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文章以上市银行业2012年年度报告作为主要调查对象,针对我国上市银行的内部控制信息披露情况展开研究,发现上市银行内部控制信息披露在披露形式、内容以及监管制度上存在问题,究其原因主要是缺乏有效的制度和法律约束,银行业作为信息披露的主体在信息披露方面动力缺失,内外监管不到位。最后提出了完善我国上市银行内部控制信息披露的基本对策。  相似文献   

一、现有监管模式现在全国的存量房交易资金监管模式较多,监管主体和托管形式不一。从监管主体来看,主要有三种,即房产管理部门、专业中介机构和银行。从监管的形式来看,主要有自愿监管和强制  相似文献   

银行市场约束机制研究述评与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
巴塞尔银行监管委员会将市场约束、最低资本要求和政府监管并列为银行监管的三大支柱.银行市场约束的主体是存款人和次级债券持有人.对市场约束机制的一般原理、存款人与次级债券持有人对银行的市场约束机制以及市场约束与政府监管关系的相关研究进行述评,从中可以得到我国加强银行市场约束机制的启示.  相似文献   

针对目前国内二手房市场交易过程中存在的一房多卖和阴阳合同等问题,提出基于区块链的二手房交易金融服务支持系统。该系统主要采用重庆市住房和城乡建设委员会(下称“住建委”)、监管银行、不动产登记机构三方参与的联盟链方式进行设计,并构建基于Fabric的区块链技术实现方案。其中,住建委负责的上链情景包含监管主体信息上链、监管协议上链、二手房交易资金监管确认、监管资金划转请求、销户申请;监管银行负责的上链情景包含监管主体核验、建立监管子账户、购房资金到账、资金划转结果、销户完成;不动产登记机构负责的上链情景包含不动产权转移登记申请、登簿发证完成。该系统可为提高二手房交易金融服务效率与质量提供应用和参考。  相似文献   

尽管银行资本监管是银行监管最核心的问题之一,但对此并没有一个广泛认同的理论基础,而理论分析应该成为政策的一个重要部分。进行资本监管的理论依据是资本监管可以在防止毁灭性的银行挤兑中起着重要作用,降低存款被保险银行的风险转嫁激励,还可以保护政府的利益,并可作为对市场失灵以及监管者监管能力不足的一种补充。  相似文献   

担保作为信用链条上的一个环节,联系着融资与保证,增强了信用,有效分流了银行的风险,便利了资金的流动,起到了促进信用链条流畅、优化信贷分配的作用,在解决中小企业"融资难"的问题上起着举足轻重的作用.然而目前国内的担保业似乎并没有在信用链条上发挥应有的作用,这既有缺乏责权明确的监管主体和法律制度建设滞后的先天不足,又有担保机构与银行合作普遍存在质量不高的发展现状,使得担保机构这种只有依附银行才能发展的业务模式离开了政府和银行的大力支持就面临着尴尬的处境.促进担保业健康发展,政府要完善监管体制和风险补偿机制,发展以商业担保机构为主的多层次担保体系.  相似文献   

银行是在预售资金监管体系中不可或缺的一个主体。资金监管活动是保障项目顺利建设的核心环节,无论是行政主管部门、银保监部门、商业银行都应该各司其职,配合协作,以保交房为目的,以问题为导向,共同做好资金监管工作。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国外资银行管理条例》已于2006年年底颁布施行。按照我国的入世承诺,《条例》明确规定取消外资银行人民币业务的地域和客户限制,但是外国银行的分行首先必须转制为在我国注册的法人银行,才能享受此“国民待遇”。因为法人银行作为境内独立法人是本地注册,由本国监管机构承担主要的监管责任;而外国银行分行是境外注册银行的分支机构,由母国监管机构承担主要的监管责任。[第一段]  相似文献   

基于双重委托代理关系的框架,分析我国银行治理结构具有内在缺陷,认为国有资产管理人作为国有资产代理人不能对银行高级管理人员实施监督和激励;由于银行风险内控机制低效,使直接针对银行的监管措施不能有效地约束银行高级管理人员的经营行为。因此,监管部门应该加强对银行高级管理人员的监管。  相似文献   

一、前言农业银行作为我国的四大国有商业银行之一,对我国金融业发挥着巨大的作用。农业银行内部会计监管是农业银行进行风险管理的重要环节,同时还是银行经营管理的核心内容。有效的农业银行内部会计监管是保障银行内部各项业务顺利开展的前提,还  相似文献   

在西方各国从固定汇率制向浮动汇率制过渡的过程中,外汇干预的力度不仅没有被削弱,反而表现出不断加强的趋势。这与外汇干预稳定汇率预期、平滑经济波动的作用是密切相关的。中国自2005年7月宣布人民币汇率形成机制改革,参考一篮子货币进行调节以后,如何通过外汇干预引导市场预期,使汇率变动向有利于宏观经济稳定的方向发展,已成为学术界研究的热点。文章旨在总结西方国家外汇干预的预期传导途径理论,并将其与中国当前所面临的世界性次贷金融经济风险相结合,希望能为中国的外汇干预实践提供助力。  相似文献   

为跨境电商能顺利解决第三方结汇平台的择优甄别问题,首先通过问卷调查法收集商家意愿,再结合文献研究法重构并完善第三方跨境电商结汇平台评价指标体系,构建模糊神经网络模型加以数据训练,使得训练后的模型具有更好的稳定性、预测性和泛化能力.模型可以帮助从事跨境电商领域的商家有针对性地甄别适合的第三方结汇平台,以减少商家在资金结汇...  相似文献   

