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Marketing strategy and the internet: An organizing framework   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Competitive strategy is primarily concerned with how a business should deploy resources at its disposal to achieve and maintain defensible competitive positional advantages in the marketplace. Competitive marketing strategy focuses on how a business should deploy marketing resources at its disposal to facilitate the achievement and maintenance of competitive positional advantages in the marketplace. In a growing number of product-markets, the competitive landscape has evolved from a predominantly physical marketplace to one encompassing both the physical and the electronic marketplace. This article presents a conceptual framework delineating the drivers and outcomes of marketing strategy in the context of competing in this broader, evolving marketplace. The proposed framework provides insights into changes in the nature and scope of marketing strategy; specific industry, product, buyer, and buying environment characteristics; and the unique skills and resources of the firm that assume added relevance in the context of competing in the evolving marketplace. P. Rajan Varadarajan is a distinguished professor of marketing and the Ford chair in marketing and e-commerce in the Mays Business School at Texas A&M University. His research and teaching interests are in the areas of strategy and e-commerce. His research on corporate, business, and marketing strategyrelated issues has been published in theJournal of Marketing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, and other leading journals. He is coauthor of a textbook titledContemporary Perspectives on Strategic Market Planning. Dr. Varadarajan served as editor of theJournal of Marketing from 1993 to 1996. He currently serves on the Board of Governors of the Academy of Marketing Science and as editor of theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Manjit S. Yadav is an associate professor of marketing and Mays Faculty Fellow, Department of Marketing, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University. He obtained his Ph.D. in marketing from Virginia Tech. His research focuses on electronic commerce, firms’ pricing strategies, and consumers’ price perceptions. He has published in a number of journals, includingJournal of Marketing Research, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, andSloan Management Review. He is a member of the Editorial Review Board of theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science. At Texas A&M, Dr. Yadav developed and currently teaches a graduate course (Strategic Foundations of E-Commerce) dealing with the strategic challenges and opportunities in the emerging electronic marketplace. He served as cochair of the American Marketing Association’s 2001 Faculty Consortium on Electronic Commerce held at Texas A&M University.  相似文献   

儒商的价值观是儒商在长期的商业实践中形成的、具有儒家化特色的商业精神,其核心是注重把经商谋利与家族、国家的目标结合起来,追求一种超越于个人功利的价值定位。这种价值观体现为三个层次:经世济民的商业理想,“创家立业”的功业意识,“治生裕后”的功利追求。这三个层次的价值观既相互区别,又相互联系、相互递进,共同构成了儒商的价值体系。  相似文献   

随着体验经济时代的到来,体验营销应运而生.旅游企业发展的新思路就是体验营销.因此,以体验文化为核心开展娱乐营销、感情营销、氛围营销、服务营销等是当代旅游企业的生存与发展之本.  相似文献   

Conclusions The purpose of this commentary is to offer a different perspective on marketing’s contributions to the strategy dialogue and strategic management from that provided by Day. In this regard, the comment intends to supplement and complement his valuable insights. In closing, it is instructive to consider what is meant by strategy and consider the thoughts of Andrews (1983): It is part of the comprehensive concept of strategy that leaders of a company must be dedicated to the durable core of a company’s character ... while encouraging innovations that will bring about or respond to the changes taking place in its surroundings (p. 9). Another look at the very concept of strategy might provide marketing and strategic management scholars with the foundation upon which to build a substantive dialogue.  相似文献   

浅议速度营销   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着电子计算机技术、网络技术和通信技术的迅猛发展 ,企业面临的经营环境发生了变化 ,如何比竞争者以更快的速度满足消费者瞬息万变的需求 ,已成为企业核心竞争力的关键内容。企业要在竞争中生存和发展 ,就必须以速度为核心整合自己的营销资源 ,以营销为龙头整合自己的企业资源 ,以开放的组织形式适应和引导消费者需求的变化。  相似文献   

This paper examines the adoption of microcomputers in the marketing community. Diffusion theory is applied to gain clearer insights into why the infusion of this technology has succeeded where other forms of computer technology have lagged. Unique characteristics of microcomputers important to marketers are identified and those features most amenable to marketing settings are explained.  相似文献   

Reviewing the marketing strategy implementation issue in an era of a weaker marketing paradigm contrasts traditional sequential flow models of implementation with the “strategy formulation/implementation dichotomy” and leads to the emergence of a processual view of implementation. The processual view clarifies the underlying behavioral and organizational factors that build strategy implementation capabilities. These underlying factors are at risk from a weaker marketing paradigm. The weakening of the marketing paradigm is discussed in terms of the downsizing and disappearance of the marketing function, but more fundamentally in the loss of strategic influence for marketing in the face of competing management paradigms such as the “lean enterprise” and “lean thinking.” The conclusion is that the impact on implementation capabilities is being felt first in companies where the marketing paradigm has been traditionally weak, but that this may be prototypical for other companies in the longer term. A number of important areas for conceptual and empirical attention are indentified. Nigel F. Piercy, Ph.D., is Sir Julian Hodge Chair in Marketing and Strategy with Cardiff Business School, at Cardiff University in the United Kingdom, and has held visiting positions at Texas Christian University, the University of California-Berkeley, and the Athens Laboratory for Business Administration. He has published widely in the area of marketing strategy and implementation in the international literature and has had articles published in theJournal of Marketing, theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, theJournal of International Marketing, and theJournal of World Business. He has published eight books, most recently the executive textMarket-Led Strategic Change: Transforming the Process of Going to Market (Oxford, UK: Butterworth-Heinemann).  相似文献   

