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This article addresses which food security frames can be identified in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) post-2013 reform process, and which actors deploy particular food security frames. The concept of frames refers to relatively distinct and coherent sets of meaning attributed to a concept, such as food security. The article shows that in the European Union (EU) food security is a consensus frame which can be broken down in six conflicting and overlapping sub-frames and which has complicated the debates about the future of the CAP. We demonstrate that during the CAP-reform debates of 2009–2012 a variety of food security arguments were deployed by a broad range of stakeholders, who attached different meanings and made different claims about the relationship between the CAP and food security. Inductive frame analysis reveals that the consensus frame of food security can be broken down into six conflicting and overlapping sub-frames: (1) the productionist frame, (2) the environmental frame, (3) the development frame, (4) the free trade frame, (5) the regional frame, and (6) the food sovereignty frame. Each of these frames was invoked by a specific group of stakeholders, whereby the productionist and environmental frames were deployed most often. The European Commission, meanwhile, invoked various frames at the same time in its communications. As a result of these various framings of the relationship between the CAP and food security, a clear political vision on this relationship is lacking. We conclude that politicians and policymakers may need to develop a coherent vision on what food security entails, and on how the CAP could contribute to both European and global food security.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of direct payments and rural development measures of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) on employment in agriculture. We work with a dynamic labour demand equation augmented by the full set of policy instruments of the CAP, which is estimated on a panel dataset of 69 East German regions. We present results for four estimators which differ in how they eliminate the fixed effects and how they address the endogeneity of the lagged dependent variable. The results suggest that there were few desirable effects on job maintenance in agriculture. While there is some indication that investment subsidies have halted labour shedding on farms, a rise in the general wage level reduced labour use in agriculture. Changes in direct payments had no employment effects. Generally, labour adjustment exhibits a strong path dependency.  相似文献   

一、农村能源发展现状二十世纪八十年代末,在全国范围内曾进行过一次农村能源利用调查,调查表明,农村居民生活用电(炊事、取暖)以及农村产品加工,如制茶、烤烟叶等,主要靠烧薪柴和秸秆,有些地方烧砖瓦也用薪柴。据估计,全国年耗生物质能实物量高达6亿吨,其中薪柴2.4~2.6亿吨,这是我国生态环境遭受破坏,水土流失和荒漠化加剧的主要原因。2000年,对全国农村居民生活用能又作了一次调查,据估计农村能源消耗总量达3.7亿吨标准煤,其中薪柴占21.76%,秸秆占33.41%,煤炭占31.9%,电力占9.31%,成品油占2.04%,液化气、沼气等占1.58%。全国农村居民每年…  相似文献   

愿景是由英文“vision”翻译而来。目前,对“vision”有愿景、远景、景象等多种译法,但都不如“愿景”更能够贴切地反映“vision”的原意。愿景包含着两层内容:其一是“愿望”,指有待实现的意愿;其二是“景象”,指具体生动的图景。在解释愿景时,西方有本教科书曾用了一幅漫画,画中一只小毛毛虫指着它眼前的蝴蝶说,那就是我的愿景。  相似文献   

在世贸组织后过渡期,我国对外贸易的环境条件已经发生了深刻的变化。如何在世贸组织的框架下,选择合理的农产品贸易政策,进一步扩大我国农产品对外贸易,促进国内农业的持续健康发展,是我国需要迫切解决的问题。本文在对世贸组织农业协议基本框架以及世贸组织后过渡期我国农产品贸易保护政策选择的内外部环境条件进行分析的基础上,提出我国农产品贸易保护政策的一些建议。  相似文献   

农业发展银行作为我国惟一一家农业政策性银行。势必受到“入世”后金融业逐步放开的影响,具体而言,既有作为“银行”而受到的经营环境,服务理念、制度、技术等方面的直接影响,也有因其“农业政策性”而受到的诸如业务范围、资产质量、经营效益等方面的间接影响,农发行应在做好收购资金封闭管理工作的前提下,从发展的角度去完善机制,改革用人制度,加强国际合作,转变单纯对粮棉流通环节的支持方式,从增强农业后劲、提高农业综合生产力的角度充分发挥农业政策性银行的支农、护农作用。  相似文献   

难忘的1998即将过去,1999作为本世纪的最后一个年头正向我们走来。1999年将是按照党的十五大战略部署,加快推进改革开放和现代化建设十分关键的一年;也是煤炭工业在新的管理体制下深化改革,调整结构,强化行业管理,开创工作新局面的重要一年。回首过去,...  相似文献   

Climate has obvious direct effects on agricultural production. The reverse is more apparent than ever as greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture are tallied. The development and effective diffusion of new agricultural practices and technologies will largely shape how and how well farmers mitigate and adapt to climate change. This adaptation and mitigation potential is nowhere more pronounced than in developing countries where agricultural productivity remains low; poverty, vulnerability and food insecurity remain high; and the direct effects of climate change are expected to be especially harsh. Creating the necessary agricultural technologies and harnessing them to enable developing countries to adapt their agricultural systems to changing climate will require innovations in policy and institutions as well. Potential constraints to innovation involve both the private and public sectors in both developing and developed countries. The process of transferring agricultural innovations across agroecological and climatic zones is often subject to agronomic constraints. Often, the most binding constraints occur at the adoption stage, with several factors that potentially impede poor farmers’ access to and use of new technologies. Based on discussions of these constraints, we derive six policy principles and use these principles to suggest several specific investments and policy priorities.  相似文献   

