, enabling the organization, and its internal stakeholders to translate the institutional logics into contradictory meanings of CSR as shared value creation. Building on the institutional logics perspective and the metaphor of translation, and framed within a case study of a Danish CSR frontrunner, this paper explores how the notion of CSR as shared value creation is translated at both the organizational and individual level through discourse. The study shows that the organization and its internal stakeholders employ different strategies to reconcile the institutional logics of ethics and economy, suggesting that the translation processes are a complex communicative matter of continuously balancing the contradictory institutional logics to maintain legitimacy in the eyes of external stakeholders.  相似文献   

麦影 《中国市场》2009,(23):70-73
企业社会责任通常指企业对其利益相关者应当承担的责任,企业社会责任与企业的发展有什么关系?这是一个非常值得探讨的课题。本文将对企业社会责任与企业竞争优势的关系进行深入研究,提出企业对其利益相关者履行社会责任将有利于其获得战略性资源、核心能力以及良好的企业环境。也就是说对企业竞争优势具有正面的影响作用。本文最后构建了CSR对企业竞争优势贡献的模型。  相似文献   

This article studies argumentation for acceptability of corporate environmental actions in corporate environmental statements, with emphasis on stakeholder relations and environmental values. Stakeholder theory is commonly taken as the basis for corporate environmental management, and rhetoric typical of the stakeholder approach dominates the field. Although environmental issues are strongly charged with values, the dominant stakeholder approach does not stress the value dimension. The data of the study consists of environmental statements by Finnish forerunning business corporations in the forefront of corporate environmental responsibility. The results of the study indicate that the statements argue for the acceptability of corporate environmental actions through three power-related rhetorical forms that are competing ways to produce acceptability in the data: dominance, subordination and equality, and joint action. Each rhetorical form describes a power-based relationship between stakeholders and the corporation and leans on a specific value type producing legitimacy for that rhetoric form.  相似文献   

Stakeholder theory advocates that firms bear responsibility for the implications of their actions. However, while a firm affects or can affect stakeholders, stakeholders can also affect the corporation. Previous stakeholder theorising has neglected the reciprocal nature of responsibility. The question can be asked whether??in a spirit of reciprocity, loyalty and fairness??stakeholders should treat the corporation in a fair and responsible way. This study based on different definitions of stakeholders argues that various stakeholder attributes differ for different categories of stakeholders. This analysis presumes that the attribute of stakeholder reciprocity can probably be restricted to real stakeholders, labelled stakeowners: genuine stakeholders with a legitimate stake, the loyal partners who strive for mutual benefits. Stakeowners own and deserve a stake in the firm. Stakeholder reciprocity could be an innovative criterion in the corporate governance debate as to who should be accorded representation on the board. Corporate social responsibility should imply corporate stakeholder responsibility.  相似文献   

Being a controversial industry, oil companies turn to corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a means to obtain legitimacy. Adopting a case study methodology, this research examines the characteristics of CSR strategies and CSR communication tactics of six oil companies by analyzing their 2011–2012 web site content. We found that all six companies engaged in CSR activities addressing the needs of various stakeholders and had cross-sector partnerships. CSR information on these companies’ web sites was easily accessible, often involving the use of multimedia technologies and sometimes social media platforms. Furthermore, to boost the credibility of their CSR messages, these companies utilized a variety of tactics, such as factual arguments and two-sided messages. In sum, this research unveils the interconnectedness among business strategy, CSR practices, and CSR communication in oil companies’ attempt to gain legitimacy in an environment of controversy. The article ends with a discussion of the theoretical and practical implications of the research findings.  相似文献   

企业社会责任与财务绩效关系研究综述   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
20世纪90年代起,企业社会责任与利益相关者在理论与实证检验方面呈现出相互整合的趋势。本文通过探析企业社会责任与利益相关者缘何走向理论结合,分别基于利益相关者整体视角与利益相关者分维度视角,对国内外企业社会责任与财务绩效关系的实证研究进行回顾与总结,并在此基础上提出了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

社会责任:企业永续经营的基石   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,企业的社会责任是企业对社会符合道德的行为,主要包括对消费者的责任,对社会的利益和发展的责任,对自然环境及社会生态平衡的责任,对企业员工的责任。企业要长远发展,必须要有核心价值观,必须讲道德,必须承担社会责任。承担社会责任不仅有利于社会大众,更有利于企业自身,它可以提升企业的社会形象和声誉,提高企业经营效益,建立员工和顾客持续稳固的忠诚,从而使企业获得长期繁荣和持续发展。  相似文献   

信誉资本作为企业的一种无形资源,在社会责任与企业价值创造关系中发挥了价值传导的中介作用。社会责任通过信誉资本对企业价值的影响方向并不是单一的,而是一个相互影响、相互促进的循环和协同作用过程。企业承担社会责任对企业价值创造和财务绩效具有正向影响,而财务绩效的优化使企业具有更多的资源和能力进行信誉资本投资,反过来又可以推进企业社会责任活动的开展。  相似文献   

