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文心 《玩具世界》2007,(3):49-50
通常情况下,人生的第一长久记忆都在五、六岁,甚至更晚,而我的第一次人生深刻记忆却是三岁的时候,因为它跟玩具和亲情有着特别的关联……那是一个炎热的夏天,小时候很少午睡的我竟然在凉席上昏昏沉沉地睡了几乎整个下午。当我揉揉朦胧的双眼张开一看,  相似文献   

苏珍珍 《中国纺织》2010,(4):114-117
年少时,母亲曾经骑车走很远帮我买到那本《钢铁是怎样炼成的》,那时候的我,并不晓得那书里不仅仅有励志的故事,更有父母亲对于孩子的期冀。在很多人的人生轨迹中,相信那样一本书都曾经起到或重要或间接的作用,对于我,那是儿时最美好的记忆之一。  相似文献   

位于中国版图最西端,与哈萨克斯坦接壤的伊犁盆地,有二一六人最真切的集体记忆,发现和提交我国第一个万吨级地浸砂岩型铀矿床、获得国家科技进步一等奖……这里曾经的荣耀照亮过每一个人,而未来可能的辉煌又激励每一个人。  相似文献   

应对罕见的经济衰退。不仅需要出手快,力度大,更需要审慎、理性和有的放矢。2008这个鼠年不同寻常的意义,不仅在于在它恰好是过去诸多变’革和重大事件的纪念之年,也不在于在这个鼠年里,中国人经历了许许多多使人记忆深刻的历史事件,我认为最重大的意义在于2008注定将成为一个重要节点、转折之年或历史拐点,许多未来发生的事情都将能够追溯到这一年,  相似文献   

我的老家浙江龙游离义乌只有一个多小时的车程。小时候,农闲时节经常有义乌人肩挑货郎担,手摇泼浪鼓,哟喝着“鸡毛换糖”,到我的家乡走街串巷。每次听到由远及近传来的泼浪鼓“咚咚咚”的声音,我们就会立刻拿上家里存放的鸡毛冲出去,兴奋地换回一块糖、一个气球或者一个小喇叭等小玩意。这幕场景成了我对儿时最深刻的印象之一。  相似文献   

苏珍珍 《中国纺织》2014,(11):69-69
拿着诺基亚消失前最经典畅销、市值不超过300元的手机,出现在我面前的陈圆,一副黑框眼镜背后,是沉着冷静的眼神,一点不属于70年代出生的人。他看上去不善言谈,但是说出来的每一句话都掷地有声,我想,他生活里一定是一个坚决的人。"模糊的记忆"10月30日,在略显寒酸的751D·PRAK79罐,"模糊的记忆"陈圆个人服装发布会如期开幕。近30套服装原创设计作品,灰蓝、军绿、  相似文献   

2002年11月8日,举世瞩目的中国共产党第十六次全国代表大会在北京隆重召开。作为会议代表,中国石化股份公司巴陵分公司副经理、博士、教授级高级工程师朱泽华,肩负着巴陵石化近万名共产党员的厚望,参加了我们党在新世纪举行的第一次盛会。会议期间,中共中央总书记胡锦涛在接见湖南代表团成员时,湖南省委领导热情地向总书记介绍了这位年轻的科技尖兵。即将参加会议的10月23日,忙里偷闲的朱泽华面对众多前来采访的记者,朱泽华话语谦和:“作为一名企业科技工作者的我,能够当选为十六大代表,这是我人生中最值得记忆的幸福…  相似文献   

我是你手指上 最平常的一个神经细胞 在插秧时节 为你试探稻田里 水暖,水寒 我是一个最不起眼的方块字  相似文献   

你走时,是个秋风初起的日子。送你时,我记住了站台夜空上那轮将圆未圆的明月。走近石油,便走进了那些聚聚离离的日子;走近石化,便习惯了在夜幕中数点星光与塔灯。站台,成了记忆中最熟悉的景致。70天,又该是段不短的日子。在日历上,我重重地圈上你的行期与归期,...  相似文献   

每个人的一生中总会有一些时刻很特别,比如金榜题名,比如喜得贵子。但2015年6月15日一个和风煦日的午后,无论对工程公司还是作为公司员工的我,都是一个不同以往的特别日子。那一天,一个苦干拼搏的企业得到了共和国总理的夸奖和勉励;那一天,很多平凡普通的员工第一次握到了国家总理的手。幸运如我也在那一刻和总理面对面,手握手,幸福定格,记忆铭刻。  相似文献   

就像糯米纸包着的奶糖一样,谁能回忆起第一次将那乳白色的糖块放进嘴里的感觉?而当童年这颗奶糖在我们的嘴里渐渐融化,余味中仅剩的那丝甜蜜,谁又能将它忘记?没有旱冰鞋,没有车模,没有芭比娃娃,没有悠悠球,没有现在孩子们享受的精致和高科技的玩具,但70、80年代生人的童年却依然色彩斑斓。从箱底翻出那本日记本,不必打开,它熟悉的蓝色塑料封皮嗖地一下就把我带回到20多年前。  相似文献   

佚名 《玩具世界》2008,(7):53-54
儿时玩过许许多多的玩具,有自己粗制滥造的,也有讹着父母买的。每次想到自己的那些玩具,总不免想起自己多年最爱玩的“枪”,当然,这里说的是玩具枪。  相似文献   

佚名 《玩具世界》2008,(12):45-46
自从我每天冒着母亲的一阵唾沫星子夹杂着父亲的雷霆万钧才无限留恋的离开播放着《变形金刚》的电视机的那段难忘的日子开始,除了电视机里那活生生的汽车人和霸天虎们之外,摆在商店橱窗里诱人的TF玩具就成为我心中永远的追寻。上学的那段艰苦岁月中,几乎每天在上学放学的路上我都要去问候那些橱窗里的伙伴们,为此我迟到过、晚点过,不知又有多少老师和父母的责骂加在我的头上,也许是橱窗里的伙伴们给予我的勇气,那些责骂对我来说,无异过眼云烟……  相似文献   

