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Geothermal energy supply meets the expectations of the established criterias for sustainability from the German government because it provides a base load of electricity- and heat supply by nearly zero emissions. The geothermal resources in Germany are big enough to cover a relevant demand of the German energy supply. Due to the low electrical efficiency is a high amount of heat produced what can be feed in a distribution network. In this context the aim of the following article is to identify and quantify the technical and economical low temperature heat demand for sector household, trade and industry in local authorities bigger then 20?000?inhabitants for German areas with geothermal recourses. The technical low temperature heat demand is calculated to 341?TWh/a (241?TWh/a household, 19?TWh/a trade, 81?TWh/a industry), 206?TWh/a of this heat demand is deducible by geothermal energy and 26?% of the geothermal deducible heat demand can be used on economic conditions.  相似文献   

Due to falling costs of self-production, increasing end-user electricity prices as well as indirect state incentives, self-production and consumption of electricity have become more and more attractive for end-users across all economic sectors. Thus, opportunities to evade taxes, surcharges and grid charges have arisen under the current legal framework. The situation is complicated by unclear requirements for the utilisation of state incentives as well as the vague statistical coverage of self-consumption. Historically, the total amount of self-consumption rose by 26?% between 2008 and 2012 to 56.7 TWh. The estimation of economic potentials and trends shows that development could accelerate substantially to a point where a considerable amount of the consumption in all sectors could be covered by self-production. This development will be significantly determined by the future legal framework regarding taxation and surcharges for self-consumption. Besides the level of taxes and surcharges, the minimum limit for charging small generation units will be a key control variable. From an economical point of view, derogations lead to distorted competition between various technologies that causes inefficient production structures and distributional effects. Moreover, they create a self-reinforcing effect: The higher the self-consumption is, the lower the assessment base for apportionments and charges becomes, and the higher the cost burden for the remaining end-users will be. As a result, the incentives for self-consumption are enhanced and, once again, the increased self-consumption causes further economic inefficiencies.  相似文献   

Electricity consumption in German households accounts for more than 10 % of energy-related CO2 emissions. In spite of substantial improvements in, for example, the efficiency of household appliances, there is still a considerable electricity savings potential to be tapped in this sector. The possible contribution that the German residential sector can make to climate protection is correspondingly large. This paper aims to structure and quantify electricity savings potentials which could be exploited in German households either through investment measures or changed user behaviour. The total theoretical potential which can be tapped through the purchase of efficient household appliances and the replacement of electrical heaters and hot water generators (i.e. by encouraging investment) amounts to approx. 90 TWh/a. This corresponds to more than 60 % of the current electricity demand of all German households. By means of changed user behaviour, approx. 30 TWh of electricity could be saved according to our calculations. These results presented in this article were reached within the scope of the TRANSPOSE interdisciplinary research project (http://www.uni-muenster.de/Transpose/, the complete analysis can be downloaded at http://www.uni-muenster.de/imperia/md/content/transpose/publikationen/buerger_working_paper_3.pdf). This project is funded within the framework of the ‘Social-ecological Research’ programme of the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research.  相似文献   

We analyze two major components of the so-called EU climate and energy package which has been proposed by the European Commission in order to implement the ambitious climate policy goals until 2020. The focus is on the development of the European emissions trading scheme and on the proposed directive introducing a trading scheme for guarantees of origin in order to promote the use of renewable energy. We conclude that the emissions trading scheme is substantially improved, not only because of the introduction of auctioning as the main principle for allocation, but also with regard to the distribution of the emission budget to the energy intensive sectors participating in the trading scheme on the one hand and the sectors not regulated by the scheme on the other. With respect to the regulation aimed at promoting the use of renewables we argue that it is necessary to be explicit about the final goals of the regulation and that co-existing funding and support schemes for renewables on the EU and the member-state-level have to be designed with great caution in order to avoid excess costs.  相似文献   

In the future, the percentage of renewable energies in the electricity generation is expected to increase continuously. Especially weather-dependent wind and solar power plays a substantial role. These energy sources are partly characterized by a fluctuating and imprecisely predictable power generation. To cover the residual load and to balance the forecast errors a rising number of flexible producers and consumers will be needed in the future. This is necessary to ensure the high security of supply of the German electricity grid.Against this background, the objective of the following investigation is to analyse the day-ahead forecasting quality of the feed-in from wind and photovoltaic systems in the control areas of Germany’s transmission system operators and in the entire area of Germany for the years 2010 to 15. The aim of this analysis is to identify the crucial parameters that influence the forecast error. Subsequently, the share of the wind and photovoltaic power forecast which can be considered as reliably predictable for the following day is estimated. In addition, the increase in this reliable prediction through a higher level of detail in the assessment of the forecast error is quantified. Based on these results, the need of flexibilities through the weather-dependent electricity supply from wind and photovoltaic systems can be estimated, and the impact on the electricity system can be evaluated.  相似文献   

