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打通管理、专业技术、技能人员交流通道,打破人员身份、级别、年龄、学历等限制,构建符合企业化、一体化管理要求的用人机制,是改进、创新企业人事管理工作的重要方向和根本要求。文章以太原铁路局为例,对此进行了分析探讨。  相似文献   

如何寻找最佳员工   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
向长江 《新经济》2001,(12):92-93

随着改革开放的深入和社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立,"以人为本"是现代企业人力资源管理的宗旨,人力资源作为最宝贵的资源,是企业发展战略规划的重要组成部分.特别是针对我国国民经济支柱的国有企业,要在市场竞争中生存与发展,就必须重视"以人为本"的人力资源管理,从而确保企业在竞争中取得可持续发展的核心能力.  相似文献   

随着改革开放的深入和社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立,"以人为本"是现代企业人力资源管理的宗旨,人力资源作为最宝贵的资源,是企业发展战略规划的重要组成部分。特别是针对我国国民经济支柱的国有企业,要在市场竞争中生存与发展,就必须重视"以人为本"的人力资源管理,从而确保企业在竞争中取得可持续发展的核心能力。  相似文献   

社会主义市场经济体制的逐步形成,科学合理地识人、用人、养人对企业来讲至关重要。国外流行这么一句话:“总经理必须是人事经理”。其实任何一个企业的主要领导都首先应是人事领导,其主要责任都在于“用人”,尤其是我国,由于长期形成的稳定的人事制度,“请神容易送神难”,选人用人的意义就格外重要,我认为现阶段,我国企业用人之道应从以下几方面抓起:一、改革现行用人体制以前,企业在用人的问题上,虽然坚持了党的集体领导,坚持了“四化”方针,重视了考德考绩,对于建设和发展干部队伍,加强各级领导班子建设,增强企业活力,…  相似文献   

入世后人才流动新特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加入WTO后,人才将不再是单位或部门所有,人才流动和发展的空间极大扩展,人才成为“社会共有”、“固际共享”,人才竞争更加激烈,人才配置更加优化。  相似文献   

下属发牢骚是任何一个经理人员都会碰到问题,很多经理认为牢骚就是牢骚,没有什么大不了的。对此处理的方式和过程一般都凭感觉行事。  相似文献   

酒包装要提高品位,首先必须要注意文化因素在设计中的领先地位,然后,应重视高雅艺术和名人效应,同时,设计须匠心独运、出奇制胜、细节入手,还要具备借势创牌、销售定位、坚守信誉、注重传统等设计意识。当然,这一切都是建立在质量基础之上的。  相似文献   

孙启河 《经济师》2008,(9):79-81
一个国家的知情权保障制度发达与否,直接反映着这个国家的人权宪政水平。知情权的人权确认是宪政制度发展的历史趋势。要切实有效地保障公民知情权,应把知情权纳入我国宪法公民基本权利体系。  相似文献   

从期权的特点及影响因素出发,介绍了期权转移风险的机制,提出通过把证券按风险大小进行分类,采取不同的投资组合策略采降低投资风险,提高证券投资组合质量的证券一期权组合假设理论。  相似文献   

刘嘉  刘为民 《财经科学》2011,(2):100-107
纳税人知情权作为宪法意义上公民知情权的具体实现途径和重要方式,应当在税收征管程序中详细规定,这也符合世界各国税收征管立法惯例。我国当前《税收征管法》对纳税人知情权的规定过于抽象,缺乏实践操作性。对我国纳税人知情权的立法完善,需要结合国务院《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》及相关规定,并参考其他国家和地区相关立法,在纳税人申请信息公开程序、税收征管程序事先公告程序、纳税人信息提供异议程序、纳税人知情权救济程序等方面予以立法完善。  相似文献   

Abstract. In this paper, we measure market access between the United States, the EU, and Japan (the Triad), using the effect of national borders on trade patterns. We investigate overall and industry‐level trends of bilateral trade openness and provide explanations for those using proxies for bilateral observed protection (tariffs and NTBs), home bias of consumers, product differentiation, and levels of FDI. The explanations related to actual protection, home bias and substitutability of goods put together explain a large part of the border effect between blocs of the Triad, although they do not explain the whole of the border effect puzzle. JEL classification: F12, F15  相似文献   

Murray N. Rothbard is S. J. Hall distinguished professor of economics at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas and editor of the Review of Austrian Economics. An earlier version of this paper was delivered at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Association, at a panel on The Downfall of Communism, at San Antonio, Texas, in March, 1991.  相似文献   

对和谐广东的统计描述和评价方法的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
党的十六届四中全会《决定》提出要构建社会主义和谐社会.对和谐广东的统计描述可以从社会、经济、自然、对外四个方面构建统计指标体系.对和谐广东的评价可以通过计算综合指数的方法来完成.广东和谐社会指数2002年为0.9736,2003年为0.9884,呈上升趋势.广东和谐社会指数越大,说明社会和谐程度越高.  相似文献   

This article reports on the results of a survey undertaken to estimate the extent of use of Technological Forecasting (TF) in U.S. industry. The results demonstrate that more firms use TF than eight years ago, and the perception of its importance has increased greatly. The emphasis on TF, the range of time horizons for the forecasts and the use to which TF is put differ according to the nature of the industry and the organizational level within the firm. Based on these results, the characteristics of firms that find TF crucial to their business, and those that find TF unimportant, are developed.  相似文献   

Currency unions and trade: how large is the treatment effect?   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The impact of a common currency on trade can be grossly mismeasured if countries that belong to currency unions are systematically different from those that do not, and if the relationship between trade and its observable determinants is complex. I argue that such complications are plausible and likely to distort the empirical results of a recent Economic Policy paper by Andrew Rose (Issue 30, 2000: pp. 7–45). Using techniques designed to be robust in this situation, I find that the effects of common currency on international trade are considerably less dramatic and much less precisely estimated.
I have always maintained that the measured effect of a single currency on trade appears implausibly large, but I am not convinced by Torsten Persson's diagnosis and proposed solution. I apply a variety of estimation techniques to a new larger data set, where many more instances of currency union creation and abandonment make it possible to rely on time–series as well as cross–sectional evidence. The results are similar to my earlier ones: the effect of a single currency on trade is large.  相似文献   

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