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姜荣 《中国市场》2007,(45):98-99
文章首先介绍了供应链战略联盟的内涵和特点,然后介绍了供应链战略联盟存在的问题,最后提出了构筑供应链战略联盟的一些有效措施。  相似文献   

The Effect of National Culture on the Adoption of Innovations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Studies on the adoption of innovations by companies generally include micro-level and meso-level variables. This study adds to the literature by investigating the role of national culture (i.e. a macro-level variable) to explain differences in adoption rates across countries. In particular, we investigate the effects of the five Hofstede culture dimensions and the culture dimensions proposed by Hall on country adoption rates. Hypothesized effects were tested using a large-scale empirical study concerning the adoption of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software by mid-size companies covering ten European countries. Results indicate that variables describing national culture have a significant influence on the country adoption rates.  相似文献   

The authors study consumers’ process of adoption of a new loyalty card in a grocery retail context. More specifically, the authors simultaneously investigate the impact of attitudinal, behavioral, and socio-demographic variables on the likelihood of adoption and the time to adoption. They show that these variables differently affect the adoption likelihood and timing and demonstrate the importance of attitudinal measures of customer loyalty such as commitment to the store. This research confirms the so-called self-selection bias and extends it to the attitudinal dimension of loyalty. Some guidelines are proposed to increase the effectiveness of loyalty card program launches.  相似文献   

Electronic Meeting Systems (EMS) are intended to support group collaboration in completing tasks. While there have been many case studies and laboratory experiments on how EMS can support group tasks, large scale macro investigations exploring EMS adoption and use have been practically non-existent. Furthermore, while several barriers to EMS adoption and use have been suggested, their validation across organizations remains unexplored. We undertook a global initiative to explore information technology support for task-oriented collaboration in the US, Australia, Hong Kong, and Norway. In this paper, we focus specifically on assessing the adoption and use of EMS, and barriers to their adoption and use in organizations across the four regions. Our results suggest that EMS currently have limited adoption and are used infrequently across all the four regions. A further investigation into barriers to EMS adoption and use suggests that significant numbers of respondents do agree with a list of fourteen suggested barriers. However, while there is significant agreement between two countries (US & Australia) over how these barriers are ranked, there is no significant agreement between the remaining pairs of countries. Implications of our findings are discussed for practitioners and researchers.  相似文献   

本文针对目前我国中小企业信息技术采纳遇到的诸多问题,分析了中小企业的自身特点并提出通过推荐系统消除在信息技术采纳过程中产生的信息不对称现象,从而有效地帮助企业进行合理的信息技术采纳,降低信息化建设投资的风险,使中小企业在信息化建设中实现效益最大化。  相似文献   


This study extended current understandings of the relationships among domain specific innovativeness (DSI), the desire for unique consumer products (DUCPs), perceived new product characteristics (PNPCs), and Chinese consumers’ new product adoption behavior. It also investigated the indirect effect of vicarious learning behavior on Chinese consumers’ acceptance of new products. Data was collected in Shanghai, China. The results demonstrated that DSI and PNPCs were the primary drivers of new product adoption. The study also showed that PNPCs played a mediating role in the relationship between vicarious learning and the adoption of new products by Chinese consumers. The results confirmed the predictive power of DSI and how PNPCs affect Chinese innovative buying behavior. The results also suggest that PNPCs facilitate Chinese consumers’ new product learning behavior.  相似文献   

文章结合供应链管理理论及营运资金管理理论,从供应链管理运作管理的视角出发,深入分析影响企业采纳预付款融资的因素。基于来自全国717个企业的供应链金融调查数据,文章利用对二分类因变量进行回归建模的Logistic回归模型,对企业采纳预付款融资的发生概率进行拟合。研究结果表明,从融资企业资金需求的角度,供应商提供原材料的平均交付周期越长、企业所采购物料的价格波动越大,越倾向于采纳预付款融资来解决资金问题,维持企业正常运营。结合金融机构信用风险控制的考虑,相对于原材料价格波动小的企业,所在供应链信息化程度高对帮助原材料价格波动大的企业获得金融机构授信的作用更显著。同时,文章认为出于确保还款资金来源的考虑,金融机构更倾向于向原材料库存平均周转天数短的企业授信;由于融资企业引入外部金融机构资金带来了额外的融资成本,会激励企业更努力做好其原材料库存管理,缩短原材料库存平均周转天数,尽早预付款融资,降低融资成本。  相似文献   

在成本管理中,引入战略联盟思维理念,打破企业之间,企业内部成本与技术、管理等部门之间的界限,在不同的价值链范围之内,寻求资源优化组合与动态配置,构建具有战略联盟思维特点的现代成本管理思路。其中,开展内部成本协作联盟体以求成本协同效应,实施虚拟生产以减少投资和节约费用,组建基于管理信息系统的信息共享联盟以降低交易成本,以此来启示现代企业成本管理创新。  相似文献   

