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国际商务谈判中的跨文化沟通策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国际商务谈判是不同国家之间针对贸易和商务等活动的磋商过程。国际商务谈判要比国内商务谈判复杂得多,因为每个国家的政治、法律和经济制度不同,各个民族之间的历史和文化传统存在差异,因而国际商务谈判中可能出现沟通障碍。因此,如何应对这些障碍并实现良好的沟通,是国际商务谈判成功的基础。本文通过分析国际商务谈判中的语言和非语言沟通方式,指出可能出现的跨文化沟通障碍,提出要确保国际商务谈判的成功,谈判双方都应采取恰当的沟通策略。  相似文献   

在进行国际间的商务谈判时,谈判主体之间所采用的谈判策略在很大程度会影响谈判的最终结果。因此,在进行国际商务谈判之前需要提前制定一套完善的谈判方案,因为国际商务谈判具有一定的国别性,这就意味着不同国家的文化环境会对谈判人的思维方式、谈判的方法及谈判的结果产生重要的影响。本文以文化差异对国际商务谈判的影响做为研究对象,通过分析我国与西方文化的差异,进而分析我国与西方文化差异对国际商务谈判的影响,指出了在国际商务谈判中如何应用我国与西方文化的差异获得谈判的成功。希望以此作为进行国际商务谈判的借鉴。  相似文献   

论多元化的国际商务谈判技能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国自2001年加入WTO以来,对外贸易不断扩大,国际商务谈判已成为中国与世界其他国家交往、沟通的最主要方式之一。本文借助国际商务谈判的概念和特点,阐释了国际商务谈判技能多元化的发展趋势,从而试图为国际商务谈判者提供有效而实用的谈判策略。  相似文献   

试论文化差异对国际商务谈判的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
国际商务谈判是指在国际经济贸易交往中不同主体之间就商务上的有关事务所进行的磋商、会谈。国际商务谈判是跨国界活动。这意味着了解各国不同的文化环境以及考虑到商业活动中的文化差异在国际商务谈判中是非常重要的。如果想取得对外商务谈判的成功,就必须了解不同文化人在思维方式、谈判方式、谈判风格、风俗习惯、身体语言、时间观念等方面的差异,根据对方的文化制定和修正自己的谈判策略,这样才能增加达成协议的机会。  相似文献   

随着国际贸易的深化和发展,国际间企业的合作越来越密切,国际商务谈判也成为国际竞争中不可缺少的必要环节。各种层次、各种内容的国际商务谈判层出不穷,谈判双方要想赢得主动权,精湛的谈判技巧尤为重要。文章介绍了国际商务谈判的基本原则,并在此基础上对主要国际商务谈判策略进行了阐述。  相似文献   

国际商务谈判是在国际商务活动中,处于不同国家或不同地区的商务活动当事人为了达成某笔交易,彼此通过信息交流,就交易的各项要件进行协商的过程。可以说,国际商务谈判是一种在对外经贸活动中普遍存在的、解决不同国家商业机构之间的矛盾冲突、获取共同利益的必不可少的手段。随着我国越来越多的企业走出国门,掌握国际商务谈判的策略和技巧成为企业主管的基本功。  相似文献   

申琦 《民营科技》2012,(7):135+176
国际商务谈判是国际商务活动的重要组成部分,在现代经济生活中起着越来越重要的作用,但是在国际商务谈判的教学中存在着一些的问题。为了更好的适应学生从事国际贸易和商务谈判的业务,试图从文化素质教育的角度来论述在国际商务谈判教学中存在的文化欠缺。  相似文献   

国际商务谈判中的技巧与应对策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>随着我国市场经济的发展和对外开放进一步扩大,国际商务谈判作为商战的序幕,已越来越频繁地出现在企业和单位中,尤其是加入WTO后, 我国企业所面临的国际商务谈判越来越多,所涉及的范围越来越广。谈判双方为实现某种产品或劳务的交易、满足各自需求和维护各自利益、妥善解决某些问题而进行协商,目的是为了达成协议,使交易成功。在企业商务谈判中要避免僵局、冲突和矛盾的出现, 就必须掌握一定的技巧和应对策略。本文从以下几个方面做出探讨。  相似文献   

随着我国对外开放进程逐步深入,对外贸易伙伴迅速增多,越来越多的具有国际商务谈判知识和较强国际商务谈判能力的应用型商务谈判人才成为中国企业"走出去"的重要砝码。《国际商务谈判》的教学内容和教学目标决定了该门课程进行英汉双语教学的必要性。但如何能将学生的理论学习与实践能力相结合,调动学生积极性和主动性,激发学生自主学习的创造性思维,成为国贸专业教师所要掌握的基本技能,对培养应用型商务谈判人才具有深远的意义。  相似文献   

