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While nonprofit accountability literature recognizes many stakeholders, even theoretically grounded approaches to fundraising ethics tend to focus more narrowly on donors, organizations, and their missions. This paper draws on business ethics scholarship by proposing a stakeholder management approach to ethics in fundraising. This approach foregrounds intentional examination of the multiple stakeholders in the fundraising process: the organization; its donors; current beneficiaries; the broader population within the issue; the fundraisers themselves; and the community. Following stakeholder theory, ethical fundraising activities must align with the charitable mission of the organization, and take into account the legitimate interests of those groups and individuals who can affect, or be affected by, its activities. The process of intentionally identifying, prioritizing, mapping claims, engaging with, and monitoring stakeholders offers fundraisers, nonprofit executives, and members of governing and advisory boards a pragmatic means of aligning fundraising efforts with the mission, values, and long-term strategy of their organizations.  相似文献   

Fundraising literature predominantly focuses on adult donors, with limited literature addressing younger donors, particularly children, and virtually no discussion on the normative ethics which inform fundraising with children. Addressing this gap, this article examines the ethical dilemmas posed by the mainstreaming of charity fundraising in primary schools. Regardless of high levels of participation, research with primary school pupils shows that children's engagement in fundraising activities is often passive, with little decision making afforded to children. First, we question the ethics of passively engaging children in the fundraising relationship. Second, we question the role of fundraising more broadly in helping to cultivate children's philanthropic citizenship, suggesting that current fundraising mechanisms in schools are counter-intuitive to fostering long-term philanthropic engagement. We argue that by critically engaging children in the process of giving, children develop a deeper understanding of the cause areas that matter to them, which cultivates a longer-term commitment to philanthropy. This is potentially a different goal than that of many organisations involving schools in fundraising, where the focus is on incentivising transactional fundraising efforts aiming to raise as much money as possible and thus raises particular ethical challenges which must be considered. In this paper we draw on previous research and established frameworks for understanding philanthropic behaviour to explore the ethical challenges of fundraising with children in schools and present a pathway towards a more child-led, children's rights approach to fundraising in primary schools.  相似文献   

  • The high‐demand, high‐paying field of fundraising does not have an academic home in higher education, which hampers fundraising research and education. Recent advances in fundraising education and research can be attributed to four different disciplines: public relations, marketing, nonprofit management, and higher education administration. This disjointed approach has impeded the empirical study of fundraising, the development of theory in the field, and the education of future fundraisers. The purpose of this study is to begin the process to scientifically identify an appropriate academic home for fundraising that benefits fundraising practice, advances scholarship, and strengthens America's nonprofit sector. In‐depth interviews were conducted with 15 scholars from multiple disciplines who had published articles on fundraising in the three major nonprofit management and philanthropy journals. Findings show that there is no consensus among scholars about whether fundraising belongs in public relations, marketing, or nonprofit management. Although this study found no consensus among fundraising scholars about the appropriate academic home for fundraising, it does identify areas of agreement and disagreement on pertinent topics and provides a benchmark to guide further discussions about locating fundraising within an academic discipline.
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Little research has been undertaken on the development of fundraising in charities, as distinct from fundraising activities and methods. This paper arose out of a wider study of the impact of environmental factors on charity fundraising in the early 1990s. By looking at the development of fundraising in charities of all sizes, it became clear that there was a framework for fundraising. Specifically, the principal characteristics of the framework were based on the need for voluntary income and the influence of staff or volunteers in the fundraising process. This paper outlines the stages in the development of fundraising and their principal characteristics within the context of market orientation and organisation culture theory. It concludes with some implications for fundraising practitioners. Copyright © 2000 Henry Stewart Publications.  相似文献   

The topic of fundraising is garnering increased attention from nonprofit practitioners due to the worldwide growth of the nonprofit sector and the subsequent competition for private funds. Despite this surge, academic literature on fundraising and bequest fundraising, in particular, has remained mainly limited to narrow aspects of the discipline. Based on a systematic review of literature published over the past 25 years, we synthesize various research perspectives into a comprehensive framework of studies linking the different issues highlighted by the authors. The purpose of this article is to consolidate the state of academic research on bequest fundraising by not-for-profit organizations. The literature review underscores how research efforts have not paid much attention to bequest fundraising from the NPO's perspective, although as it has become an increasingly important source of income for charitable organizations. The majority of studies focus on the Donor's perspective, striving to understand what drives the desire to leave a charitable bequest. The findings of the SLR show a gap in the knowledge of NPOs' internal mechanisms concerning the particular topic of charitable bequests; from these insights, the future research directions are proposed.  相似文献   