The partition of a pie model is integrated into a two-player difference game in state-space form with a finite horizon, in order to derive strategic bargaining outcomes in the framework of difference games. It is assumed that agreements are binding. In contrast to the model for the partition of a pie, the outcomes are not necessarily Pareto-efficient. For one-dimensional, linear-quadratic difference games, the subgame perfect bargaining outcome is unique, Paretoefficient, and analytically tractable. However, for higher dimensions the linear-quadratic structure breaks down and one has to resort to numerical methods.The authors thank Joseph Plasmans, Jacob Engwerda, and Herbert Hamers for valuable suggestions. A large part of this research is financed by the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research, grant 450-228-018.  相似文献   

王健 《商业研究》2003,(21):27-30
战略规划作为一个组织制定方向、明确目标、统一思想和谋求长远发展的一项系统活动,其重要性不言而喻。在阐述战略规划的定义、所包含内容及其重要性的基础上,系统地分析了其制定过程和在制定过程中的注意事项,在理论上为战略规划活动提出了一些方法和策略。  相似文献   

中国在成为”世界制造基地”的过程中,国内企业也在经济全球化进程中加快了国际化的步伐。所以选择和实施什么样的国际化战略,是当前中国企业要明确的关键问题。文章在对相关企业国际化理论评述的基础上,分析了全球化条件下我国企业国际化的特征及面临的问题,最后基于系统理论提出了相应的企业国际化战略体系。  相似文献   

引入ISO9000质量管理体系提升高校物业管理水平   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将ISO9000质量管理体系引入高校物业后勤管理工作,是提升物业管理效率、降低管理成本的必要手段,也是今后的发展趋势。制定切实可行的质量方针和目标,编制规范、完善的质量管理体系文件、制定企业培训措施,建立系统科学的监察、测评、考评制度,从而提高后勤管理工作的综合能力和管理水平,以适应ISO9000质量管理体系的要求。  相似文献   


Implementation of new technologies is a never-ending process that attempts to secure the best available tools to accomplish organizational goals. Previous studies on technology implementation discuss the technology adoption process and the multiple factors that are important for making this process successful. This study focuses on the adoption of web-based applications in the insurance industry. An in-depth investigation of relevant literature on the technology adoption process and data collected from insurance companies helped us identify the success factors for online insurance. Relevant factors include infrastructure flexibility, website availability, the degree of business integration, and company age.  相似文献   

本文认为,中医药产业是我国独具特色和优势的朝阳产业与新的经济增长点,也是最有可能成为世界医药高新技术板块中最具活力及容纳生命科学最新成果的重要领域.传统医药药食同源、无毒副作用的特点越来越为人们所关注,这为我国及山西省中医药产业的发展提供了巨大的市场空间.文章提出,作为我国五大中药材产区之一的山西省必须站在战略高度,抓住机遇,用科学的方法从宏观到微观、从外部到内部,层层深入,大力发展中医药产业.  相似文献   

发展生鲜农产品现代物流的战略选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文认为,生鲜农产品物流具有在进入市场初期需要介质,需要保持物流链中量的均衡,同时又受限于产品本身等特点。发展我国生鲜农产品现代物流,第一,要实施供应链战略,从生产者开始就融入供应链中,以提高效益。第二,要实施准时制战略,将生鲜农产品在其本身有机特性限定的时间内,送到最需要它的消费者手中。第三,要实施持续补货战略,不出现断档现象。第四,要实施普遍的增值服务战略,提供最短时间消耗以最大限度保鲜,清洁原料及合理包装以简化家庭操作,直接送达消费者手中等方面的增值服务。第五,要实施准确引导生产战略,控制供给量。  相似文献   

企业战略联盟不稳定性研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自20世纪80年代以来,战略联盟以惊人的速度增长,经受不住如此快速的发展,联盟的不稳定性一直维持在较高的水平上。战略联盟不稳定性的产生具有各种原因,对影响战略联盟不稳定性的各种因素进行全面的梳理,以利于对此问题的进一步研究。  相似文献   

我国企业战略联盟的发展探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在介绍战略联盟含义和分析战略联盟形成的原因的基础上,探讨了我国企业建立战略联盟应该着 重考虑的问题,以便成功的建立战略联盟,提高我国企业的国际竞争力。  相似文献   

试论企业战略理论的演变与新发展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
主要论述了自从本世纪60年代初开始研究企业战略近40年来,企业战略理论的演变与新发展。分析和介绍了以钱德勒、安德鲁斯、安索夫为代表的以环境、市场分析为基础的企业经典战略理论和以迈克尔·波特为主要代表的以产业结构、竞争优势分析为基础的现代企业战略理论。介绍了本世纪90年代才出现的两个新的企业战略理论,即核心竞争力理论和竞争力国家竞争力理论,并对企业战略理论的发展趋势作了分析和预测。  相似文献   

ISO9000标准体系科学地总结了世界各国对质量管理的基本规律.已成为国际上通用的质量管理标准体系。该标准体系在我国企业质量管理中发展迅速、研究甚多,但在我国教育质量管理中发展很慢,研究甚少。为了促进我国成人高等教育教学质量的快速提高,对我国成人高等教育教学评估体系构建中引入ISO9000标准的必要性和可行性进行了分析。  相似文献   

企业战略创新是企业维持竞争优势,提高竞争能力的必然选择,企业战略创新必须构建一套完整的战略创新行为机制,而其中的战略创新决策机制是战略创新成功的关键。为此,企业战略创新决策机制的研究无疑对企业的生存与发展具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   

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