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继我纺织品在欧美受限之后,中国的钢铁产品和化工产品又成了欧美等国的重点监控对象。从跨国巨头不断提速的脚步声中,我们已经感觉到了又一轮反倾销的“火力”。中国钢铁协会的戚向东、上海WTO咨询中心的专家、上海钢铁业的吴文章以及化工业的专家均认为,在2005年后过渡期时代,除纺织业外,下一轮我产品遭受倾销立案调查的重点领域逐渐转向了钢铁业和化工业。其中,化工业已经呈现了“四面楚歌”的状态。 相似文献
20世纪80年代以来,欧盟内部统一大市场建设取得了巨大的进展,但在欧盟能源市场的自由化和一体化方面却收效甚微。近年来,随着能源重要性的不断加强,欧盟将天然气市场作为内部统一市场新一轮的发展重点。文章运用协整检验方法对欧盟天然气市场一体化进行了实证分析,认为目前欧盟天然气市场一体化程度仍然较低、成员国市场分割严重。 相似文献
Ted Lindblom Professor Anders Rimstedt 《International Review of Retail, Distribution & Consumer Research》2013,23(2):171-197
Until recently, restructuring activity in the EU retail industry has primarily been domestically oriented and focused upon growth opportunities in the retailers' home market. Alongside the on-going harmonization and integration of European markets, grocery retailers have become increasingly interested in cross-border integration activity. Although a salient feature of Scandinavian grocery retailing, this (r)evolution of the industry has attracted only minor attention in academic literature. This paper examines the motives and strategies underlying the intensified integration activity of Scandinavian grocery retailers in general and their integration across national as well as industry boundaries, in particular. The analysis of recent integration events displays a fairly balanced distribution between proactive and reactive motives, albeit the former motive tends to dominate in the case of grocery retailers' integration activity across industry borderlines. Above all, the proactive motive has been apparent in many of the recent partnerships established laterally between Scandinavian grocery retailers and other companies. 相似文献
The UK exit from the EU represents a qualitative change in the nature of EU membership. On the one hand, it conveyed the lesson that for the Union to be sustainable, membership needs to entail constant caretaking as far as individual members’ contributions to the common good are concerned, with both rights and obligations. Countries with preferences that are too divergent for the Union to function properly should then not be discouraged to invoke Article 50 and to opt instead for membership in the EEA or for a free trade agreement. The Union has to deliver to be sustainable, but it cannot do so if there is a constant hold up of decisions that are in the common interest. On the other hand, with the eurozone having established itself as the de facto core of European (political) integration, the UK’s preference for a stand-alone (and incomplete) economic union became untenable, because the need to make the monetary union work calls for further integration and institution-building in the economic union sphere. 相似文献
蒋满元 《世界贸易组织动态与研究》2008,(9):33-39
在欧盟一体化运作的一个较长时期内,尽管关税同盟的建成并没有完全取消欧共体成员在贸易方面的所有障碍、但其仍形成了一定的消费效应和提升了经济增长效应。共同农业政策的实现尽管造成了较高的经济运行成本,但也相应地提高了生产效应和资源配置效应。统一大市场和货币同盟的建立由于消除了汇率风险、减少了交易费用、降低了企业的经营成本、提高了产品的价格竞争力,因而又在相当程度上促进了区域内贸易的进一步发展和区域间一体化进程的有序开展。 相似文献
Mikkel Barslund Matthias Busse Karolien Lenaerts Lars Ludolph Vilde Renman 《Intereconomics》2017,52(5):257-263
In this study, we reviewed the integration experience of Bosnian refugees displaced during the Bosnian war in the early 1990s. We compare reception conditions among the five Western European countries that played host to the majority of refugees at the time and track their labour market experience as well as, to the extent possible, education outcomes of second generation Bosnians. 相似文献
Gerda van Roozendaal 《Intereconomics》2006,41(3):159-168
After ten years the negotiations on the largest free trade agreement to date, the Free Trade Area of the Americas, which is
to include 34 countries, have still not resulted in an agreement. What can the countries involved learn, both positive and
negative, from the experiences of the EU with regional policy?
