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Ma and Hopkins' (1988) paper on accounting for goodwill derives insupportable conclusions because its analysis is based on an inappropriate paradigm. This comment presents a supportable rationale for capitalization and amortization of purchased goodwill and concludes that the 'unsolved puzzle' that Ma and Hopkins present is likely to be a corroborating example for the 'old' matching-based paradigm and a confounding example for the 'new' valuation-based alternative.  相似文献   

This research explores the empirical association between takeover bid premium and acquired (purchased) goodwill, and tests whether the strength of the association changes after the passage of approved accounting standard AASB 1013 in Australia in 1988. AASB 1013 mandated capitalization and amortization of acquired goodwill to the income statement over a maximum period of 20 years. We use regressions to assess how the association between bid premium and acquired goodwill varies in the pre‐AASB and post‐AASB 1013 periods after controlling for confounding factors. Our results show that reducing the variety of accounting policy options available to bidder management after an acquisition results in a systematic reduction in the strength of the association between premium and goodwill.  相似文献   

This study examines the value relevance effects of changes in goodwill accounting in a European setting. International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 3 replaced accounting rules that emphasized goodwill amortization over short useful lives which kept goodwill balances low. Goodwill accounting under IFRS 3 largely relies on manager fair value estimates of acquired business units. Using Swedish data, we show that goodwill amortizations were not value-relevant prior to the adoption of IFRS 3. However, impairments reported in addition to amortization were significantly related to stock returns during that period. In contrast, under the impairment-only regime prescribed by IFRS 3, impairments are no longer statistically related to stock returns.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to illustrate that the change in shareholders’ attitude towards firms (from stakeholder model to shareholder model) influences the accounting treatments of goodwill. Our study is based on four countries (Great Britain, the United States, Germany, and France) and covers more than a century, starting in 1880. We explain that all these countries have gone through four identified phases of goodwill accounting, classified as (1) “static” (immediate or rapid expensing), (2) “weakened static” (write-off against equity), (3) “dynamic” (recognition with amortization over a long period) and (4) “actuarial” (recognition without amortization but with impairment if necessary). We contribute several new features to the existing literature on goodwill: our study (1) is international and comparative, (2) spans more than a century, (3) uses the stakeholder/shareholder models to explain the evolution in goodwill treatment in the four countries studied. More precisely, it relates a balance sheet theory, which distinguishes four phases in accounting treatment for goodwill, to the shift from a stakeholder model to a shareholder model, which leads to the preference for short-term rather than long-term profit, (4) contributes to the debate on whether accounting rules simply reflect or arguably help to produce the general trend towards the shareholder model, (5) demonstrates a “one-way” evolution of goodwill treatment in the four countries studied, towards the actuarial phase.  相似文献   

UK accounting practice differs from International Accounting Standards (IASs) particularly with regard to amortisation of goodwill, provision for deferred taxation and the accounting treatment of pension costs. Under the core standards programme of the IASC the IASs have emerged closer to US practice. This paper evaluates the profit of those UK companies reporting to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in 1988 and 1994, spanning a period which saw the establishment of the ASB and the implementation of the IASC's comparability project. An increasing gap was found between the reported profit under UK accounting principles and that restated under US GAAP. The difference lay most frequently in accounting for goodwill, provision for deferred tax, and the accounting treatment of pension costs, with accounting for goodwill showing a particularly significant impact in 1994. Notwithstanding the introduction of FRS 10, an overall impression of increasing disharmony could continue to cause reconciliations to be required of UK companies seeking full listing on a US stock exchange, with consequent disadvantage relative to companies in other European countries seeking international capital in the US.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the tenure of the chief executive officers of publicly held companies and their corresponding goodwill impairment decisions. An opportunity for managers to manage earnings exists via the Financial Accounting Standards Board's (FASB) goodwill accounting rules. It is hypothesized that CEOs will recognize this impairment in the early years of their tenure because blame can be placed on prior management's acquisition decisions, expensing goodwill early will make future earnings look better, or an objective evaluation of the reporting unit increases impairments.  相似文献   

In March 2020, the IASB issued a discussion paper – ‘Business Combinations – Disclosures, Goodwill and Impairment’ – which discussed, inter alia, whether to introduce a sort of counterreformation of IAS 36 that might lead to the reintroduction of goodwill amortization. Among other things, the IASB, leveraging key findings from academic research, questioned a) the disclosure provided by entities applying IFRS 3 requirements and b) the timing of impairment write-downs and their overal1l magnitude.The main goal of this study, focusing on a large sample of European listed companies since the adoption of IAS in 2005, is to test the value relevance of goodwill under the current accounting framework and the alternative hypothesis of an amortization regime.Our findings show that the information provided by listed companies to market investors under the current accounting regime (verification at least annually of the recoverability of the value of the goodwill carrying amount through the impairment test) – the level of goodwill before and post impairment, as well as goodwill write downs – is value relevant and contributes to explain the level of the market to tangible book value multiple. On the contrary, simulating the alternative accounting scenario of goodwill amortization, we found that the information conveyed to market investor would not be value relevant, with the amortization itself added back to the multiple. The results support the current accounting framework and indicate that the best way to improve goodwill accounting is by enforcing present rules.This study aims to provide a multidimensional contribution to the current debate within the IASB, leveraging the largest database in Europe.  相似文献   

