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Medical crowdfunding platform helps numerous patients access enthusiastic donors and address financial difficulties, but many crowdfunding projects fail to reach their target amount. Thus, how a crowdfunding project can attract considerable donors is questionable. This study examines the effects of attention and reliability on the performance of online medical crowdfunding projects and how target amount changes such effects. Based on objective data of 1177 crowdfunding projects from 2016 to January 2018 in a large medical crowdfunding platform in China, we find that the project donor’s attention (the number of forwards and comments) and reliability (the number of dynamic updates, empirical users, and pictures) positively affect the medical crowdfunding performance of the projects. However, target amount weakens the positive effects of the number of forwards and comments in online medical crowdfunding projects. Therefore, project sponsors should set reasonable target fundraising amounts while showing attention and reliability to donors. Compared with previous research that mainly explores the influence of external factors on crowdfunding outcomes from the perspective of donors, this paper focuses on the internal project factors and explores the concerns and trustworthiness of crowdfunding projects, enriching the literature related to fundraising ability in the project.  相似文献   

There has been a growth in online fundraising from crowdfunding apps, like GoFundMe, that propagate fundraising appeals on social networking sites. In the online space, these crowdfunding apps pose a potential threat to the traditional intermediation role of charities. The disintermediation threat is that donors choose crowdfunding intermediaries instead of charities to channel their giving. In this article, we discuss what makes crowdsourced fundraising effective and how charities can adapt to this new dynamic for more effective online fundraising emphasizing two key success factors: brand strength/reputation and managing the donor experience. In addition, we explain the advantages and disadvantages of social media fundraising and giving and propose ways charities can leverage their good reputations and public trust to stimulate reintermediation. Finally, we propose a landscape for future research based on model that emphases the fundraising campaign's ability to stimulate viral sharing within and between online social networks.  相似文献   

An innovative way to support cultural institutions is through reward-based crowdfunding, an online funding mechanism for a specific project, which offers donors a reward for their donation. We explored employees' perceptions of crowdfunding and focused on the question: “How do employees of cultural institutions running a crowdfunding campaign perceive the use of crowdfunding to collect funds?” To answer this question, we focus on interpretive research using semi-structured interviews (n = 15) among Dutch cultural institutions' employees responsible for running the crowdfunding. We used earlier findings on psychological ownership to structure the interviews. Psychological ownership is the feeling that the project has become an employee's extension, and previous research linked it to success on the work floor. Our findings claim four lessons. First, crowdfunding is a full-time job and not an extra activity. Second, crowdfunding differs from traditional fundraising: it contains specific content-related tasks they do not perform as fundraisers. Third, crowdfunding asks for teamwork. While autonomy is valued, one employee should not be responsible for the campaign. Fourth, crowdfunding does not come naturally to all cultural institutions. This research provides a basis for further specification of crowdfunding and its implementation in the cultural sector.  相似文献   

The number of people donating to charities is declining at a time when technology is enabling a proliferation of new ways of offering support—from crowdfunding to hacking commercial platforms like AirBnB for novel purposes. There is a risk that charities could lose their traditional position as a trusted intermediary between individuals who want to help and people who need their support. This paper offers some suggestions as to why disintermediated giving may, in some situations, offer a more attractive donor experience than traditional charitable giving and suggests some possible areas for further study.  相似文献   

While donation-based crowdfunding for health-related purposes raises hundreds of millions of dollars yearly, most campaigns fail to meet their fundraising goals. Crowdfunding campaigners are advised to seek traditional news media coverage of their campaigns to increase donor interest and fundraising success. In this study, we seek to better understand what happens to donor behavior via donation-based crowdfunding campaigns after they receive news media coverage. While research has focused on the impact of social media sharing on donation-based crowdfunding, academic analyses of the impact of news media coverage is largely speculative. We searched the Newsstream and Factiva databases for Canadian news coverage of domestic donation-based health-related crowdfunding campaigns. This news coverage was paired with the crowdfunding campaign reported on in the story. Campaign text and daily fundraising totals and donor amounts were recorded for the 7 days before and after publication of the news article. The authors identified emergent patterns in this data around the amplification of personal information from the crowdfunding campaign to a wider audience and inclusion of new personal details. This process identified 17 relevant pairs of news stories and crowdfunding campaigns over a review period of just under 5 months in 2021–22. These campaigns raised a total of CAD$443,134 (median CAD$20,030) out of a total goal of CAD$772,500 (median CAD$40,000) or 57.4% of the requested funds. Median campaign donations and donor numbers increased for the 3 days following publication of the news article. Our exploratory analysis shows a relationship between crowdfunding campaigns that receive news media coverage and the numbers of donations and total amount donated shortly after this coverage. Campaigners may feel pressure to participate in news media coverage in order to reach their fundraising goals. Media coverage has implications for campaign recipient privacy and the equitable distribution of health-related funding. This exploratory analysis establishes the need for additional research on this topic.  相似文献   

