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短信平台是企业信息化建设不可或缺的组成部分,然而由于缺乏对短信队列实际有效的管理而使得服务质量受到限制。文章在分析企业短信平台典型结构的基础上,提出设立与管理短信机的前置短信池思想,根据不同系统或不同级别的短信发送需求,设立不同的优先级别,运用一种短信权重轮询调度策略,扩展了企业短信平台搭建方式,保证了重要短信的实时性,并且平滑了突发群短信的输出,该方案已经成功应用于实际系统。  相似文献   

企业短信平台关键技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
短信平台是企业信息化建设不可或缺的组成部分,然而由于缺乏对短信队列实际有效的管理而使得服务质量受到限制.文章在分析企业短信平台典型结构的基础上,提出设立与管理短信机的前置短信池思想,根据不同系统或不同级别的短信发送需求,设立不同的优先级别.运用一种短信权重轮询调度策略,扩展了企业短信平台搭建方式,保证了重要短信的实时性,并且平滑了突发群短信的输出,该方案已经成功应用于实际系统.  相似文献   

目前,手机短信市场正经历着“爆炸式”的高速发展,但也暴露出一系列严重缺陷.文章针对短信诈骗、垃圾短信泛滥、短信病毒等现象,指出制约短信市场良性发展的根本原因在于监督防范技术落后、立法执法体系不完善和SP企业缺乏引导规范.因此,必须有针对性地采取措施,提高信息监控方面的技术,完善短信市场的立法执法体系,加强对SP的引导规范.  相似文献   

杨玚 《企业导报》2010,(10):164-165
垃圾短信已成为公众关注的焦点,垃圾短信侵权现象亦日趋严重,因此,对其规制成为通讯业和法学界亟待解决的热点。以垃圾短信侵权的主体、客体、责任承担及问题解决等角度加以分析,以期能够探讨出一套较为可行、卓有成效的解决机制。  相似文献   

杨玚 《社会科学动态》2010,(10):164-165
垃圾短信已成为公众关注的焦点,垃圾短信侵权现象亦日趋严重,因此,对其规制成为通讯业和法学界亟待解决的热点。以垃圾短信侵权的主体、客体、责任承担及问题解决等角度加以分析,以期能够探讨出一套较为可行、卓有成效的解决机制。  相似文献   

介绍了采用WEB模式,通过调用运营商接口协议与移动运营商短信网关连接,借用其网关(如CMPP/SGIP/CNGP/SMGP)协议和管理系统,利用其现有移动网络技术,实现短信报警服务平台的开发与应用。这个短信报警平台可以实现特殊人群或其他群众在特殊情况下利用短信向公安机关进行报警、投诉、建议等功能,借用该短信报警服务平台,公安机关还可开拓出短信调度、公安信息移动查询等多项业务。  相似文献   

最近,如果你用MSN Messenger聊天工具聊天,你也许会马上认识一个叫“灵犀短信精灵”的机器人,而且你又会发现,通过这个机器人,你竟然可以给别人发短信,而且前5条短信可以免费,天上掉下了大馅饼。馅饼来自上海南方讯典通信技术有限公司,一家致力于通过短信服务客户的公司。“MSN对第三方辅助软件的支持性非常好,我们找到了一个缝隙。”南方讯典个人应用部总监杨国平说到,“把MSN和短信结合,我们是第一家。”  相似文献   

风靡全国的“超级女声”在制造娱乐的同时也创造了传媒、娱乐、营销、短信等领域的经典成功案例。“超女”创造了一个经济奇迹。短信正成为“疯狂敛财”的新起之秀。本文在进行了市场调研的基础上分析和探讨“超级女声”短信营销的销售渠道设计特征及产品和服务市场的拓展意义。  相似文献   

短信盈利模式中的收益者仅仅是SP和电信运营商,而我们所提出的短信网络模式就是要使普通用户也能从互联网中获得利益,吸引用户参与到短信的运营中来,达到“人人都是SP”的目标,在互联网上实现对无线业务的个性化服务。  相似文献   

忽如一夜春风来,我们已走进短信时代 短信不同于广播,电视、报纸、网络,它抹去了时空界限,带来了个性化空间,让人与人之间心灵距离缩短,让沟通无处不在.短信似水,本无形,却也可有形,如今提倡企业无管理,办公提倡无纸化,公司上班可以家庭式,作为一个现代企业的老总,我们要学会适应环境,学会应用短信管理,让短信成为管理者手中的遥控器、第三只眼、无形的手和粘合剂.  相似文献   

赵婷  郭楠  裴允  陈秉塬 《价值工程》2010,29(18):140-140
信息检索(Information Retrieval)又称为情报检索,起源于图书馆的参考咨询和文摘索引工作,20世纪50年代,成为一条专用术语。本文对信息检索的概念和研究内容进行了探讨,并指出了当前的研究热点,分析了信息检索的作用。  相似文献   

本设计以MSP430系统为核心,设计一个中距离无线短信传输器。用MSP430系统,采用中断控制nrf905单片无线收发器、液晶显示模块、键盘等模块,以实现点对点短信的发送与接收、信息的存储、存储与新建联系人、时间的显示与调整、闹钟、输入法的切换、电子书等功能。低功耗是本设计的一大特点。  相似文献   