The adoption of Australian equivalents of International Financial Reporting Standards (AIFRS) radically alters Australian accounting practices for intangible assets. Under AIFRS, goodwill amortisation expense is replaced by goodwill impairment loss based on frequent tests of the value of goodwill, and Australian firms are no longer permitted to recognise certain internally generated intangibles. This paper provides statistics regarding intangible asset reporting by 476 firms listed on the Australian Stock Exchange in 2002. We find significant diversity in reporting practices relating to both goodwill and identifiable intangible assets. Accordingly, the new accounting rules will potentially reshape ASX-listed firms' financial statements by significant amounts.  相似文献   

The accounting treatment of purchased goodwill under IFRS has been severely criticized due to the extensive use of fair value accounting. The purpose of this study is to enrich the ongoing debate upon this issue by drawing attention to the market valuation implications of goodwill in a country outside the Anglo-Saxon accounting paradigm, where the application of fair value accounting has been seen as more problematic. The results indicate that, in the case of purchased goodwill, fair value accounting generates relevant accounting numbers but only in companies that comply highly with IFRS disclosure requirements.  相似文献   

In issuing Statements No. 141 and No. 142, the FASB has attempted to make accounting statements better reflect the economics of the exchange of value that takes place in business combinations. At the very least, requiring a single method of accounting reduces the costs of accounting, puts all acquirers on an equal accounting footing, and removes the incentive to incur significant costs to be able to report on a pooling-of-interests basis.
But if the FASB rules have changed significantly, investors' expectations for acquiring companies have not. Therefore, accounting rules should have no impact on acquisition pricing or structuring unless they affect cash flows. Recorded goodwill and return on capital are the artificial result of accounting rules, and largely without economic content. However, understanding the growth value implicit in the price paid is key to helping ensure that acquisitions create value. Boards of directors and executives must understand the minimum annual performance targets they have set for themselves by paying a premium to acquire a company.
The ideal measure of goodwill, which has not been contemplated by the FASB, would capture the premium of the current acquisition price over the value of the target firm's current operating value—that is, the discounted NPV of its current operating cash flows. Using such an economist's definition of goodwill, financial analysts could then come up with the variable that is of greatest interest to investors-namely, the expected improvements in operating performance that are necessary to justify the acquirer's investment in the target company. The economic framework and future growth value analysis based on EVA can be used to answer this question, regardless of the accounting rules du jour.  相似文献   

An accounting standard for goodwill, AASB 136 Impairment of Assets was implemented in Australia in 2005. However, several issues of compliance with the Standard were noted in the initial adoption periods. This study examines goodwill reporting practices in Australia over the five‐year period from 2005 to 2010. It explores the extent to which Australian listed entities complied with mandatory requirements in relation to impairment testing. Using a sample of 287 Australian listed firms, we found that compliance with the Standard's goodwill allocation requirements generally improved; however, there was still non‐compliance for all reporting periods. Also, there was a tendency for firms to define the same or smaller numbers of cash‐generating units (CGUs) than reporting segments. This suggests the existence of CGU aggregation, which may have the capacity to influence the incidence of goodwill impairment, and thereby the financial position of an entity. Coupled with non‐compliance and a lack of audit attention, compliance issues surrounding goodwill impairment testing under AASB 136 still remain of concern to regulators. The findings are useful to academics, regulators and policymakers because they signal the (lack of) compliance with AASB 136.  相似文献   

RONALD MA  ROGER HOPKINS 《Abacus》1988,24(1):75-85
The nature of goodwill continues to be misunderstood by most accountants and confusion surrounding the measurement and reporting of goodwill persists. The rejection of official accounting standards on goodwill is a common occurrence. A dynamic open system perspective is used in this paper to re-examine the nature of goodwill. It is found that a meaningful economic interpretation can be developed for internally generated goodwill but not for 'purchased goodwill'. There is an inability to identify the stream of benefits specifically associated with goodwill arising on acquisition.  相似文献   

MARTIN BLOOM 《Abacus》2009,45(3):379-389
This article provides a means of resolving one of accounting's ongoing problems—how to account for goodwill in an era where the unidentifiable intangible asset is often an entity's largest value component. Despite the general recognition that, in practice, the two classes of goodwill are indistinguishable in terms of their ability to generate streams of revenue, a distinction is traditionally drawn between internally generated and purchased goodwill. The former should not be brought to account because it is impossible to do so within the accepted rules of double entry bookkeeping and historical cost based accounting. On the other hand, there is no difficulty in bringing purchased goodwill to account, but controversy has always existed as to how to treat the amount once recognized. It can confidently be expected that, as anomalies and practical difficulties manifest themselves in practice, the current impairment regime will, in its turn, be abandoned.  相似文献   

