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成晖 《税收征纳》2013,(9):38-40
土地增值税是对转让国有土地使用权、地上建筑物及其附着物并取得收入的单位和个人,就其转让房地产所取得的增值额征收的一种税,它是一个专门针对房地产市场的特殊税种,因此对土地增值税进行税收筹划对房地产企业来说尤为厘要。  相似文献   

土地增值税是对转让国有土地使用权、地上建筑物及其附着物并取得收入的单位和个人,就其转让房地产所取得的增值额征收的一种税。土地增值税按照纳税人转让房地产所取得的增值额和税法规定的30%-60%的四级超率累进税率计算征收,  相似文献   

陆英 《财会学习》2008,(11):64-67
土地增值税是对转让国有土地使用权、地上建筑物及其附着物并取得收入的单位和个人,就其转让房地产所取得的增值额征收的一种税。根据《中华人民共和国土地增值税暂行条例实施细则》的规定,土地增值税的征收计算方法为:  相似文献   

1 土地增值税纳税筹划的意义 土地增值税是对有偿转让国有土地使用权及地上建筑物和其他附着物产权取得增值性收入的单位和个人所征收的一种税。其征税的对象是土地及地面上的各类建筑物,计税的依据是所转让或出售土地或建筑物的增值额,即纳税人转让或出售土地房屋所取得的收入减去法定的各项成本及费用后的余额。土地增值税应缴纳的税额=适应的税率×增值额-速算扣除系数×法定扣除项目金额。  相似文献   

房地产开发企业是土地增值税最主要的纳税义务人,进行有效的土地增值税税收筹划,是当前及今后企业发展中的重要课题,本文主要从房地产开发企业的角度出发,从土地增值税计算公式以及相关的税收优惠政策等方面,探讨企业该如何筹划土地增值税,从而加强企业的财税管理,创造更多的价值。  相似文献   

张淑欣 《税收征纳》2007,(5):44-45,47
按照国家税务总局发布的“关于房地产开发企业土地增值税清算管理有关问题的通知”(国税发『20061187号).从2月1日起,全国各地区对房地产企业土地增值税项目进行全面清算.因此对于房地产开发企业而言土地增值税的纳税筹划尤为重要.根据我国现行土地增值税的纳税特点及国家的相关法律法规.土地增值税筹划的基本思路是合理合法地控制增值额以适用低税率或享受免税待遇.  相似文献   

王丽君 《会计师》2020,(3):34-35
与其他行业相较而言,房地产行业是受宏观经济政策影响较大的一个行业,一旦国家政策有所变化,对房地产行业的影响必定是十分深刻的。2018年以来,房地产行业增速逐渐放缓,市场预期也在不断下滑,在这种情形下,如何合理地降低房地产企业的运行成本以确保企业掌握充足的资金流,这对当下所有房地产企业而言是一个必须面对的问题。本文以房地产企业为研究对象,从其所要缴纳的土地增值税入手,对该税种实施税收筹划以及清算技巧分析,以期为房地产企业合理降低税负成本提供一定的建议。  相似文献   

曹怡 《财会学习》2018,(8):102-103
土地增值税是国家重要税收之一,从法律和财政管理的角度来讲,房地产开发商在整个运营过程中都会涉及到土地增值税的缴纳工作.因此,做好土地增值税税收筹划对房地产开发企业而言是非常重要的.本文将简介中国房地产开发企业土地增值税税收管理制度,并在此基础上浅析房地产开发企业土地增值税税收筹划方案,并提出个人见解.  相似文献   

土地增值税是国家重要税收之一,从法律和财政管理的角度来讲,房地产开发商在整个运营过程中都会涉及到土地增值税的缴纳工作.因此,做好土地增值税税收筹划对房地产开发企业而言是非常重要的.本文将简介中国房地产开发企业土地增值税税收管理制度,并在此基础上浅析房地产开发企业土地增值税税收筹划方案,并提出个人见解.  相似文献   

土地增值税作为房地产开发企业所负担的最主要税种,对其进行税收筹划意义重大。本文主要围绕房地产开发企业土地增值税的筹划展开研究和论述,采取理论分析和案例结合的方法,通过对设立销售公司、利息及公共配套设施扣除、合理的营销策略这三种税收筹划方法的分析和比较,得出每种方法的利弊之后给出选择税收筹划方法的建议,凝练出我国目前房地产开发企业土地增值税筹划存在的问题及对策建议。  相似文献   

The goal of this paper is to seek new insight regarding international tax policy by recasting it in parallel with the theory of international trade. This is accomplished by defining a free trade taxation regime as one that is consistent with an efficient worldwide allocation of capital, and evaluating within this perspective various aspects of tax policy, such as value-added (axes, integration, income shifting, and the choice of worldwide or territorial system of taxes.Compatibility with free trade is not the only standard against which to judge an international tax system. Nevertheless, as national economies become more integrated the importance of international taxation for the efficient functioning of capital markets will become a central policy issue.  相似文献   

