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关于零售业态的异向思维   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
零售业态演化并不是遵循着此消彼长,新旧更替的规律,各种业态都具有明确的分工和特定的市场定位,它们之间不是一种相互取代的关系,而是一种互补的关系。随着社会经济的发展,零售业态将更趋于多元化和多样化。  相似文献   

我国零售业态演化的动力机制与趋势特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济体制改革进程的深入,我国零售业态演化呈现出多元化、多样化的发展态势,并由传统百货店向连锁经营、购物中心演化.本文在总结既有研究的基础上,分析了我国零售业态演化的双驱因素概念模型与趋势特征,试图高度概括地揭示其演化的动力机制、规律与趋势.  相似文献   

新型城镇化的历史进程为零售业态演化创新研究提供了更为宽阔的视角,本文通过深入分析新型城镇化的特点,结合国内外学者对于促进零售业态演化创新因素的研究,总结了新型城镇化引致零售业态变革的三个关键因素:商业聚集、消费需求变革和城市布局的完善。并根据新型城镇化的实践和这三方面因素的变化,分析了零售业态演化创新的总体趋势:差异化趋势更为明显、梯次化分布格局扭转、业态融合化发展。  相似文献   

零售业态演化规律的理论探讨   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本首先介绍了主要的五种零售业态演化的理论,然后指出有关理论的两点不足:一是它们只研究了零售业态的单体问题,而对零售业态群体问题没有进行研究,二是零售业态的生命周期理论解释得并不完善,同时,对由此产生的一些错误的说法和判断进行纠正。  相似文献   

近年来,便利店作为一种新兴的零售业态在国内发展很快,尤其是在北京、上海、广州等地,便利店已经初步形成了竞争态势。正是由于便利店方便、快捷等诸多特点,能够满足现代人的购物需求,因而将成为未来最具发展前景的零售业态之一。然而,国内的便利店几乎是处于全行业亏损的状态,究其原因,最关键的一点就是国内便利店没有明确的定位。本文将从零售业态的演化角度来分析便利店该如何定位,并提出建议。  相似文献   

零售业态变迁经典理论综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方国家的零售业态经历了五次业态变革,业态发展已经非常成熟,许多学者对零售业态的变迁作出了解释。了解西方经典的零售业态变迁理论,有助于研究我国零售业态的发展,为我国零售业态的变迁提供理论依据,使得我国的零售业态发展更为合理。  相似文献   

零售业态演化:基于组织能力视角的理论分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
零售业态演化有其内在的规律性,那么,业态演化的原始动力是什么?一种业态是如何产生和转化为主流业态的?为什么有的业态并没有衰退?理论界对上述问题并没有有力的解释.文章尝试从组织能力的视角对零售业态的演进机理进行分析.研究表明:业态演化的原动力并非技术革新,而是来源于企业家追求利润的动机;以企业家才能为核心的组织能力主导着零售业态的演化,正是通过企业家对原业态构成要素的革新和重组.使其不断接近"技术边界线"并为顾客带来新的价值;业态的产生、主流业态的形成以及业态的"二次生命周期","企业家才能"都起着关键作用.  相似文献   

零售营销策略组合及零售业态多样化   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
晏维龙 《财贸经济》2003,(6):83-86,95
现代零售业的一个种重要特征就是业态的多样化,各种新业态层出不穷.而不同业态的主要区别,在于其营销策略的组合方式.本文在总结前人关于零售业态演变理论的基础上,提出消费者偏好理论,指出消费者对零售服务需求的差异性,决定了零售经营形态的多样性,而消费者需求偏好的改变,导致了零售经营形式的改变,推动了零售业态的演化和发展.  相似文献   

发展迅猛的都市大零售商业上世纪九十年代开始,上海的零售商业得到了举世瞩目的发展。现代化的零售业已成为城市一道亮丽的风景线,为上海这个城市增添了无穷的魅力。它突出表现为: 1.业态齐全和规模扩展:通过十几年的发展,上海零售商业已经发展成业态齐全,功能完善配套的现代化零售业。零  相似文献   

上海零售业态的合理变迁和优化预测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
改革开放20年,上海的零售业得到大力发展。由于起步较晚,与发达国家的零售业态发展的一般规律存在一定差异,表现出极强的中国特色。随着中国加入WTO进程的日益推进,必须遵循世界零售业态发展的规律,加强各业态的市场适应能力,调整业态结构和业态布局战略。  相似文献   

零售专业技能的跨国转移与零售本土化问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
零售专业技能的跨国转移与零售本土化问题是零售国际化理论研究的一个重要环节,对跨国零售商海外经营的成败有着重要的作用。本文对零售专业技能的内涵与构成进行了全新的界定,认为零售专业技能由零售技术、零售文化以及零售业态三部分构成,每一部分又可以分解成固化性与操作性两个层面,在此基础之上构建起零售专业技能跨国转移的理论框架,认为零售专业技能的固化性层面在跨国转移过程中应该进行标准化的复制,而操作性层面则可以进行不同程度的本土化调整,进而论文围绕零售专业技能操作性层面在跨国转移过程中的调整行为深入分析了跨国零售本土化边界与策略问题。  相似文献   

