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本文选取1990—2015年金砖国家和发达国家两个年度面板数据,采用动态面板系统广义矩估计(System GMM)方法并使用额外工具变量,对比分析了金砖国家的对外直接投资经济增长效应。本文主要解决两个问题:一是以往模型中存在的解释变量内生性问题;二是样本选择问题,以往研究没有将发达国家与发展中国家区分开来,导致处于不同发展阶段的国家的具体效应不明确。本文得到的主要结论是:发达国家对外直接投资对经济增长具有显著正向效应,且作用迅速;金砖国家对外直接投资对经济增长的促进作用并不明显,但国际贸易对其具有显著的促进作用。因此,我国通过"金砖+"扩展金砖合作"朋友圈",探索适合金砖国家和发展中国家进行对外投资和国际贸易的方式,同时构建面向全球的自由贸易区网络,对我国经济持续增长具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本文利用2003—2013年33个国家和地区的面板数据对我国对外直接投资的影响因素进行了计量分析,通过使用Ward聚类分析法将这些国家和地区划分为3类:发达国家和地区、资源禀赋型发展中国家、经济增长较快的发展中国家,对这3类国家和地区分别进行回归。研究结果表明,我国对外直接投资具有较强的资源寻求型动机,我国对发达国家的对外直接投资与其市场规模具有显著的负向关系,同时我国对东道国的出口与我国对该国的直接投资有较为显著的正向关系,与出口的关系则较为微弱,人民币的升值和东道国对待外资的欢迎态度以及我国对东道国的贸易顺差,可以有效地促进我国的对外直接投资。  相似文献   

在全球经济一体化背景下,企业对外直接投资行为的兴起激发了国内外学术界对其动机的研究。发展中国家和发达国家由于市场发展程度存在较大的差别,企业对外直接投资动机也大相径庭。通过对比归纳发现,发达国家企业对外直接投资动机较为集中,受东道国因素影响较多并大多有市场推动;而发展中国家企业对外直接投资动机较复杂多样,主要受母国因素影响且政府政策推动具有较大作用。这一比较研究也表明,在我国针对企业对外直接投资经济影响的研究中,应先考虑并区分不同动机企业对外直接投资产生的差异化结果。  相似文献   

研究我国出口在不同经济体间的分布以及对外直接投资对出口的影响,对于转变我国对外贸易增长方式、塑造对外开放新优势具有重要意义。本文采用贸易增加值方法测算我国对发达国家和发展中国家增加值出口差异,并探讨对外直接投资对我国增加值出口差异性的影响。研究发现:对外直接投资有利于缩小我国出口空间差异,主要是对外直接投资在发达国家和发展中国家的贸易创造效应,而非贸易转移效应发挥作用。基于此,应发挥对外直接投资在提升我国全球价值链地位中的重要作用、加强与发展中经济体合作、持续深化高水平对外开放。  相似文献   

试论我国对外直接投资的主要问题和对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> 一、我国对外直接投资存在的主要问题 1.对外直接投资和我国整体经济实力及在世界上的经济地位不相称。国际直接投资理论界认为一国的对外直接投资与其国内经济发展水平和吸收国外直接投资量有一定关系。根据(世界经济)杂志社1999年的统计资料,主要发达国家对外直接投资的流入额与流出额之间的比率为1:4.49,即在引进1个单位直接投资的同时,向外直接投资4.49个单位。发展中国家该比例为1:0.47,而我国的对外直接投资的比例仅为1:0.09,这不仅与发达国家而且与其他发展中国家相比也相差甚远。我国综合国力位居世界第七,也是世界上吸收外资数量最多的发展中国家。鉴于此,我国的对外直接投资的比例理应高于世界平均水平,但实际恰恰相反,  相似文献   

本文选取中国对外直接投资的140个国家或地区的投资数据作为样本,运用投资引力模型分析影响我国对外直接投资区位选择的各种因素,发现中国对发达国家的投资具有战略资产寻求和金融发展寻求动机,对发展中国家的投资具有寻求其劳动力成本较低的动机和市场寻求动机,对欠发达国家的投资动机不明显,中国在制度寻求上对发达国家和发展中国家的OFDI表现出不同的安排。以上结论为中国企业的对外直接投资提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

中国对外直接投资的发展及未来趋势   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
李洪江 《商业研究》2004,(5):143-145
中国对外直接投资正处于迅速发展时期 ,这对于中国参与经济全球化具有重要的意义。中国对外直接投资表现出发展中国家对外直接投资初期的典型特征 ,然而中国的对外直接投资仍然具有比较优势。只要中国企业积极参与经济全球化 ,发挥并积累竞争优势 ,中国企业的国际化将会健康、快速的发展。  相似文献   

