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我们只有解放思想 ,丢掉幻想 ,树立创新的理念 ,建立创新的制度 ,引进创新的机制 ,推广创新的技术 ,积极寻找企业行为背后深层次的客观规律 ,才能使企业经受住市场经济的严峻考验 ,在市场经济的大潮中稳步健康发展。  相似文献   

胜利石油管理局孤岛采油厂在推进全面质量管理的过程中 ,经历了试点阶段、推广阶段、巩固深化和普及阶段 ,小组活动经历了从无到有 ,从少到多的发展过程。采油厂重视QC活动推进者的推动作用 ,全厂QC小组活动取得了蓬勃发展 ,创造了良好的经济效益和社会效益 ,年注册小组数由活动开展初期的 4 7个逐年上升为 2 0 0 2年的 179个 ,累计有12 5 36人次参加了QC活动 ,自 1990年举办第一届采油厂成果发布会至今已连续成功举办了 13届 ,取得了多项局级、总公司级、省级和国家级优秀QC成果奖及优秀QC小组奖 ,笔者认为各级质量推进者在QC…  相似文献   

慧冉 《现代班组》2008,(4):21-21
设备管理是一项系统工程,是对设备的一生全过程综合管理。它包括从设备的技术开发、编制规划、研究、方案论证、定型、设计、制造、安装、调试(试运行)、使用、维修、改造、更新直至废弃的全过程,也就是设备一生的管理。因此,设备管理就是以设备的一生为出发点,把这个系统的人力、物力、财力和资源、信息能力等,通过计划、组织、指挥、协调、控制,实施对设备的高效管理,最终达到设备寿命周期最长、费用最经济、综合效率最  相似文献   

近日,中国石油和化学工业联合会、中国化工企业管理协会下发《关于组织申报第十五届全国石油和化工企业管理创新成果的通知》(中石化联办发(2022)8号),全面启动第十五届全国石油和化工企业管理创新成果的申报、推荐、审定、发布工作。为深入贯彻落实习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,立足新发展阶段,贯彻新发展理念,构建新发展格局,进步落实工业和信息化部等国家十一部委联合下发的《关于引导企业创新管理提质增效的指导意见》,落实《我国石油和化学工业“十四五”期间加强企业管理工作的指导意见》。  相似文献   

近日,中国石油和化学工业联合会、中国化工企业管理协会下发《关于组织申报第十五届全国石油和化工企业管理创新成果的通知》(中石化联办发(2022)8号),全面启动第十五届全国石油和化工企业管理创新成果的申报、推荐、审定、发布工作。为深入贯彻落实习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,立足新发展阶段,贯彻新发展理念,构建新发展格局,进一步落实工业和信息化部等国家十一部委联合下发的《关于引导企业创新管理提质增效的指导意见》,落实《我国石油和化学工业十四五期间加强企业管理工作的指导意见》,总结推广全国石油和化工企业管理创新经验,切实推进企业管理创新,加快企业高质量发展。  相似文献   

近日,中国石油和化学工业联合会、中国化工企业管理协会下发《关于组织申报第十五届全国石油和化工企业管理创新成果的通知》(中石化联办发(2022)8号),全面启动第十五届全国石油和化工企业管理创新成果的申报、推荐、审定、发布工作。为深入贯彻落实习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,立足新发展阶段,贯彻新发展理念,构建新发展格局,进一步落实工业和信息化部等国家十一部委联合下发的《关于引导企业创新管理提质增效的指导意见》.  相似文献   

<正>财务管理是企业管理的核心,因为它是通过价值形态对企业资金运动的一项综合性的管理,渗透和贯穿于企业一切经济活动之中。如何加强企业的财务管理,提高经营管理水平,已成为促进企业发展的重要课题。本文拟就市场经济条件下如何加强企业的财务管理,避免经营风险,促进企业发展进行探讨。  相似文献   

"一年产品,十年品牌,百年文化",企业文化作为企业精神财富,越来越受到重视,已成为现代企业发展的重要内容。工会作为职工与企业之间的桥梁和纽带,在企业文化建设中发挥着重要作用。一、发挥教育作用,以提高职工队伍整体素质为切入点,增强企业文化建设的推动力工会通过各种形式的宣传教育,帮助职工不断提高思想政治觉悟,提高科学文化素质,提高业务和技术水平。加强职工道德建设,提高思想素质。工会通过了解员工的感知、动机、期望等微妙的心理,与职工沟通,使职工看重自己的职业,对自己的职业充满  相似文献   

为深入贯彻落实习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的“二十大”精神,立足新发展阶段,贯彻新发展理念,构建新发展格局,进一步落实工业和信息化部等国家十一部委联合下发的《关于引导企业创新管理提质增效的指导意见》,总结推广全国石油和化工企业管理创新经验,切实推进企业管理创新,推动石化行业高质量发展,中国化工企业管理协会组织开展第十六届全国石油和化工企业管理创新成果的申报、推荐、审定、发布、推广工作。  相似文献   

