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广东省审计厅重视对新录用公务员的培养教育。为了使新录用公务员尽快适应机关工作,开好头、起好步,完成角色转换,增强使命感和责任感,于8月12日至13日,举办了一期新录用公务员上岗前培训班。组织新录用公务员  相似文献   

近期,中央机关及其直属机构开展了2010年度考试录用公务员调剂补充录用工作,这是中央机关及其直属机构在公务员招考中首次组织调剂补充录用,对今后的公务员考录工作将产生积极作用。  相似文献   

论我国公务员选拔录用制度   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
李凌云 《企业导报》2010,(2):205-206
试着通过从公务员选拔录用制度概述着手,针对我国公务员选拔录用制度存在的人才资源配置不合理和盲目报考公务员两个问题,提出了拓宽公务员选拔录用渠道和提供公共职位的替代品这两个解决办法。  相似文献   

考试录用作为我国新时期公务员选拔任用的一种方法,是在吸取国外公务员(文官)考试录用制度的科学成果并结合我国的实际情况发展而来的.因此,比较研究国外国家公务员考试录用制度的内容和形式,探寻国外公务员考试录用机制的基本特点、运作方式和发展趋势等,对于建立有中国特色的公务员考试录用制度,具有深远意义.  相似文献   

1994年实行国家公务员录用考试制度以来,我省党政机关坚持“凡进必考”的原则,录用了一大批年轻、学历层次较高的公务员,为公务员队伍注入了新的活力。从总体上看这些公务员文化基础好、观念新、适应能力强。但是也有一些公务员不同程度地表现出心理素质不高、适应能力和创造能力不强的问题,这与国家公务员录用考试中缺少心理素质方面的测试、缺乏对应试者心理状况的了解有一定关系。因此,有必要在今后的公务员录用考试中开展心理素质方面的测验。  相似文献   

新加坡建立了比较完善的公务员制度,通过对新加坡与我国公务员录用制度、财产申报制度、工资福利制度、培训制度等制度建设的比较,得出可以通过强化公务员录用制度、提高公务员待遇和加强监督制度等来进一步加强我国的公务员制度建设。  相似文献   

国家公务员局规定,从2009年起,凡新录用的公务员必须进行宣誓。2009年3月17日9时,省直机关2008年新录用公务员宣誓仪式暨初任培训开班典礼在辽宁人民会堂举行。省委组织部、省人事厅、省行政学院有关领导出席了宣誓仪式。省直1075名新录用公务员以及省直各部门人事处长参加了宣誓仪式。  相似文献   

1994年,国家人事部颁布《国家公务员录用暂行规定》。从此,公务员考试录用工作进入法制化.规范化轨道。  相似文献   

治国之道,首在选才。封建社会中延续一千三百多年的科举制度与今天的公务员录用制度都是选拔人才的有效手段.而且二者在特点、功能、方式等方面又有许多相似之处。科举制因其种种弊端已被历史所淘汰.今天的公务员录用制度也是当今社会关注和争议的热门话题.改革和完善公务员录用制度是人们关注的焦点。因此考察古代科举制度,寻找历史之鉴,以改革和完善今天的公务员录用制度.使其与时俱进.具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

正人社部发〔2011〕134号各省、自治区、直辖市党委组织部、政府人力资源社会保障厅(局)、公务员局,中央和国家机关各部委、各人民团体干部(人事)部门,新疆生产建设兵团党委组织部、人事局:现将《公务员考试录用笔试考务组织办法(试行)》印发给你们,请认真执行。附件《中央机关公务员考试录用笔试考务操作规程(试行)》供各地公务员主管部门在组织本地公务员考试录用笔试工作中  相似文献   

吴百花 《价值工程》2014,(35):297-299
公务员职业素质的好坏,在很大程度上直接影响甚至左右着社会风气的形成和发展走向。所以加强公务员职业素质建设是有效维护社会正义和正气的重要保障;是形成讲道德、尊道德、守道德的良好社会风气的根本保障;是防范权力异化的必要保障。可以通过加强职业素质教育,建立完善的制度体系,健全监督考核机制等方式,来培育公务员优秀的职业素质。  相似文献   

吉耀武 《价值工程》2011,30(36):139-139
本文将公务员招聘模型中的两类定性的等级指标用数字表示,比较两类指标的差,按照满意度原则赋值,通过MATLAB程序实现数据的提取,方法简便,有一定的推广价值。  相似文献   