近年来发展中国家跨国公司对外投资迅速发展,尤其是对发达国家逆向投资快速增长,发轫于美国的全球金融经济危机又为发展中国家跨国公司对外投资提供契机,然而出于劣势的发展中国家的跨国公司如何获取更大的成功?本文基于价值链对发达国家跨国公司与发展中国家跨国公司对外直接投资进行了比较分析,并利用价值链的原理对发展中国家对外逆向直接投资提出政策建议。  相似文献   

中印对外直接投资比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着经济全球化的发展,发展中国家已掀起对外直接投资的热潮。我国和印度作为发展中国家的代表,对外直接投资已有惊人的突破与发展。本文分别从投资方式和投资区位这两个角度对中印对外直接投资的特征进行比较研究,文末提出了我国吸取借鉴印度对外直接投资发展经验的对策建议。  相似文献   

当前我国已经成为全球重要的海外投资者。发展中国家目前是我国对外投资的主体,民营企业对外投资正在崛起,对外投资企业承担社会责任的要求会进一步提升。随着中国整体经济实力的增强和产业结构的转型升级,中国企业对外投资将逐步更多地向发达国家转移。本文认为,未来应将支持与引导民营企业、提升企业承担社会责任能力等措施作为政策的着力点。一、我国对外直接投资的发展趋势(一)对外直接投资总体实现跨越发展  相似文献   

This paper quantifies and analyses the extent of restrictions on inward foreign direct investment (FDI) in the service sector in developed and developing countries. Services account for an increasing share of global FDI. Recognition of the economic benefits of FDI clashes with nationalistic economic, political and national security concerns about foreign takeover of ‘strategic’ sectors, such as telecommunications, finance and transport. Consequently, almost all countries impose restrictions on FDI in services. Several different types of restrictions are considered: limitations on foreign ownership, screening or notification procedures, management restrictions and operational restrictions. These restrictions on FDI are computed at the industry level and then aggregated into a single measure for the service sector as a whole for 23 developed and 50 developing countries. Notwithstanding the worldwide trend towards liberalisation of restrictions, there remain substantial disparities between regions and individual countries in the severity of restrictions on inward FDI in services. The lowest restriction scores are in Europe and Latin America, whereas East Asia, South Asia and the Middle East have the highest levels of restrictions. The evolution over time of FDI restrictions is also presented for developed countries over the period 1981–2005, showing liberalisation in all countries, especially since the early 1990s, although to varying extents across countries. The severity of restrictions also differs considerably by sector, with electricity, telecommunications, transport and finance most restricted. The paper also finds a strong negative correlation of restrictiveness with inward stocks of FDI in services, suggesting that restrictions impede FDI.  相似文献   

Previous studies find that a trade treaty positively impacts foreign direct investment (FDI). But does a trade treaty always have positive effects on FDI? What is the effect of bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) on bilateral FDI among developed countries? Based on the Knowledge‐Capital model, I hypothesize that bilateral FTA has negative effects on bilateral FDI in developed–developed country pairs, but positive effects in developed–developing country pairs. To test this hypothesis empirically, I conduct the within estimator, the Difference‐in‐Difference estimator and the Arellano–Bond estimator with panel data of bilateral FTA and outward FDI in 30 OECD countries and 32 non‐OECD countries between 1982 and 2005. The result supports the hypothesis. The existence of bilateral FTA decreases bilateral FDI in the OECD–OECD country pairs but increases bilateral outward FDI in the OECD–non‐OECD country pairs. The finding of negative effects of bilateral FTA on FDI is robust to different country classifications by gross national income (GNI) per capita and secondary school enrolment. Hence, the results are consistent with what Carr et al. (2001) predicts about the effects of trade cost on FDI in developed–developed country pairs and in developed–developing country pairs.  相似文献   