为深入贯彻落实习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的“二十大”精神,立足新发展阶段,贯彻新发展理念,构建新发展格局,进一步落实工业和信息化部等国家十一部委联合下发的《关于引导企业创新管理提质增效的指导意见》,总结推广全国石油和化工企业管理创新经验,切实推进企业管理创新,推动石化行业高质量发展,中国化工企业管理协会组织开展第十六届全国石油和化工企业管理创新成果的申报、推荐、审定、发布、推广工作。  相似文献   

国外企业经理报酬决定理论的研究进展与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、引言所有权和控制权分离促进了职业经理阶层的产生 ,所有者为了激励企业经理必须设定合理的报酬机制。到底如何确定企业经理报酬 ,如何解释现实中经理报酬的现象 ,引起了学术界和企业界长达70多年并有可能继续下去的激烈争论。最早的研究是Taussings和Baker (192 5 )完成的 ,发现企业经理报酬和企业业绩之间只有很小的相关关系。他们对这个调查结果感到非常吃惊 ,并且呼吁进行更多的研究来检验那些可以预测企业经理报酬的其它变量。在接下来的 70多年里 ,对管理者尤其是高层管理者报酬的研究已引起了经济学家、心理学家、…  相似文献   

报酬、声誉与经营者长期化行为的激励   总被引:63,自引:0,他引:63  
一、经营者报酬体系中的长期激励因素一般而言,现代公司经营者的报酬结构是多元化的,既包括固定收入(如基薪,起基本保障作用),也包括不固定或风险收入(如奖金、股票等,起到激励作用);既含有现期收入,也含有远期收入(如股票、股票期权、退休金计划等,保证行为长期化)。工资或薪水(salary)是预先确定的,并在一定时期内保持不变。奖金的金额通常由董事会根据经营者的短期业绩(如一年的会计利润)来确定,并一次性支付。报酬中真正具有长期激励性作用的部分是经营者的股票收入。股票收入的形式有多种,主要包括股票期权、虚拟股票、股票溢价权、后…  相似文献   

For those of us trying to understand the nature of innovation, the role of the scientist or engineer presents a conundrum. Such individuals are often sources of innovation in both products and processes, yet routine science and engineering is typically carried out in an environment that stresses structure, order, and adherence to prescribed methods–exactly the wrong setting for successful innovation. To help explain the diminishing role of science and the burgeoning role of individuals in innovation, Carol J. Steiner presents a philosophy of innovation. Suggesting that unconventional individuals, rather than conventional science or engineering, are central to innovation success, this philosophy of innovation is derived from a philosophy of human nature formulated by Martin Heidegger. Heidegger identified three elements of human nature: (1) it is human nature to be practically involved in a complex world rather than rationally involved with a conceptually simplified world; (2) it is human nature to be authentic (i.e., unconventional, uncommitted to one's paradigm) at least some of the time; and (3) it is human nature to be cooperative. In other words, the methods and organizational structures that characterize “good” science are in direct conflict with human nature. By examining things in isolation from their natural linkages, the scientist misses the holistic view–the big picture–necessary for successful innovation. Central to this philosophy of innovation is individuality understood as authenticity. The term authenticity refers to both an unconventional (i.e., unscientific) approach to the world and an openness to alternative viewpoints. This openness is the basis for cooperative rather than competitive interaction. The fundamental themes of this philosophy of innovation are the importance of individual experience, the importance of unconventional (free) interpretations, and the importance of respect for individual uniqueness. The magic moments of innovation arise when scientists or engineers assert their individuality, break free from the structured thinking of their traditional methods, and synthesize novel interpretations that move their projects in new directions. This philosophy of innovation is not presented as a means for determining why innovation succeeds or fails. Instead, it provides a framework for assessing organizational or personal approaches to innovation. In other words, it gives managers a means for understanding and interpreting the human elements of particular innovation projects.  相似文献   

A synchronous pattern of innovation as between technological and management innovation, for example, can help firms improve their performance. This article explores this idea with respect to servitizing companies that introduce service delivery innovation as a means of gaining competitive advantage. It finds that the degree of tangibility, an indicator of the firm’s position on the product–service continuum, affects whether and how managers recognize the need for management innovation when introducing service delivery innovation. Using a socio‐technical perspective in conjunction with insights from managerial cognition, the relationship between management innovation and two central types of service delivery innovation—technological and customer interface—is examined. Tangibility shapes the managerial cognitive structures that are related to the enterprise’s technical and social subsystems in a paradigm that is capable of demonstrating contrasting effects. Technological delivery innovation is related to management innovation in firms with high tangibility. Customer interface delivery innovation, on the other hand, relates to management innovation in firms with low tangibility. This study uses a sample of diverse firms with varying degrees of tangibility to provide support for this theory.  相似文献   

