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In a lab experiment setting, subjects exercised product choices in which country of origin and other variables were manipulated. Findings suggest that consumers are more wary of products from less developed countries when the financial risk is higher and when they are seeking a product with superior tangible attributes. However, within a given product class, manipulating price did not produce interaction effects with country of origin.  相似文献   

全球化对我国的影响是方方面面的,教育也不例外。外语教学作为教育的一个重要组成部分,也面临着前未有的机遇和挑战。在机会和考验面前,重要的是抓住机遇,深化改革,调整自我,改变自我,发展自我,迎接挑战。探索新形势下我国外语教学应采取的对策具有现实意义。  相似文献   

我国经济周期形成机制及反周期宏观经济政策分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
经济周期是现代市场经济中经济运行所不可避免的现象,本文首先利用经济增长速度将我国改革开放以来20年间宏观经济运行划分为四个周期,随后分析了我国经济周期的形成机制,并为克服当前经济周期波动提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

财务目标就是财务活动最终所要达到的目的和结果。随着市场经济的发展,科研事业单位的财务环境发生了根本性的改变,经费来源渠道逐渐呈多元化趋势发展,财务目标应确定为:积极拓展资金渠道,努力积累自有资金,实现自有资金最大化。体制改革处于一个探求的过程,科研事业单位要不断地拓展生存领域,就必然要注重资金的收益,这就是单位财务目标存在的基础。  相似文献   

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science - Importance-performance analysis is a tool which has been used in several contexts to transform research results into practical marketing actions. The...  相似文献   

基于开放式创新理论,探讨了如何有效利用全球创新资源,持续快速提升我国产业技术水平与自主创新能力.提出在经济全球化背景下,开放式创新是当前技术创新的重要特点,自主创新必然要走开放式创新之路.在开放式创新视角下,我国产业技术获取模式主要包括:继续通过吸收FDI引入先进技术,提升创新能力;我国企业积极向海外投资,获取反向的技术外溢效应;直接引入先进技术,完善消化吸收再创新机制;使用第三方技术供给.另外,还要完善国内软硬件环境建设,以此更好地吸引与利用全球创新资源.  相似文献   

Cross-cultural research in advertising: An assessment of methodologies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The volume of scholarly work in cross-cultural advertising has been increasing in recent years. This study examines empirical studies in this area from a methodological perspective. Cross-cultural research designs should include many critical facets that do not surface in studies involving single cultures. These facets are discussed within the context of cross-cultural advertising literature. It is apparent from this review that a sharper focus on cross-cultural research tools and considerations can strengthen studies of advertising, lead to more robust results, and increase validity and reliability. Both students and practitioners need meaningful and generalizable findings that will emerge only when strict methodological considerations are adhered to. His articles have appeared in theJournal of Marketing, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and others. His areas of interest include global new product development, entrepreneurship, and exporting.  相似文献   

居民消费价格指数是宏观经济分析和决策的重要统计指标,其准确与否至关重要.近年来我们通过不断完善编制方法制度、严格执行方法制度、科学合理组织实施、以及加强调查数据的检查和评估等措施,实现了对指数编制过程的全程质量控制.  相似文献   

电子支付系统中的网络效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在经济学的理论框架下,本文对“网络外部性”与“网络效应”进行了明确界定,并以电子支付系统为例,通过建立完全信息下的静态博弈模型,分析了网络效应对电子支付系统市场的影响。  相似文献   

Although data collection in conjoint analysis has traditionally involved the use of in-person interviews, recent years have seen a trend toward the use of alternative data collection modes, including mail questionnaires and telephone interviews. Since these alternative modes differ in environment, the author examines the predictive performance of conjoint models under three data collection modes, i.e., in-person interviews, mail questionnaire, and telephone interviews. The results indicate the conjoint models examined to be comparable in predictive, performance across the three data collection modes.  相似文献   

网络技术和经济促进了企业控制环境的变革、会计系统体系结构重组及企业内部控制程序的完善 ,同时也增加了安全控制的难度。相应的网络安全策略  相似文献   

税收筹划在发达国家已经构成居民和企业纳税、整体经营行为不可或缺的一个组成部分。垮因公司对于税收筹划更为重视。已成为其制定经营和发展战略的一个极其重要的内容。而在中国,税收筹划却是刚刚起步。通过对跨国公司进行税收筹划的一般方法的分析,试图对中国企业走出国门。从事国际筹资、投资、销售、采购、管理等经营活动时,如何进行国际税收筹划提出初步建议。以维护中国垮国公司的权益。  相似文献   

In this paper the concept of ‘political congeniality’ is concenved broader in scope than the conventional ‘political risk’ factor in international business. The impact of ‘political congeniality’ factor on overseas importers’ evaluations of the U.S. exporters' business practices was empirically evaluated. For this purpose, a comparison was made between the Spanish and Greek importers' perceptions, experiences and evaluations of the U.S. exporters' business practices. Research findings indicated some significant different between the two groups of importers, but the basic hypothesis of the study was supported only to a limited extent.  相似文献   

