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Every society's future lies in its youth, which can be considered a critical milestone for a nation's sociopolitical development. This research examines the young population attempting to identify and explores the students' perceptions about migration, their postulates, and the reasoning why so many students ultimately choose to emigrate. Data were collected in a questionnaire survey of 206 randomly selected students from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Some different multivariate analyses were performed to test the hypotheses. Other results were further discussed. Results show that the country's legal framework is a key reason for the prevailing poor living standard. This has resulted in a large number of youths leaving the country. Overall, both the legal framework (for both young entrepreneurs and women) and the overall standard of living (quality of life, well-being, salary, retirement, and education) are correlated with people choosing to emigrate. Furthermore, theoretical and practical implications are discussed. As far as we know, this is the first empirical study on this particular region that investigates the youth migration trends considered an important milestone for human capital development.  相似文献   

Language is at the heart of service interactions and a crucial element influencing the relationship between service provider and customer. As a specific form of symbolic capital, language can also be used to exclude and dominate. Our research looks at the role of language in shaping the power dynamic between service providers and customers in the Indian context. This study builds from extensive fieldwork conducted in the area of “new services”, following Indian gym trainers and coffee shop baristas as they interact with elite English-speaking clients. The findings detail how English operates as an invisible boundary in service settings, by excluding Indians who do not speak it with fluency. However, when used to develop expert knowledge, language also becomes an opportunity for lower middle class Indians to resist and invert the domination of the elite.  相似文献   

Conducting business operations at the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) have necessitated the need for multinational corporations (MNCs) to involve poor communities in production processes including management of critical supply chains. However, current research on the interface between supply chain management and BoP business operation is lacking. In analyzing three cases of BoP projects in the food industry this study addresses the question of how sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) applied to BoP projects can help MNCs to achieve their sustainability goals. Findings indicate that applying SSCM to BoP projects can complement economic, social, and environmental dimensions of sustainability. In particular, the BoP projects analyzed show viable paths for integrating the social domain of sustainability with general SSCM theory and practice. From the perspective of international business research, the findings help to link sustainability activities to MNC operations at the BoP. Accordingly, further research is needed to advance integration of these two research streams.  相似文献   

Guanxi is perceived as a major determinant for successful business in China. This research paper investigates the importance of Guanxi from the Hong Kong Businessmen's viewpoint. It confirms previous findings in this area and adds on new dimensions. Therefore, practitioners and academics may further refine their knowledge in this subject.Leung, T. K. P. is an Assistant Professor of Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He specializes in industrial marketing and marketing in China. His current research interests include issues in Guanxi, networking in China, and Chinese negotiation. He has published in referred journals related to the PRC market.Wong, Y. H. is an Assistant Professor at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He teaches courses in sales management and international marketing. His current research focuses on issues of relationship marketing and Guanxi model. His recent publications include articles in preferred journal and books.Wong, Syson was a lecturer of Hong Kong Polytechnic University and is now a business consultant. She specializes in quantitative methods and China business. Her current consultancy works include a big project in China.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the new approach of the Community in the area of services, namely the principle that every service — like every good — should be allowed to circulate freely in the entire Internal Market provided it meets the standards of EEC law and of the country of origin. There are some exceptions to this principle, especially in the insurance area (market segregation in the industry's interest). The paper points out that the new approach might endanger consumer protection of Member States unless adequate standards of the receiving country exist. ECLG makes a number of suggestions to overcome the lacunae left by the new approach, especially by opting for minimal harmonisation, by applying rules of private internal law under the Rome Convention, and by providing for safeguard clauses.
Verbraucher und Binnenmarkt für Dienstleistungen: Mängel der sog. neuen Konzeption der Gemeinschaft
Zusammenfassung Die Gemeinschaft versucht in Vewirklichung der Grundfreiheiten des durch die Einheitliche Akte geänderten EWG-Vertrages die Vollendung des Binnenmarktes auch im Dienstleistungsbereich. Dabei sind unterschiedliche Herangehensweisen denkbar, nämlich das Prinzip der Minimalharmonisierung, die Marktsegmentierung oder die sog. neue Konzeption. Letztere findet sich vor allem im Banken- und Rundfunkbereich; dancah soll es für den Marktzutritt im gesamten Binnenmarkt ausreichen, daß die (angeglichenen) Standards des Ursprungslandes eingehalten werden. Die ECLG befürchtet einen Abbau des Verbraucherschutzes bei einer konsequenten Durchführung dieses Prinzips und macht Gegenvorschläge. Diese beziehen sich auf eine verstärkte Durchsetzung des Prinzips der Minimalharmonisierung, auf die Notwendigkeit der Anwendung der Regeln des Internationalen Privatrechts nach dem Römischen Schuldrechtsübereinkommen von 1980, und durch Verankerung von Schutzklauseln.