To promote social responsibilities of transnational corporation within the present world where such necessary corporation is seriously missing, this paper explores issues of decision-making and coordination of such a two-echelon supply chain that consists of a contract supplier and a dominant manufacturer. Considering the main reasons behind the lack of social responsibilities of multinational corporations, this work develops a model with punishment. Based on this model, we obtain the optimal decision for the supply-chain members under either decentralized decision-making or centralized decision-making. And we analyze whether the penalty rate will have an impact on the input of corporate social responsibility and how it will affect the self-interests of supply chain members. Ultimately, by exploring the decision variables of companies that practice stronger corporate social responsibility, we compare and analyze our models to draw several interesting and practically useful conclusions.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the issue of legitimacy and, in particular the processes of building, losing, and repairing environmental legitimacy in the context of the Deepwater Horizon case. Following the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe in 2010, BP plc. was accused of having set new records in the degree of divergence between its actual operations and what it had been communicating with regard to corporate responsibility. Its legitimacy crisis is here to be appraised as a case study in the discrepancy between symbolic and substantive strategies in corporate greening and its communication. A narrative analysis of BP’s “beyond petroleum”-rebranding and the “making this right”-campaign issued in response to the Gulf of Mexico disaster discusses their respective implications for (green) corporate change. Further, the question is addressed why BP’s green image endeavors were so widely accepted at first, only to find themselves dismissed as corporate greenwashing now. The study concludes that where a corporation’s “green narrative” consistently evokes established narratives, its legitimacy will be judged against narrative, rather than empirical truth. Thus, the narrative will be more willingly accepted as speaking for the issuing company’s legitimacy, irrespective of whether it reflects substantive greening or not.  相似文献   

This study treats firm productivity as an accumulation of productive intangibles and posits that stakeholder engagement associated with better corporate social performance helps develop such intangibles. We hypothesize that because shareholders factor improved productive efficiency into stock price, productivity mediates the relationship between corporate social and financial performance. Furthermore, we argue that key stakeholders’ social considerations are more valuable for firms with higher levels of discretionary cash and income stream uncertainty. Therefore, we hypothesize that those two contingencies moderate the mediated process of corporate social performance with financial performance. Our analysis, based on a comprehensive longitudinal dataset of the U.S. manufacturing firms from 1992 to 2009, lends strong support for these hypotheses. In short, this paper uncovers a productivity-based, context-dependent mechanism underlying the relationship between corporate social performance and financial performance.  相似文献   

浅谈企业社会责任问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今世界,社会责任正在成为制约企业提升竞争力的新要素,不仅对企业本身,而且对整个社会都会产生深远的影响。目前,我国存在着一些企业不讲社会责任、损害百姓利益的情况.构建企业社会责任体系成为紧迫而重要的任务。市场竞争的主导方式正在沿着“价格竞争-产品竞争-服务竞争-关系竞争”的轨迹演变。在竞争时代,企业社会责任成为企业竞争优势的新增长点。为此,企业应强化社会责任意识,实施社会责任战略,培育社会责任文化,优化社会责任关系,从而提升长期盈利能力,增强竞争优势。  相似文献   

What Corporate Social Responsibility Activities are Valued by the Market?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Corporate management is torn between either focusing solely on the interests of stockholders (the neo-classical view) or taking into account the interests of a wide spectrum of stakeholders (the stakeholder theory view). Of course, there need be no conflict where taking the wider view is also consistent with maximising stockholder wealth. In this paper, we examine the extent to which a conflict actually exists by examining the relationship between a company’s positive (strengths) and negative (concerns) corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities and equity performance. In general, we find little evidence to suggest that managers taking a wider stakeholder perspective will jeopardise the interest of its stockholders. However, our findings do suggest that the market is not only influenced by the independent CSR activities, but also the totality of these activities and that the facets that they value do vary over time. It seems that␣most recently, the market has valued most firms that satisfied minimum requirements in the areas of diversity and environmental protection but were most proactive in the area of employee-relations. Ron Bird is an Emeritus Professor in the School of Finance and Economics at the University of Technology, Sydney. His research interests focus on market implications of corporate social responsibility and also dysfunctionality within capital markets. He received his Master's degree in economics at Monash University in 1971. Anthony D. Hall is currently the Head of the School of Finance and Economics and Director of the Quantitative FinanceResearch Centre at the University of Technology, Sydney. His research interests cover all aspects of financial econometrics. He was awarded a PhD in econometrics from the London School of Economics in `976.Francesco Momente is Professor of Corporate Finance at the Bocconi University, Milan (Italy). His research intersts focus on the market valuation of corporate social responsibility and the value relevance of accounting information.He received his PhD in General Management at Ca' Foscari University, Venice (Italy) in 1998. Francesco Reggiani is Professor of Corporate Finance at the Bocconi University, Milan (Italy). His research interests focuson the market valuation of corporate social responsibility and corporate governance. He received his PhD in GeneralManagement at Bocconi University in 2001.  相似文献   

朱晓璐 《江苏商论》2012,(6):142-145
面对日益复杂的市场竞争态势,有效的危机管理对于企业的生存和发展至关重要。实践与研究表明,企业社会责任是有效危机管理的核心。本文从企业社会责任的理论角度出发,探讨企业社会责任和危机管理之间的关系,并结合企业社会责任管理和危机管理,给出基于社会责任的危机管理策略。  相似文献   

Banking firms are becoming increasingly aware that their clients’ management of environmental and social risks may in term threaten their own business as lenders and investors. In addition, stakeholders are requiring banks to improve their social performance. As a result, some banks are developing corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies and management systems to reduce potential risks and improve their performance. In the Spanish financial system, half of the banking firms are savings banks, most of which have always used some Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) criteria in their management. Private Banks have only recently started to integrate social aspects in their performance. However, no formal analysis has been carried out on the impact of CSR strategies. Various initiatives have been launched nationally and internationally to include the social dimension in management systems. The purpose of this research is to analyse the social performance of the main Spanish financial companies through public data such as social or sustainability reports and media sources. In order to do this, we need to determine which CSR criteria most greatly affect banking firms and to choose the most accurate quantitative and qualitative indicators to measure social performance.  相似文献   

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