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This short interactive case introduces several auditing concepts in the context of a familiar activity: verifying the accuracy of a restaurant bill. You will work in student teams to first determine whether the bill is accurate, and then to decide whether you are willing to pay it. During the exercise, you will keep track of the various steps and procedures you used in making your decisions. After you complete the exercise, your instructor will relate the activity to various auditing topics in the auditing process such as audit evidence, internal control, materiality, professional responsibilities and the concept of “fairly stated.” Hundreds of students have completed this exercise and report that it has helped them grasp many essential features of the auditing process, while providing a useful frame of reference for more complex aspects of the audit process.  相似文献   

This paper presents a discussion of a risk-based auditing project that can be used in an undergraduate or graduate auditing course. The project gives students an opportunity to apply the concepts learned in their auditing class about risk-based auditing to a real world company. A number of companies are selected from a particular industry. Each student team is assigned a company and performs business risk analysis related to the entity and its environment using a structured questionnaire (template). The students are required to perform analytical procedures (ratio analysis) on the company and compare it to industry data or a competitor. Student evaluations of the project indicate that it helped them apply their audit knowledge, and was relevant to the auditing class.  相似文献   

For at least the past two decades, accounting educators have been faced with increasing demands to keep pace with imperatives from the profession and with changes in the practice environment. Rapid changes in information technology applications, both in accounting practice and in academe, have added to the complexity of accounting educator responsibilities. This paper reports on the development and use of a “Virtual Office Hours” (VOH) platform to enhance opportunities to engage students in their learning beyond the classroom environment. This approach has been developed as a result of instructor experience with adding technology applications in the accounting classroom to better reflect practice environment needs. VOH has been implemented in auditing and intermediate accounting courses to develop clear and assured lines of communication between the student and instructor, and to foster the use of information technologies as a normal and expected characteristic of the course learning environment. In so doing, the approach uses tools that students will likely apply in the practice setting to interact with clients and colleagues. This can be seen as an extension of the model conveyed by the AICPA in its Core Competency Framework to leverage technology for student skill building. Student feedback, insights from accounting course experiences with VOH, and suggestions on applicability to other accounting educators are considered in the paper.  相似文献   

In the August 1991 issue of the Journal of Accounting Education, Groomer and Heintz (1991) presented an overview and detailed flowcharts for use in teaching audit reports. This article updates those flowcharts to reflect the reporting requirements of SAS No. 79 and SAS No. 82 ( AICPA, 1997), improve pedagogy, and provide a more efficient presentation. The utilization of flowcharts is a particularly effective way to communicate to the auditing student the operative logic of determining audit report types and format for GAAP-based financial statements.  相似文献   

This note reviews auditing theory and professional standards describing the relationship between internal accounting control systems and substantive audit testing. It presents three graphical models that may be used to illustrate to students the basic theoretical relationships and to clarify some points in the professional literature that may be confusing to students and practitioners. We have found these graphical models to be a useful teaching tool. They permit students to extend beyond mere verbalizations to a visualization of the theoretical concepts involved. The final model enhances the students ability to analyze and learn major concepts.  相似文献   

The second general standard of the AICPA states “In all matters relating to the assignment, an independence in mental attitude is to be maintained by the auditor or auditors.” Despite assertions that the ultimate responsibility of independence rests with the individual auditor, emphasis is typically placed on the AICPA's code of ethics in the auditing classroom. But, does such an approach reflect and accentuate the ultimate moral responsibility of the individual? The purpose of this paper is to discuss the use of Milgram's film “Obedience,” which portrays a psychological experiment on response to authority, as a means of dramatizing the subtle nature of “mental independence” to auditing students.The paper describes the use of this film in auditing instruction and the corresponding response of students. Recommendations for effective administration of the film are offered.  相似文献   

The Public Oversight Board (POB) was an independent, private sector body that, between 1977 and 2002, monitored and reported on the self-regulatory activities of the SEC Practice Section of the Division for CPA Firms of the AICPA. In retrospect, the POB served an important developmental purpose prior to legislation that established the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) in 2002. As a part of its activities, the POB began in 1989 to honor individuals who had made major contributions to auditing practice. This paper features profiles of individuals who contributed to the development of financial auditing in the United States and who were nationally recognized when the POB selected them as recipients of the John J. McCloy Award. The McCloy Award, given to recognize individual contributions to the achievement of audit excellence by the POB between 1989 and 2001, honored those who advanced the activities of the external auditing profession. McCloy, for whom the award was named, served as the POB's chairman from its inception in 1977 to 1984. As a diplomat and public servant, this non-accountant accumulated a distinguished record of service over his career. The McCloy Award winners were the exemplars of public accountability. Winners had a mix of backgrounds; some had been president or chairman of the AICPA or had won the AICPA Gold Medal for Distinguished Service. Still other McCloy winners were not involved with publicly-held clients on a regular basis, or were not practicing accountants, but whose recognition was merited because of their insistence on the public accountability of the auditing profession. Regardless, the McCloy Award recipients represent those who contributed to the effectiveness of the public auditing process in the United States. To date the PCAOB has not elected to continue the McCloy Award or to establish a similar recognition.  相似文献   

