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李广生  李涵 《活力》2006,(2):179-179
一、家庭伦理是对传统文化内在秩序的核心设计 中国传统文化的形成有两个重要的基础:一是自然经济的生产方式;二是由家及国的宗法社会结构。在此基础上形成的文化体系必然以伦理道德为核心内容。因为家族关系、宗法血缘关系“本质上是一种人伦关系,是建立在伦理的基础上通过人情感信念来处理的关系”。特定历史条件下,整个社会由家及族,再延伸到国家,形成了家国一体化的传统社会结构。正是在这种社会结构中,以家为本的伦理精神才寻到了生成的历史条件,并为文化体系中的社会生活秩序、个体生命秩序进行了深层设计,为其指明了由家及族到国的文化精神走向。  相似文献   

内部控制的历史可以追溯到古代文明社会,在近4000年的发展中,内部控制的定义、内容和方式都发生了很大的变化。内部控制的发展轨迹表明,内部控制的发展与社会主要组织形式的特征息息相关,这一点是不难理解的。从内部控制的定义看,所谓“内部”,就是指在组织边界内,组织结构及其边界的变化必然影响着其控制特征。从古至今,人类社会已经经历了好几种组织形式,下面本文就以时间为序分析各种组织形式下内部控制的演变轨迹。  相似文献   

"虚拟公司"——未来的经营组织形式为顺应日益激烈的竞争形势,公司与公司之间合资和联合经营的做法应运而生。美国企业界不少智囊人物认为,这是一种发展趋势。这种新的组织形式谓之曰:"虚拟公司"。所谓"虚拟公司",指的是不同的公司为了尽快抓住转瞬即逝的市场机遇而临时联合起来的一种组织形式,既定任务一完成,这个"虚拟公司"往往就宣告解散。它既没有总部办公室,也没有自上而下的组织系统;既是实在的一种组织形式,又没有看得见的"外壳"。这种独特的经营组织形式有以下特点:1.优势集中。"虚拟公司"的每个成员都将其"最拿手的"集中到"虚拟公司",这就造成单个公司所无法比拟的绝对优势。  相似文献   

物流组织设计的项目管理技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了物流组织的演变及其发展过程,并分析了企业组织演变的本质,结合物流企业目前流行的管理思想,提出了一种基于项目管理下的物流组织设计技术,其组织结构形式上由原来的“直线职能”式变为更适合业务管理的“枢纽-辐射”式,最后设计了一个实例来阐明在这种组织结构下物流企业如何运作以及设计这种组织结构应注意的问题。  相似文献   

绘画形式中的秩序感应呈现这样的画面图式:从画面的构图结构、绘画形式因素到物象形态都呈现出平衡简约、条理规范、平面规则的特征,创造出一个更集中、更简约、更概括的视觉审美形象,并迅速传达着画面所具有的形式秩序意味,这种秩序意味是画面形式因素显露出纯粹的视觉形式美感,这种对画面形式语言体系的构建和积极把握画面形态结构秩序的创造.  相似文献   

虚拟企业是知识经济条件下的一种组织创新,对虚拟企业的经济业务也要进行反映,提供有价值的信息.那么虚拟企业是否可以作为一种会计主体,从而对其经济业务进行单独反映呢?本文从会计主体的历史发展入手,从理论的角度对其进行探讨,认为其可以作为一种新的会计主体形式,最后归纳了这种新的会计主体形式的特点.  相似文献   

上海红光制革厂是一家有近50年"国有"历史、于2003年开始实施全面转制。近五年来,随着改革、转制工作的不断推进和深入,企业所有制结构发生重大的变化,员工队伍结构发生重大调整,劳动关系出现重大变化,企业的秩序和员工的思想经历了动荡起  相似文献   

