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人口老龄化与劳动力发展规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王放  谭燕 《市场与人口分析》2007,13(2):58-62,52
随着人口老龄化程度的提高和劳动力短缺问题的加重,越来越多的发达国家开始研究劳动力发展与规划问题。中国目前虽然从总体来看还没有出现劳动力短缺的问题,但是随着人口老龄化高峰的到来,劳动力规模缩小和一些劳动技能出现短缺却是必然的趋势。为了应对未来人口老龄化所带来的劳动力问题,做到未雨绸缪,有必要从现在开始启动适合中国国情的劳动力发展与规划的研究,分析在人口老龄化较高程度下劳动力在宏观和微观层面上的供求格局和变化趋势,寻求未来合理有效利用劳动力的最佳途径。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of institutions in explaining the differences in performance with respect to entrepreneurship and growth in two industry clusters in two countries: the biomedical/biotechnology and polymer-based industry clusters in Sweden and Ohio. Both clusters are about twice as large in Ohio as in Sweden, even though the industrial history and the composition of industrial output in general are quite similar in the two regions, and even though the Ohio economy is only about 25% larger than that of Sweden.Four types of institutional factors are examined: The science base and mechanisms of technology transfer; the density of networks and the role of business support services and companies in related industries; the entrepreneurial climate, especially the availability of finance; and the policy environment and other infrastructure.Major findings are that the science base plays a different role in the two clusters and that the regions differ in the absorption of new technology, partly due to the differences in the size and structure of firms, that bridging institutions have contributed significantly to connectivity of networks in Ohio, and that the greater availability of venture capital and entrepreneurial management skills makes the Ohio environment for entrepreneurship more supportive than that in Sweden.  相似文献   

随着我国经济的高速发展,城市化的进程不断的加快,在城市规划设计的过程中大量具有历史文化意义的建筑群受到破坏.文章认为在现代城市建设的过程中,应该以科学为指导来进行规划设计,最终实现城市现代化和历史文化建筑的和谐共存.  相似文献   

深度链接的争议及应用前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
深度链接随着 Internet 的发展而普遍使用,但也引起了一些争议甚至诉讼。由于现行法律条文的滞后,各国在解决争议时采取了不同的标准而导致不同的结果。随着技术的进步和对 Internet 的深入认识,深度链接将得到更健康地应用。  相似文献   

Start-ups and employment dynamics within and across sectors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We use a decade of longitudinal data on start-ups and employment in Swedish regions to analyze the effect of start-ups on subsequent employment growth. We extend previous analyses by decomposing the effect of start-ups on total employment change into within- and cross-sector effects. We find that start-ups in a sector influence employment change in the same as well as in other sectors. The results illustrate that the known S-shaped pattern can be attributed to the different effects of start-ups in a sector on employment change in the same sector and in others. Start-ups in a sector have a positive impact on employment change in the same sector. The effects on employment change in other sectors may be negative or positive, and depend on the sector under consideration. In particular, start-ups in high-end services deviate from manufacturing and low-end services in that they have significant negative impacts on employment change in other sectors. The findings are consistent with the idea that start-ups are a vehicle for change in the composition of regional industry.  相似文献   

The American tort system regularly conducts a sort of lottery in which plaintiffs try to name as many defendants in a tort action as they can in order to collect a large judgment from at least one of them. This procedure is encouraged under strict joint and several liability, which permits plaintiffs to recover greater damages from defendants – usually businesses – with less moral culpability for the tort than poorer defendants, who bear greater culpability. In a case involving the Disney Corporation and a negligent amusement park rider, for instance, Disney was forced to pay 86% of the court award to the plaintiff, even though the jury found the company to be only 1% liable for the injury. The legal principle of joint and several liability violates morality in several different ways. Even though the principle appears to be better in the short run for plaintiffs, I will show that it fails not only to satisfy utilitarianism, but compensatory justice as well. Hence, the legal principle of joint and several liability should be eliminated in favor of a better, fairer law, which I will briefly sketch at the end.  相似文献   

