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通用电气前CEO韦尔奇说:文化因素是维持生产力增长的最终动力,也是没有极限的动力来源。企业的发展,短期靠产品、中期靠人才、长期靠文化,如今已成为企业界公认的管理思想。集团公司组建之初,便确立了以企业文化提升企业管理层次的思路。销售企业如何在集团公司企业文化的总体框架之下,构建符合自身实际的特色文化,实现可持续发展?山东潍坊石油分公司去年大  相似文献   

张云星 《中国石化》2005,(11):58-59
新形势石油下企业的管理必然是要适应新的形势,要有创新思维和新理念来决策和管理企业的方方面面,才能使自己的企业立于不败之地。  相似文献   

我国自改革开放以来,石油市场也逐渐走出国门,在不断拓展新的市场领域的同时,也加大了对外国石油公司的引入,因此,中国的石油企业要想在世界上占有一席之地,其不仅要在技术等方面努力进步,同时也要时刻关注石油企业管理等方面的创新,本文综合分析讨论了我国一些石油企业管理创新的现状,简述了其方法及所达到的益处。  相似文献   

近几年,我国社会经济发展突飞猛进,石油企业也随之得到了较大的发展。但是值得注意的是,现阶段我国石油企业管理模式较为落后,并不能满足石油企业发展的需求,对石油企业的发展造成了一定的阻碍。目前,我国有关部门在实际工作中并没有发挥出自身应有的作用,而且相关规章制度有待完善,石油企业管理创新中问题较为突出,管理创新工作进度较慢、效果较差。文章从现阶段石油企业管理创新现状入手,对石油企业管理创新中存在的问题进行了细致的梳理,并提出了几点创新途径,以期能够为石油企业管理创新提供些许参考,进而促进现代石油企业的进一步发展。  相似文献   

石油企业是典型的高危高风险企业,能否实现安全发展备受社会各界关注。而实现安全发展,要靠管理这个“硬”手段来支撑,更要靠文化这个“软”措施来保障。安全文化建设是企业文化建设的重要组成部分,安全文化的先进水平代表着企业安全管理的水平,也是衡量企业整体管理水平的一个重要标志。从某种意义上讲,加强安全文化建设是石油企业落实科学发展观、实现安全发展、维护和谐稳定、塑造企业形象的迫切需要和根本之策。  相似文献   

石油企业管理创新与自主管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
管理创新是石油企业生存和发展的主题,是增强执行力的关键。提高管理创新的水平和能力,对于石油企业在竞争中始终处于领先地位具有重要的意义。特别是当管理水平达到一定程度之后,靠什么进一步去除积弊,以确保企业航船在市场之海中不触礁、不搁浅,使企业发展迈上新的台阶,就只有不断创新管理及其提升内涵,才能在竞争中处于主动,立于不败之地。  相似文献   

石油企业管理创新的现状 原则 理念   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
石油企业对管理创新虽然投入不少.但效果却不如人意.表现在:勇于实践管理创新者为数不多,管理创新激励不到位.还没有建立起统一协调的管理创新体系.对创新成果缺乏完整的评价指标体系和评价方法:这种状况应该尽快得以改变。石油企业管理创新应坚持相关性、动态性、系统性、经济性和全员性等5个原则,树立自我管理理念、企业价值最大化的财务管理理念和社会责任理念.  相似文献   

企业文化软实力是企业管理方面一个新的概念,表明了企业文化对于企业的战略意义,同时也为企业文化建设提供了新的思路。一软实力的概念诞生于国际关系领域,原来指的是某个国家依靠文化和理念方面的因素来获得影响力的能力。  相似文献   

一、去除管理———管理的高境界一个企业的经营者如果不能对自己及各级下属的职权进行正确的定位 ,是难以真正管好一个企业的。事无巨细 ,事必躬亲 ,举轻若重 ,根本没有时间和精力来制定对市场竞争的策略 ,研究企业发展规划 ,最终会把企业的前途葬送在自己手中。清华紫光集团总裁张本正主张“管理的最高境界就是去除管理” ,去除管理并非不要管理 ,不要管理制度 ,而是使管理制度不会成为员工精神上的限制和束缚 ,具体说来 ,企业至少应做到以下几点 ,才可望达到“去除管理”的境界。一是树立具有凝聚力的企业文化。这是人本管理的基础工程。…  相似文献   

石油企业是从事石油和天然气勘探、开发、加工、销售的特大型国有企业,属于技术密集、劳动密集、资金密集型产业,同其他工业企业相比,共有高投入、高消耗、高成本、高风险的特征.这些特征决定了石油企业的管理创新约束条件比普通工业企业多,而且正是这些特点加大了管理创新的成本,从而使石油企业很难在管理创新方面有所突破.石油企业要在市场全球化和经济一体化的国际竞争中,求得生存与发展,最重要的是要在企业层面进行管理创新.  相似文献   