This article provides an assessment of the state of the field of marketing strategy research and the outlook. Using institutional theory, the authors develop an organizing framework to serve as a road map for assessing research in marketing strategy. Their assessment of the state of the field based on a review of extant literature suggests that significant strides in conceptual development and empirical research have been achieved in a number of areas. Several recent developments in the business world, including deconglomeration and increased organizational focus on managing and leveraging market-based assets such as brand equity and customer equity, suggest that marketing is likely to play a more important role in charting the strategic direction of the firm. However, the theoretical contributions of the field to the academic dialogue on strategy leave much to be desired. P. Rajan Varadarajan (Ph.D. University of Massachusetts, Amherst) is a professor of marketing and the Jenna and Calvin R. Guest Professor of Business Administration at Texas A&M University. His research interests are in the areas of corporate, business, and marketing strategy; marketing management; and global competitive strategy. His research has been published in theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, theAcademy of Management Journal, theStrategic Management Journal, Sloan Management Review, California Management Review, Business Horizons, and other journals. He is coauthor of a textbook entitled,Contemporary Perspectives on Strategic Market Planning. He served as editor of theJournal of Marketing from 1993 to 1996. He currently serves on the Board of Governors of the Academy of Marketing Science, as Chairperson of the Marketing Strategy Special Interest Group of the American Marketing Association, on the Editorial Review Boards of theJournal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and theJournal of International Marketing, and as an ad hoc reviewer for a number of journals in themarketing and management disciplines. In recognition of his research and publications, in May 1994, he was awarded the Texas A&M University Distinguished Achievement Award for Research, the highest honor the University bestows. Satish Jayachandran is a doctoral candidate in marketing at Texas A&M University. His research interests include competitive behavior of firms and the impact of organizational performance on subsequent managerial and firm behavior. His research is forthcoming in theJournal of Marketing and has been presented at American Marketing Association and Academy of International Business conferences. His professional experience spans sales and channels management in the computer industry and account management in advertising.  相似文献   

党的十八大报告提出,要建立健全重大决策社会稳定风险评估机制.探讨了建立税收政策社会稳定风险评估机制的积极意义,分析了建立完善风险评估机制的原则及需要重点关注的评估范围、内容和程序,提出了建立风险评估机制的具体措施.  相似文献   

在现行农村经营体制的制度背景下,针对中国农村实际,借助新古典经济学经济绩效的全面分析方法,可以建立一套有效的分析体系:然后,从生产绩效和分配绩效两个方面及其结合入手,通过分析农户这一市场主体,得出农户作为市场主体分配领域绩效高而生产领域绩效低,以致总体经济绩效低下的基本结论,从而为政府制定提高农业经济绩效最终解决“三农”问题的政策,提供较充分的理论依据。  相似文献   

Marketing concepts such as corporate identity, image, and branding are important strategies for nonprofit organizations. In particular, brand personality has been advocated by practitioners but has not been empirically investigated in the nonprofit context. According to social exchange theory and trust, the authors argue that nonprofit stakeholders perceive nonprofit organizations at an abstract level because of the organizations’ intangibility and social ideals. This study develops and refines a parsimonious measure of brand personality specifically for the nonprofit context. The authors conduct a series of six multimethod studies of nonprofit stakeholders to validate the role of brand personality in nonprofit organizations. The results yield four dimensions of brand personality for nonprofits: integrity, nurturance, sophistication, and ruggedness. Thus, current and potential donors ascribe personality traits to nonprofit organizations and differentiate between nonprofits on the basis of the organizations’ personality. Finally, nonprofit brand personality may influence potential donors’ likelihood to contribute. Beverly T. Venable (venable_beverly@colstate.edu; Ph.D., University of Mississippi) is an assistant professor of marketing at Columbus State University. Her research interests are in nonprofit marketing, branding, and ethics. She has published in theJournal of Business Ethics and several national and international proceedings. Gregory M. Rose (rosegm@u.washington.edu; Ph.D., University of Oregon) is an associate professor of marketing at the University of Washington, Tacoma. His research interests include consumer socialization and cross-cultural consumer behavior. He has published articles in theJournal of Consumer Research, theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, theJournal of Business Research, theJournal of Advertising, and theJournal of Consumer Psychology, as well as other journals and proceedings. Victoria D. Bush (vbush@bus.olemiss.edu; Ph.D., University of Memphis) is an associate professor of marketing at the University of Mississippi. Her research interests include cultural diversity in buyer-seller relationships, advertising ethics, and Internet marketing. Her research has been published in theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, theJournal of Advertising Research, theJournal of Advertising, theJournal of Public Policy and Marketing, andIndustrial Marketing Management, as well as other journals and proceedings. Faye W. Gilbert (faye.gilbert@gcsu.edu; Ph.D., University of North Texas) is a professor of marketing and dean of the J. Whitney Bunting School of Business at Georgia College and State University. Her research interests are in customer relationship management, health care marketing, and sales management. She has published in theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, theJournal of Business Research, theJournal of Retailing, Psychology and Marketing, as well as other journals and proceedings.  相似文献   

自1996年以来,我国已8次降息,面对央行的降息政策,商业银行已不再是步步紧跟,都出现了央行频繁降息与商业银行"惜贷"并存格局,表明在我国非均衡的贷款市场上,利率机制是弱效率的.为此,研究利率政策的效率机理及其改善途径,有利于充分释放降息带来的扩张效应,取得激活市场的预期效果.  相似文献   

动态竞争环境下战略管理的分析框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从外部环境到内部因素的关注、从静态资源到动态能力的分析,动态竞争理论将战略研究的重点转向企业间的竞争互动,注重企业战略管理过程中的行为特征;强调仓业战略管理过程中互动的动态特征.互动性、层次性、合作性及其柔性构成了战略管理的重要特征,这为企业在动态环境下构建持续竞争优势提供了一个新的战略思维模式.  相似文献   

面对人才竞争激烈的市场经济环境,公务员考核的公开透明已普遍受到社会的关注,公务员选拔考试的核心问题是如何对考生的个人素质进行综合评判,这是一个典型的模糊教学问题。利用AHP法,可全面评判考生的综合素质,为更好地选拔优秀人才,提供“量化”依据,具有广泛的实际意义。  相似文献   

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