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网络财务环境下会计模式的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络经济的发展导致财务环境的变革。企业的会计理论与会计实务也将从原有的经济环境中蜕变出来 ,重新形成与网络财务环境相适应的会计模式。会计目标将更侧重于决策有用性 ;会计假设的内涵将更深刻 ,外延将更广泛 ;会计确认上权责发生制与现金流动制共处 ,会计计量上多种计量属性并存 ;会计报告也将变得更加主动 ,实时 ,多样化  相似文献   

在宏观政策措施的带动下.2009年国内钢市经历超乎预期的一年.钢价整体呈现“w”型走势。造船板受出口下降影响.产量明显缩减.价格也随钢市整体出现波动.2010年国内造船板需求增长依然具有较强动力.而出口也将逐步回升.但整体产能压力小减。造船板与钢市整体的关联性越来越强,2010年仍将在更高平台上波动运行。  相似文献   

"十一五"我国物流产业发展的环境与新趋势   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文认为,“十一五”乃至未来更长时期,我国物流产业将进入更高层次的发展阶段,并呈现一些新的发展趋势与特征。第一,伴随着国民经济的快速稳定发展,物流产业规模将继续快速扩张;第二,与经济结构和产业布局调整相适应,物流产业的集中度进一步提升;第三,随着物流市场的进一步扩大,物流产业内的分工将越来越细;第四,物流服务方式日益多样化,以现代信息技术、运输技术、管理技术为基础的集成化、一体化物流服务将得到更为广泛的应用;第五,物流产业技术进步与创新步伐加快,现代化水平进一步提升;第六,合作互动将成为物流产业实现规模扩张、协调发展的重要途径;第七,物流产业发展的制度环境日趋规范,市场秩序与环境条件进一步优化。  相似文献   

谢杰  朱立志  浦华 《财贸研究》2007,18(2):40-45
气候对农业生产起着决定性作用。温室效应会使地球升温,从而引起全球变暖,将对农业产生深远影响。本研究使用一个CGE全球模型GTAP来预测全球变暖对农业贸易的影响,结果显示高纬度地区将获益,而低纬度地区将受损。北美小麦出口的重心将从美国转向加拿大,中国将取代东盟成为主要的稻米出口国。农业经济占GDP很大比重的发展中国家将受到更大的负面冲击。  相似文献   

张燕  黄伯平 《北方经贸》2003,(11):15-16
商誉是产生并依附于企业整体优势 ,能够持续地为企业带来高于平均水平超额收益的一项不可分割、不可确指的无形资产。根据商誉的特性 ,本文对仅发生于产权交易中的商誉评估的前提和方法作一简单的介绍。  相似文献   

In this paper an assessment will be made of the state of Business Ethics as an academic discipline as well as on the extent to which theory on Business Ethics has been translated into practice within the South African society. First the way in which Business Ethics is defined will be examined. Then the issues within the field of Business Ethics that is considered to be most important will be addressed, as well as the reasons why it is believed to be important to address them. From there the attention will be shifted to the way in which Business Ethics has been institutionalised at tertiary education level. An overview of important initiatives taken by the business sector themselves will also be reviewed. Then co-operation between business and academia on Business Ethics will be discussed. Finally an assessment will be made of what can be learned from Business Ethics elsewhere in the world and what can be offered in this regard. Also some future prospects of Business Ethics in South Africa will be explored.  相似文献   

2008 will undoubtedly witness a series of new developments in China's economy, some will be unpredictable,and some will meet the turning corner, while others will fulfill expectations. An analysis of the reasons, developing trends and relevant policies behind these hot issues will help to outline China's economic development in 2008.  相似文献   

从规制俘获视角看,规制俘获理论包括公共利益规制理论、传统规制俘获理论、新规制经济学俘获理论几个主要理论阶段。规制具有外部性,主动猎获规制导致社会生产率和社会福利的损失,造成社会分配的不公平,引发社会道德危机。人性恶的假设、"国家掠夺论"的政府本质说以及制度的缺陷和权力的滥用都是主动猎获规制外部性产生的原因。本文首次从规制者"主动猎获"的新视角研究规制外部性,揭示了规制外部性可能导致的经济、政治和文化上的危害,拓宽了规制外部性的研究视野。  相似文献   

我国始于2003年的“软扩张”增长态势在2008年由于实施紧缩性政策而结束.随之我国经济将进入价格稳定和增长稳定的双重稳定增长阶段。在该阶段仍然以总需求管理为主,但需要兼顾总供给管理,经济增长仍然维持在接近自然率的水平上,虽然经济增长速度有所回落,但是经济周期波动的稳定性趋势仍然没有显著变化。  相似文献   

The recent phase of globalisation could be characterised as “wider”, whereas the next phase to come will be “deeper”. This new phase is likely to prove bumpier than the previous one, as the issues now at stake will have more to do with values or ethics, the interpenetration of which will be both economically necessary and politically difficult. In the medium term, the growth of the European economies will become more dependent on external trade, and thus these policy challenges will need to be addressed.  相似文献   