低油价的持续给石油行业的企业发展带来了巨大的困难和挑战,同时给企业创新管理带来了六大机遇:自我体检的机遇,改革攻坚的机遇,优化治理架构的机遇,业务转型升级的机遇,修炼内功的机遇,并购重组的机遇.  相似文献   

The various models of Japanese corporate innovation management reported in literature are reviewed to identify the major elements of the innovation process. An integrated model is presented examining the recent examples. The Japanese corporate innovation process is highly interactive and involves comprehensive organizational intelligence, quick organizational learning, rapid technology diffusion, horizontal information flow systems, fusion of different technologies to obtain innovations quickly, concurrent engineering and quick utilization of core competence for new business development. The innovation system is quick to respond to competition and concentrates on developing core competence that is used for commercializing new products quickly.  相似文献   

Three theories of technology and innovation; the product-process concept, the meta-learning concept, and the concept of technological interdependence, are used to relate technology and innovation to strategic management. This paper attempts to identify complementary and unifying concepts in these theories, which are useful to strategic planners. Performance indicators, from the commercial airline industry, are used to illustrate how theoretical assumptions can be related to practical applications. Type of innovation, stage of development, learning at all levels, interdependence between technologies, and users' expectations all appear to play a role in the emergence of technologies and the rate of innovation.  相似文献   

随着市场经济不断深入发展,企业了增强在国内外市场的竞争力,纷纷组了企业集团。财务管理作为企业集团管中的核心已普遍被企业集团高层领导重视。如何实行“统一管理,分级核算”的务管理体制,使财务管理在企业集团中挥核心作用,本文就此谈谈看法。一、建立“统一管理、分级核算”的务管理体系,使财务管理在企业集团的体财务运作中起到核心作用。“统一管理”就是统一领导、统一度、统一人员,采用高度集中的理财权管理,控制整个企业集团的财力,统一务政策,增强整体财务运作能力,减少目松散的投资所造成的损失,控制成本用支出,提…  相似文献   

Our study demonstrates empirically that the choice of resource allocation strategy affects innovation performance. Allocating resources to a broader range of innovation projects increases new product sales, an effect that appears to outweigh that of resource intensity. In addition, we find that the performance benefit of breadth is higher for firms that allocate resources selectively at later stages of the innovation process. This breadth‐selectiveness effect is greatest for firms intending to create relatively more novel products, departing further from their knowledge base. Based on these results, we theorize that breadth increases performance because it spreads firms' bets on unproven innovative endeavors. Limiting resource commitments by selecting out deteriorating projects prevents an escalation in the costs of breadth. This advantage increases with the uncertainty implicit in greater innovative intent. The paper thus contributes to theory of how resource allocation strategies influence performance outcomes of innovation project portfolios. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite the growing interest of practitioners and scholars in technology roadmapping (TRM), our knowledge regarding how TRM can be embedded into the overall innovation process of a firm and used to enhance this process is relatively limited. This study aims to fill this gap. We describe an action research project conducted with Pirelli and the innovative approach to TRM this company developed during the 2010s to cope with the increasing complexity and dynamism of the tire industry. We show that TRM is currently fully integrated into the firm’s R&D activities and contributes to increasing the effectiveness of new product development. TRM supports the systematic gathering, sharing, and elaboration of information across the different functions and business units of Pirelli from the basic research to the commercialization of new products.  相似文献   

由于金融危机的影响,原本就利润微薄的施工企业面临着更加严峻的挑战,如何加强项目管理、提高竞争力,是每个企业亟需解决的问题。人的管理是项目管理的核心,文化影响着人的价值观和行为准则。因此,项目文化对项目管理有着重要的影响,人本文化在诸多项目文化中有着核心的地位。文章阐述了人本文化的建设原则,分析了人本文化在项目管理中的形成过程,以及在项目管理中人本管理的实施要点;提出了基于人本文化下的人本管理是施工企业项目管理的发展趋势。  相似文献   

This paper examines the concept of open innovation within the context of corporate social responsibility. It demonstrates how the practice of open innovation unfolds in inter-organizational collaborations that involve the voluntary or charitable sector, outlining the findings of an explorative collective case study of eight voluntary dyadic partnerships between corporate and nonprofit organizations in the United Kingdom, which have resulted in innovation outcomes. Two generic approaches to open innovation were witnessed: firstly, a more exploratory approach to dyadic engagement activities that resulted in an emergent innovation process, and secondly, a focused and pre-determined search activity to exploit the resources of the nonprofit partner that demonstrated a more planned innovation process. Two distinct boundary-spanning roles were identified: in dyads exhibiting few organizational linkages, the role was associated with formal responsibilities from senior management to 'manage' innovation opportunities and outcomes. In dyads exhibiting high linkages, there was no such formality; the role was a 'conduit' to facilitate search and exploration to locate opportunities for innovation through idea exchange. Overall, this research demonstrates the value of an open innovation approach driven by the need to address societal and social issues (rather than those purely economic). Such practice broadens a firm's 'search' activities and delivers innovations in exchange for enhanced social legitimacy – acting innovation capital for future enterprising activities and market advantage.  相似文献   

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