There is a great deal of need in this world, and some are taking their plights directly to the public for help rather than approaching nonprofit organizations. This content analysis of GoFundMe solicitations compared a range of requests (n = 303) to document how similar the solicitation strategies of crowdfunding campaigns run by individuals are to those from nonprofit organizations. Results from this investigation helped address the uncertainties of the disintermediation of the nonprofit sector. Though disintermediation is real and actively taking place, results indicate that nonprofit organizations are in a healthy position to survive the disruption of crowdfunding while adapting, adopting and improving crowdfunding behaviors.  相似文献   

This paper applies a Diagonal BEKK model to investigate the risk spillovers of three major cryptocurrencies to ten leading traditional currencies and two gold prices (Spot Gold and Gold Futures). The daily data used are from 7 August 2015 to 15 June 2020. The dataset is analyzed in its entirety and is also subdivided into four distinct subsets in order to study and compare the patterns of spillover effects during economic turmoil, such as the 2018 cryptocurrency crash and the COVID-19 pandemic. The results reveal significant co-volatility spillover effects between cryptocurrency and traditional currency or gold markets, especially during the whole sample period and amid the uncertainty raised by COVID-19. The capabilities of cryptocurrency are time-varying and related to economic uncertainty or shocks. There are significant differences between normal and extreme markets with regard to the capabilities of cryptocurrency as a diversifier, a hedge or a safe haven. We find the significant co-volatility spillover effects are asymmetric in most cases especially during the COVID-19 pandemic period, which means the negative return shocks have larger impacts on co-volatility than positive return shocks of the same magnitude. Evidently, cryptocurrencies and traditional currencies or gold can be incorporated into financial portfolios for financial market participants who seek effective risk management and also for optimal dynamic hedging purposes against economic turmoil and downward movements.  相似文献   

Online crowdfunding means relying on the Internet to seek financial support from the general public. In this paper, we examine success factors in the social capital networks of the top 5000 most funded projects in Kickstarter.com at the time of this study. We first look at how fundraisers and backers identify themselves with the projects they support in their own social networks. This is modelled using Facebook friends and Facebook shares, respectively, guided by social identity theory. Secondly, we use signalling theory to investigate crowdfunding success based on backers’ and fundraisers’ ability to engage in a forum, modelled using the number of comments between them, or with unilateral signals using the number of updates from the fundraiser. This study suggests that funders and backers who identify themselves with the projects in their own social networks are associated with greater pledge/backer ratio. We also find that projects where the fundraiser and its backers exchange more signals in a joint forum, but not signals delivered unilaterally by the fundraiser, have a greater pledge/backer ratio. These findings, based on a scalable quantitative study, highlight the importance of a multi-theory approach, advance social identity theory and signalling theory in the context of crowdfunding, and could be applied to online and normal entrepreneurship environments alike.  相似文献   

保障性住房项目建设过程中需要的资金量比较大,质量要求高,财务风险比较高,尤其是2020年新冠肺炎疫情的爆发,加大了保障性住房项目建设的风险。论文立足于新冠肺炎疫情环境下保障性住房项目财务风险管理的特点,阐述保障性住房项目所存在的财务风险,最后提出控制保障性住房项目财务风险的具体对策。  相似文献   

