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There is an urgent need for meaningful information and effective public processes at the local level to build awareness, capacity, and agency on climate change, and support planning and decision-making. This paper describes a conceptual framework to meet these requirements by generating alternative, coherent, holistic climate change scenarios and visualizations at the local scale, in collaboration with local stakeholders and scientists. The framework provides a template for a process to integrate emission scenarios with both mitigation and adaptation strategies, and to link local manifestations of impacts and responses with global climate change scenarios. The article outlines the empirical application of this framework in the Local Climate Change Visioning Project in British Columbia, Canada. The project collaboratively localized, spatialized, and visualized possible climate change effects and community responses in the community's ‘backyards’. The article concludes with lessons learned and suggested principles for future visioning efforts to engage communities in possible policy and behavioural choices.  相似文献   

Natalie Collie 《Futures》2011,43(4):424-431
Stories, dreams, histories and myths, Michel de Certeau argues, connect people to particular places and makes place concrete and inhabitable. These narratives generate an imaginary, poetic geography that haunts the abstract city of street maps and development plans, and makes it socially meaningful. This paper is concerned with one particular kind of story-telling - science fiction - and its relationship with the city, urban planning, and questions of community engagement. The paper argues that the ‘cities of the imagination’ generated by science fiction and other forms of narrative provide a powerful means of understanding, communicating and enriching the connections to place in urban communities. Moreover, science fiction is often characterised by its ability to explore the future of cities. This gives the genre a fascinating and potentially useful resonance with urban planning as a discourse and set of practices; and, in particular, strategies for engaging communities in the design process and, thus, designing for future social sustainability. These ideas will be tested through a reading of near-future urban spatiality in the cyberpunk stories of William Gibson. The theorisation of the relationship between urban space and narrative in the work of de Certeau and other theorists will be used to help frame this discussion.  相似文献   


The institutional engagement and analysis needed to effectively integrate the requirements of equality legislation into participatory budgeting (PB) processes requires a transformational approach. Equality processes appear to exist in parallel with PB activity, rather than being operationalized as integral to the objectives and character of PB activity at local level. This paper proposes that PB and the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) in the Equality Act 2010 share a transformative intent and potential, but that this is undermined by siloed thinking on equalities and enduring discriminatory behaviour and practices. The paper concludes with propositions for aligning the conceptual links between equality and community empowerment and, thereby, participation in local financial decision-making in practice.  相似文献   

This paper explores the way in which ethico-faith-based rules act as a boundary object in constraining the process of financial innovation and engineering (FIE) in Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs). The paper examines how this faith-based approach is enacted in the FIE process amid different social worlds and groups that cooperate without consensus within IFIs. We contribute to studies of governance in faith-based organizations, by identifying the plasticity of faith-based rules that act as boundary objects in the governance of the FIE process. The plasticity of ethico-faith based rules allows coordination among local and global actors with intersecting faith-based values, logics, and interests. IFIs ensure that the products of FIE become an integral part of and as compatible as possible with the logics of global financial markets.  相似文献   

We investigate here the sensitivity of the equity values of a large sample of German financial institutions to movements in the term structure of interest rates. While similar approaches rely on a single interest rate factor only, we quantify the exposure to changes in level, slope, and curvature, which are the driving factors of term structure changes. Our main findings are: (i) banks and insurances are exposed to level and curvature changes but only marginally to slope movements; (ii) the interest rate risk exposure depends on the banking sector investigated; (iii) level and curvature changes are priced in the cross-section of stock returns.
Marco WilkensEmail:

This paper investigates the impact of banks' environmental engagement on their future stock price crash risk. Given the strong commitment of European institutions towards a low carbon economy, we focus on European banks, which are expected to be crucial actors in driving this challenge. Using a sample of 447 bank-year observations across 22 European countries from 2015 to 2021, we find a negative relationship between banks' environmental engagement and future stock price crash risk, in accordance with the signalling theory, suggesting that a high level of environmental engagement corresponds to high ethical standards of bank managers and high levels of financial transparency.  相似文献   

如何实现金融信息化?这是一个需要银行、保险、证券、税务等行业共同面对的课题。如何实现银行信息化?则需要人民银行和各商业银行以及IT企业一起回答。在日前召开的2002中国国际金融(银行)技术暨设备展览会上,银行数据大集中和管理信息化等话题成为备受关注的焦点。本刊特别刊发以几位银行系统高层管理者在第三届金融信息化发展论坛上的主题演讲为蓝本的精彩文章,以期与广大读者共同关注金融信息化的深层次问题,希望各界人士对此作进一步探讨。  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of employee treatment on family business innovation. Our empirical research shows that beneficial employee treatment can increase family business innovation input and output. Moreover, the empirical conclusions pass the robustness and endogeneity tests. An additional analysis shows that non-salary aspects of employee treatment can significantly increase the quantity and quality of innovation output; however, they have little to no impact on innovation input. Further, we find that the higher the levels of trust in society, trust in organizational decisions, and trust in co-workers are, the stronger is the role of employee treatment in family business innovation.  相似文献   

National pension systems are an important part of financial intermediation and worker welfare in most countries, but how and why do they differ internationally? Controlling for important political, economic and social institutions, we document that international differences in pension progressivity, or how pensions reflect lifetime earnings, are negatively related to masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, individualism, long-term orientation, employment rights, average pension levels, social trust and economic inequality. We also find that pension progressivity is positively related to the economic and societal role of women, the extent of Catholicism; as well as political voice and accountability. These results provide important insights for both public policy and MNC managers.  相似文献   