国际商务谈判一直是跨文化研究的主要对象,大量的研究结果表明文化差异对国际商务谈判有很大的影响.  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to advance our understanding of how women negotiate their business and family demands in a developing country context. The highest cited motivation for women’s pursuit of entrepreneurship has been their need to attend to these demands. Yet, empirically we know little about the negotiating actions taken by, and the business satisfaction of women in the context of both livelihood challenges and patriarchal contexts, despite several scholarly calls for contextualized accounts of women’s entrepreneurship. We explore these issues by employing a qualitative study of 90 women engaged in primarily informal entrepreneurial activities in three Nepalese regions. Our findings highlight three main and interrelated themes – negotiating consent, family resource access and gaining status. These themes allow us to contextualize the process of negotiating business and family demands by highlighting how women legitimize their business activities, respond to family/societal expectations and mobilize support for, and find satisfaction in their business. Overall, our study contributes towards accounts of business–family interface that incorporate the everyday practices of entrepreneurial activities amongst those less privileged in terms of resource access in particular sociocultural contexts.  相似文献   

孟姗姗 《价值工程》2014,(25):278-279
对外贸易离不开商务谈判,在谈判的过程中有很多因素会影响谈判的结果。因此,在进行谈判时对于一名专业的商务谈判人员来讲仅仅只是了解谈判的基本原则和熟悉有关的理论知识是远远不够的,还必须掌握和熟练使用谈判的相关技巧,结合商务英语的基本策略就可以实现共赢,只有如此才可以在谈判中掌握先机达到自己的目的。  相似文献   

高太光  陈培友  肖昆 《价值工程》2010,29(27):176-177
针对谈判过程中的最优决策和谈判效率问题,结合商务谈判具体特点,运用现在比较流行的Agent技术和遗传算法(GA),提出了用于解决多议题谈判问题的基于GA的Agent谈判模型,并结合具体问题对模型的有效性进行了仿真试验,通过模型的应用谈判各方提供了合理的谈判决策建议,达到双赢目的,实现了效用最大化。  相似文献   

This article examines the bases of social power, namely individual information power, expert power, legitimate power, and referent power on successful international business negotiations (IBNs). The author conducted an online survey among international business executives working in the UK for multinational corporation subsidiaries who were asked to report on the success of their most recent negotiating experience in terms of cooperative (integrative) and competitive (distributive) outcomes. Information power, expert power, and referent power were supported by these results in terms of significance. Unexpectedly, however, information power was positively correlated with integrative or cooperative outcomes and processes. The correlation related to legitimate power was negative but not statistically significant so this hypothesis was not supported. Our results not only contribute to international negotiation theory, but also can assist in the selection and training of practitioners. The academic contribution of this study also relates to model exploration. It brings causal statistical objectivity to qualitatively developed concepts as an essential step in development of knowledge. These theoretical and managerial implications of the study are examined. Furthermore, directions for future research that build on the findings of the study are indicated.  相似文献   

Schools, colleges and universities are rapidly realising that, by building better relations with local business, they are in a particularly advantageous position when competing with other charitable bodies. By the very nature of their existence, they possess facilities that can be utilised as bargaining tools in the constant competitive search for sponsorship deals. This paper describes the experience of one independent school which has been successful in obtaining funding from local businesses both from philanthropic and sponsorship sources. It suggests that educational establishments have a distinct advantage over other charitable organisations in their negotiating ability as they have at their ‘fingertips’ the sort of facility that businesses require for both their recreational and their academic needs.  相似文献   

A trend towards ‘softer’ regulation, especially in the form of negotiated environmental agreements, is observable in national and international environmental policies. Such agreements are controversial, because there are fears that government will relinquish its responsibility for environmental protection. This paper analyses recent experiences with voluntary agreements in Germany. Proponents of voluntary agreements argue that they provide incentives to business for the development of efficient, innovative and environmentally‒friendly solutions. Analysing some topical Germany examples, we conclude that it is hard to detect solutions deserving such attributes. These agreements are unlikely to produce results that go beyond what industry would have done in any case and they avoid using economic incentives; they are unenforceable, with the negotiating process leading to a watering down of the environmental goals government had originally aimed at. The Federal Government of Germany's, current preference for negotiated solutions on principle seems to be ‘counterproductive’. Government needs to be ‘in control’ to leave its choice of policy instruments open and to be flexible. Finally, we derive some general conclusions concerning reasonable strategies and applications of voluntary agreements within the EU. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

In this article the authors report the results of an experiment to test the extent of the effectiveness of emotive and factual approaches in negotiating.  相似文献   

The controller is in the best position to evaluate the costs of proposals and counter-proposals in bargaining sessions; he should be a regular member of the negotiating team.  相似文献   

Research into some of the social/psychological factors in union management negotiations at plant level indicate that the party with the stronger case is more likely to ‘win’ when negotiating conditions are de-personalised and formal.  相似文献   

Negotiation involves planning, execution, performance measurement, and review. Like any process, it can be perfected through practice. This article focuses on the planning stage of negotiations, although it gives suggestions for improving negotiating performance generally.  相似文献   

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