The author would like to thank Herman Hoen and J?rg Noll for their comments on an earlier version of this article. 相似文献
The author would like to thank Herman Hoen and J?rg Noll for their comments on an earlier version of this article. 相似文献
收款机是商家开业不可或缺的设备之一.对于收款机的选择,也自然成为一个IT经理人仔细考察、反复比较的课题.毕竟,收款机的费用占了整个零售业IT硬件设备相当大的比重.在业界,大家曾经尝试用PC加钱箱来代替收款机作为前端的收银设备.那么,PC究竟能否真正替代POS? 相似文献
欧盟商品市场一体化的影响因素研究:基于边界效应的视角 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文选用2000-2005年欧盟成员国之间以及欧盟成员国与外部主要贸易伙伴国之间的双边出口贸易额等数据,使用面板数据方法,基于边界效应的视角,分别探讨了欧盟25国和欧盟15国的商品市场一体化影响因素。结果表明:欧盟这样的区域贸易协定对其成员国具有正面影响。地理临近性和文化联系鼓励紧密的贸易伙伴,距离、税率和人口对双边贸易存在负面影响,这与以往的研究结果相同。非关税壁垒成为重要边界可部分解释欧盟25国的内部边界效应高于欧盟15国的研究结果。 相似文献
This paper analyses the effects of EU integration on intra‐EU trade volumes with a special focus on the evolution of trade within and between the core and the periphery countries. In the early phases of EU integration, there have been sizable trade creation and diversion effects with respect to EFTA countries. Both the creation and the diversion effects of EU membership have declined as the EU and EFTA have integrated. In all phases of EU integration, both core–periphery and intraperiphery growth of trade have experienced stronger positive effects than intracore trade. Hence, the EU enlargements did not cause any kind of intra‐EU ‘peripherality’. 相似文献
In the year of 2006, China produced and sold over 7.2 million automobiles, representing a year-on-year growth of more than 25%. In this regard, China has become the second largest market only to the U.S. for new autos. By the end of last year, the total amount of autos owned by China stood around 40 million, and it was predicted that this figure would roar to 70 million 3 years later. 相似文献
Annette Bongardt Francisco Torres Carsten Hefeker Pierre Wunsch Christoph Hermann 《Intereconomics》2013,48(2):72-92
The EU has long viewed economic and institutional convergence as important goals, but the results thus far have been decidedly mixed, and there remain several open questions: How exactly should convergence be defined? How much convergence is necessary? What steps can be taken to improve convergence in the EU, and how can success be defined? Finally, how much convergence can be achieved by improving the economic performance in underperforming regions, and how can convergence in the form of harmonisation towards lower welfare levels be avoided? 相似文献
本文以我国A股上市公司2009-2014年聘请了财务顾问的并购事件为样本,基于关系的视角,探讨具有不同关系的财务顾问对并购经济后果的影响及其作用机制.研究发现:有“关系”的财务顾问参与公司并购能显著提高并购绩效,短期平均为公司增加了1.3亿元的股东价值,长期平均为公司增加了1.8%的净资产收益率,并且“关系”越紧密,并购绩效越好;但是,有“关系”的财务顾问并没有显著提升并购成功概率.进一步的研究表明,有“关系”的财务顾问显著降低了并购溢价水平、缩短了并购持续时间.并且,上述结论主要在信息不对称程度较高的公司中成立.上述结论表明,“关系”作为公司和投行拥有的一种专用性资产,有助于降低公司与投行间的信息不对称程度,提高并购效率,支持了“交易优越假说”.本文的研究不仅拓展了“关系”与金融领域的交叉研究,丰富了关于公司并购中金融中介作用的相关文献,还为监管部门如何促进我国资本市场的并购市场化发展和提高上市公司并购效率提供了重要的政策启示. 相似文献