Abstract: Danish laws regulating banking and financial services organizations have no consumer protection provisions, although there is one law regulating a particular kind of payment instrument, the Payment Cards Act. However, general consumer protection law applies to banks and other financial services organizations, as well as other kinds of business. In particular, the Marketing Practices and Price Marking and Price Display Acts give responsibilities to the consumer ombudsman. This legal framework is complemented by guidelines issued – after consultation – by the consumer ombudsman, for example on conduct of business in bank advice, mortgage business and distance selling involving payment cards. The Danish system may be summarized as providing for standards of business behaviour laid down in general terms by law, backed by a supervisory authority with little power of coercion but playing an important role in influencing businesses to adopt high consumer protection standards and in negotiating solutions to problems as they emerge. The Swedish system is generally similar, but less advanced in the use of guidelines for the conduct of business. Both countries provide consumers who have unresolved complaints with easy access to alternative dispute resolution systems and the courts are rarely used to establish case law.  相似文献   

Advertising and older consumers: image and ageism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite a growing population of older people, traditional prejudices against age continue to flourish in society. The media in particular are often guilty of ageism, persistently focusing upon the 'youth market', and advertisers are particular offenders. By ignoring older people, or using them as caricatures, the advertising industry not only violates its ethical responsibilities to this group within the community, but also overlooks the commercial opportunity presented by the new generation of older consumers. The article presents research into UK print media which shows that older people tend not to be featured in advertisements in mainstream publications, but are prominent in advertisements in publications for the over-fifties. The issues this raises in terms of the duty of advertisers to respect the rights of older people are discussed, along with the commercial imperative to provide more appropriate images of older people in UK advertising.  相似文献   

In this paper, we review and critique two prominent theories in the international business and international economics literatures regarding the role of multinational enterprises (MNEs) in host country development: the “spillovers” perspective on the impact of MNE investment in host countries and the liabilities of foreignness (LOF) view that specifies the constraints MNEs must overcome to succeed in local, developing country markets. We then propose an alternative conceptualization of MNE-host country relations in which MNEs and local nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) pursue collaborative relationships that make a positive, collective contribution to host country development and to MNE and NGO strategic goals in ways that neither sector is positioned to do alone.  相似文献   

In the traditional trade literature, there is a well-developed area analyzing the effect of growth on trade and its reflection on income growth. This literature developed already in the 1950s and 1960s. Generally speaking, an interest in the effects of trade on growth has also existed for many years, where trade has often been viewed as an engine of growth. Cases in point are the "East Asian Tigers" and Japan which have especially benefited from outward-looking policies. In this paper, we analyze the relationship between economic growth and growth in income terms of trade, arguing that income terms of trade is a useful concept in analyses of the link between trade and growth. Our results suggest that fast-growing countries have either specialized in sectors with a relatively favorable development with regard to world market prices, or they have managed to successively improve quality within sectors, thereby avoiding falling terms of trade in spite of large increases in export volumes.  相似文献   

本文论述了会计审计与质量审核的完整性及差异分析.对财政部门履行财政监督职责,以确保财政资金分配和使用的合规性;税务部门履行税收监督职责,以确保纳税人纳税的及时性、完整性.指出了质量管理中相对于经济管理的不足和可以借鉴与改进的方向,以便使质量审核活动更有效率和更简化.  相似文献   

This paper uses data from a controlled laboratory environment to study the impact of transparency (i.e., complete information versus incomplete information) and repeated interactions on the level of trust and trustworthiness (reciprocity) in an investment game setting. The key findings of the study are that transparency (complete information) significantly increases trusting behavior in one-shot interactions. This result persists in repeated interactions. Further, transparency appears important for trustworthiness in one-shot interactions. In addition, repeated interaction increases trust and reciprocity with or without transparency. These results suggest that transparency is important in building trust in business environments such as alliances and joint ventures which are loosely connected organizational forms that bring together otherwise independent firms. It also provides support for the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) and similar legislation elsewhere which attempt to regain investors' trust in corporate management and financial markets by stipulating enhanced disclosures.  相似文献   