The interaction of centralised and decentralised elements is not only a challenge for the technical und functional implementation of the energy transition, but also for the political and social assignment of developing adequate governance strategies for future energy systems. While “participation” is of capital importance for all governance approaches mediating centralising and decentralising trends, it is far from clear, how participation is to be realized in order to promote energy transition and avoiding pitfalls and flaws of participative decision making processes. Against the backdrop of a multi-dimensional understanding of “participation” comprising procedural, factual, legitimatory and meta-reflective functions, the paper considers the tense relations of participation and efficiency, legitimacy and professionalized expertise, thereby identifying structural challenges for participation in democratic societies. Finally, some suggestions are made, how the governance of the energy transition can be shaped in the future.  相似文献   

With the share of renewable energies within the electricty sector rising, improving their market integration (i.e. inclusion in the steering and remuneration processes of the electricity market) and system integration (i.e. enhanced responsibility for grid stability) is of increasing importance. To transform the energy system efficiently while ensuring security of supply, it is necessary to increase the alignment of renewable electricity production with short- and long-term market signals. The German Renewable Energy Sources Act 2012 introduced the market premium to provide market experience to renewable plant operators and incentives for demand-oriented electricity production. Shortly after its introduction, the instrument is already being criticised as ineffective and expensive. Building on early experiences, this article examines whether the market premium in its current design improves market and/or system integration, and if it seems suitable in principle to contribute to these aims (effectiveness). Also, potential efficiency gains and additional costs of “administering integration” are discussed (efficiency). While market integration in a strict sense (i.e. exposing renewables to price risks) is not the purpose of the market premium, it has successfully increased participation in direct marketing. However, windfall profits are high, and the benefits of gradually leading plant operators towards the market are questionable. Incentives for demand-oriented electricity production are established, but they prove insufficient particularly in the case of intermittent renewable energy sources. A continuation of the instrument in its current form therefore does not seem recommendable. To conclude, potential alternative solutions are presented.  相似文献   

Urban utility companies are key players in the Swiss and German energy sector. Due to the federalist and subsidiary governance structure of the two countries’ energy sector, they perform highly system relevant tasks, as e.?g. managing the distribution grids or ensuring the public services for “their city”. In the public and scientific discourse on the role of different actor groups in the energy transition, however, not much attention is paid to urban utility companies. This contribution aims at a theoretical and empirical exploration of these particular actors by analysing their characteristics, specific challenges and strategic answers in the context of the energy transition. For this purpose, the article derives analytical dimensions for the analysis of urban utility companies from scholarly literature on transition studies, network industries and public corporate governance and empirically analyses characteristics and the current situation of urban utility companies in Germany and Switzerland. Methodologically, this article is based on an explorative, qualitative study, which synthesises results from a literature analysis, a document analysis, 38 expert interviews in both countries (in 2017) and two expert workshops conducted in Switzerland (in 2018). The study shows, how the characteristics of urban utility companies can be explained based on public corporate governance and network industries literature. This also allows to identify and understand their particular challenges, as e.?g. the fields of tension among public and private interest in the firms and the multi-dimensional relationship of owner or the particularities of network industries. Finally, this article points out, that the role of urban utility companies in the Swiss and German energy transition is neither just “inhibitor” nor pure “innovator”, but can be labelled as “intelligent follower” and “engineer of the energy transition”.  相似文献   

正2018年,来宾兴宾供电局党委以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为一切工作的统领,深入落实新时代党的建设总要求,推进党建与生产经营工作血肉相连、浑然一体。安全生产方面大力构建本质安全型企业,深化精益管控,初步建成"大安全"监督管理格局。不断加强线路设备运维,开展10千伏线路综合整治,大大提升了供电可靠性。成功应对台风"山竹"应急防御及支援北流地区电力抢修任务,圆满完成自治区成立60周年等保供电工作,得到上级单位及来宾市人民政府高度肯定,被广西电网公司评为新  相似文献   

We analyze the German market for tertiary electricity reserves in 2008. The cost of tertiary reserves of about €200 million accounted for 15% of the total cost of system services. The aim of the paper is to analyze the market structure to reveal possible opportunities for the execution of market power. To do so, we apply various concentration measures for the total market, as well as for all submarkets (i.e., different time frames, positive and negative reserves). We analyze: market shares, Herfindahl-Hirschman-Index, Pivotal Supplier Index (PSI) and the Residual Supply Index (RSI). Based on all concentration indicators, we find that all submarkets are best characterized as tight oligopolies with a (competitive) fringe. The four largest companies always qualify as being jointly dominant according to German competition law. The role of the fringe firms is, however, not negligible, in particular not for positive reserves. Strongest indication for market power is found for negative reserves from 0–8 a.m. Our analysis highlights that relying on single concentration indicators (e.g., market shares) can be misleading. It is sensible and often necessary to consider the full set of indicators.  相似文献   