2012年,美国经济的增速将放缓,欧元区经济进入相对稳定期,日本经济会在一定程度内反弹,新兴经济体的增长速度也将趋缓,世界经济的整体增速将下滑,但不会衰退。在这种大环境下,2012年前4个月我国经济增长稳中趋缓,第二季度将延续减速态势。当前我国经济下行压力加大,稳增长尤显重要;物价较快上涨势头虽得到控制,但食品价格周期性大幅波动的深层次矛盾并未有效解决;节能减排任务艰巨;小微企业仍然困难,贷款难已转为生产经营规模的缩小。而且,刺激性政策逐步退出以及严厉的房地产调控政策将使经济增速进一步放缓;地方财政风险和土地市场交易趋冷对地方投融资能力形成制约;节能减排等对经济增长的质量提出新要求,将制约粗放型增长;资源、劳动力成本上升抬高了经济增长的成本;出口放缓对工业生产形成一定压力,进而导致经济增速放缓。同时,战略性新兴产业的相关规划陆续出台给经济增长增添新的动力;中西部不断承接东部产业转移,逐步成为带动经济增长的新亮点;消费水平将保持稳步增长。综合来看,2012年中国经济增长将呈"前低后高"的态势。  相似文献   

邢海洋 《中国海关》2012,(5):76+17-76
当我们试图寻找一个能够形成较长产业链并能提供巨大就业空间的超级产业,以作为实体经济发展的基础时,电池无疑处于这样的节点上。  相似文献   

中印构建自由贸易区会产生贸易集聚效应、规模经济效应、资源优化配置效应、相互直接投资效应和区域经济发展效应等正经济效应;同时也存在一些负经济效应,如,中国将面临一定的税收损失、印度产品会对中国市场造成一定的冲击以及印度在吸引外商直接投资上会与中国展开竞争等。但总体上中印构建自由贸易区对两国来讲是利大于弊的。  相似文献   

Many believe that within three or four years the wireless Internet will overtake the fixed-line Internet in consumer penetration and business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce. Some believe that distinctions between media will soon disappear because of digital convergence: that it will soon be meaningless to ask whether the device used for home shopping is a PC or a TV. This article argues that the various new media will continue to be distinguishable from each other despite convergence and that the dominant device, even in B2C markets, will continue to be something like today's PC.  相似文献   

根据全面预算管理的整体性、参与性和实时性等特性,构建商务智能系统下的全面预算管理,将存储在企业信息系统中的数据清洗、转换和重构为可用信息,并运用适当的工具对信息进行处理,使信息变为辅助预算管理的知识。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to provide a framework for exploring positioning strategies for social cause organizations (SCO) in an attempt to better utilize their distinguishable nature and ability to foster aspects of desired change. Although much research has been considered regarding SCOs and their ability to attract understandable interest and passion, limited work has investigated their unique positioning strategies. Statistical positioning tools will provide an analytical perspective of the attributes these organizations possess and what influences they may have on individual perceptions. Published marketing materials from select SCOs will be examined. Analysis will reveal perceptual maps based upon respondent attribute ratings. “Ideal” SCOs will then be identified with multivariate regression. Results will be further tested to discern the predictive capabilities of the maps. Last, theoretical and managerial implications will be forwarded for discussion.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to study selected aspects of Turkish accession to the EU. Joining the EU will require that Turkey attains macroeconomic stability, adopts the Common Agricultural Policy, and liberalizes its services and network industries. Furthermore, joining the EU will require Turkey to adopt and implement the whole body of EU legislation and standards – the acquis communautaire. According to the EU membership criteria, new members must be able to demonstrate the ‘ability to take on the obligations of membership including adherence to the aims of political, economic and monetary union’. Thus Turkey will be expected to adopt the euro when it is ready to do so, but not immediately upon accession. Integration will boost allocative efficiency in the Turkish economy which in turn will make the country a better place to invest. Furthermore, Turkey will reap the benefits from monetary integration and from migration of labour to the EU. But the welfare gains will have a price, and the price will be the adjustment costs associated with the adoption of the acquis communautaire. The final section of the paper considers the effects of accession on the EU in terms of migration and budgetary effects.  相似文献   

Government policy in China supports urban wages at the expense of returns to farm labour. A model is developed to estimate how WTO accession and complementary labour market reform will influence factor returns in China. With WTO membership, a larger cut in manufacturing tariffs compared to agriculture will improve agriculture's terms of trade and will raise the agricultural wage. Complementary labour market reforms will further boost farm wages as labour exits agriculture in large numbers. We estimate that WTO membership and complementary labour market reforms will result in a decline in the agricultural labour force by about 25 per cent.  相似文献   

隋丽辉 《商业研究》2003,(16):129-130
可持续发展观念使 2 1世纪的经济步入绿色经济时代 ,世界各国将可持续发展纳入一个共同研究的命题 ,发展绿色经济成为世界经济发展的一个必然趋势 ,是企业实现可持续发展的唯一途径。绿色经济时代的市场竞争与以往市场竞争不同 ,传统的名牌产品竞争策略将要被以质量为核心的绿牌产品竞争策略所替代 ,创造绿牌产品 ,确保企业在可持续发展环境下的竞争主导地位  相似文献   

This article will offer an alternative understanding of managerial decision-making drawing from Sartre’s Critique of Dialectical Reason rather than simply Being and Nothingness. I will begin with a brief explanation of Sartre’s account of freedom in Being and Nothingness. I will then show in the second section how Andrew West uses Sartre’s conception of radical freedom from Being and Nothingness for a managerial decision-making model. In the third section, I will explore a more robust account of freedom from Sartre’s Critique of Dialectical Reason. I will attempt to show that freedom is not simply a matter of choosing (or not choosing) to perform an action, but entails external constraints—including other people. Finally, I will provide the implications of this account of freedom for managerial decision-making. I will show that it’s unreasonable to place full responsibility and/or blame on managers given their constraints. This does not absolve them from responsibility, but better accounts for the way in which we ought to hold them responsible.  相似文献   

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