国际商务英语翻译中的文化信息等值研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张静 《价值工程》2012,31(16):242-243
不同语言是不同文化的载体,所以在商务英语的翻译,只有注重文化信息在商务英语翻译中的传递,克服异国文化的障碍,做到文化信息的对等,才能准确的翻译传达信息。文章通过翻译理论分析影响等值翻译的文化差异,比较英汉文化思维差异及其在语言表达上的具体体现,探讨了对翻译文化信息等值理论的理解及其在英汉互译中的具体运用。  相似文献   

赵向梅 《价值工程》2012,31(33):205-207
为了加强对无线接入固定台的统一管理与控制,深入挖掘市场信息,在现有短信平台不能满足要求的情况下。本文基于中国移动通信互联网短信网关接口协议(CMPP),设计并实现了无线接入固定台短信网管平台。该平台通过基本指令与固定台进行交互,实现固定台的统一管理和数据交互。通过测试以及实际的使用情况来看,运用这个平台,可以改善运营商对终端管理方面的不足,对于运营商及时准确的掌握市场动态是非常有利的,能够帮助运营商不断的开发和推广新业务。  相似文献   

In June 1987 the Conservatives under Mrs. Thatcher were re-elected with a majority of over 100 seats against Labour. They received 42.3 per cent of the total vote, the size of the majority owing much to the significant number of votes received by third parties. But it is also believed that the Conservatives' share of the vote, unchanged from 1983, reflected the performance of the macro economy. In the four years of Mrs. Thatcher's second term, output rose more than 3 per cent a year and by the time of the election inflation was below 1 per cent, interest rates were under 10 per cent, and unemployment had come back below 3 million. If Mrs. Thatcher and her Cabinet colleagues had planned an economic strategy for the next four (or five) years in order to be in a strong position to win a fourth term of office, it might have included the following factors: output growth of 2–3 per cent a year; inflation staying around 1 per cent; interest rates of 10 per cent or thereabouts; unemployment down further from the near-3 million mark of June 1987. On our current forecast, that is, with the exception of output, the economic record of the Conservatives' third (Thatcher/Major) term. Yet the Conservatives have been running neck and neck with Labour in tile opinion polls and, barring unforeseen developments, the coming election will be extremely close, with the possibility still of either a small Conservative majority or a small Labour majority or even a hung Parliament. Why is it that, against the background of a similar economic performance in aggregate, the Conservatives have lost popularity? The arguments are complex and a full explanation would include the introduction of the community charge arid the fall of Mrs. Thatcher herself. But the economy is part of the explanation. The economic literature on Government popularity examines the state of a number of economic variables at the time of the election. At its most extreme, some believe that all a Government has to do to be re-elected is deliver a low mortgage rate in time for the election. Other analysts have explained Government popularity in a simple regression framework, with a lagged dependent variable to capture sluggish adjustment. A weakness of this research is that it implicitly believes all the Government has to do is to ‘get it right on the night’. As long as the economy falls into place by the time of the election, re-election is certain. This implies that the electorate both forgets and forgives, and is indifferent to the course of the economy in the previous three or four years. But it cannot be the case that the electorate evaluates only the average performance of the economy over the lifetime of a Parliament or even the most recent developments. As in any simple utility maximisation problem, it is not just the mean of the distribution that counts but also its variance. In other words the combination of late 1980s' boom and early 1990s' recession counts against the Government in a way that four or five years of steady progress would not have done. If this is correct, it may not be sufficient for the Government to deliver low inflation and interest rates and some recovery in output in time for the election; it may simply be that the electorate remains unforgiving of a five-year track record of boom and bust.  相似文献   

何松彪  王芳 《价值工程》2010,29(25):21-22
知名度能够给个人带来潜在的收益,在个人发展过程中扮演越来越重要的作用。国内外对产品知名度的推广研究较多,但对个人知名度推广研究很少。本文阐述了个人知名度的含义及价值,总结了个人知名度网络推广的现状和存在问题,并结合网络营销理论和互联网的操作实务,对个人知名度的互联网推广原则、推广策略进行了理论探究。  相似文献   

对我国的瑜伽健身项目的推广成因以及推广过程中存在的问题做了详细分析,为该健身项目推广模式的构建奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

In an evolutionary model, players from a given population meet randomly in pairs each instant to play a coordination game. At each instant, the learning model used is determined via some replicator dynamics that respects payoff fitness. We allow for two such models: a belief-based best-response model that uses a costly predictor, and a costless reinforcement-based one. This generates dynamics over the choice of learning models and the consequent choices of endogenous variables. We report conditions under which the long run outcomes are efficient (or inefficient) and they support the exclusive use of either of the models (or their co-existence).  相似文献   

雷熙朋 《价值工程》2014,(29):276-277
杨凌作为中国农业起源地和现代农业领跑者,以及作为国家向亚太经合作组织开放的十大工业园区之一,在国际农业科技贸易舞台上发挥着愈来愈重要的作用,在当地及其周边农民中普及英语的时代已经到来。本文围绕这一立意从建设社会主义新农村、构建学习型社会等四个方面分析了在杨凌当地及其周边农民中普及英语的积极意义,又从政府牵头开展专项培训、高校助力组建普及小分队等四个方面提出了对杨凌当地及其周边农民普及英语的四点建议性策略。  相似文献   

本文首先利用GSM短信息实现了185邮政呼叫中心与投递人员、物流配送人员之间的信息交换;随着短信息业务向移动支付、移动证券交易等金融领域的扩展,对短信息的安全性提出了新的要求,为此,本文在ElGamal体制公开密钥加密算法的基础上,针对短信息系统自身的特点,提出了一种比较适用于短消息系统的加密方案并给出了实验和结果分析。  相似文献   

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