Studies assume that the political subsidization of renewable energies throughout Europe will increase the amount of congestions in the European transmission grid. In current discussions HVDC reinforcement measures are seen as one means to provide further transmission capacities and to ensure a reliable operation of the system. In an effort to contribute to these discussions the publication evaluates the effect of various HVDC reinforcement measures on the grid and the market. The assessment of these reinforcement measures is based on a macroeconomic approach which considers three major cost terms. The first term represents the electricity generation costs. HVDC reinforcement measures influence this cost term as market zones with different generation costs can be coupled and overall generation costs thus might sink. The second cost term is orientated on the necessary redispatch effort to guarantee a secure and reliable operation of the grid. The third cost term represents the investment costs of the HVDC reinforcement measures. The sum of all these cost terms is regarded as a means to compare different reinforcement measures. The study shows that the effect of all examined reinforcement measures on the transmission grid is comparable. Structural congestions in the grid which exist already without any HVDC reinforcement are not influenced significantly by the examined HVDC links. Of all considered reinforcement measures a link from Germany to Norway exhibits the highest influence on the market. This link also offers the highest benefit regarding market and grid as a whole.  相似文献   

In order to restrict the risks of anthropogenic climate change to a ?tolerable“ extent, the fourth assessment report of the United Nations’ International Panel on Climate Change calls for a trend reversal towards globally decreasing greenhouse gas emissions within the next two decades which ultimately must lead to a reduction of carbon dioxide emissions until the mid of the century by 50 percent as compared to 2000 emission levels. The European Union claims a lead of a role in climate policy with the objective to push forward international negotiations on far-reaching emission reduction commitments with other important industrialized and developing regions. The EU’s credibility as a leading force will hinge crucially on how successfully it can fulfill its emission reduction obligations under the Kyoto Protocol by means of market-based environmental policy, in particular the exemplary operation of the EU emission trading system. Against this background, the following article provides a critical assessment of the EU’s climate policy.  相似文献   

Biomass as a source of energy becomes more and more important world wide. At the same time the demand for food and fodder as well as for renewable raw material is increasing significantly. On this background the goal of this paper is it to discuss based on a presentation of the world wide energy system the potentials of an energy provision from biomass and to discuss these potentials within the context of the dimensions of the global energy system. Based on these data statements are made under which circumstances the contribution of biomass within the energy system can be increased.  相似文献   

正2018年,柳州柳城供电局深入学习贯彻党的十九大精神,积极践行新理念、新思路,付出了非比寻常的努力,克服了前所未有的困难,实现了安全生产局面持续平稳,主要生产经营指标总体向好,并在党建、安全生产、客户服务和电力体制改革工作方面取得了可喜成绩。突出保底线,安全生产态势更加平稳以"纵深推进依法治安构建本质安全型企业"为主线,分层分级管控安全生产指标,"大安全"监管格局初步形成。开展防范配网及乡镇供电所人身事故专项行动,出台防范人身事故措施。深化低电压专项治理,完成辖区低电压台区整体改造,农村居民电压  相似文献   

后奥运时代,那些为奥运定制的高科技运动产品,加速了从奥运展台到收款台的步伐。运动员一向是奥运会的主角,但北京奥运会却多了另外一个主角——运动员身上的高科  相似文献   

The introduction and establishment of renewable energies is still discussed intensively with the focus on climate-neutral coverage of the global energy demand. In this regard it is a valid option to use biomass as a feedstock. Already today biomass contributes significantly to cover the energy demand in the global energy system. Therefore, the present and future global bioenergy potentials are investigated in the following and compared to the respective biomass use. The results show, amongst others, that the share of biomass for heat, electricity and fuel production will increase worldwide until 2030, although the availability of biomass for energy production is likely to decline in the future.  相似文献   

In Germany heat dissipation of subsea cables for power transmission from offshore wind farms into the sea floor is regulated. The precautionary value to be adhered to is a maximum temperature increase of 2?K in 20 to 30?cm sea bed depth. Such a temperature increase is defined by a number of influencing factors and boundary conditions and is extremely difficult to physically measure. Thus the purpose of this paper is to simulate the heat generation of DC submarine cables and the dissipation into the surrounding sea floor using the Finite Element Method (FEM). Herewith crucial parameters and influencing factors can be identified. The results show that the strongest influencing factors on the sediment temperature in 20 to 30?cm sea floor depth are the average load or longer-term preload of the cable, the burial depth and the thermal resistance of the sediment. Overall, during standard operation of wind farms and the corresponding cable systems the 2?K limit is adhered to safely. In general, this also applies to special wind and load situations.  相似文献   

上海贝尔阿尔卡特这个"外商控股的大国企"曾被认为是个"怪物",但今天这个身份却成了竞争优势。对上海贝尔阿尔卡特(英文简称ASB)来说,2007年是不平凡的一年,随着阿尔卡特完成对朗讯的收购,  相似文献   

卓锦·万代这个名字可能对许多人来说还比较陌生,但对于爱好兰花的人却并不陌生,而对于号称花园 国度的新加坡人则更是耳熟能详了。因为这是新加坡的国花,一种代表着秀丽端庄、超群谦和的名贵之花。现 在,有人说,卓锦·万代也马上要在北京“盛开”了!不过千万别误会,这次  相似文献   

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