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Labor Market Institutions, Wages, and Investment: Review and Implications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Labor market institutions, via their effect on the wage structure,affect the investment decisions of firms in labor markets withfrictions. This observation helps explain rising wage inequalityin the US, but a relatively stable wage structure in Europein the 1980s. These different trends are the result of differentinvestment decisions by firms for the jobs typically held byless skilled workers. Firms in Europe have more incentives toinvest in less skilled workers, because minimum wages or unioncontracts mandate that relatively high wages have to be paidto these workers. I report some empirical evidence for investmentsin training and physical capital across the Atlantic, whichis roughly in line with this theoretical reasoning. (JEL E22,E24, J23, J24, J31)  相似文献   

I review theoretical arguments suggesting that certain labourmarket institutions can be justified for economic efficiencyreasons. In models with intrinsic market failures, "rigidities"like employment protection legislation and institutional wagecompression may push the economy closer to the efficient frontier.I discuss recent empirical evidence on income inequality, povertyand income mobility in OECD countries, and I conclude that thewelfare states of Northern Europe score relatively well on allcounts. Finally, I discuss labour market reforms that may improveefficiency without violating European voters' preference forequality.(JEL H30, J30, J50)  相似文献   

This paper outlines theoretical insights regarding the motivationand effects of labor market institutions, and reviews empiricalstudies of relevant evidence from European and other countries'historical experience. Institutional interference with laissezfaire labor market outcomes has both economic and distributionalimplications, which depend on the structure of markets and onthe details of policy implementation. The resulting conceptualframework is brought to bear on a discussion of possible reformsof European labor markets in the context of the Economic andMonetary Union process. (JEL F02, J00)  相似文献   

The abolition of intra-EU duty free was critically discussedand accompanied by a vigorous and well-financed lobbying campaignby the duty free industry. The opponents of this resolutionargued that such a tax-free sales sector created jobs and hardlyreduced the value added and excise tax revenue of individualcountries. In their opinion, the duty free trade not only contributedto the reduction of the travel fare but also could be characterisedas a supplement to the normal retail trade for some products.The challenges for some specific industries led by the abolitionof duty free shopping appear to be considerable in the short-term.However, theoretical and empirical examinations made in thisstudy suggest: (a) intra-EU duty free shopping disturbs theallocation neutrality guaranteed in the single market, (b) macroeconomicsignificance of duty free shopping is rather negligible, and(c) some background studies made for the lobbyists exaggeratethe negative impacts of eliminating intra-EU duty free shopping.These three important arguments, which can also be applied tothe new EU Member States, justify the abolition of intra-EUduty free shopping. (JEL F10; F15; F18; E62; P20)  相似文献   

Testing Goodwin: growth cycles in ten OECD countries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Following Desai (Desai, M. 1984. An econometric model of theshare of wages in national income: UK 1855-1965, pp. 253-77in Goodwin, R. M. et al. (eds), Nonlinear Models of FluctuatingGrowth, Berlin, Springer), Goodwin's simple 'predator-prey'growth cycle model of the economy (Goodwin, R. M. 1967. A growthcycle, pp. 54-8 in Feinstein, C. H. (ed), Socialism, Capitalism,and Economic Growth, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press;reprinted in Goodwin, R. M. 1982. Essays in Economic Dynamics,Basingstoke, Macmillan, pp. 165-70) is tested, using post-wardata for ten OECD countries - Australia, Canada, Finland, France,Germany, Greece, Italy, Norway, the UK and the US. At a quantitativelevel, Goodwin's model is found not to be adequate: (i) estimatedparameter values poorly predict the cycles' centres; and (ii)Goodwin's restrictive assumptions are not justified. However,at a qualitative level, the evidence presented here for theexistence of Goodwin-type cycles is extremely encouraging, justifyingboth existing theoretical extensions of Goodwin's model andfurther empirical work in this area.  相似文献   


The paper examines the contributions of Myrdal, Lindahl, Hicks and Hayek that initiated the transition from the traditional long-period method to the methods of 'intertemporal' and 'temporary equilibria' in neoclassical general equilibrium analyses. It is shown that in the early contributions the idea of a tendency towards a long-period position was not completely abandoned, and that the new 'dynamic' equilibrium concepts were conceived by some of their originators as useful analytical devices for studying transitions between long-period equilibria only.  相似文献   

In the last thirty years, much theoretical work has been expandedto draw the implications from the fact that agents use theirprivate information strategically. However, only recently havethe consequences been subjected to empirical testing. This paperaims at introducing the reader to this newer empirical literature.(JEL D8)  相似文献   