天然气合成润滑油发展前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天然气合成润滑油具有饱和烃含量高、黏度指数高、清洁、价格低等特点,是理想黏度等级的润滑油基础油。制造工艺主要有水蒸气改质法、部分氧化法和自热改质法三种。随着天然气工业的发展,天然气合成润滑油将对高黏度基础油和传统质量的基础油带来极大压力,具有广阔的前景。  相似文献   

Noll overstates the case for the failure of video telephony. This paper reviews research on the use of video in business and at home. Improvements in algorithms, costs, standards and data transport are overcoming technological barriers. Recent field trials show sustained use of video phones and the emergence of novel applications that extend the medium beyond conventional interpersonal communication, including the use of video as data, to access multimedia services and to sustain organizational awareness. In residential settings the dominant use of video telephony is likely to be for routine social calls, for which video is especially suited.  相似文献   

“十一五”规划已经入局,电力发展将进入新的阶段。今后五年,我国社会经济仍保持较快发展态势,但基调是以转变经济增长方式为主线的科学发展,即由过去的高投入、高污染、高消耗的增长方式转变到主要依靠科技进步、不断降低能耗的增长方式。中央所确定的经济工作方针政策,对电力工业未来的发展,将产生深刻影响。  相似文献   

对中东石油发展前景的预测   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在当前高油价下,石油产量“顶峰论”、“石油枯竭论”再度盛行,引发人们对世界石油前景的深思和对石油发展战略方向的讨论。尽管有人对作为世界主要石油生产和出口区的中东的石油前景作出了悲观论断,然而有一个事实不能忽略:新技术和新工艺的采用不仅可以减缓油田产量的下降,还可以使已进入“壮年期”的油田得以长期稳产甚至增产。基于对中东不同类型产油国油气开发阶段的客观分析和根据相关参数所作的产量预测,可以得出结论:中东的石油前景不是“黄昏的落日”,中东的石油产量远未达到“顶峰”。由于中东产油国长期执行“限产保价”政策以及部分国家战火连绵,中东的很多地区勘探程度不够。加大投资力度、提高技术水平、使石油政策向有利于石油开发的方向调整等是中东石油生产获得进一步发展的关键因素。  相似文献   

德国 MSK 包装技术集团是一家薄膜包装设备专业生产厂家,最近成功地向墨西哥著名的家电制造商 Mabe公司的Saltillo工厂提供了两套高速拉伸套膜包装生产线。Mabe是通用电器公司下属的一家子公司,也是墨西哥最大的家电制造商之一,公司所属的Saltillo工厂制造的洗衣机广泛分销于墨  相似文献   

介绍了国际标准化组织天然气技术委员会(ISO/TC193)的成立背景,10年来该组织机构变化状况,以及标准化工作的发展动向.同时,对我国天然气工业的“采标”工作提出了一些看法.  相似文献   

The substantial changes that are taking place in the organization of the UK public sector are transforming traditional patterns of industrial relations based on centralized and institutionalized collective bargaining. Whether the trade unions can successfully respond to this process will be of prime importance for the future development of industrial relations in the public sector. The paper considers recent evidence of the impact of decentralization on union organization in four hospital units. The research findings suggest that there is a growth in union activity as a result of the process of decentralization, but that the effectiveness of unions is likely to vary considerably between hospitals.  相似文献   

生物质发电现状 生物质能源是太阳能以化学能形式贮存在生物中的一种能量形式,遍布世界各地,其蕴藏量极大,仅地球上的植物,每年生产量就相当于目前人类消耗矿物能的20倍,或相当于世界现有人口食物能量的160倍。我国拥有丰富的生物质资源,理论生物质资源约50亿吨左右。目前,可供利用开发的资源主要为生物质废弃物,包括农作物秸秆、薪柴、禽畜粪便、工业有机废弃物和城市固体有机垃圾等。  相似文献   

考虑到国内外经济环境的新变化 ,作者认为 ,2 0 0 0年我国经济发展前景会略好于 1 999年。 2 0 0 0年要继续坚持扩大内需政策取向 ,深化经济体制改革 ,推进非国有经济的发展 ,关注解决失业、扩大就业等问题  相似文献   

Frank Long 《Food Policy》1982,7(2):157-158
The Special focus section of Food Policy has often included articles describing the process of land reform or calling for land redistribution in specific countries, notably Nigeria and Zimbabwe. This article puts a general case for the redistribution of land, calling on research in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Arguments for land reform in the Caribbean stem from the existence of fragmented plots of land which need to be consolidated to make small farms more efficient; the need to make idle land from the plantation sector available to the farming population; and, the need to increase the involvement of farmers and the rural poor in rural development.  相似文献   

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