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夏艳辉 《价值工程》2012,31(18):219-220
在协同学习概念基础上,研究并提出了基于聚类分析的两种协同学习小组分组方法。为此,首先阐述分组策略;然后给出聚类分析概念、变量选择和2种分组模式(即一次性分组与实时分组)。聚类分组的有效性分析表明,该分组方法是有效的,符合协同学习小组"组内异质,组间同质"要求。  相似文献   

21世纪是全球电子商务高速发展的时代,短短十几年的时间里电子商务B2B、B2C、C2C已经逐渐发展壮大,而一种全新的从工厂到家庭(F2F)商务模式已经渐渐加入了电子商务的浪潮。本文主要在B2C模式的基础上介绍F2F模式、以及F2F模式的实例和发展前景。随着互联网的高速发展,F2F模式因其线上与线下结合的直销模式特点,将是电子商务的下一个掘金点。  相似文献   

网络探究学习(WebQuest)是利用因特网资源的授课计划或课程单元,于1995年由美国圣地亚哥州立大学Dodge和March博士开发的高级思维能力学习模式[1].该模式以建构主义理论及任务驱动、研究性学习、合作学习等理论为指导,基于因特网以小组学习形式对某个问题或某类课题自主地进行建构、探索和研究的学习活动.与一般的教学法相比,WebQuest具有4个优点[2]:(1)符合学生的学习规律,可达到因材施教的目的;(2)为学生提供了更广的学习空间和内容,激发学习动机;(3)促进学生进行高水平的思考,满足不同学生的发展需要;(4)促进协作精神、创新精神和实践能力的培养.该模式自提出以来,备受各国教育界的推崇,被视为信息技术教育应用的最佳模式之一.  相似文献   

网络环境下会计自主学习模式的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络环境下的会计自主学习是学习者利用网络提供的学习支持服务系统,自主性选择认知工具,确定学习目标及内容,通过多种途径与方法,主动探究、建构、创造会计知识的过程,具有自立性、自为性和自律性的特点.问卷调查结果显示,网络环境下的会计自主学习存在看学习时间少且效率低、网络学习资源不足、学习模式单一等问题作者结合会计教学工作实践,提出了探索式自主学习、协作式自主学习、研究式自主学习三种创新模式,并从资源有效整合、自主学习能力培养、自主学习评价等方面提出了网络环境下会计自主学习模式的实施策略.  相似文献   

洪亮  沈渊 《价值工程》2013,(34):13-15
本文介绍了WEB2.0和协作学习的概念,探讨了协作学习的理论基础,研究了基于WEB2.0的协作学习的特点,并提出了一种具体的基于WEB2.0的协作学习模式。  相似文献   

徐玲 《企业活力》2011,(1):34-37
电子旅游市场中信息和服务提高了交易的效率,根据参与方与信息技术的差别,电子旅游市场有两种模式,而且随着信息技术的发展,电子旅游市场的整合与协作是未来的发展重点。  相似文献   

胡倩文 《价值工程》2015,(2):268-269
微博作为新兴的网络应用形式,对提高学生的学习兴趣、激发学生的学习主观能动性有着积极的作用。笔者把微博作为一种协作交流的工具与协作学习相结合,构建基于微博的协作学习在高职计算机应用基础课程的教学实践中合理的应用模式,对教学活动的实施具有指导作用。运用微博开展协作学习提高了学生学习的积极性和参与度,在提高学生学习成绩方面效果显著,同时有利于培养学生的协作学习习惯、增强学生的协作学习能力、提高学生的团队协作意识。  相似文献   

协作学习是一种通过小组或团队的形式组织学生协作完成某个给定学习目标的学习策略或模式。协作学习中学习者以小组形式参与,在一定组织机制下,相互合作,取长补短,从而获得“1+1>2“的学习效果。如《学记》所言“独学而无友,则孤陋而寡闻“,说明了学习者之间应该切磋交流,相互启迪,彼此增进知识,  相似文献   

混合式学习是(Blended Learning)将面对面(Face-to-Face)教学和网络学习(e-Learning)相整合,以达到降低成本、提高效益的一种教学方式。本文对混合式学习在高职院校教育中的应用作了简单探讨。  相似文献   

移动学习作为一种新型的教育模式,已经得到了国内外专家和学者的关注和研究。本文依据移动学习的特点和优势,分析了高校英语教学与移动学习进行整合的可行性,阐述了基于3G技术的英语移动学习模式与策略。  相似文献   

肖明 《价值工程》2012,31(20):198-199
本文重点研究如何在网络协作学习中引入SNS的技术手段,让协作学习彻底发挥出其优势。文章分析了网络协作学习的发展现状,分析了SNS与网络协作学习的结合点,展示如何运用SNS的相关技术来改进网络协作学习,并用具体实例对应用的方式进行了详细说明。  相似文献   