孔祥顺 《价值工程》2011,30(9):173-173
中俄两国达成贸易本币结算是两国贸易的一件大事,本币结算具有支付快捷,降低外汇成本和汇率风险等方面的优势。但从目前来看,本币结算仍受到各方面的条件限制,尤其是制度方面的制约。因此,中俄贸易距离真正意义上的本币结算还有很长的路要走,本文试就这一问题做一点初浅的探讨。  相似文献   

在央行货币政策目标下,可以确定最优汇率水平及汇率水平的调整。我国外汇体制改革要建立以市场供求为基础的,参考一篮子货币的有管理的浮动汇率制度,央行的汇率目标应由人民币对美元稳定转变为参考人民币有效汇率目标,确保人民币币值的总体水平稳定。实际上,参考篮子货币,人民币对美元汇率的弹性将显著增加。央行应逐步放宽人民币对美元和非美元货币的波动幅度,人民币汇率最终将由市场供求来决定,发挥汇率配置资源的基础作用。  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the association between bank integration, measured with the share of foreign banks in the banking industry, and macroeconomic volatility in emerging economies. We find a negative and significant relationship between bank integration and short-run fluctuations in output, consumption and investment, controlling for financial development, bank concentration and the real effective exchange rate. However, this relationship is found to be positive at high levels of financial development. We also explore the association at the regional level and show that the presence of foreign banks in Latin America is negatively and significantly correlated with macroeconomic volatility both in normal times and times of crisis. Despite widespread concerns in emerging Europe, which experienced greater financial vulnerability during the global financial crisis, we find no significant association between growth volatilities and bank integration.  相似文献   

Starting in 2004 the Guyanese foreign exchange rate has been remarkably stable relative to earlier periods. This paper explores the reasons for the stability of the rate. First, the degree of concentration in the foreign exchange market has increased, thus making the task of moral suasion relatively straightforward once this policy tool comes to bear on the dominant trader(s). Second, long-term or non-volatile capital inflows make the exchange rate less susceptible to sudden reversal. Third, commercial banks, the dominant foreign exchange traders, have large outlays of assets in domestic currency, thus their desire for exchange rate stability. The econometric exercise is consistent with the notion that trader market power has contributed to lower volatility in the G$/US exchange rate. The paper also presents a model that analyzes monetary policy effects in the presence of a mark-up or threshold interest rate.  相似文献   

This study addresses whether the financial turmoil surrounding the devaluation of the baht affected the value relevance of Thai accounting information. Our results suggest a decline in the value relevance of Thai book values and earnings following the devaluation. Prior to mid 1997 the Bank of Thailand pegged the value of the baht to a basket of currencies of which 80% was weighted to the US dollar. In response to pressure by currency speculators the bank abandoned its peg on July 2 1997 in favor of a managed float. The devaluation was followed by volatile exchange rates. The change in value relevance of accounting information after the devaluation may be attributable to the initial recognition of foreign exchange losses and the subsequent recognition of foreign exchange gains as exchange rates fell and then recovered.  相似文献   

This review identifies in the literature three distinct conceptual frameworks for analysing money, in which the means of settlement is provided by (i) a special commodity used in exchange, (ii) all generally accepted media of exchange including some bank deposits, and (iii) a book‐keeping system recording changes in ownership of financial assets within a pure credit economy. All three sections consider the implications for monetary policy aimed at maintaining price stability. The paper concludes that future theoretical developments are likely to take place within finance theory rather than being based on the quantity theory of money.  相似文献   

Managed Floating as a Monetary Policy Strategy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although there seems to be a broad consensus among economists that purely floating or completely fixed exchange rates (the so-called corner solutions) are the only viable alternatives of exchange rate management, many countries do not behave according to this paradigm and adopt a strategy within the broad spectrum of exchange rate regimes that is limited by the two corner solutions. Many of these intermediate regimes are characterized by significant foreign exchange market interventions and a certain degree of exchange rate flexibility with non-preannounced exchange rate targets. While academic research in this area usually concentrates on some specific aspects of intermediate regimes (such as the effectiveness of interventions or institutional aspects), managed floating has rarely been analyzed as a comprehensive monetary policy strategy. In this paper, we present a monetary policy framework in which central banks simultaneously use the exchange rate and the interest rate as operating targets of monetary policy. We explain the mechanics of foreign exchange market interventions and sterilization and we explain why a central bank has an interest of controlling simultaneously the two operating targets. We derive the monetary policy rules for the two operating targets from a simple open economy macro model in which the uncovered interest parity condition and the monetary conditions index play a central role.  相似文献   

In this paper, I use a unique proprietary dataset from the foreign exchange market to examine the existing hypotheses on price clustering. I find that market uncertainty plays an important role in price clustering. Moreover, since trading behavior changes under different market conditions, market timing also affects the likelihood of price clustering. The results support both the price resolution hypothesis (Ball et al. J Futures Mark 5:29–43, 1985) and the negotiation hypothesis (Harris Rev Financ Stud 4:389–415, 1991). Since the data covers the interbank foreign exchange market, which is the market for the professional bank dealers, the attraction hypothesis is less likely to be a plausible explanation for price clustering in the foreign exchange market.  相似文献   

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