Committed donors who keep giving every year are a key asset for nonprofit organizations because they provide a steady funding source and return a higher lifetime value. We distinguish between committed donors who give only one gift per year (single‐gift (SG) donors) and those who give multiple gifts in at least some year (multiple‐gift (MG) donors). In this paper, we study whether SG donors and MG donors follow different longitudinal patterns of gift‐giving in four consecutive years. We theorize that a donor's yearly gift amount is an indication of his or her willingness to give (WTG) to the organization and may be explained in terms of his or her intrinsic willingness to give (IWTG) and extrinsic willingness to give (EWTG) for that year. We test our theory with data from a leading US nonprofit organization and find that SG donors and MG donors would follow different longitudinal patterns:
  • While SG donors and MG donors would start off at a similar level of WTG in year 1 and would both increase WTG in subsequent years, MG donors would record a higher rate of increase than SG donors.
  • IWTG and EWTG would have different relative importance as determinants of the observed yearly giving level: MG donors depend on both IWTG and EWTG whereas SG donors largely depend on IWTG rather than EWTG to determine how much to give in a year.
Our findings suggest that different strategies are needed to manage SG donors and MG donors to sustain and grow annual contributions. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study contributes to the literature on financial research under the presence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Fresh evidence emerges from using two novel approaches, namely network analysis and wavelet coherence, to examine the connectedness and comovement of financial markets consisting of stock, commodity, gold, real estate investment trust, US exchange, oil, and Cryptocurrency before and during the COVID-19 onset. Moreover, unlike the previous studies, we seek to fill a gap in the literature regarding the ex-post detection of COVID-19 crises and propose the Markov-switching autoregressive model to detect structural breaks in financial market returns. The first result shows that most financial markets entered the downtrend after January 30, 2020, coinciding with the date the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 pandemic as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. Thus, it is reasonable to use this date as the break date due to COVID-19. The empirical result from network analysis indicates a similar connectedness, or the network structure, in other words, among global financial markets in both the pre-and during COVID-19 pandemic periods. Moreover, we find evidence of market differences as the MSCI stock market plays a central role while Cryptocurrency presents a weak role in the global financial markets. The findings from the wavelet coherence analysis are quite mixed and illustrate that the comovement of the financial markets varies over time across different frequencies. We also find the main and most significant period of coherence and comovement among financial markets to be between December 2019 and August 2020 at the low-frequency scale (>32 days) (middle and long terms). Among all market pairs, the oil and commodity market pair has the strongest comovement in both pre-and during the COVID-19 pandemic phases at all investment horizons.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to determine whether Indian banks were able to weather the COVID-19 storm. We estimate banks’ deposits-generating and operating efficiencies using a two-stage directional distance function-based network data envelopment analysis (DDF-NDEA) approach and seek to capture the immediate impact of COVID-19 on these efficiency measures by comparing their magnitudes in the pre-pandemic (2014/15–2019/20), just 1-year prior to the pandemic (2019/20), and during the pandemic year (2020/21) periods. The study looks at whether the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was uniform across ownership types and size classes. The empirical findings suggest that the Indian banking system was resilient and withstood the immediate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. During the study period, however, the large and medium-sized banks experienced some efficiency losses. By and large, regardless of bank group, banks have shown resilience to the shock of the global health pandemic and improvements in efficiency.  相似文献   

A common goal of current research seems to uncover whether crowdfunding (CF) could be considered an effective way to support sustainability‐oriented initiatives in securing funding, due to diverging results emerging from literature. We claim that the objective of proving whether CF may benefit sustainability‐oriented initiatives could be misplaced; rather, we deem more fruitful to understand how critical are some attributes of products/services pursued within CF campaigns to benefiting sustainability‐oriented initiatives and increasing their odds of success in CF. We focus on food‐related projects as in this sector, sustainability issues apply more than to any other human activities and construct a unique sample of food CF campaigns launched and ended in the European Economic Area countries on the world's most popular reward‐based CF platform, that is, Kickstarter. We identify campaigns with a sustainability orientation and perform an in‐depth qualitative analysis, which allows us to classify them into meaningful clusters and subclusters. Our research suggests that the emphasis on egoistic/self‐centered product attributes, rather than on altruistic/society‐centered attributes, is generally more crucial to facilitate CF support to sustainability‐oriented projects. However, the emphasis on altruistic/society‐centered attributes emerges to be more beneficial for initiatives specifically supporting local products. Our results also suggest that reward‐based CF is not suitable for sustainability‐oriented projects targeting disadvantaged individuals/groups. These results offer both theoretical and empirical contributions to the literature as well as practical implications.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the connection between public equity fund characteristics and performance reactions to COVID-19 using data over 1300 equity funds across 105 Chinese fund companies. Empirical evidences from over 20 fund characteristics show that the liquidity, diversification and pre-2020 Sharpe ratio, fund management abilities, agency costs can determine the fund immunity to COVID-19. Based on these characteristics mentioned, our empirical results can explain why COVID-19-induced drop in fund performance is milder among open-end funds, active funds, ETFs, and growth funds, and also can explain why funds controlled by private companies or by sino-foreign joint ventures or by companies with more independent directors of financial experiences perform better in the pandemic. Our work also provides some valuable suggestions for investors and regulators confronting an exogenous shock.  相似文献   