营销管理会计:一个跨学科的议题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代营销已经从生产、销售导向转向顾客导向,而管理会计的重心仍然停留在内部制造成本的核算上,无法为营销决策提供充分的信息支持,现代营销日益要求以顾客为基础进行营销成本管理。  相似文献   

在市场经济日益发展的今天,创新营销被看作是本世纪经济发展的源动力。在具体实施创新营销中,要注重产品质量、产品整体设计的创新;利用品牌形象与商誉进行产品创新;用名牌占领市场进行创新;加强时人的创新研究。  相似文献   

The authors discuss the motivations for this special issue and propose a conceptual framework pertaining to the issue’s theme. Using this framework as a backdrop, they then offer an overview of the remaining articles by segmenting them into categories and discussing their relationship to the framework. They conclude by highlighting research avenues for augmenting our understanding of marketing to and serving customers through the Internet. A. Parasuraman (D.B.A., Indiana University) is a professor and holder of the James W. McLamore Chair in Marketing at the University of Miami. He has received many distinguished teaching and research awards. In 1988, he was selected as one of the “Ten Most Influential Figures in Quality” by the editorial board ofThe Quality Review. In 1998, he received the American Marketing Association’s “Career Contributions to the Services Discipline Award.” In 2001, he received the Academy of Marketing Science’s “Outstanding Marketing Educator Award.” Dr. Parasuraman has published numerous articles in leading scholarly and managerial journals. He has served as editor of theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science for a 3-year term (1997–2000). He has authored or coauthored several books, the most recent of which isTechno-Ready Marketing: How and Why Your Customers Adopt Technology (2001). George M. Zinkhan is the Coca-Cola Company Chair of Marketing at the University of Georgia. After receiving his doctorate from the University of Michigan, he served on the faculty at both the University of Houston and the University of Pittsburgh. His main research focus is in the areas of communication, advertising, and electronic commerce. His recent coauthored books includeElectronic Commerce: A Strategic Perspective (2000) andConsumers (2002).  相似文献   

相对于交易营销范式和关系营销范式来说,战略营销管理范式以市场为导向适应了全球化背景下竞争激烈的营销环境.是一次重要的范式创新.以获取关键顾客价值和营销竞争力为基础分析战略营销管理框架对于企业应对复杂的竞争环境具有深远的影响.  相似文献   

市场成本不是一个新概念,但是真正详细论述市场成本的文章或著作却很少,而且市场成本所包含的内容至今已发生了很大的变化。过去人们谈论的市场成本主要是企业为保证购销活动而发生的渠道成本,而现在顾客成本作为市场成本的重要组成部分,也越来越被企业所重视,市场成本在企业管理中的地位和作用已今非昔比。  相似文献   

伴随着电子商务的发展,网络经济成为社会高度信息化的产物,这就为技术创新而产生的服务创新、商业模式创新等带来了市场营销的新理念和方法——网络营销。网络营销不同于传统的营销模式,其作用、技术实现等方面都有其自身的特点。  相似文献   

酒店营销观念探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
加入世贸组织使中国的酒店业既迎来了极好的发展良机.同时又面临着巨大的挑战。目前,不少中小型饭店的经营管理仍然停留在照搬模仿的初级阶段,缺乏经营的灵活性和创新意识t经营成效并未达到最佳状态,营销就是当前饭店需要加强的部分。酒店必须有正确的营销观念作为经营指导.才能在竞争激烈的市场中取得优势。  相似文献   

绿色营销的新思考--中药国际化的拓展战略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
作为传统的中药行业,欲迈出国门走向世界,争取更大的市场份额,需要有一种新的观念做指导,一种全新的营销理念--绿色营销--呼之欲出,同时也将为推动中药行业的发展做出贡献。如何进行营销运作,使中药在竞争中脱颖而出,立于不败之地,是值得行业内部人士深入思考的问题。  相似文献   

由于教育投资的对象是人 ,而人是有思想的 ,因此 ,对教育的投资比对物质资本的投资要复杂。其中一个关键问题是 ,当教育投资主体与教育投资对象不同时 ,可能会引起教育投资的套牢 ;而当二者合一时 ,又会 (因为人力资本的外部性和个体的财富约束 )引起教育投资的不足。由于教育所形成的人力资本具有外部性 ,教育投资主体与教育投资对象适当的分离是必要的 ,而解决由于这种分离可能引起的投资主体的套牢在于使教育投资实现市场化。  相似文献   

服务成本与顾客成本的构成对消费者购买行为产生影响.服务成本包括售前、售中、售后向顾客提供各种服务的成本,与顾客购买成正比;顾客成本由货币成本、时间成本、体力和精神成本构成,与顾客购买成反比.  相似文献   

旅游目的地网络营销利益相关者分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利益相关者理论作为一种变革性的管理理论,已得到各界的广泛应用,目前在旅游业中主要运用于旅游规划和酒店管理方面。以这一理论为指导,对旅游目的地网络营销中涉及到的利益相关者进行了较为详细的分析。  相似文献   

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