康玉玲 《价值工程》2014,(23):232-233
信息技术为职中语文教学提供了良好的学习环境,使学生的主体地位得以真正确立,使自主学习、探究学习、协作学习得以真正实现,极大地激发了学生的学习动机,培养了创新精神和实践能力。信息技术与职中语文课程的整合是一个重要课题,应深入探究教学设计、教学策略,形成教学模式,应结合教学理论和实践,以推进语文教学的彻底变革。  相似文献   

The maintenance of semantic consistency between numerous heterogeneous electronic product catalogues (EPC) that are distributed, autonomous, interdependent and emergent on the Internet is an unsolved issue for the existing heterogeneous EPC integration approaches. This article attempts to solve this issue by conceptually designing an interoperable EPC (IEPC) system through a proposed novel collaborative conceptualisation approach. This approach introduces collaboration into the heterogeneous EPC integration. It implies much potential for future e-marketplace research. It theoretically answers why real-world EPCs are so complex, how these complex EPCs can be explained and articulated in a product map theory for heterogeneous EPC integration, how a semantic consistency maintenance model can be created to satisfy the three heterogeneous EPC integration conditions and implemented by adopting a collaborative integration strategy on a collaborative concept exchange model, and how this collaborative integration strategy can be realised on a collaboration mechanism. This approach has been validated through a theoretical justification and its applicability has been demonstrated in two prototypical e-business applications.  相似文献   


According to the New Public Governance paradigm, this paper analyses the institutional and organizational conditions that can lead to an improvement in student learning (a typical co-produced outcome) by acting on the promotion of genuine collaborative relationships. The distinctive features of Italian distributed governance and the challenges for school management are discussed by examining TIMSS and INVALSI data. The results show that collaborative public management supports schools in improving student learning, confirming the research hypothesis for primary schools (IV grade) and schools that operate in socially and economically poor contexts.  相似文献   

Learning communities (LCs) are one example of collaborative instruction used in undergraduate and graduate level courses. This paper discusses the development and delivery of this collaborative instruction and learning model to teach economics principles and finance courses at Nassau Community College (NCC), a suburban two-year college in New York.  相似文献   

Most organizations today are required not only to operate effective business processes but also to allow for changing business conditions at an increasing rate. Today nearly every business relies on their enterprise information systems (EIS) for process integration and future generations of EIS will increasingly be driven by business process models. Consequently business process modelling and improvement is becoming a serious challenge. The aim of this paper is to establish a conceptual framework for business process innovation (BPI) in the supply chain based on advanced EIS. The challenge is thus to create a new methodology for developing and exploring process models and applications. The paper outlines the process innovation laboratory (Π-Lab) as a new approach to BPI. The Π-Lab is a comprehensive framework and a collaborative workspace for experimenting with process models. The Π-Lab facilitates innovation by using an integrated action learning approach to process modelling in a controlled environment. The study is based on design science and the paper also discusses the implications to EIS research and practice.  相似文献   

Risk-based classification of supplier relationships   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The management and exploitation of external resources has increased and become a new source of business success. This has given rise to various new risks and therefore increased the need for collaborative risk management and learning. The objective of this paper is to explore the differences in risk management and learning across supplier relationships classified through network risks. The paper provides a theoretical review of supplier relationships and risk management, as well as a survey-based empirical study conducted in one case company's supply network. A set of network risks and risk-management measures is developed by means of factor analysis, and a supplier classification by means of cluster analysis. According to the results, the exploitation of collaborative risk management and learning is highest among the most strategic supplier relationships. A classification typology based on suppliers’ opinions helps both parties in the relationship and enables the efficient exploitation of mutual risk management with collaborative learning as one of its keystones.  相似文献   

把握安徽融入长江三角洲高质量一体化水平及特征,能够充分发挥安徽融入主动性,有利于实现长江三角洲高质量一体化发展。基于“高质量一体化”和“融入”内涵,构建科学合理的评价指标体系,测度安徽融入长江三角洲高质量一体化水平。结果显示,安徽融入长江三角洲高质量一体化整体水平稳步提升,社会一体化具有良好基础,协同一体化程度较高但仍需提升,市场一体化和空间一体化水平呈稳步增长态势,经济一体化变化平缓,创新一体化水平落后。针对上海“龙头效应”不足、安徽“洼地效应”不足、经济发展动能不足以及发展战略差异化不足等制约因素,安徽深度融入长江三角洲高质量一体化发展路径要以产业共生夯实深度融合根基,以城市功能互补构筑深度融合载体,以创新驱动增强深度融合动力,以要素配置空间耦合提高深度融合效率,以协同治理落实深度融合责任。  相似文献   

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