20世纪30年代至今,凯恩斯主义与新自由主义一直处于针锋相对的状态。尽管两者的理论主张背道而驰,但都曾陷入无法挽救经济危机的窘境。在欧洲主权债务危机和国际金融危机爆发后的后危机时代,世界亟待构建新的理论框架,各国亟需择取有效的宏观经济政策,由此才能促进国家经济增长。将这两者有效结合将不失为一个明智之举。  相似文献   

This study applies the microfoundations approach to examine the impact of migrating executives on firms’ selection of host country in their international acquisition decisions. Viewing executive migration as a conduit for inter-organizational learning, this study offers the first empirical findings that a migrating executive’s inter-organizational learning associated with two specific types of international acquisition experience, i.e., general and country-specific, accumulated at a prior affiliated firm positively impacts host country selection in the executive’s current affiliated firm’s acquisition decisions. The findings further suggest that the migrating executive’s prior country-specific international acquisition experience has a greater influence compared with the migrating executive’s prior general international acquisition experience. Last, the findings show that industry similarity between a migrating executive’s prior and current affiliated firms enhances the effect of the migrating executive’s specific host country acquisition experience. In sum, this study contributes by introducing migrating executives as a new learning conduit in international acquisitions.  相似文献   

John Redwood MP, Minister for Corporate Affairs in 1991, spoke at the inaugural LSE Business Performance Lecture about regulation and competition policy in Britain and Europe and the importance of the United Kingdom's programme of privatisation and liberalisation of its markets. These policies - harnessing private capital, opening up markets to competition, breaking monopolies, lowering taxation and encouraging inward investment - have succeeded in changing the fortunes of several crucial industries in Britain. Ultimately however, while government can create the climate, it is up to business to compete, back the right ideas, invest, train its people and know what its customers want.  相似文献   

为了进一步研究上海市大学生环保的意识、行为及传播状况,特对上海20所高校2000位在校大学生进行了调查,分析了学生环保意识水平、环保行为习惯以及环保传播接受度,并提出了进一步加强环保教育和提升环保传播力的建议,以期为促进大学生参与环保责任意识,积极扮演低碳生活建设生力军角色提供科学依据与有益的参考。  相似文献   


This paper frames trustworthiness as the key upstream construct of trust and recognises that trust operates at two levels in services relationships, with a number of key drivers that are mediated by trustworthiness. Our findings are supported by survey data from customers of UK financial services, with the data points captured over a number of years which allow for fluctuations in trust level.

Empirically we find that trustworthiness impacts both the cognitive and affecting dimensions of trust, with the impact being greatest on cognitive trust. As a result of our findings it is possible for practitioner to implement policies to not only build trust but also deal with issues where there is a need to rebuild it, as in the case of our research setting.  相似文献   

中美、日美纺织品贸易摩擦比较及其启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于对日美、中美纺织品贸易摩擦状况的回顾,本文提出在贸易摩擦中提高产业国际竞争力,利用贸易摩擦推动国内产业结构升级,借鉴日本贸易谈判应对经验,抵制贸易摩擦给人民币升值和资本市场开放带来的压力,更多地运用世贸组织等多边贸易摩擦解决机制等建议。  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the reasons why buy-outs fail or need to be restructured and identify the implications for managers and investing institutions. It is evident that considerable attention needs to be given to assessing issues concerning industrial sectors, management and financing. In respect of the market, consideration needs to be given both to the nature of the market in which a particular buy-out finds itself and the firm's position within that market. Management is likely to have a crucial role in ensuring that the firm restructures and adapts to changing market circumstances.  相似文献   

基于美国科学技术与社会发展的互促共生,笔者从科学技术发展角度论述了科学技术与社会一体化的趋势,并对我国的科学技术工作提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

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