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At the beginning of the new year,a new message was released from the Organization Committee of China Auto International Tour - China FAW Group Corporation and China League of Machinery Industry will jointly sponsor the 4nd China Auto International(Syria) Tour. This is the first time that the giant state-owned auto enterprise participates in the sponsor of international auto exhibition.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the new year,a new message was released from the Organization Committee of China Auto International Tour - China FAW Group Corporation and China League of Machinery Industry will jointly sponsor the 4nd China Auto International(Syria) Tour. This is the first time that the giant state-owned auto enterprise participates in the sponsor of international auto exhibition.……  相似文献   

The 8th China Auto International Tour, sponsored by Trade Development and Cooperation Center of CCPIT (China Council for the Promotion of International Trade), chooses Indonesia and South Africa as final destinations. Bilateral economic and trade cooperation between China and the two countries gained rapid de- velopment in recent years.  相似文献   

Nine China auto enterprises including FAW,Foton,Dongfeng,Jiangling,Changhe,and Hefei,etc.With more products attended this exhibition,they presented the level of Chinese autos.  相似文献   

6月17日,俄航SU573次航班从莫斯科国际机场起飞。透过舷窗向外俯瞰,那一望无际的白白桦林又一次波涛汹涌般闯入眼帘,渐渐地被遨游在空中的朵朵白云所替代……。机舱内的40多位中国汽车俄罗斯巡展代表团的成员,此时一个共同的心声是:“再会,美丽的俄罗斯!”  相似文献   

On September llth 2009, 2009 APEC SME Summit, themed by"small enterprises, big dreams" was held in Hangzhou, China. Entrepreneur delegates from 21 Asian-pacific countries and regions gathered in Hangzhou, discussing the issues concerning the development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and sorting out the experience for the SME to bottom out of the recession. Zhang Wei, Vice Chairman of CCPIT attended and addressed the summit.  相似文献   

During the exhibition,the heavy trucks like the engineering trucks,tractors exhibited from China FAW,Shaanxi Automobile,FOTON,JAC,attracted the interests from Russian agencies and customers.  相似文献   

一汽红旗、上汽荣威和华晨骏捷等新下线的国产轿车,将参加第五届“中国汽车国际(俄罗斯)巡展”,与其余30多辆中国自主品牌汽车组成编队,行驶在从圣·彼得堡至喀山的公路上。据悉,本届中国汽车国际(俄罗斯)巡展无论在规模、档次还是参展汽车的品牌等方面,均成为历届中国汽车国际巡展之最。  相似文献   

November 2008,the Sixth China Auto International(Algeria & Egypt)Exhibi- tion Tour is ready.Since the first session was held in 1995,the Chinese auto enterprises have been to Vietnam,Cambodia,Syria,and Russian.In the past five sessions,Chinese auto brands not only experienced the endless hardships,  相似文献   

On March 22, 2006, the press con ference of "Foton Cup" the Fourth China International (Syria) Auto Exhibition Tour was held in Beijing. Yu Zhen, Chairman of China Machinery Industry Federation sent his congratulations words to the organization committee. Zhang Xiaoyu, Vice Chairman of China Machinery Industry Federation addressed on the conference. Li Jianning, the Director of the Media and Publication Center of CCPIT expressed his expectation for this Exhibition Tour.And many representatives of the participant enterprises also gave speeches.  相似文献   

女士们,先生们,各位来宾:很高兴出席“中国汽车国际(俄罗斯)巡展”的发车仪式。我谨代表中国商务部,对巡展活动的开幕致以衷心祝贺,对出席仪式的中俄各界朋友表示热烈的欢迎。  相似文献   

November ot 2008 witnessed a great success for the Sixth China Auto International (Algeria & Egypt) Exhibition Tour. Over 10 Chinese domestic auto enterprises participated in the Tour, selected from more than 30 auto- makers, which lasted from November 27 to December 7, 2008. This event brought many Chinese homegrown automobile brands to the beautiful African lands in a vivid way.  相似文献   

In order to provide more opportuni ties for the high-developing Chinese auto industry including autos and motos to do export, and to enlarge the international influence of Chinese cars,the 4th China Auto International Circuit Exhibition will be held in Syria. The exhibition has been held for three times.……  相似文献   

In order to provide more opportuni ties for the high-developing Chinese auto industry including autos and motos to do export, and to enlarge the international influence of Chinese cars,the 4th China Auto International Circuit Exhibition will be held in Syria. The exhibition has been held for three times.  相似文献   

China Auto International Exhibition Tour was held for the first time as early as 1995, as an important pioneering undertaking. In fact, the first session of the tour was more appropriate to be called "National Exhibition Tour", as the tour team only traveled within China's borders. 28 cars and motorcycles from China's four major manufacturing groups took 20 days to travel around half of China. This exhibition tour held at the time of China's auto industry was just about to take off, turned out a big hit with profound influence.  相似文献   

Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning! Firstly, Please allow me, on behalf of Foton, to express our appreciation to friends who have been concerned about the growth of Foton.  相似文献   

November 2008,the Sixth China Auto International(Algeria & Egypt)Exhibition Tour is ready.Since the first session was held in 1995,the Chinese auto enterprises have been to Vietnam,Cambodia,Syria,and Russian.  相似文献   

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