In the FinTech era, other technological enterprises different from traditional banking are offering financial services (Zalan and Toufaily Zalan et al. Contemporary Economics, 11(4), 2017). Crowdfunding is a materialization of the evolution of entrepreneurial finance, permitting the raising of funds from a crowd of investors through online platforms. Crowdfunding is a rather new phenomenon, so literature is still incipient. This research aims to study crowdfunding as a financial instrument. For this reason, we will focus specifically on crowdfunding that generates a financial return- i.e., peer-to-peer lending (P2P) and equity crowdfunding (EC). This article looks into the documents published in the Tomson Reuters Web of Science on the field of financial return crowdfunding. Conclusions are drawn in terms of relevance of this burgeoning topic and suggestions for future research are put forward.  相似文献   

股权众筹是公司通过出让股份获得资金的一种融资方式,它的出现很大程度上解决了中小型企业融资难、融资贵的问题。但是近年来股权众筹的发展速度逐渐放缓,同时模式本身也暴露出了较高的投资风险。针对这些投资风险,论文从退出机制、外部审计和监管三个层面给出了相应的措施建议。  相似文献   

This article aims to find the best safe-haven for stock investors in the American market since the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. The research period covers March 2020–May 2022. Among the possible alternatives, we analyse the traditional ones: US bonds, gold, and silver, as well as the new ones: stable DeFi and CeFi coins, and most popular cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin and Ether. We study quantile coherency between S&P 500 and each asset and the respective conditional correlation. We show that the safe-haven properties of the assets varied over time and that centralized stablecoins could have been used as safe-haven against American stocks during the pandemics.  相似文献   

This study aims to describe the risk of the system composed on the market indexes of the countries that were more affected by COVID-19. Our sample encompasses the thirty-five countries with more cases and/or deaths caused by COVID-19 until November 2020. As a second contribution, we describe the risk of each market index individually. As a general pattern, we note that losses and individual and systemic risks peaked in March 2020. We verify that countries that were epicenters of the COVID-19 pandemic experienced critical levels of risk, which is partially explained by more stringent confinement measures since these are the ones whose labor markets will suffer more in the medium and long run. We perceived a market recovery, arguably due to the low-interest rates and expansive actions taken by central banks. Nonetheless, we also observed that the systemic risk returned to pre-pandemic levels at the end of 2020.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of COVID-19 pandemic crisis on the pricing efficiency and asymmetric multifractality of major asset classes (S&P500, US Treasury bond, US dollar index, Bitcoin, Brent oil, and gold) within a dynamic framework. Applying permutation entropy on intraday data that covers between April 30, 2019 and May 13, 2020, we show that efficiency of all sample asset classes is deteriorated with the outbreak, and in most cases this deterioration is significant. Results are found to be robust under different analysis schemes. Brent oil is the highest efficient market before and during crisis. The degree of efficiency is heterogeneous among all markets. The analysis by an asymmetric multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis (A-MF-DFA) approach shows evidence of asymmetric multifractality in all markets which rise with the scales. The inefficiency is higher during downward trends before the pandemic crisis as well as during COVID-19 except for gold and Bitcoin. Moreover, the pandemic intensifies the inefficiency of all markets except Bitcoin. Findings reveal increased opportunities for price predictions and abnormal returns gains during the COVID-19 outbreak.  相似文献   

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