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高斌  类延旭 《特区经济》2009,240(1):141-142
中国和苏联,作为社会主义的大国,都对自身社会体制的弊端进行改革,但由于采取了不同的路径,自然而然导致了不同的结局。本文试图从两个国家改革的比较中探索和总结社会主义国家改革的经验教训。  相似文献   

Volumes of historical archives in China have been digitised, from which various datasets have been constructed for scholarly inquiry. Furthermore, the excavation of thousands of archaeological sites provided detailed data about prehistoric development across China's landmass. As a result, there has been remarkable progress in quantitative studies on China's past. This article reviews recent work in five theme areas to provide a background for the papers included in this special issue. These themes include state formation, Confucianism, human capital, Christian missionaries, and long-term persistence studies. The five papers in this issue fall into these themes and are introduced where appropriate.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代,中苏社会主义改革几乎同时展开。然而,这两次改革的结果却迥然不同。对这两次改革的对比研究有利于总结我国的改革开放,不断推进社会主义现代化建设。  相似文献   

Conclusion The standard view of the socialist calculation debate is that Mises and Hayek at best demonstrated the practical impossibility of socialist economy, but that the mathematical solution of economists such as Dickinson showed that “in principle” planners could achieve a rational use of resources without private ownership of the means of production. In the present paper I hoped to show that this view is incorrect, because (if seriously implemented) a socialist planning board would need to publish a list containing an uncountably infinite number of prices. As Cantor’s diagonal argument from set theory shows, it is demonstrably impossible to construct such a list. Therefore, socialist economy is truly impossible, in every sense of the word.  相似文献   

索洛维约夫—谢多伊是苏联著名歌曲作家,他写作了如《海港之夜》《共青团员之歌》《莫斯科郊外的晚上》等一系列优秀的歌曲作品。他的创作具有很高的价值,是苏联歌曲创作中不容忽视的一位重要作曲家。他一生的歌曲作品有几百首,为电影戏剧配乐也达四十余首,多次获得苏联国家级奖项,在创作的过程中逐渐形成了自己的风格特点,为人们所喜爱。  相似文献   

苏联技术哲学述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从静态角度分析前苏联时期技术哲学的特色,从动态角度研究前苏联技术哲学与西方技术哲学关系的历史演化,可以看出苏联技术哲学在世界技术哲学界所处的独特地位,也能够描绘和揭示出当今世界技术哲学的整体图景。  相似文献   


The origin of the gold standard and the desire for monetary integration shared the same root, the prevailing liberal worldview of Norwegian elites. The actual timing of the final move, however, was strongly influenced by fear of foreign exchange volatility in the wake of the German monetary unification rather than the fear of inflation highlighted in earlier studies. The diminished prospect for a single “world money” after the Franco-Prussian war made monetary integration a dividing issue. In 1873, the attempt by the government to safeguard some of the advantages of integration by joining the Scandinavian Currency Union (SCU) was defeated by the parliamentary majority. The opposition was based both on a more optimistic view of the prospect of even further monetary integration and on fears of political opposition to Scandinavianism and the government. However, eighteen months later, parliament conceded and Norway joined the SCU.  相似文献   

罗毅 《特区经济》2008,(2):240-242
在民事诉讼中,为了获取胜诉判决,当事人通常会竭尽全力主张和举证。由于纠纷案件的复杂性、当事人以及代理人的诉讼技能参差不齐,当事人偶尔也会提出与己方主张相反,有利于对方当事人的证据。依据自由心证原则,在不违反辩论主义原则的情况下,法官可以通过证据共通原则做出自由的事实认定。证据共通原则是法官自由裁量权在证据认定程序中的体现,是民事诉讼中的一项重要的证据制度。  相似文献   

The paper re-examines the role of the state in economic change in colonial India (1757–1947), by paying attention to fiscal capacity. This capacity was larger than that of the precolonial states, and based on different foundations, such as centralisation of finance and securitisation of public debt. Nevertheless, the effort to raise finance hit a barrier, which had owed to the separation of debt from revenue operations. Did the barrier matter? By keeping markets open, the colonial state served private enterprise, but its failure to sustain growth in fiscal capacity compromised public investment in infrastructure and social development.  相似文献   

对于国资在流动中流失的现象,要靠完善各项制度和法规来解决,这是最大的原则.国企改革一方面推进以存量为主的布局与结构的战略性调整;另一方面加快企业产权制度的改革与创新.国有资产如何处置更多是实践的问题,不是理论问题,不是单纯依据某项标准就能解决的事情,必须具体情况具体分析.关于国有资产底价怎么定、国有资产如何监管等一系列问题都值得我们认真研究.  相似文献   