亚洲发展中成员国服务贸易竞争力及影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
亚洲发展中成员国在发展中国家中有着举足轻重的地位,而其相对较强的服务贸易竞争力为亚洲进一步快速发展提供了契机。在理论分析影响服务贸易竞争力因素的基础上采取面板数据模型进行了实证分析,表明发展中成员国的服务贸易竞争力与经济增长、服务业水平、服务业基础设施水平、人力资本水平、政府财政支出规模正相关,与货物贸易水平和外商直接投资水平负相关,并据此提出了应对措施。  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of greenfield foreign direct investment (FDI) and cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) on government size in host countries of FDI. Using panel data for up to 130 countries for the period from 2003 to 2011, the study specifically tests the compensation hypothesis, suggesting that by increasing economic insecurity, economic openness leads to larger government size. It is found that greenfield FDI increases labour market volatility and thereby economic insecurity while M&As are not significantly associated with labour market volatility. The main results of this study are that greenfield FDI has a robust positive effect on government size, while M&As have no statistically significant effect on government size in the total sample of developed and developing countries, as well as in the sub-samples of developed and developing countries.  相似文献   

For FDI to help alleviate absolute poverty and stimulate economic growth in developing countries, two conditions have to be met. First, developing countries need to be attractive to foreign investors. Second, the host‐country environment in which foreign investors operate must be conducive to favourable FDI effects with regard to overall investment, economic spillovers and income growth. This paper argues that it is more difficult to benefit from FDI than to attract FDI. The widely perceived concentration of FDI in few developing countries tends to obscure that, in relative terms, various small and poor countries are fairly attractive to FDI. Yet, the mobilisation of domestic resources remains by far, more important than attracting FDI for financing investment and stimulating economic growth. Furthermore, high inward FDI is no guarantee for poverty alleviation and positive growth effects. In particular, the empirical evidence suggests that host‐country conditions typically prevailing in poor countries, including weak institutions and an insufficient endowment of complementary factors of production, constrain the growth‐enhancing and poverty‐alleviating effects of FDI. The crux is that creating an environment in which FDI may deliver social returns will take considerable time exactly where development needs are most pressing.  相似文献   

This study investigates the factors that affect South Korean outward foreign direct investment (FDI) in developing countries. Most previous studies focus on monadic factors and do not consider how and to what extent bilateral relationships between South Korea and the host countries affect the investment decisions of Korean firms. The current study finds that interstate factors such as South Korea's international investment treaties with and official development assistance to host countries have positive effects on FDI to these countries, while presidential visits have strong and statistically significant effects on FDI only in countries located in non-Asian regions, especially the African continent. The findings suggest that the effects of bilateral relations on South Korea's FDI vary depending on the geographic location of the host country.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the simultaneous causal relationship between investments in information and communication technology (ICT) and flows of foreign direct investment (FDI), with reference to its implications on economic growth. For the empirical analysis we use data from 23 major countries with heterogeneous economic development for the period 1976–99. Our causality test results suggest that there is a causal relationship from ICT to FDI in developed countries, which means that a higher level of ICT investment leads to an increase inflow of FDI. ICT may contribute to economic growth indirectly by attracting more FDI. Contrarily, we could not find significant causality from ICT to FDI in developing countries. Instead, we have partial evidence of opposite causality relationship: the inflow of FDI causes further increases in ICT investment and production capacity.  相似文献   

南京实施经济国际化战略已经10年,但从外贸依存度、资本国际化、制造业发展水平与状况等方面考察发现,南京的战略实施虽取得良好绩效,却仍处于相对低的水平.我国城市实施经济国际化战略要取得好的绩效:必须调整目标定位,建设科技型创新城市;调整利用外资的功利目的,重视引进世界先进技术;调整政府宏控重点,完善城市经济国际化的政府引领机制;调整市场规制方向,完善市场法规与保障制度.  相似文献   

本文在剖析服务业FDI促进经济增长作用机制的基础上,对服务业FDI与服务业经济增长的关系进行实证研究。研究结果显示,服务业FDI对服务业经济增长具有显著促进作用,表明服务业FDI通过产业聚集效应、公共服务创造效应以及服务贸易效应对服务业经济的发展施加积极影响。另外,服务业国内投资对服务业经济的拉动作用还有很大的提升空间,在服务业发展过程中应重视与提高内资对服务业发展的作用,实现服务业FDI与服务业国内投资对服务业经济增长的协同推动。  相似文献   

我国对外直接投资的区位选择——基于投资动机的视角   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从对外直接投资动机的视角,采用54国2003-2006年的面板数据,在对样本国聚类的基础上考察了我国对外直接投资区位选择的影响因素。发现在控制了东道国治理基础和双边贸易量后,对我国直接投资而言,发达国家的区位优势在于较高的科技水平,而发展中国家则在于丰富的矿产能源禀赋或潜在的国内市场。同时,发达国家的市场对我国直接投资并不具有吸引力,而在对一些资源丰富的发展中国家进行投资时市场因素的作用也不明显。  相似文献   

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