Little normative ethical theory exists in the nonprofit marketing literature. Previous attempts at an ethical framework for the field of nonprofit fundraising fell short of fully considering the full spectrum of relationships involved in fundraising practice. We introduce the concept of Ethics of Care, an ethical theory that centers around relationships and interpersonal well-being, as a philosophical foundation for professional ethics in the field of fundraising. We believe this theory provides a suitable framework in which to ground questions of professional ethics for nonprofit fundraising professionals. The adoption of Ethics of Care as a normative ethical theory for fundraising will allow applied ethical questions in the field to be explored in a way that more fully addresses all parties involved in fundraising and affected by its outcomes. Our paper illustrates the process of applying the foundational principles in specific ethical quandaries found within fundraising and aims to address the omission of the beneficiary in the majority of previous ethical frameworks and promote a new set of standards that fully incorporates and balances all stakeholders' needs.  相似文献   

This paper was first presented at the Henry Stewart conference ‘Maximising and Developing Regional and Local Fundraising’ on 16th April, 1997. The paper attempts to establish the value of the regional fundraising event as a product within a broader fundraising mix. It goes on to suggest that once subject to this treatment many of the potential pitfalls in running successful regional events will be recognised and, once recognised, can perhaps be resolved or avoided. In doing this, however, the paper does not attempt to present a magic formula for results, but merely signposts some paths the regional fundraiser and events organiser may wish to explore.  相似文献   

One of the central questions in relationship fundraising is how to convert someone who makes a small yearly donation into someone who is a major donor covenanting a substantial part of his/her income. Drawing on research among 200 major UK fundraising charities, this paper explores how far the issue, of donor commitment is used in mainstream fundraising strategies, and finds that only a minority of charities place emphasis on this. This finding is compared with an analysis of models of giving in churches. It is argued that while churches may lack sophisticated approaches to fundraising, they may have important experiences in the area of committed giving which are relevant to fundraising strategies in other organisations.  相似文献   

The World Wide Web has attracted considerable attention and investment in the for-profit and nonprofit worlds, but electronic mail (e-mail) alone can be one of the most effective online fundraising and marketing tools. Its use in fundraising appeals is considered and its relationship to traditional direct mail fundraising discussed. Other more innovative methods of incorporating e-mail into a fundraising mix are explored, including the basic applications of an e-mail signature to the more advanced uses of automated e-mail response systems. This paper is based on research carried out by the author at City University during 1994 and 1995 as part of an MSc course in Information Science and published as ‘Electronic sources of fundraising information for UK nonprofit fundraisers’.  相似文献   

Regional corporate fundraising has the potential to become a growth area as major companies move out of big cities and wish to become involved in supporting charities in the regions where they relocate. This paper gives ‘hands-on’ guidance to charities on the way to approach corporations; the importance of thorough research is stressed, as is the necessity for clear, professional proposals that point out the benefits to both charities and corporations. Much practical advice is given and many specific opportunities for fundraising are listed. Copyright © 1999 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

This paper discusses whether or not nonprofit donation processing software can be developed for nonprofit marketing. It shows, from previous research, that money-raising rather than money-processing is a crucial justification for a fundraising computer system. However, it is in money-processing rather than money-raising that most fundraising systems have their origins. It identifies key differences in software purpose; transaction processing is reactive, money-focused, and task-oriented, whereas nonprofit marketing is proactive, donor-focused and process-oriented. The paper looks at IT evolution over the last 50 years and recognises three phases: automate, informate and transformate. The paper suggests that fundraising systems are somewhere between automate and informate. Transformational IT has yet to come for the nonprofit world. The paper shows where the strains occur when a transaction processing system is pressed into use for marketing, and the most common causes of problems are identified. Finally it sets an agenda for nonprofit marketing systems which focus on holistic donor management, and suggests a number of data and functional needs that set marketing systems apart from transaction processing systems.  相似文献   

The transformation of fundraising from an ‘emerging profession’ to a ‘true profession’ is contingent on the development of ‘a formal body of knowledge based on theory and research’. To advance that goal, this paper reviews several research studies and makes recommendations for practice by fundraising professionals. The paper identifies indicators of philanthropic tendencies in very wealthy individuals and a research basis for donor cultivation activities. It also looks at giving by bequest, charitable remainder trust and charitable gift annuities and recommends the marketing segments and channels best suited to each as defined by research. Copyright © 2004 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

A fundraising brochure is regarded by many charities as a major source of income. This is associated usually with the charity's major fundraising event in its annual calendar. What many charities do not do is plan their brochure campaign to eliminate wasted effort and costs while maximising revenue received. This paper examines brochure fundraising techniques, drawing on personal and anecdotal experiences of fundraisers working in the nonprofit and voluntary sector.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of women's motivations and potential as philanthropists. It includes demographic information that can help fundraisers approach and communicate with women of different generations and life stages. The conclusions are based on qualitative research conducted by the author and others. It explores some of the barriers to women's giving and offers specific recommendations for involving more women as donors. Finally, it explains how women as donors will help transform the fundraising profession and prepare nonprofit institutions for a changed funding environment in the future.  相似文献   

This paper was first written for the Henry Stewart Conference ‘Maximising and Developing Regional and Local Fundraising’ on 16th April, 1991. The paper provides an overview of two key areas: recruitment of volunteers, and a more general element often forgotten in the volunteer process, yet absolutely critical, motivation and retention through recognition. This is illustrated through the case study of RNIB regional fundraising.  相似文献   