从学科范畴角度对苏联解体问题进行分析是20年来国际学术界的一项重要工作。思考和借鉴这一学术领域的成果将有利于深化对苏联解体这一问题的认识。"帝国"与"革命"范畴的使用,便于学界从历史比较的视角,从以往的帝国和革命现象中探寻大国兴衰的机理。虽然"民族主义"和"联邦制"问题在苏联解体过程中的作用素有争论,但范畴运用的细化显然有助于推进这一方面的认知深化。从社会学角度对于解体之前苏联的社会状况和发展阶段进行分析有利于避免对苏联解体这一问题进行简单化论断,而苏联经济史的国外研究则拓展了对苏联经济模式本质与特征认识的关键性范畴。  相似文献   

福利国家在创造神话的同时,也创造了它自己的潜在挑战。这一挑战最终导致自20世纪70年代以来人们对福利国家信念的普遍动摇。一方面,左派因福利国家体制所具有的改良主义倾向而对其大张挞伐;另一方面,鼓吹市场原教旨主义的自由主义思潮卷土重来且日渐甚嚣尘上。吉登斯于20世纪90年代所提出的"社会投资国家"构想,事实上成为对西方资本主义世界摆脱福利国家泥沼所开具的一剂良方。建设社会投资国家思想,是一种从根本上突破贝弗里奇式消极福利体制的构想。  相似文献   

For virtually a decade, the undervaluation of RMB yuan has become an issue of impassioned debate in international monetary economics. This issue kept the academic and policy circles engrossed in argumentative deliberations. That RMB yuan is undervalued is widely acknowledged. With China's emergence as an economic superpower of the future, this debate no doubt has considerable merit and ramifications. This article examines sang-froid the RMB yuan undervaluation and provides a review of recent and on-going research on it. The mid-2005 currency revaluation and modification of foreign exchange regime has enormous significance in this regard. It became a defining moment in the RMB yuan debate.This article attempts to examine whether accusations of currency manipulation made against China can hold, or are merely disingenuous. It encourages the reader to see whether the RMB yuan should be further appreciated. If yes, whether the misalignment is inordinately large or of incidental order which would be corrected with the passage of time. A good number of econometric exercises were undertaken, using differing methodologies. There was a complete lack of consensus on the misalignment of the RMB yuan. It has slowly appreciated since it abandoned its dollar peg in 2005. As the Chinese economy picks up further growth momentum, the currency appreciation is expected to accelerate.  相似文献   

This paper presents new archival evidence about the amount and structure of central government disaster relief during China’s devastating flood of 1823. The flood affected 20 per cent of China’s counties, and spending per capita was sizable and distributed between provinces depending on the intensity of flooding. Because of its relative small size and limited state capacity, the Chinese government ultimately spent about half of its annual tax revenues on relief during 1823. Given China’s ensuing secular economic stagnation, this is consistent with models emphasising state capacity for economic growth.  相似文献   

在国际关系多极化迅猛发展的今天,中国、美国和以欧盟为代表的欧洲正在成为全球政治经济中的三大力量中心。相应地,如何认识中、美、欧之间的三边关系及其互动模式并加以前瞻性地应对,这不仅是中国外交战略必须思考的问题,也会牵涉未来国际体系的构造。作者对现有的三边关系理论提出了改进,试图揭示中、美、欧新三边关系的基本特征:即这种三边关系仍处于初级阶段;三方共处模式是其基本形态;美欧稳定婚姻模式是其一般特征;三边博弈具有动态变化特征,且在不同议题领域内存在差异;三边关系具有开放性。考虑到中、美、欧三边关系的上述特点,处理这种三边关系的制度框架应该有多个路径,主要应以双边和大多边为主,并考虑发展尝试性的三边机制。  相似文献   

杨明 《欧亚经济》2020,(1):78-91,128
2019年2月20日,俄罗斯总统普京发表了2019年度国情咨文,讲话聚焦经济增长、支持家庭生育、脱贫减贫和拓展对外经贸四个方面。确定了四大优先事项:依托新技术、数字化和竞争性行业的发展提高劳动生产率,改善营商环境和提升国家治理水平,消除基础设施不足对经济发展的制约,加快培养现代化人才。展望未来,预计俄罗斯经济增长短期难见根本改善,财政负担将有所加重,外部制裁仍将持续存在,金融市场也有可能再次出现震荡,中俄经贸往来将迎来新的发展阶段。  相似文献   

结合当代西方规范伦理学理论、古典经济学的市场经济理论和马克思主义理论,对现阶段的人性假设做一个基本判断:人们在采取行动的时候更容易为自己的利益而不是为他人利益所打动,笔者把它称作"准心理学自利主义"。这种人性假设是对人的心理特征的一种事实假定,而非主张利己主义的伦理规范。这种人性假设与亚当.斯密的"无形之手"具有相似性,与马克思关于社会主义个人与社会关系论述也具有一致性,但它不是极端的利己主义,而是有限制地发展个人利益,是既体现效率又倡导公正的人性假设。它是我们制定社会主义市场经济的实然基础,我国的社会主义市场经济是符合这种人性的"无形之手"和"有形之手"有机结合的科学社会主义。  相似文献   

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