The European Consumer Law Group (ECLG) is a group of lawyers and law scholars in the EEC and EFTA countries, concerned with legal aspects of consumer protection. Correspondence regarding the paper should be directed to: Professor Norbert Reich, Centre for European Legal Policy, Universitätsallee GW 1, D-2800 Bremen 33, Federal Republic of Germany.  相似文献   

A Hong Kong magazine Asiamoney declared recently that the selecting activity just ended "2004 best cash-management bank in Asia", Bank of China was elected as the "BestBank in China". This reward was voted and  相似文献   

This paper explores how marketing capabilities contribute to the international expansion of international new ventures, and influence their choice of entry mode. The study examines how marketing capabilities help international new ventures to use entry modes involving higher resource commitment in international markets. The proposed model was tested on country-level data from Spain. The results show that marketing capabilities contribute to a firm's decision to choose entry modes involving higher resource commitment in foreign markets. The paper also includes insights on antecedents of international new ventures’ choice of entry modes in foreign markets.  相似文献   

This paper presents the principal results obtained by applying the project- management approach to strategic planning and operations management of innovative start-up firms' key activities. This approach is used to implement Drucker's view of entrepreneurship as a systematic discipline and his recommendation that innovation be treated using his principle of systematic innovation.As is well known, the management of growth in an innovative start-up firm is a difficult problem facing that organization. During this particular stage of the firm's development, many interdependent activities need to be performed under the conditions of uncertainty and limited resources. In these cases, flexibility and contingency planning are necessary. The fact that there exists no generally accepted approach that an entrepreneur can utilize, however, results in chaotic situations in many such enterprises.The start-up firm cannot utilize the formalized management systems and procedures available and useful in large firms. In addition, a disorganized, chaotic, random management-decision process will seldom provide desirable results in such firms. Viewing the firm as a project to be managed with specific tasks, activities, precedence relations, durations, and milestones presents an opportunity to utilize project-management techniques, including the critical-path method (CPM).Recent research has demonstrated that project-management methodology and its computer- software applications are applicable to small, innovative start-up firms. By utilizing a microcomputer, one can analyze any start-up business for flaws in management or organization and can chart a more productive path for achieving the firm's strategic goals. Project management using computers is not new: it has been used for years for major aerospace, utility, and construction projects. Only recently, however, have microcomputers and software become inexpensive enough to allow small firms to utilize this approach.The project-management approach collects information about a start-up firm, including all of its planned activities consistent with its evolving business plan, and then utilizes a microcomputer and inexpensive, readily available project-management software to process the information collected. Among the outputs are a “GANTT chart,” which indicates when the various activities should begin and end; a “Job Report,” which provides the earliest and latest possible deadlines for starting and ending each activity; and a “Milestone Report,” which indicates when each key event is to be accomplished according to the strategic business plan. These status reports are extremely valuable to the CEO and to the management team as the firm is kept on course according to its strategic plan.This methodology has been applied to 20 innovative start-up firms in northern California, including a computer graphics company, a semiconductor-equipment manufacturer, and firms that develop software for professional athletes, educators, ophthalmologists, and radio-station managers. In addition, the project-management approach has been applied to plan and schedule Stanford University's current centennial fund-raising campaign.Results indicate that the CEO and the entire management team are able to plan, schedule, and control the innovative start-up firm's multiplicity of activities in a systematic way. The firm is also able to modify its strategic plan based on a review of its updated status reports and to modify its operations plans accordingly. Current research is under way to develop similar systematic methods for managing innovations in large organizations.  相似文献   

The Principle of Corporate Social Responsibility in Chinese Law
In China, a lot of ill-formed business activities exist, the good market order hasn't realized and the commerce hasn't reached the perfoect operating status. In addition to those, the personal and corporate credit systems haven't been completely established yet, the merchants still place their profit in primary position without considering the public interest or with less consideration, and the social problems caused by many companies with bad faith are more outstanding, so it is necessary to supplement and strengthen corporate social responsi.bility in Chinese Law.  相似文献   

Legendary"aromatic surface water"There was a beautiful legend passing on among the residents around Chenghai Lake in Lijiang.It was said that there was a stone on the island in the middle of the lake,on which the Sea God of Chenghai seated while preaching.When comes to the end of spring  相似文献   

Since foreign private equity (“PE”) firms first came to China in mid-1990s,they have not slowed down.As rainmakers,they have been participating in big deals changing the landscape of various industries in China.The high rate of return of foreign PE funds in China attracts more and more foreign PE firms to enter into China's PE market.However,as China's domestic PE firms are growing rapidly,foreign PE firms find that they are lost in a forest of rules and regulations which are not friendly towards them.  相似文献   