Altruistic parents may transfer resources to their offspring by providing education, and by leaving bequests. We show that in the presence of wage taxation, a small bequest tax may improve efficiency in an overlapping-generations framework with only intended bequests, by enhancing incentives of parents to invest in their children’s education. We also calculate an optimal mix of wage and bequest taxes with alternative parameter combinations. In all cases, the optimal wage tax rate is clearly higher than the optimal bequest tax rate, but the latter is generally positive when the required government revenue in the economy is sufficiently high. If educational investment is partly unobservable for the government, these results qualitatively hold also when allowing for education subsidies.  相似文献   

艺阳 《新理财》2010,(10):78-79
2010年7月28日,国家税务总局(以下简称“国税总局”)发布了《关于企业股权投资损失所得税处理问题的公告》(国家税务总局公告2010年第6号,以下简称‘《公告》’),明确了关于企业股权投资损失在扣除时间方面的税务处理。该《公告》是在《财政部、国家税务总局关于企业资产损失税前扣除政策的通知》(财税[2009]57号,以下简称“57号文”)、  相似文献   

艺阳 《新理财》2010,(6):76-77
允许增值税一般纳税人抵扣采购固定资产的进项税额,是2009年增值税转型中最主要的一项政策变化。包括研发机构等在内的外商投资企业,在原增值税法规下所享受的采购设备进口环节免税待遇也因此被取消。  相似文献   

The effects of changes to the tax rate are studied within a framework where an estimated regime-switching process for the debt-output ratio is embedded in a standard growth model. The regime is a hidden state variable, so agents face a signal extraction problem. Consequently, agents incorporate the possibility of switching to different fiscal regimes when forming expectations over future taxes. Decision rules have additional nonlinearity relative to fixed-regime models. Income allocation and the tax elasticity of investment depend on agents’ inference regarding the regime. Specifically, the tax elasticity can be either positive or negative, depending on whether agents perceive a tax reform as an intra-regime shock or change in regime.  相似文献   

In this paper, I explore the optimal taxation of singles and couples in an economy with bargaining couples. The government is concerned with the redistribution of income from individuals with high utility to individuals with low utility, recognizing that some individuals live in couple households where resources are unevenly distributed. I analyze how redistributive linear income taxes, which depend on either gender or household composition (or both) impact the distribution of utility within and across households. An interesting implication arising from the interaction between the model elements is that even though between-group lump-sum transfers always favor women, when the bargaining power of men is high, women are subject to a higher tax rate; this in contrast to previous analyses of gender-based taxation. My quantitative analysis demonstrates that the welfare effects of gender-based taxation are sizable and even larger when taxes depend on the composition of the household.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how banks’ activity is affected by the corporate income tax. For this purpose it uses aggregate data on all main components of the profit and loss account and on the interest rate applied on loans and on deposits for the banking sector of the main industrialized countries during the period 1981–2003. With such information we are able to disentangle the extent to which a bank is able to shift its tax-burden forward to its borrowers, depositors, and purchasers of fee-generating services. The main result is that the taxation of banks’ profit is equivalent to a taxation on loans and as such it exerts a substantial impact on the composition of banking sector revenues. However credit intermediaries have the ability to shift a substantial part of their corporate income tax burden and therefore differences in the level of taxation cannot explain the dispersion observed in banks’ net profitability across industrialized countries.  相似文献   

One of the main rationales for taxing consumption rather than income is that it is believed that consumption taxes discourage consumption, encourage savings, and thus generate higher economic growth. However, empirical evidence on the actual effectiveness of consumption taxes in stimulating savings is very limited. In this paper, we estimate the impact of a broad-based consumption tax, the value-added tax (VAT), on the aggregate consumption of fifteen European Union countries over the period 1961–2005. Our empirical results indicate, across a variety of estimation methods and specifications, that a one percentage point increase in the VAT rate leads to roughly a one percent reduction in the level of aggregate consumption in the short run and to a somewhat larger reduction in the long run.  相似文献   

Administrative corruption, whereby taxpayers and collectors collude to reduce remissions, is central to tax evasion in developing countries. A framework is developed for the analysis of such corruption, based on imperfect information concerning true tax liabilities. Some tolerance of corruption can be part of an efficient collection system, especially when there are constraints on government wages or effort is required to learn payers' tax liabilities. With variable collector effort a certain amount of corruption is required, together with a two-level penalty structuredismissal if revenue targets are not met and much heavier penalties for gross corruption.  相似文献   

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