Often admired by international observers, the German dual training system has come under pressure in recent years because of a persistent lack in training slots for young people. The article addresses the question of how policy makers have reacted to the problems in the training market. Particular attention is paid to the formation of politico‐economic coalitions between state actors, business representatives and unions. On the basis of three case studies of recent reforms (or reform attempts), we identify two types of cross‐class coalitions: a conservative coalition that aims at maintaining the status quo of the firm‐based training regime and a segmentalist coalition promoting the gradual transformation of the system towards a less collective and more firm‐centred variety. In both kinds of politico‐economic coalitions, business actors play a pivotal role. The reason for the privileged position of business in the politics of training reform is, I argue, a politically constructed dependency of the state and unions on the continued co‐operation of business in the provision of training slots. In the conclusion, I discuss the implications of my findings for the debate on the dualization of co‐ordinated market economies.  相似文献   

现代社会企业的经营活动包含生产型经营活动、服务型经营活动、衍生型经营活动三大类,每一种经营活动的经营周期和创造物质财富的方式与速度并不相同。生产型经营活动从开始经营到财富创造需要1到10年不等的经营周期,服务型经营活动需要6个月到3年不等的经营周期,衍生型经营活动有可能在几分钟或几小时内使自己的财富增加。在当今社会中,发展中国家目前主要依靠生产型经营活动来创造财富,发达国家以服务型经营活动为主来创造财富,而美国、英国等老牌发达国家则主要通过衍生型经营活动获得财富。中国仍然处于生产型经营为主的发展阶段,美国金融危机告诉我们,真正增加物质财富的还是生产型经营活动。掌握生产型经营活动的规律性,促进生产型经营活动健康发展,应当是中国人在相当长一段时期共同努力的方向。  相似文献   

近一个时期以来,作为社会热点和难点问题的社会保障制度改革问题,在建立人人享有社会保障的目标下,涌现了大量研究成果。比较有代表性的包括《中国社会保障发展战略》、《建立全民共享的发展型社会福利体系》和作为中国经济研究咨询项目首期成果的《中国的社会保障报告》。尽管这些成果观点有不少共同之处,但在关键问题上也有一些重大分歧。本文围绕《中国的社会保障报告》提出的观点,主要针对五个问题(记账式个人账户问题、养老保障制度框架问题、农村社会保障发展模式问题、社会保险管理体制问题、养老保障基金债务管理与国有股转持问题)展开讨论。提出一些评论和意见。希望对正在进行的社会保障制度建设发挥一些参考作用。  相似文献   

Business model innovation is a topic that has received much attention from academia as well as from business practice. After extensive research on the definition and conceptualization of the concept and publication of many case-based results, recently scholars have been calling for more generalizable results, large-scale investigations and greater empirical sophistication. Despite the great importance of measuring business model innovation for various purposes, a validated measurement scale is still not available. I fill this gap by systematically developing a new scale for business model innovation. I follow a rigorous scale development approach to ensure validity and reliability. Specifically, I collected two large-scale samples of 126 and 232 firms to specify and assess the scale. As a result, I provide a hierarchical three-level scale for measuring business model innovation. At the first level, 41 reflective items are provided to measure ten subconstructs of business model innovation. These can be used as formative measures of three dimensions of business model innovation at the second level, namely value creation innovation, value proposition innovation and value capture innovation. At the third level, these three dimensions form the metaconstruct of business model innovation.  相似文献   

This paper is based on my keynote address given at the 2006 International Industrial Organization Conference in Boston, April 8, 2006. I survey long-run trends in mergers, review the debate over the economic success of mergers generally, and examine the changing treatment that business schools have accorded mergers over the past five decades. A final section is a time series analysis of links at the U.S. macroeconomic level between changes in merger activity and labor productivity growth.  相似文献   

股利政策在股份制企业经营决策中占有重要地位,是企业的核心财务问题。股利政策的制定既关系到股东和债权人的利益,又关系到公司的未来发展,因而一直被公司的利益相关者所关注。与西方成熟市场相比,我国证券市场还处在起步阶段,立法、监管、规范等方面需要进一步加强,还有许多问题有待研究解决。从上市公司股利分配的现状入手,重点分析产生这些现实选择的影响因素,就此浅析健全我国上市公司股利政策的一些看法。  相似文献   

This paper introduces competitive dynamics research, a body of work that has emerged in the strategic management field over the last two decades. I will focus on my scholarly pursuit—both the substance and the process—during the early years of my faculty career. I will use my twelve core publications written during this period to outline the entire research program, highlight the makeup of each of the four sub-streams of the program, and show how these streams are linked. I will also share my personal learning in the process of building this research program. The paper aims to convey some firsthand experience for researchers and scholars, especially those starting in their careers and international scholars who are interested in publishing in major U.S.-based journals, so they can construct their own research programs and cope with the manifold process challenges in research and publishing.
Ming-Jer ChenEmail:

Ming-Jer Chen   (PhD, University of Maryland) is the Leslie E. Grayson Professor of Business Administration at the Darden Graduate School of Business, University of Virginia. His research interests include business strategy and competitive dynamics. Dr. Chen’s articles have appeared in the Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, and Management Science, and he has received the Best Paper Award from the Academy of Management's Business Policy and Strategy (BPS) Division and the Academy of Management Review Best Paper Award (1996). He is an associate editor of the Academy of Management Review and a member of the editorial boards of Organization Science and Strategic Management Journal.  相似文献   

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