Regulations designed to achieve “uniformity in practice” in Australian firms' reporting of goodwill were first adopted in 1985 with the introduction of AAS18. Because of the requirement to amortise purchased goodwill, a number of firms either did not comply or took evasive actions to mitigate the effects of the standard. This paper documents and explains the pre-regulation cross-sectional variation in accounting practices. Reactions to the set of regulations introduced between 1985 and 1989 are then described and explained through a longitudinal study of accounting policy choice. We develop hypotheses which explain why the goodwill accounting rules reversed relations between the accounting methods adopted by firms and both the earnings effect of compliance and the market value of the firm's goodwill. The results are confirmatory.  相似文献   

We find that accounting charges for goodwill impairment, which imply a deterioration in the capabilities of acquired assets to generate expected cash flows, provide useful indicators of CEO underperformance. The results show that the size and presence of a goodwill impairment charge are positively associated with forced, but not voluntary, CEO turnovers. This implies that goodwill impairment provides information before CEO changes occur. We also find that goodwill impairment has incremental power to predict forced turnover when it is unexpected based on book value relative to market value of equity and when it runs counter to overall firm performance. The association between goodwill impairment and forced CEO turnover varies with audit quality, consistent with the importance of the perceived reliability of accounting information for its effect on CEO retention decisions. Given that the FASB recently considered eliminating annual goodwill impairment testing (FASB, 2022) whereas the IASB not only prefers impairment testing but is considering requiring additional related disclosures (IASB, 2020), our evidence on the informativeness of goodwill impairment charges is timely.  相似文献   

本文以我国放松卖空管制作为切入点,系统检验了其对并购商誉泡沫的影响。研究发现,放松卖空管制之后,超额商誉显著下降,同时商誉资产也显著下降,且该效应在民营控股公司中更显著;机制检验发现,卖空通过吸引更多分析师跟踪、增加对管理者的激励来抑制商誉泡沫;进一步研究发现,在市场化水平较高、行业竞争度较低的情形下,卖空机制对商誉泡沫的抑制作用更强。本文的研究结论丰富了卖空和并购商誉领域的文献,并为以市场导向原则化解并购商誉泡沫提供了新思路和新范式。  相似文献   

This study examines UK firms' contracting cost incentives for capitalizing estimates of brand value. Results indicate that firms' decisions to capitalize acquired brands were influenced by the impact that the immediate write-off of goodwill to equity has on the London Stock Exchange's shareholder approval requirement for future acquisitions and disposals. These findings provide evidence of contracting costs that result from stock exchange mandated shareholder approval rules for planned transactions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to shed light on the reliability of accounting goodwill numbers by examining whether many goodwill impairment losses arise from overpayment for the target at the time of the acquisition, rather than from a subsequent deterioration of goodwill values. A second related objective is to assess whether the goodwill impairment test introduced by SFAS 142 improved the ability of accounting standards to timely capture situations in which the amount of goodwill is overstated and should thus be written down.  相似文献   

We explore the value relevance of goodwill against two benchmarks: other accounting information and long-lived tangible assets. Prior research suggests that fair value estimates for goodwill must be inferred from other available information because of the nature of goodwill, including its intangibility. Such inferences are highly discretionary and may limit the usefulness of reported goodwill estimates. Because Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 142 relies exclusively on fair value estimates to subsequently measure goodwill, reported values considering management’s increased discretion may be less reliable and less value relevant when presented in conjunction with other accounting information. However, the subsequent accounting measurement for goodwill is not dissimilar from the subsequent measurement for long-lived tangible assets, which are also subject to impairment. In general, impairment measurement is subjective; management may have greater insight, even in the presence of management incentives and other accounting information, that may help confirm or disconfirm investors’ own goodwill estimates. Using other accounting information and long-lived tangible assets as benchmarks for the value relevance of goodwill, we find that reported goodwill provides greater value relevance relative to other accounting information after SFAS 142 and that the difference between the value relevance of goodwill and other long-lived tangible assets is also significantly greater following SFAS 142.  相似文献   

It has become increasingly popular to advise investors to relocate their funds from a primarily stock portfolio to a primarily bond portfolio as they get older. However, the well-known decision rules such as mean–variance or stochastic dominance rules are unable to explain this common practice. Almost stochastic dominance (ASD) and almost mean–variance (AMV) approaches are used to examine the dominance of stock and bond portfolios. ASD and AMV rules unambiguously support the popular practice of advising higher stock to bond ratio for long investment horizons. Hence, we provide an explanation to the practitioners’ recommendation within the expected utility paradigm.  相似文献   

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