This study is based on the psychological contract theoretical model. It provides an empirical test of the antecedents and consequences of psychological contract violation (PCV) that was caused by the wage reduction of Portuguese civil servants. Data were collected from a sample of 212 employees who worked in public organizations across different sectors. These positions entailed different functions and were subject to different levels of wage reduction. A Structural Equation Model was used to analyze the data. The results show that employees' attributions of this psychological contract breach are related to their perception of PCV. Furthermore, our findings also suggest that civil servants have two distinct psychological contracts and that the PCV of the employing organization also depends on the PCV of the public institution. Moreover, the PCV of the public institution was found to be the mechanism that explains the relationship between the meaning attached to wage reduction and the PCV of the employing organization. Finally, our findings confirm that the PCV of the employing organization mediates the relationships between the PCV of the public institution and the commitment and turnover intentions of civil servants. Therefore, such results highlight the usefulness of the psychological contract framework in explaining civil servants' reactions to wage reduction.  相似文献   

黄丽霞 《价值工程》2011,30(35):328-328,F0003
我国正处于社会转型期,新形势对政府公共服务及管理提出了新的要求。大规模培训公务员、大幅度提高公务员队伍的素质和能力时不我待。远程培训以它独特的优势将成为公务员培训的发展趋势。但是,开展公务员远程培训既面临着机遇,也面临着挑战……  相似文献   

乔凡 《价值工程》2014,(20):186-188
建立和完善非现役文职人员的绩效考核奖励机制是当前一个值得探讨研究的课题。概述了非现役文职人员绩效管理的现状,并指出了非现役文职人员绩效管理存在的问题,从制定非现役人员绩效考核的原则、规范绩效管理的具体内容和应注意的问题这三个方面,提出了针对非现役文职人员绩效管理的建议,以完善非现役文职人员制度,激发文职人员更好地为军队服务。  相似文献   

肖杨 《企业技术开发》2009,28(10):174-175
作为国家公共管理和公共服务的主体,公务员的其整体能力和水平不仅关系到党的执政能力和政府的管理能力、服务水平,也关系到我国全面建设小康社会的伟大进程。当今世界,全球化的趋势日趋明显,国际间的交往日益频繁,公务员的素质培训也应与时俱进,而外语作为现代公务员必备的能力之一,应该得到充分重视。  相似文献   

初程程 《价值工程》2011,30(6):280-281
公务员作为我国政府机关的行为主体其身份地位十分特殊,保有优秀的公务员队伍对国家来说非常重要。本文从阐述薪酬制度相关理论出发,进而说明了薪酬对公务员起着很强的激励作用;其后介绍了我国公务员薪酬制度激励性的现状,发现现有的公务员薪酬制度存在许多不足以及导致不足产生的原因,最后提出一种新型的以能力为依据的宽带薪酬制度,借以完善公务员薪酬制度的激励作用。  相似文献   


This article presents a preliminary study of how civil servants in the United Kingdom understand accountability characterized by its emphasis on individual performance and accountability. Using the interpretive approach known as phenomenography, we interviewed ten civil servants who as Senior Responsible Owners (SROs) were accountable for the delivery of IT enabled business change programmes. Our analysis revealed five attributes of accountability, each conceived at three levels in a hierarchy of increasing richness and complexity. These results challenge the notion that accountability is a unitary concept and that there is conflict between traditional and newer forms of accountability.  相似文献   

The article deals with the widely neglected employment relations in the public sector of Germany with a special focus on civil servants. It is subdivided into two main parts. A shorter part elaborates on public employees and collective bargaining, a longer one on civil servants and their diverging forms of employment relations without the right to collective bargaining and strike. In order to better understand major changes that have taken place since the mid2000s, we chose a long-term perspective and examine traditional as well as present forms of interest representation. Limited degrees of decentralisation and their lasting diverging consequences are analysed in great detail.  相似文献   

Public sector performance measurement may be affected by data manipulation. This study empirically explores strategies of data manipulation used by civil servants at the regional level in Russia. Twenty-five civil servants from three regional governments were interviewed. Two strategies were identified: ‘prudent’ bureaucrats kept a low profile by reporting ‘more-normal-than-real’ figures; ‘reckless’ bureaucrats aimed at inflating figures to maximize credit. Systematic application of these strategies produced a detectable bias in the overall performance data which were estimated using a nation-wide performance data set covering the period 2007–2011 (with a unified list of over 300 indicators from 83 regional governments).  相似文献   

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