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昌荣作为央视广告的代理商,一直以来在传统媒体尤其是电视方面具有明显的优势。随着2006年网络广告继续高速发展.更多的广告主开始尝试网络投放,或者增加网络投放份额.昌荣也大举进入这一新兴的媒体广告领域。  相似文献   

<正>在2010年央视黄金资源广告招标会上,招标金额首度突破了百亿元大关,蒙牛则标出了3.4亿元的历史最高价成为了新一代的标王。但是,这并不代表着真正的趋势。事实上,收看普通的电视节目已经越来越成为"上一代"的事情,现今的品牌商,所需要面对的是一个越来越不爱看电视的消费群体,这个群体将会左右所有品牌商的未来。  相似文献   

在经济形势整体不佳的情况下,2012年传统广告增速放缓,同时互联网正在深刻地影响着传统媒体和广告市场,对于电视的逆袭或将发生在2013年。面对媒体格局的不确定,广告主的营销会发生怎么样的变化?广告主又是如何考量的呢?CTR媒介智讯在2013年初进行了第五次广告主营销趋势的调查,从中可以看出广告主的确在发生一些变化。  相似文献   

随着互联网的迅猛发展,网络广告发挥的效用越来越显得重要.网络广告由于其交互直接、反馈及时、覆盖面广、无时空差异、针对性强、便于统计、费用低廉等优势越来越被广告主所看好.以至人们认为网络广告市场将超越路牌,成为传统四大媒体(电视、广播、报纸、杂志)和户外广告之后的又一强势媒体.  相似文献   

全行业点评:7月网络品牌广告预估投放费用逾11亿 根据艾瑞咨询网络广告监测系统iAdTracker的最新数据显示,2010年7月,中国网络品牌广告媒体总预估投放费用逾11亿,较6月预估费用增加5437.08万元,升幅5.2%,比去年同期增长36.5%。  相似文献   

全行业点评:5月网络品牌广告预估投放费用超过10亿元 根据艾瑞咨询网络广告监测系统iAdTracker的最新数据显示,2010年5月,中国网络品牌广告媒体总预估投放费用10.9亿元,比4月上升14.4%,较去年同期增长51.7%。新浪、搜狐矩阵、腾讯和网易四大门户合计广告费用4.5亿元,  相似文献   

连伯宁 《广告导报》2006,(6):127-128
当前,传统媒体的投放正在经历一个结构性的盘整期。互联网经历数年寒冬之后,正在找回曾经的自信。据艾瑞市场咨询发布的《2005年中国网络广告市场份额年度报告》显示。2005年中国网络广告市场规模为31.3亿元,比2004年增长77.1%,大大超过了杂志广告收入(18亿元),接近广播广告收入(34亿元),而网络广告市场规模占整体广告市场的比重也由2001年的0.5%迅速攀升至2005年的2.3%。随着互联网新的服务模式的应用以及受众“碎片化”的趋势,互联网独特的营销资源,将给企业提供更加丰富的创新形式和更加广阔的营销平台。  相似文献   

网络广告"牛"了   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋亚兵 《大经贸》2001,(1):64-65
从1994年10月14日美国WIRED杂志网络版的主页上出现AT&T等14个客户的旗帜广告,到1997年,据美国因特网广告署公布的数据,国际互联网的网络广告营业额已接近10亿美元.在去年6月国际广告业大会(International AdvertisingFestival)召开前夕,在互联网和电子商务领域领先的木星通讯公司(Jupiter Communications)公司发表了一份最新的调查报告,该报告预计,网上广告额在2005年将达到280亿美元,而这个数字在1999年只有43亿美元.该报告还称,在5年之内,全球广告业总收入的6%将来自网上广告.网上广告额的这种上升的部分原因是全球网民人数由3亿增加到8亿.  相似文献   

梁勇 《广告大观》2006,(7S):44-45
随着中国网民数量的急剧增长,互联网广告的价值也被普遍承认。Web2.0时代的到来,标志着互联网广告在新媒体产生的运作平台上,进入了“第二代互联网广告”时期。  相似文献   

尼尔森作为对消费市场、对媒体,研究了86年的一家公司,在2008年倡导一个新创意的概念,要在新媒体、新环境、新营销的大背景下,为企业为市场,为广告服务的能力加以整合。环境的变迁,媒体的变迁,已经深刻影响到每个行业的参与者。  相似文献   

中国广告市场发展与新媒体趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田涛 《广告大观》2008,(7):42-43
谈中国广告的趋势,数字确实非常重要,这个趋势背后有很多的动因。  相似文献   