Strategies for fundraising from committed donors in the UK have long placed considerable emphasis on tax‐efficient giving, in particular the use of deeds of covenant and gift aid which enables charities to recover tax paid by the donor and thus increase the value of a donor's gift. However, recent developments and proposed developments in UK legislation and Inland Revenue procedures are about to make radical changes to this regime. Although in general the changes are beneficial to charities, the precise implications will, in many cases, require a significant change in fundraising strategies to make effective use of the new giving environment. This paper seeks to analyse the nature of those changes and the consequence for fundraising strategies. In relation to three main strategies some approaches to further research are proposed, which a charity may wish to apply in order to assess whether and to what extent new approaches to committed donor fundraising are required. A preliminary version of this paper was presented at the Institute of Charity Fundraising Managers Convention (Academic Stream) in July 1999, but it has been substantially changed to take account of further government announcements made in November, 1999. Copyright © 2000 Henry Stewart Publications  相似文献   

  • We provide initial evidence on whether use of professional fundraising services by US nonprofit organizations (NPOs) increases the effectiveness of NPOs' fundraising efforts. To a well-tested model of organization-level donations, we add an interaction term that captures the impact that professional fundraising fees an NPO incurs has on the effectiveness of an NPOs' spending on fundraising in raising donations. We find that professional fundraising fees has a significant positive impact on the effectiveness of fundraising efforts in raising donations for NPOs in the full, education, and health samples, but no impact for NPOs in the arts and human services samples. For NPOs in the full sample and NPOs in the education sample, one quarter of the effect of fundraising on donations stems from the positive impact of professional fundraising services on the effectiveness of fundraising in raising donations. For NPOs in the health sample, one half of the effect of fundraising on donations stems from the positive impact of professional fundraising services on the effectiveness of fundraising in raising donations. These results suggest that professional fundraising services significantly enhance the effectiveness of fundraising for these types of NPOs. While the results of this study seem to confirm the decisions of managers of education and health NPOs to utilize professional fundraising services, the results also suggest that managers of arts and human services NPOs may want to reconsider using professional fundraising services, at least the types of services they currently purchase and the way they currently utilize such services.
Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nonprofit organizations (NPOs) have become increasingly dependent on episodic volunteers (EVs), those that would help carry out an event with little training and expectation to commit to future events. Despite its importance to the survival of NPOs, the use of EVs with respect to fundraising has received little research focus. Furthermore, none of the existing studies identified examined how fundraising EVs differ from other EVs. This study seeks to contribute to our understanding of fundraising EVs using a global perspective. Data were generated using surveys distributed in seven countries, tallying more than 4,000 respondents. Variables included demographic characteristics, previous donation and volunteer history, motives, mode of volunteering, and overall experience. The data were analyzed by applying between-group (logistic regression on participation) and within-group analysis (ordered logistic regression on willingness to participate in the future). Data were further analyzed by examining differences by country. We found that country, gender, religion, income, employment, history of donations, mode of volunteering, and several motives, both intrinsic and extrinsic, were significant in the logistic regression analysis of participation in fundraising episodic volunteering. The ordered logistic analysis unexpectedly found that the only predictors to foster a willingness to engage again were the responsiveness of the event team and a desire to fulfill spiritual satisfaction. In recruiting and selecting EVs for fundraising events, NPOs should consider previous or current donors and those with regular volunteering experience and they should market volunteer opportunities towards those in search of spiritual fulfillment and meaning. Moreover, NPOs should prioritize quick and clear communication with fundraising EVs in order to foster a willingness to volunteer again. Lastly, NPOs should regularly assess for country-specific factors and contexts that may affect episodic volunteering in fundraising events. Our paper illustrates who fundraising EVs are, their motives, how they choose to volunteer, and what contributes to their willingness to volunteer again. Given the limited research on fundraising EVs, this study serves to help lay the foundation of research for this unique subgroup. Our aim was to not only address the dearth of literature but serve as a springboard for future research on fundraising EVs.  相似文献   

The ethics of fundraising has received scant attention in the academic literature, while there is not a huge amount in the grey and practitioner literature either. There is little that explicitly describes normative theories of fundraising—broad concepts of how fundraising ought to be practised, from which recommendions for applied ethical practice can be drawn. This is the first review of the literature on fundraising ethics, articulating, synthesing and naming (often for the first time) 14 ethical theories/lenses that can be inferred (few are explicitly stated as normative ethical theories) from the literature. In so doing, this review provides scholars and practitioners with a much firmer conceptual foundation for examining and developing professional fundraising ethics, and for analysing applied practice and finding solutions to the ethical dilemmas in applied practice.  相似文献   

Fundraisers have turned their attention to minority communities as potential resources despite the fact that minority communities are both underserved by and underrepresented in nonprofit organizations. This paper argues that the current approach to minority fundraising, which uses broad racial categories, is limiting. Minority fundraising practice and research face three distinct challenges (racial categorization, socially constructed markets, and privilege) that can be addressed through a focus on language, specifically discourse analysis.  相似文献   

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