Due to the numerous and extensive recent changes in business, regulatory, and auditing environments, instructors are faced with difficult choices when designing an introductory auditing course that sufficiently meets the needs of students and the firms that will employ them. Instructors whose students are primarily hired by firms that audit SEC registered companies, for example, might allocate significant class time to PCAOB Auditing Standard No. 5 [Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (2007). Board proposes new standard on internal control over financial reporting. www.pcaob.com]. On the other hand, instructors whose students are primarily hired by firms that audit non-SEC registered companies, might allocate significant class time to reviews and agreed-upon procedure services. This paper presents four alternatives for designing introductory auditing courses, and discusses some of the major issues and constraints that instructors should consider in choosing which alternative best suits their needs. Finally, the paper provides an example that illustrates the differences among the four alternatives by discussing how each might incorporate one such specific regulatory change—PCAOB Auditing Standard No. 5.  相似文献   

Most auditing curricula do not provide students with experiential reinforcement of auditing and/or computer auditing concepts. This paper reports on an interactive generalized audit software package that has been designed to fill this educational void. The TREAT package consists of four different modes of operation with four audit eases that enable students to gain hands-on audit experience. The features of the TREAT package are similar to many accounting firms generalized audit software packages. Students using the package and its audit cases have proven TREAT to be an effective and efficient pedagogical tool.  相似文献   

持续审计基本问题研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近几年来,持续审计在以美国 AICPA 为代表的审记职业界中得到广泛讨论。本文引用 AICPA 和CICA 对持续审计的定义,分析了持续审计的特征,阐述了持续审计产生和发展的动因,界定了持续审计的效用,剖析了其在实践中推进比较缓慢的原因,以期能促使我国审计职业界正确认识和大力推进持续审计。  相似文献   

We develop and present an ethics case dealing with an uncertain tax position. The case can be used to assess professional ethics as part of an assurance-of-learning (AOL) plan as well as a component of a course grade. We present data on student performance on this case over a 5-year period. Students consider existing ethical frameworks to identify and frame the potential ethical “dilemmas” they might face in addressing whether to countenance a client’s suggested treatment and disclosure of an uncertain tax position. In addition, students evaluate the AICPA guidance and U.S. Treasury standards on taking and reporting uncertain tax positions in the tax return and the FASB and PCAOB standards on reporting and auditing uncertain tax positions in the financial statements. The case allows faculty to assess students’ ability to frame potential ethical dilemmas when clients engage in aggressive tax behavior, to recognize with whom and with what professional reference documents they should consult when an uncertain tax position arises, and to choose among alternative actions when faced with client/preparer conflicts.  相似文献   

The objective of our paper is to contribute to the accounting education literature by demonstrating that there are significant differences among final year undergraduate accounting students in the United Kingdom, Australia, India, and Malaysia with respect to an important concept in auditing, namely, perceptions of external auditors’ independence. To attain this objective, we make an original contribution to accounting cross-cultural studies by operationalizing culture in terms ofindependent and interdependent construals of selfhood. These fundamental core cultural differences are important because they play a major role in regulating psychological processes including perceptions. Additionally, to gain insight into the evolving complexities associated with understanding culture in a global economy, the concept of acculturation is invoked in hypothesis formulation. We find support for the hypothesis that students from countries with greater political, economic and socio–cultural interactions (UK and Australia) are likely to have greater similarities (i.e., lesser variations) in their perceptions of external auditors’ independence, compared to students from countries that have less acculturation (other pairs of countries). The results have implications for improving learning and teaching of auditing in the four countries. Specifically, accounting educators may like to ensure that the meaning intended in the various national and international auditing pronouncements with respect to external auditors’ independence is effectively communicated to students within specific national cultural contexts. Our findings may also be useful to various international bodies whose objectives are to harmonize auditor education. The results also suggest that there is a need to critically question the assumptions made by professional accounting firms operating cross-nationally that it is possible to attain a single global set of audit procedures and codes of professional conduct.  相似文献   

This paper has been produced in reaction to the publication of the AICPA/AAA monograph entitledAuditing Practice, Research, and Education: A Productive Collaboration . In our view, the monograph relied on a narrow conception of auditing-research usefulness. This paper aims to investigate usefulness of auditing research from a perspective more global than that of the monograph. Our theoretical discussion focuses on who may benefit from auditing research and in what ways. We supplemented our theoretical work with an empirical assessment of auditing-research usefulness from the point of view of auditors. In particular, we content analysed a series of auditing-research articles written by North American academics and published in a set of journals that, collectively, play a large role in validating these academics’ knowledge claims. Our results suggest that auditing research is to a large extent “useful" to auditors, that is to say, auditing papers generally possess a relatively high degree of applicability, and the degree to which auditing papers threaten the legitimacy of the auditing profession is relatively low. We then put forward that this degree of usefulness is the result of auditors’ efforts to control the auditing-research community. In fact, research resources, such as business funding of research, allow auditors to exert influence over academic researchers in their quest to capture the research community.  相似文献   