目前我国城市商业网点规划编制工作全面展开,构建城市商业网点规划的理论框架对于今后各地编制城市商业网点规划具有重要的现实意义。在分析城市商业网点的发展趋势与商业网点规划理论依据的基础上,探讨我国城市商业网点规划的主要内容,认为核心内容是商业网点空间布局,商业业态规划及商业网点发展的激励与规制政策,构建我国城市商业网点规划的理论框架。  相似文献   

中国零售学术研究现状分析——基于CSSCI(2000-2005)的研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
在中文社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)数据库中,对我国6年来(2000—2005)零售学术论文进行了检索,对检索数据在零售学术期刊构成、论文内容和方法、学者队伍三个方面进行了分析。研究结果表明:刊载零售学术论文的期刊数量百余种,但是还没有专门的零售学术期刊;零售学术论文主题分布于零售战略、国际化、连锁经营、零售业态等15个方面,研究方法以实证定性研究为主;发表两篇以上论文的学者有41人,专业化的零售学者队伍有待形成。  相似文献   

Although retailers increasingly seek to position themselves as strong, attractive, and unique brands, little is known about differences in retail branding among different retail sectors. This study analyzes the importance of perceived retail attributes for consumer-based retail brand equity (RBE), particularly the varying roles of these attributes in important retail sectors, and the effects of RBE on intentional loyalty. The authors examine empirical data on 2112 consumer evaluations of retail firms in the grocery, fashion, electronics, and DIY sectors and apply multi-group structural equation modeling. The results indicate that the importance of retail attributes for RBE varies among the different sectors, but a strong and stable link between RBE and consumers' intentional loyalty is evident across retail sectors. The sector-specific and cross-sectoral observations in this study provide managers with specific knowledge on the main levers of RBE in different retail contexts.  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact of exposing the name of the manufacturer on a retail brand product upon national brand loyalty, retail brand loyalty and store loyalty, It does so by exploring customer attitudes towards retail brands in South Korea, where there is a legal requirement for retail brands to portray the manufacturer׳s name. For international retailers entering markets where such disclosure is a legal requirement an understanding of the implications of this for retail brand management is essential. The findings suggest that in the Korean case revealing the name of the manufacturer who supplies the retail brand on the product packaging has a positive influence on attitudes towards retail brands, although it did not mitigate the perceived risks held by customers towards retail brand products in general.  相似文献   

Customer perceptions of retail formats have become ambiguous with new value-added features of traditional retail formats. Hence, this paper proposes a framework for explaining retail patronage formation under the condition that customers perceive the ambiguity of retail format boundaries. The moderating effect of customers' retail format perceptions on customer satisfaction is examined using data from Japanese mini-supermarket customers. Results indicate that customers' perceptions of retail formats partially influence customer satisfaction. Theoretically, this implies that considering retail format as a concept that customers construct a posteriori may be necessary and practically indicates that retail practitioners should manage customers’ retail format perception.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the influences of consumers' perceptions of retail usefulness for product information search and their previous purchase satisfaction on their frequencies of product information search and product purchase behaviours for apparel products. These relationships were investigated in five retail settings – Internet shopping, catalogue shopping, television shopping, local retail shopping, and non‐local retail shopping. One hundred seventy‐six students in a US Midwestern university provided usable responses. The results of causal model analyses showed that the proposed model fits the data well for all five retail channels. Consumers who perceived a certain retail channel more useful for product information search searched for product information more frequently via that retail channel, and purchased products more often via that retail channel. Consumers who were more satisfied with apparel purchases from a retail channel purchased the products more frequently via that retail channel. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.  相似文献   

基于灰色关联模型的计量分析,发现地区商贸流通业发展与公路交通基础设施水平具有较强的关联性:在公路里程、公路客运量、公路货运量和民用汽车拥有量中,民用汽车拥有量是最重要的影响因素,公路货运量次之;在社会消费品零售总额、市的零售额、县的零售额、县以下的零售额、批发和零售业零售额、住宿和餐饮业零售额中,公路交通基础设施对县以下的零售额的影响程度最大,对批发和零售业零售额的影响程度次之。  相似文献   

零售企业规模扩张的风险及防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
零售企业有追求规模扩张的内在冲动。许多零售企业通过各种方式,不断扩大企业的经营规模,以期获得规模效应。零售企业规模扩张要努力提高企业经营管理科学化和现代水平,充分利用资本市场拓展融资渠道.充分发挥品牌优势。  相似文献   


The realization of channel multiplicity is increasingly present in retail exchanges. Retailers understand that consumers may seek information in one channel and complete their purchases in another channel. Researchers have labeled this retailing concept as “showrooming.” Showrooming suggests that retail salespeople may provide information, services, and suggestions that generate retail sales revenues at another time in another place. While they likely mediate exchange value, retail salespersons’ contributions to building sales revenues and customer relationships may be difficult to measure. The degree of value engendered in the retail sales role set is associated with product and transaction complexity. As such, retail sales functions may range from highly transactional (i.e., facilitating a transaction) to highly relational (i.e., building retail patronage). This article proffers a taxonomy of retail salespeople based on sales role sets: Companions, Consultants, Clerks, and Closers. Managerial recommendations are provided for measuring retail salesperson performance in an omni-channel marketplace.  相似文献   

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