Using a broad sample of listed commercial banks in East Asia and Western Europe, this paper investigates the relations among concentrated control, a set of bank operating characteristics, and legal and regulatory regimes. We find that banks with concentrated control exhibit poorer performance, lower cost efficiency, greater return volatility, and higher insolvency risk, relative to widely held ones. We also document that legal institutions and private monitoring effectively reduce the detrimental effects of concentrated control and that official disciplinary power plays a weak governance role, whereas government intervention exacerbates the adverse effects. Further evidence shows that the relations between control concentration and bank operating characteristics are curvilinear and vary according to the types of controlling owners. Overall, our findings support the contention that country-level institutions play important roles in constraining insider expropriation, and that private monitoring mechanisms are more effective than are public rules and supervision in governing banks.  相似文献   

农业银行臃肿的组织体系已经严重制约着其经营层次的提升,实行"扁平化"组织机构体系改革是农行发展的内在要求.本文分析了农行组织机构改革的障碍和途径,为改革实践提供了理论参考.  相似文献   

In order to build prospective scenarios for biodiesel industry in Brazil, with a sustainable perspective, it was necessary to develop a cross-disciplinary work to include Sachs’ dimensions of sustainability into the scenarios method. This meant linking concepts from different disciplines, without transforming it in a new discipline. In order to support the proposition for the new method, a study case is presented, the framework for the biodiesel scenarios in Brazil, by 2030. An in-depth interview was used to test the proposition of having the sustainability dimensions as driving forces. The result was the identification of a critical uncertainty composed of various aspects related the response to climate change and environmental conservation. The scenario storylines that were developed based on the critical uncertainties showed that sustainable options for the future are possible if the mental maps are enlarged to see beyond the business as usual.The results show that the scenarios storylines go through social, environmental and economic aspects, supported by other aspects like the territorial and political. Also it showed that sustainable options are possible if the mental maps are enlarged to see beyond the business as usual.  相似文献   

This paper provides a framework for evaluating youth-led social change. The framework considers: seven topics (e.g., environment, human health and safety, and education); nine engagement types (e.g., volunteerism, research and innovation, and political engagement); six organizational types (e.g., advisory body, social enterprise, and individual); three strategies (socialization, influence, and power); and three scales of impacts (individual, community/inter-organizational, and national/international). Using this framework, empirical research provides evidence of how youth – defined as young people 15–24 years of age – have been agents of change in Canada over the 35 years from 1978 to 2012. A media content analysis of 264 articles, combined with frequency and chi-square tests, were completed to study the factors and the relationships among them. The results show a strong relationship between the impact and the strategy, topic, engagement type, and organizational type. The results also show a strong relationship between the strategy and the impact, engagement type and organizational type. The findings have implications for youth leaders and those who advocate for, work with, support, and educate them, and for those interested in evaluating social change efforts.  相似文献   

This study investigates the governance role of a country’s legal and extra-legal institutions in explaining the variations in firms’ cost of equity capital induced by concentrated ownership structures from 21 countries. Using four implied cost of equity proxies, the results show that the large ownership-control divergence of the ultimate owner has a positive and significant impact on the firm’s cost of equity capital. The finding lends support to the entrenchment effect in that the concentrated ownership structure increases the firm’s external financing cost. Further analyses demonstrate that the higher equity cost induced by the ultimate ownership structure is significantly reduced by a country’s stronger legal and extra-legal institutions, highlighting the governance role played by a country’s institutions in reducing the firm’s external financing cost.  相似文献   

We identify two types of momenta in stock returns—one due to returns relative to other stocks and one due to firm-specific abnormal returns, where abnormal is determined by a stock's idiosyncratic return variation. Despite similar performances over the first year, these momentum portfolios perform dramatically differently beyond year one. Relative-return momentum reverses strongly; abnormal-return momentum continues for years. This complexity in return momentum challenges the current theories of momentum. We propose that both momenta are consequences of agency issues in the money management industry and provide empirical support for this economic rationale of momentum in returns. Incentives induce institutions to chase relative returns and to underreact to firm-specific abnormal returns.  相似文献   

Problem bank loans, conflicts of interest, and institutions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I consider problem bank loans as the outcome of decisions made by banks in the dual role they serve as financial intermediaries. This dual role necessarily introduces conflicts of interest that can lead to bank mismanagement and consequently problem bank loans. Because bank activities take place within the tangible and intangible structure of institutions, institutions may affect the quality of bank loans. I consider legal, political, sociological, economic, and banking institutions and explore their contribution to problem bank loans. I find support that a variety of institutions impact the share of bank assets that are non-performing.  相似文献   

National economic culture has an indirect influence on accounting at the national level through the mediating variable of institutions. The relationships are evaluated using measures of national economic culture from Culture, Leadership, and Organizations: The GLOBE Study of 62 Societies (House et al., 2004); measures of institutions from the World Bank (Kaufmann et al., 2007); and measures of national accounting from the Financial Standards Foundation (2008). At the national level, institutions are found to mediate the relationship between economic culture variables and accounting. The empirical findings indicate that accounting in a given nation is linked to the nation's supporting institutions, which institutions in turn are influenced by the national economic culture of those who maintain them. This suggests that altering aspects of accounting within a nation can be expected to entail much more than formal adoption of standards, principles, or innovations. Institutional adjustments must be made and the impact of national economic culture must be understood and appropriately addressed.  相似文献   

世界经济的发展历程显示,历次全球或区域性经济格局的重大变迁,都将催生新兴的国际金融机构。同时,一国在国际金融制度领域的影响力及其货币的国际化程度直接影响其国际地位。在世界经济格局的变迁进程中,中国推动和倡议建立金砖国家开发银行(简称:金砖银行)和亚洲基础设施投资银行(简称:亚投行)等新兴金融机构,对改善现有国际金融秩序,促进世界经济持续、协调增长,以及提升中国的国际经济地位具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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