Innovation is an essential and yet puzzling part of family firms’ strategic focus. While family firms are generally characterized as conservative regarding their research and development (R&D) activities, researchers have recently argued that family firms can still achieve innovation-based competitive advantages. Seeking to understand the link between family influence and the outcomes of innovation, we suggest that it is necessary not only to observe the depth of family involvement, but also to differentiate between technological inventions and market innovations. We further posit that the board members’ social capital constitutes an important contingency for this link. We, therefore, investigate the relationship between family involvement and two different outcomes: the number of the firm’s inventions and the market relevance of innovations. Our analysis of S&P 500 firms comprises 1.85 million patents and manual evaluations of 1774 product announcements. The results of our estimations suggest that family involvement is negatively related to the number of inventions and positively related to the market relevance of innovations. They further show that internal and external board social capital moderate the relationship between family involvement and the number of inventions. This study adds to the discussion about family firm innovation by using socioemotional wealth to explain heterogeneity in innovation patterns and revealing that relational resources derived from board social capital are crucial boundary conditions for families’ influence on technological inventions. Taken together, it works toward a more holistic view of innovation in family-influenced firms.  相似文献   

Product development managers and academics like to assure themselves and each other that new product development is one of the most critical areas of company competence and contributes positively to company success. But does top management agree? Because if they do not, the consequences will heavily influence the resource allocation to product development and career possibilities of new product developments manager. This study examines how top managers view the importance of product development relative to other central competence areas. Although asking managers about their perception is one way of evaluating the importance, its contribution to company success is another important measure. In this study, the impact of product development, relative to other important competence areas, is measured to assess further how critical product development is for overall company success.The authors investigate these matters in a survey of top managers in 513 Danish production companies. Ten areas important for achieving company objectives are identified. These are product development, market intelligence, production management, strategy and vision, sales, market responsiveness, promotion, internal co-operation, image, and supply management. Product development is rated a fairly important competence as it ranks number four, with sales, market responsiveness, and production management ranking numbers one to three. Yet a distressing negative impact on overall company success is found for product development proficiency, whereas success is positively related to production management, image, and differentiation of products. Further analysis reveals that product development contributes positively to success by enabling product differentiation and enhancing promotion proficiency. Influenced by and influencing many other competencies, product development is found to be a central competence.Results support a nonfunctional and broad perspective of how bundles of competences interact and impact on success and establish a positive overall contribution to product development.  相似文献   

内部提拔作为人力资源管理的一项重要内容经常被误操作,部分原因缘于组织在提拔管理者之前较少评估其提升商数,以往的胜任力研究虽然也在这方面做过一些工作,但非常零碎。为改变这一状况,本文做了一些探索性研究,集中表现在两个方面:一是找出并构建反映管理者提升商数的通用性指标体系;二是根据这些指标体系对管理者提升商数做出模糊评价。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of planning and control on the performance of new product development (NPD) projects. It is hypothesized that (1) thorough business planning at the beginning of a project creates a basis for proficient project and risk planning; (2) the proficiency of project planning, risk planning, and process management activities each improves innovation performance directly; (3) the relationship of planning and success is mediated by process management; and (4) the strength of these relationships is moderated by uncertainty, as determined by the degree of innovativeness. To test the hypotheses, data from 132 NPD projects were collected and analyzed. A measurement model was used to establish valid and reliable constructs, a path model to test the main effects, and a multiple-moderated regression analysis for the moderator hypotheses. The results suggest that the proficiency of project planning and process management is important predictors of NPD performance. Specifically, project risk planning and goal stability throughout the development process are found to enhance performance significantly. Business planning proves to be an important antecedent of the more development-related planning activities such as project planning and risk planning. Additionally, the results lend support to the hypotheses regarding the mediating role of process management in the planning–performance relationship. Project planning and risk planning support the quality of process management and thus impact NPD performance indirectly. Only to a limited extent are the strengths of these relationships moderated by the degree of innovativeness of the NPD project.  相似文献   

While radical product innovations represent significant engines of firm growth, questions remain over whether marketing helps or hurts (1) a firm's radical product innovation activity and (2) its rewards from radical product innovation activity. By attaching an attention‐based view of the firm to a market‐based assets view of marketing, this paper examines the role of three marketing resources—market knowledge, reputation, and relational resources—on radical innovation activity. Our conceptual framework posits differentiated effects among marketing resources as antecedents of radical innovation activity and as moderators of its impact on firms' financial performance. Using a survey of a broad set of high‐tech business‐to‐business (B2B) firms to test hypotheses, it is found that firms with strong relational resources enjoy a higher propensity for, and stronger financial rewards from, radical innovation activity. Reputational resources come with a trade‐off as they hurt the incidence of radical innovation but enhance its financial rewards. However, market knowledge resources appear to hurt both radical innovation activity and its financial rewards. Our results point to the multifaceted role of marketing in radical innovation activity, which is unlikely to come with a single benefit or liability as prior work often posits. Rather, our research heightens the alertness of managers to assess their firms' marketing strength as a bundle of stocks of several marketing resources. Managers must understand the distinct benefits and drawbacks of each resource in developing and launching radical innovations. Our research underscores the differentiated value of marketing in radical innovation activity in B2B high‐tech contrary to the entrenched idea of a limited or even stifling role of marketing in this context.  相似文献   

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