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上海紫光机械有限公司日前在上海成功举行了新产品发布会。 与来自北京、上海、天津、重庆、江苏、安徽、浙江、江西、福建、山东、湖北、河南、河北、辽宁、吉林、黑龙江、甘肃、新疆、台湾等19个省市自治区以及新加坡的60多个企业近130多位印刷界的领导、专家、同行参加了会议。  相似文献   

伴随国内汽车工业的飞速发展,车辆更新加快了润滑油产品升级换代.消费者“以养代修”的观念的逐渐深入,顾客对产品和服务提出了更高的标准和要求,加快了车用润滑油产品升级换代。由于国际品牌在品牌影响力.市场观念等处于相对强势,占据了高端汽油机油70%以上市场。而高端汽油机油市场的竞争不仅是企业综合实力与品牌影响力的全方位竞争,  相似文献   

中国质量协会石油分会胜利企业工作站多年来紧紧围绕着胜利油田提高整体管理水平、提升竞争能力和实现降本增效,紧密结合油田生产实际,深入、扎实地开展各项质量管理活动。为油田效益的提高。市场竞争能力的提升.全面拓展生存发展空间发挥了重要的作用。  相似文献   

2003年,我国有两次重要会议,引起了人们的普遍关注。先是在5月下旬,中央政治局召开会议专题讨论人才问题,作出了人才资源是第一资源的科学判断,提出了人才强国战略;接着,在中共十六届三中全会以后不久,中央又在12月份召开了全国人才工作会议,胡锦涛同志和温家宝同志都在会上作了重要讲话。这两次会议,都  相似文献   

根据军工产品的特性,财政部、国防科工委陆续下发了《国防科研项目计价管理办法》和《军品价格管理办法》,研究院也于2004年下发了与之配套的两个实施细则。细则进一步规范了军工产品的报价程序和成本费用分摊原则,对报价工作提出了更高的要求和更为详细的指导。一、辅料和工装在收集和分摊中的问题报价成本的计算原则在《一院型号产品价格编制实施细则》中已有详细规定,现就原辅材料、工装的收集与分配中遇到的问题进一步说明。1.原辅料费用的编制计算(1)原材料实施细则规定:原材料费用=计划单价×原材料工艺消耗定额这个公式算出来的结果…  相似文献   

一、首钢曹妃甸钢铁基地项目发展循环经济的目标与措施2005年2月,国务院批准了首钢搬迁调整规划,要求按照循环经济理念,联合唐钢在河北曹妃甸建设具有国际先进水平的节能环保生态型的钢铁精品基地,2005年10月,曹妃甸工业区被列为国家第一批发展循环经济试点产业园区。按照循环经济理念,实现工业区开发与环境的和谐发展。首钢曹妃甸钢铁基地,是“在大码头、大钢铁、大化工、大电能”为主导的曹妃甸工业区总体框架下建设的。1.首钢曹妃甸钢铁基地发展循环经济的目标首钢曹妃甸钢铁基地发展循环经济的目标是:以资源、能源高效循环利用为核心,以…  相似文献   

在激烈的市场竞争中,兴安电力公司树立企业形象,推销自己的产品———电能和热能,并开始打造“兴电”“兴热”品牌。为把“兴电”“兴热”品牌搞出自己的特色,搞出效益,兴安电力公司提出了“品牌管理”新概念,把“品牌管理”细化为服务质量管理、电力市场管理、增供扩销管理3个方面,并制定了严格的考核制度、奖惩制度、监督检查制度,公司监察部门、考核部门全方位、全过程进行跟踪,走出一条电热联产的发展道路,为兴安电力公司发展创造条件。“兴电”“兴热”品牌是建立在以人为本,全心全意为客户服务基础上的。为让职工牢固树立…  相似文献   

It is often asserted that hearing the voice of the customer (VOC) can generate meaningful product and process innovation. Minimal empirical attention has, however, been devoted to evaluating this claim. The paucity of academic research exists, in part, due to the lack of an underlying conceptual foundation for the VOC concept. An opportunity thereby exists to impart theory, and evaluate whether hearing the VOC can indeed lead to favorable consequences. This research construes customer focus as a market‐sensing capability which manifests itself in the key organizational processes (i.e., intelligence generation and continual performance assessment) and values (i.e., a customer orientation serves as the guiding principle) that allow the VOC to be heard throughout the organization. Those manifestations are hypothesized to impact positions (i.e., relative [task‐related] performance) and outcomes (i.e., customer loyalty). The results based on data obtained from a cross‐sectional survey research design fielded in a supplier‐business customer context provide empirical support for the favorable consequences of being customer‐focused, and support the need to consider moderating variables. This paper advances theory by (1) answering the call to examine the capabilities that underlie a customer‐focused organization; (2) establishing empirical support for the (a) linkage between hearing the VOC and acting on that information, (b) elusive relationship between acting on the VOC and future buyer intentions, and (c) sources→positions→outcomes model as a path to achieving competitive advantage; (3) demonstrating that being customer‐focused does not have a direct effect on customer loyalty, thereby revealing a result different than that obtained in the consumer empowerment literature; and (4) demonstrating the importance of key moderators, namely (a) that relative (operational) performance has a strong positive effect on loyalty in relationships characterized by lower switching costs, and (b) that the effect of customer focus may lessen over time, implying that core capabilities may evolve into core rigidities. Additionally, this research contributes to business practice by providing managers with an understanding of how to hear the VOC throughout the firm (i.e., how to become a customer‐focused organization), and offering guidance on how to manage buyer–seller relationships.  相似文献   

一、深入学习贯彻”三个代表”,认清形势,明确任务,进一步增强做好思想政治工作的责任感和使命感 2002年,是国电公司“求真务实、转变作风年”,是国电电力公司的“深入调查研究年”,也是  相似文献   

新疆在古代是东西方交流的重镇,当地维吾尔族广大人民生活中不可缺少的印花布和印花毡,以其独特的制作方法和具有当地民族特点的艺术风格,区别于内地传统的蓝印花布,但同时它又吸收了内地镂版蓝印花布的制作方法;它们的图案花纹变化多样,以伊斯兰教图案为主结合内地纹样,处处突显出一种文化的融合。  相似文献   

以科学发展观为指导,做好国有企业的内部审计工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新形势下的内部审计工作要运用全新的审计理念推进审计工作,实现新的转变和突破。本文主要介绍了内部审计工作的总体目标和努力的方向;内部审计主要职能应从查错防弊向管理服务方面转变;正确处理监督与服务的关系;积极抓好三项审计建设;完善审计工作制度和机制。  相似文献   

Increased intensity of work has been frequently cited as part of the explanation for the productivity gains in British manufacturing industry during the 1980s. One of the main sources for this claim has been the PUL (Percentage Utilization of Labour) index, a measure of throughput at the point of production. Analysis of the underlying rationale for this measure leads to the conclusion that it is not a sound basis on which to assess workers' effort. This article examines the concept of effort in some detail and considers the validity of psychological and psychophysiological measures. Whichever measure is used, the evidence provides little support for the contention that workers' effort has been a significant factor in productivity increases.  相似文献   

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