This study uses signaling theory to examine the role of media coverage on IPO stock performance. Specifically, it investigates how coverage in credible financial media and the tone of media coverage about an IPO firm before and after its listing influence its stock performance. Results show that coverage in credible financial media about an IPO firm significantly impacts its stock price. Additionally, the findings show that uncertainty in the tone of media coverage about an IPO firm adversely influences its stock price. Overall, these findings contribute to signaling theory by addressing the impact of uncertain signals on investor behavior. Moreover, the findings reported in this study also contribute to the growing organizational literature on media by emphasizing the need for scholars to examine the content of media coverage, and specifically the role of uncertain media coverage, on firm-level variables.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the impact of social media conversations on consumer valuation of brand characteristics and demand for carbonated soft drinks (CSDs). We formulate a random coefficient, discrete choice model of consumer demand that includes social media conversations, and estimate it matching Nielsen sales data on carbonated soft drinks to social media conversations on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Empirical results indicate that consumers’ conversations about brands and nutritional aspects of CSDs have a significant impact on their valuation of brand characteristics and ultimately on their choices of CSDs. These findings have important implications not only for firms using social media as a strategic tool for effective brand promotion and product design but also for public health policies aimed at reducing the consumption of sugary beverages and high-calorie foods.  相似文献   

This paper examines organizational impacts of social media on Fortune 100 companies over a 5-year period (2011–2016). Specifically, the study focuses on three broad areas of social media impact: (1) the adoption of social media platforms across industries and business models from 2011 to 2016, (2) the influence of social media adoption on the roles of the chief information officer (CIO) and chief marketing officer (CMO) and their changing relationships in companies over this time frame, and (3) the impact of social media on company strategy, governance, and the IT (information technology) and marketing functions. The results support the contention that the CMO role has evolved to meet the technology needs of the marketing function and that the relationship between the CMO and CIO has taken on greater importance. In most Fortune 100 companies in 2016, social media has transitioned to ownership by the marketing department and the CMO provides leadership for social media strategy while working closely with the CIO. This study contributes to a better understanding of the established role of social media in companies, governance structures, and the evolving roles of both the CIO and CMO in relation to social media trends. The study integrates the IT and marketing literature to provide an agenda for future work that builds on theory and establishes an ongoing cohesive research agenda.  相似文献   


Creative media (CM) advertising is an advertising strategy wherein a non-traditional medium is creatively used for advertising purposes. This novel advertising strategy is gaining marketers’ interest; however, little is known about its persuasive effects on consumers’ cognitive, affective and behavioural responses and the processes that underlie them. Therefore, to convey a genuine experience to consumers, two field experiments with a one-factor (advertising type: creative vs. traditional) between-subjects design were conducted within a supermarket context. Results showed that creative (vs. traditional) media ads not only improve consumers’ affective and behavioural responses but also consumers’ cognitive responses. Even though no mediations were found through perceived surprise or perceived persuasive intent, results do provide evidence for the notion that perceived humor and perceived value are the underlying mechanisms through which affective and behavioural responses to creative media advertising can be explained.  相似文献   

What is the impact of ad parodies on the brands they spoof? This question arises from the recent confluence of heightening comedic interest in parodying advertising and the growing trend of amateurs creating their own ad parodies in social media. This article reports on a multi-phase study investigating the key dimensions of ad parodies and how they influence brand attitudes, attitudes towards the parodies, and intention to pass along the parodies. Four primary dimensions of ad parodies were discovered: humour, truth, mockery and offensiveness. Humour and truth were positively related to attitudes towards the parodies and intention to pass them along, while offensiveness was negatively related to attitudes towards the parodies. However, the dimensions of ad parodies had no impact on brand attitudes. The results demonstrate that, although advertisers should be aware of this trend, they can take comfort in consumers’ ability to distinguish between brand messages and entertainment.  相似文献   

With increasing fragmentation, advertisers are choosing media based upon their ability to deliver specific target markets to maximise return on media expenditure. In doing so, they rely upon the claims of media providers (whether in part or in full) about how their audiences differ from those of competing offerings. In this paper we consider just how successful media have been at attracting specialist audiences. We seek empirical generalisation by including a very broad range of audience member characteristics, multiple media types, two countries and three years of data in our analysis. We find that while there are some differences in the audiences that competing media deliver, these differences are largely inconsequential when (a) considered in light of the audience differentiation claims made by the media themselves and (b) that implicit in the audience targeting concept is the notion that media audiences are highly segmented. This research will challenge advertisers' entrenched assumptions about audience targeting and provide useful benchmarks for advertisers who place any credence on media selling propositions.  相似文献   

Building on research in institutional theory and market categories, we argue that media coverage, through the effects of cognitive and sociopolitical legitimacy, influence the creation of new market categories. Using data on the broadband access industry, we develop and test a media coverage model of market category entries, demonstrating the legitimacy effects of media-based information exchange on the emergence of new market categories. We include two post hoc analyses on mediation effects to test the relationship between population density and media coverage. These results indicate a possible mediation relationship, which we discuss in the implications of our study.  相似文献   

问题 《广告大观》2008,(7):50-51
2008年5月8日9:17,中国实现了对世界的承诺,第一次把奥运圣火带上了世界最高点——珠穆朗玛峰顶。在这个建在5200米珠峰大本营演播室里,中央电视台与央视网联合成功进行了圣火耀珠峰的报道,真正实现了网台联动。  相似文献   

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