Within the demand-led approach to growth, the long-period tendencies of quantities cannot be effectively studied through theoretical positions entailing normal utilization of capacity. Whether in the form of constant or of average normal utilization, this assumption contradicts the supposed autonomy of aggregate demand. Analysis of the operation of the adjustment of capacity to demand suggests that potentially offsetting forces make fully adjusted positions irrelevant. As quantities cannot be assumed to gravitate towards such positions, the relations between quantity variables determined on the normal utilization hypothesis provide a poor guide to the analysis of reality.  相似文献   


On a first reading of Theory of Production, Kurz & Salvadori (1995) appear to confine the empirical domain of the long-period models of the classical theory of value and distribution to stationary economies with non-constant returns to scale and to growing economies with constant returns to scale. Such a reading is shown to be untenable since it merges the two levels of exploring the extension of a model and of testing a theoretical hypothesis. Conversely, the way Kurz & Salvadori tackle the problems of price dynamics and returns to scale in growing economies is shown to be compatible with what appears to be Sraffa's (implicit) strategy of research.  相似文献   

The Cambridge School of Keynesian Economics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There have been strong ties between the Cambridge Journal ofEconomics (CJE) and the Cambridge School of Keynesian Economics,from the very beginning. In this paper, the author investigatesthe environment that saw the birth of the CJE at Cambridge (UK),in 1977, and the relationship that linked it to the direct pupilsof Keynes. A critical question is explicitly examined: why didn'tthe ‘Keynesian revolution’ succeed in becoming apermanent winning paradigm? Some behavioural mistakes of themembers of the Keynesian School may explain this lack of success,but only to a certain extent. In any case, there were and therestill are remedies too. But what we are inheriting is a uniqueset of analytical building blocks (the paper lists eight ofthem) that makes this School of economics a viable (and in somedirections definitely superior) alternative to mainstream economics.Admittedly, there is some important work still to be done. Thepaper highlights the need for a two-stage approach, addressingpure theory and extensive institutional analysis. It is arguedthat a combination of the two would strengthen the coherenceof the theoretical foundations, and at the same time would providea fruitful extension of economic analysis to empirical, institutionaland economic dynamics investigations.  相似文献   

Using a simple model of policy making in a system characterizedby formal separation of powers, judicial dependence on governmentsupport, asymmetric information between voters and the government,and political accountability of the policy branch, I show conditionsunder which rational voters force the government to cede powerover legislative decisions to the courts. Specifically, thepublic uses its ability to hold the elected branches of governmentaccountable to enforce a judicial veto when judicial oppositionto legislation provides more reliable information to votersthan government support for legislation does. The model thusprovides a theoretical justification for, and suggests importantlimits to, the common assumption that disregard for judicialdecisions is politically costly for elected politicians. Themodel also demonstrates how other observed patterns in judicialpolitics—including judicial rubber-stamping of governmentdecisions and government "passing the buck" to courts—canarise as equilibria in the same simple framework.  相似文献   

The paper aims at comparing the formal and informal labour marketsin the Central and Eastern European new EU Member States andcandidate countries of the European Union. First, the currentsituation of the labour market is described, focusing on therecent developments since the breaking up of the East. Thenthe policy design of these labour markets is depicted and itseffects on formal and informal labour markets. The most importantchallenges for employment policy as well as the effects of enlargementon the labour markets are analysed. The paper ends with a shortsummary. (JEL J21, J23, H26, H11, O17, O57)  相似文献   

The mobility of labor reduces national incentives to investin internationally applicable education. The European Unioncould overcome this by allowing member states to institute graduatetaxes or income-contingent loans, collected also from migrants.Graduate taxes or income-contingent loans result in higher welfarethan financing education with employment-based taxes. (JEL H24,H52, I28, F22)  相似文献   

This paper introduces a novel distinction between real q andfinancial q. The paper examines three versions of financialq developed by Brainard and Tobin, Minsky and Hayashi, respectively.These theories differ regarding the nature of stock market pricedetermination and their use of marginal productivity theory.It is shown that non-profit maximising behaviour by managersdoes not invalidate q theory. It is also shown that if managersand shareholders have different profit expectations, this leadsto an equilibrium value of q that differs from unity. Lastly,the implicit claims in q theory regarding the efficient roleof stock markets as regulators of capital accumulation are shownto depend on assumptions about stockholder behaviour.  相似文献   

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