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《中国-东盟全面经济合作框架协议》“早期收获”方案从今年开始实施。据海关统计,一季度享受优惠的东盟进口商品呈上升趋势,其中泰国成为东盟成员中最大受惠国。  相似文献   

Chinese Market     
ToAttendWTOInfluencesonChina'sShoeIndustryAccordingtostatisticsfromChinaLeatherIfldustryAss0ciation,in1997China'sleatherindustrymade1OOmilli0npieces0fhide,2.47billionpairsofleathershoesand79.38millionleathergarments,earningf0reignexchangeofUS$9.95billion,firstinlightindustryButthechiefforms0fmanagementremaintraditionalsmallhand-makingindustrymanagementandh0useholdmanagement,andthereisalackofcreativityinthedesignmeth0d.Basica1lysmallfactoriesfOllowlargefactories,andthelatterfOllowoverse…  相似文献   

ForeigninvestorsmakeagoodspeculationontherelishandadditivejpodmarketinchinaChina'sfoodindustryhasachievedagrowthof10percenteachyeal,andasaresulttherelishandadditivefoodmarkethasdrawnmanyforeigninvestorstocompete.NoW,manyforeigninvestorshavesetupwholl...  相似文献   

AgriculturalMachineryMarketTheAgriculturalmachineryindustryisamajorbeneficiaryoftheagriculture-orientedpolicy.Thedevelopmentofagriculturalinfrastructureconstructionandwaterconservancyengineeringconstructionwillincreasetheneedforagriculturalmachineryin1999,itisestimated,therewillbeaneedof80,000largetractors,up14percent,2millionsmalltractors,up11percent,2.8millionagriculturaltransportvehicles,up10percent,35,000combines,sameaslastyeas,100millionkwagriculturalinternalcombustionengines,up15percent…  相似文献   

Zhejiang province occupies an importantPlace in China's national economy, warein the Zhejiang economy, Wenzhou is akey city.In response to the strategy of "revitalizing theeconomy through the market effect" set by theWenzhou municipal government, the WenzhouAviation-Articles Industrial Co., Ltd. hasestablished a large specialized gift market--Wenzhou Gift City, in Longgang, Cangnan city, amain manufacturing and processing base forChinese souvenirs. It ranked among the mainprojects of Zh…  相似文献   

台湾于今年7月15日正式成为世界贸易组织(WTO)政府采购协定(GPA)第41个缔约方;各签约方对台开放政府采购市场金额年达9603亿美元,约为台湾加入GPA后,每年拟开放市场规模的150倍以上。  相似文献   

This paper uses a multicountry macroeconometric model to estimate the macroeconomic effects of a Chinese yuan appreciation against the U.S. dollar. The estimated effects on U.S. output and employment are modest. Positive effects on U.S. output are roughly offset by negative effects from a decrease in Chinese output and an increase in U.S. import prices.  相似文献   

More and more foreign brands are ready to find their ways into the Chinese flat panel TV market in a fashion that is easily accepted by Chinese consumers.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship researchers point to the lack of any substantial assessment of the state of research into entrepreneurship in regions other than North America. Thus, to advance entrepreneurship research and build an indigenous model, this paper attempts to explain Yuan or external locus of control [cf. Rotter, J. B. (1966). Generalized expectancies for internal versus external control of reinforcement. Psychological Monographs, 80 (Whole No. 609)], in the context of Chinese owner-managers. This paper undertakes a narrative analysis of the interviews conducted with 48 Chinese, 26 Hong Kong and 28 Taiwanese owner-managers and/or chief marketing executives of small and medium enterprises about how Yuan affects their marketing practices. Four dimensions of Yuan (e.g., association, quality, matching and attitude) were identified. A two-dimensional model using the optimal scaling method was applied to determine the interdependence of the four dimensions. Four groups, namely Yuan accepters, anti-Yuan-ers, stuck in the middlers, and dedicated Yuan believers, emerged. The results suggest that Yuan believers tend to exhibit higher company performance.  相似文献   

天气越来越热,啤酒销售也已进入旺季,中国啤酒的资本动作也似乎渐入佳境。不过,与前几年国内啤酒巨头的纵横捭阖不同,今年的主角却是外资啤酒。  相似文献   

Uhder the economic depression and domestic market saturation, some medium and small sized foreign companies become eager to expand to a market with more profits and development spaces. Foreign inves- tors hope to enter the biggest market in Asia, while they are still worrying about the risks. The investors have doubts:  相似文献   

Last April, with the support of China Machinery Industry Federation and Vietnam Em bassy in China, the Society of Automotive Engineers of CCPIT successfully held “China Famous Brand Auto Vietnam Show“. I am informed that the Organizing Committee plans to hold the 3rd China Auto International Exhibition Tour in this November. According to the agenda, this activity will extend from Vietnam to other ASEAN member countries, therefore, it will have a larger scale, a longer route and a richer content. On beha...  相似文献   

浅谈自助旅游及其市场体系的培育   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
余蓉  苗维亚 《商业研究》2006,(6):178-180
近年来,世界旅游市场出现了自助旅游的旅游潮。在我国,虽然传统的团队旅游仍占据主要位置,但以亲近自然、张扬个性的自助旅游已受到越来越多的人的青睐。但与此同时,我国自助旅游市场体系还很不完善,这也因此成为了制约我国自助旅游业发展的最大障碍。因此,从分析自助旅游的发展态势出发,分两大方面———旅游管理政策规范和自助旅游基础设施建设对如何培育一个健全的自助旅游市场体系进行分析和探讨,以期能给相关部门提供帮助和参考。  相似文献   

肖永清 《市场研究》2009,(10):18-22
<正>随着社会的发展,各行各业对涂料的需求越来越多,对其性能的要求也不断提高。近年来在五金工业、建筑工业等各行各业全力发展的大趋势下,涂料的技术水平、实际应用和市场推广都取得了长足的进步,逐渐成为市场  相似文献   

China's entry into WTO has madethe economy more attractive toforeign investors,including SouthAfrica,China's largest trading partner inAfrica,a high-ranking government officialsaid in Johannesburg Thursday. Essop Pahad,minister in the Office of thePresident,said at African-Asian SocietyConference that China's entry into the WTOwould encourage Chinese business toexpand into foreign markets,includingSouth Africa. After 13 years of negotiation,China  相似文献   

<正>微型货车一般是指厂定最大总质量1.8吨以下的载货汽车。我国微型货车行业从70年代末开始起步,经过近30年的发展,目前已达到年产量29万辆以上的市场能力。在载货汽车市场中总体保持在15%的市场份额。微型货车之所以能够快速发展,最根本的原因是适应了市场需求。我国微型货车行业是国家投入相对较少,主要靠生产企业自身努力滚动积累的情况下发  相似文献   

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