The paper seeks to make a contribution in addressing a theoretical gap related to how emerging middle class consumers utilize consumption as a classificatory practice. We adopted an interpretive approach and used the method of participant observation combined with in-depth interviews. Drawing from Bourdieu and Veblen, two main categories were used to explain the use of cruises as a means of classification: distinction and conspicuous consumption. It was found in addition to consumers classifying themselves in relation to others, they classify the time spent, space, artifacts, and the very experience of the cruise itself. The cruise simulates, for a short period of time, the life of the “leisure class,” with its attendant conspicuous consumption and waste.  相似文献   

This article reports on a study designed to investigate the nature of compulsive-like buying behavior in the general consumer population. A previously tested compulsive buying scale was administered to a sample of 190 consumers. As predicted by the hypotheses, compulsive buying tendencies correlate negatively with self-esteem and positively with the extent of irrational credit card usage. Several other findings are reported and discussed. Thus women are shown to be higher on compulsive buying than men. Also, compuslive buying tendencies correlate negatively with age and positively with one's susceptibility to social influence. Finally, the data suggest that early consumption experiences may affect significantly the extent of compulsive-like buying behavior. Areas where further research should be done are identified.
Eine Untersuchung zwanghafter Züge im Verhalten normaler Konsumenten
Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag faßt das Phänomen zwanghaften Kaufverhaltens als generellen Drang zum Einkaufen auf, der in unterschiedlicher Intensität auftreten kann und deshalb zwischen verschiedenen Konsumenten und zwischen verschiedenen Zeiten differenzieren kann. Nach diesem Verständnis empfinden zwanghafte Käufer einfach während der meisten Zeit ein höheres Ausmaß dieses Dranges. Berichtet wird allerdings über eine Studie, die zwanghafte Aspekte des üblichen Konsumentenverhaltens untersuchen will. Dazu wurde die von Valence, d'Astous und Fortier (1988) entwickelte Skala zur Erfassung zwanghaften Kaufverhaltens einer Stichprobe von 190 Konsumenten vorgelegt.Die Ergebnisse bestätigen die Hypothesen, daß die Tendenz zu zwanghaftem Kaufverhalten negativ mit Selbsteinschätzung und positiv mit unvernünftigem Gebrauch von Kreditkarten korreliert. Gerade dieses letzte Ergebnis weist auf die Notwendigkeit hin, anfällige Konsumenten über die potentiellen Gefahren von Kreditkarten zu informieren.Einige weitere Ergebnisse: Frauen haben eine stärkere Neigung zu zwanghaftem Kaufen als Männer. Gründe dafür können in der Tatsache liegen, daß Frauen generell mehr Einkaufsgelegenheiten haben, die zudem wichtige Gelegenheiten für Sozialkontakte darstellen können. — Die Neigung zu zwanghaftem Kaufen korreliert negativ mit dem Alter (, was mit anderen Befunden der Verbrauchersozialisationsforschung in Einklang steht,) und positiv mit der individuellen Empfänglichkeit für Umgebungseinflüsse, was mit einer sozialen Anpassungsfunktion des Kaufens erklärt werden kann. — Schließlich führen die Daten zu der Vermutung, daß frühe Kauferfahrungen das spätere Ausmaß zwanghafter Kauftendenzen signifikant beeinflussen können.

Alain d'Astous is Professor of Marketing at the Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada, J1K 2R1. The author would like to thank Sylvie Tremblay for her help in the data collection and analysis phases of this study and an anonymous reviewer for useful comments. Portions of this article were presented at the XVIIIth Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Athens, Greece, April 18–21, 1989.  相似文献   

On May 30, 2001, people of the China Eastern Airline wrote down a marvelous chapter inthe history of China civil aviation. In the morning of the day, MU588 from China Eastern flied15 hours and 35 minutes from Chicago toShanghai, for the first time to realize the dreamflying horn the United States to Shanghai without stop. In the air in North Pole, appeared theNo. 2380 aircraft of A340 flight for trial flying,successfully finished the flying task in NorthPole.The aircraft took a vertica…  相似文献   

China has implemented comprehensive industrial policies that originally had their origins in the command economy. It is argued in this case study that one characteristic of industrial policies in China involves government intervention at all levels, namely central, provincial, municipal, county, township and village. This article presents an in-depth examination of the role of provincial government in pursuing industrial polices and in constructing big businesses during the reform period. It draws the conclusion that even in the World Trade Organization (WTO) era, it is still feasible for provincial governments to manage the local economy and promote big businesses by allowing local firms to enjoy both economies of scale and subsidies.  相似文献   

正Philip Chapnick China Chief Representative of UBM,the former CEO of UBM Think Services DepartmentAs China's largest foreign exhibition organizers,the UBM(the United Business Media Limited)held more than 60 conferences and exhibitions in China annually.As the top of capital  相似文献   

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