This study documents and evaluates the effectiveness of using a hands-on conceptual model in an active learning environment in a first accounting class. A hands-on model that can be used to help students learn inventory cost allocations is described. The model's potential for enhancing student learning is assessed. Three learning scenarios are evaluated. The first is predominately a traditional lecture-oriented approach using numerical examples to illustrate concepts. The second adds the use of a model within a lecture setting. The third uses an active learning approach along with the model. Student performance and preferences are assessed. Students indicate they perceive that the model helped them understand inventory cost allocations better than solely using numerical examples. Results from an assessment instrument indicate that students who use the model in an active learning environment show enhanced problem-solving skills over that which can be attained in a lecture-oriented environment. There is no evidence, however, that the use of a conceptual hands-on model enhances conceptual recall over that which can be attained in a lecture-oriented environment.  相似文献   

In January 1988, the membership of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) approved all six proposals that constitute the Plan to Restructure Professional Standards. Proposal VI of that plan proposed the adoption of a requirement that, after the year 2000, applicants for AICPA membership have at least 150 college-level semester hours, including a bachelor's degree or its equivalent. The additional educational requirement has widespread public policy implications as accounting educators provide or plan to provide an additional year of education for students preparing to enter the profession. Self-regulated professions, like accounting, have a major influence in deciding what good they serve and how they serve it. Moral responsibility requires accounting professionals and educators to question whether the requirement truly serves the public interest.  相似文献   

This paper reports how short 10-minute role-plays can be used as an effective tool for ethics education within university auditing classes. A mixed method approach elicited student perceptions of role-plays in developing ethical awareness. While many students self-reported difficulty in recognising and dealing with the ethical dilemmas appropriately, most agreed role-plays helped them to prepare for dealing with these issues in the workplace. This was especially the case for students with English as an additional language. Students reported the role-play ethical dilemmas raised their awareness of the need to protect their professional independence. Students commented that they had a better understanding of the importance of the professional code of conduct and the code of ethics. Role-plays are a simple experiential learning approach that helps students to recognise ethical dilemmas, explore strategies to deal with such dilemmas in a safe environment, and practice listening and questioning skills to obtain information. Short role-plays can offer critical thinking opportunities that are more relevant to the student’s personal experience than case studies of historical ethical breaches.  相似文献   

This research tests for an association between student perceptions of accounting course importance (PCI) and student evaluation of teaching (SET) ratings of satisfaction with instructor performance, course quality, and grading procedures. The study also investigates whether instructor rankings constructed from SET ratings vary across student groupings based on PCI. Using responses from students enrolled in introductory accounting classes at three AACSB-accredited accounting programs we find that SET ratings vary significantly with PCI. We also find that instructor rankings constructed from SET ratings vary with PCI. These findings suggest that, when heterogeneous perceptions are present, satisfying all students enrolled in a course may not be possible and that reliance on aggregated SET data may obscure important differences in student opinion. In this circumstance, disaggregating SET data by PCI and emphasizing the feedback of students holding higher (stronger) perceptions of course importance may enhance SET diagnostic value.  相似文献   

Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology expected to have significant impacts on the accounting and auditing profession. This study, applicable and timely for both accounting and auditing scholars and practitioners, explores blockchain technology and its main implications for the accounting and auditing profession. The research question addressed in this study is: What are the major themes emerging from academic research and professional reports and websites debating blockchain technology in the accounting and auditing context? A literature review of academic literature and professional reports and websites is performed to identify a taxonomy of emerging themes. The study finds that the most discussed themes in scholarly works and professional sources are governance, transparency and trust issues in the blockchain ecosystem, blockchain‐enabled continuous audits, smart contract applications and the paradigmatic shift in accountants' and auditors' roles. Based on these four themes, practical implications for accountants and auditors on how to approach the blockchain development are provided. Moreover, this study offers suggestions for future research on accounting and auditing in the blockchain era.  相似文献   

Rock Star Promotions, Inc. is an instructional case that incorporates both auditing and legal concepts. The objectives are five-fold. The first objective is to raise the issue of client acceptance procedures. The second objective is to examine the effect of special engagements on the assessment of audit risk under GAAS. The third objective is to expose students to the difficulties associated with the concept of independence in a real-world situation. The fourth objective is to examine the evidence gathering process and evaluate the persuasiveness of alternative types of evidence. Finally, the fifth objective is to increase student awareness and knowledge of the issues surrounding the current “litigation crisis” and the related legal liability for auditors.This case summary is based on the fact situation in the case of Hagen Sign Corp. v. KDI Corp. (In re KDI Corp.), 2 B.R. 503 (Bankr. S.D. Ohio 1980). Overall, the facts presented in this case represent original litigation filed against a CPA firm and are used to illustrate the complex operating environment faced by the audit profession.  相似文献   

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