已经获得成功的在位高技术领先企业,在面临新的技术范式的挑战时常常不能够作出有效的技术转换决策,保持企业的长期可持续的发展。本文从组织结构的角度详细分析了组织惯性、权力利益平衡、文化禁闭、知识吸收能力、外部价值链结构等因素所导致的高技术在位企业的战略性技术转换决策困境,提出高技术在位企业在技术转换决策中应调整其组织结构模式,在组织内部建立一种使高技术在位企业同时进行渐进性和突破性变革的"二元性组织"形式,在组织外部建立广泛利用外部资源的虚拟组织形式。  相似文献   

三、"我们"当如何工作?--建立组织结构 组织变革与流程再造 组织的构造不会一成不变.面对外部环境和内部条件的变化,组织必须不断地改革和适应,这便是组织变革.在过去20年中,影响最为深远和广泛的一种组织变革形式,便是所谓的企业再造,或称业务流程再造.  相似文献   

层级组织是一种经典的组织结构,在经济发展史中曾经发挥了十分重要的作用,但由于其固有的信息不对称现象,这种结构形式也产生了一系列的弊端。通过委托——代理理论对层级组织固有缺陷的思考,我们可以得出一些有效的解决途径,如建立内部和外部约束机制以及激励机制等。  相似文献   

There are two reasons that current corporate efforts to achieve employee "participation" often seem fragile and temporary: unrealistic expectations about the appropriate use of participation and a failure to manage participation efforts for maximum success. Participation is most appropriate when, for example, expertise is diffused, issues are controversial, problems cut across existing roles, or the development of people is desired; autonomy and individual responsibility may be more appropriate under the opposite conditions. Kanter discusses six sets of dilemmas that must be resolved to ensure that participating teams work effectively for the organization: dilemmas around initiation, structure, issue choice, teamwork, links between teams and their environment, and evaluation/continuation. Kanter concludes that participation works best when it is well managed. Participation is best viewed not as a permanent "program" or a "formula" but as temporary episodes of high involvement alternating with a more routine everyday structure.  相似文献   

abstract The goal of this study is to offer a methodology for empirically assessing the core values of an organization. It uses means–end analysis in order to determine those values that organization members manifest in their daily behaviour, and which are not just espoused ‘truisms’. The method is based on the sense members of an organization make of what they do. Sensemaking follows a means–end pattern, through which individual actions converge into central values. The values most central in this means–end structure are the core values that effectively motivate organization members in their job. Our method works in two steps: first, exploratory interviews using the laddering‐technique establish the values potentially most central to the organization; then, a follow‐up survey assesses the complete pattern of means–end relations among the potential values. Validity tests show that the most central values derived from this survey data are the most important to organization members. These values are also the most stable over time. We make a comparison of this method with traditional value surveys and we discuss its implications for the study of organizational behaviour.  相似文献   

组织系统结构有序度分析及测度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
崔世娟 《价值工程》2005,24(6):75-79
首先说明了信息的度量方法以及信息空间的概念。在此基础上,探讨了一个组织进行信息协调与控制的信息扩散结构类型;并参考系统结构有序度的概念对一个组织的信息结构进行了定量分析。最后选取两种典型的组织结构对其信息扩散结构及系统结构有序度,进行了定性分析和定量计算,得出了相关的结论。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,为了适应不断变化的内外部环境,项目管理在各行各业得到了广泛的研究和应用。文章以项目团队的组织结构为研究对象,理论结合实践,对常见的三类项目组织结构类型进行了分析和比较,同时结合当前电网设计项目管理中的问题,提出了如何根据电网项目的实际情况来选择和优化组织结构,为电网设计中如何选择项目团队的组织结构提供了一般性建议。  相似文献   

高校基层党组织是我党在高校全部工作和战斗力的基础,文章以党章为基础结合中央提出的创先争优活动实际要求探讨高校基层党组织创先争优的新路径,以期更好的加强高校党的建设工作,使高校党建设工作成为构建和谐校园的思想保证、政治保证、组织保证。  相似文献   

邸金锋  白春燕 《价值工程》2010,29(3):232-232
措施项目费的计算应根据工程的特点,结合自身情况,优化施工组织设计方案后确定。现就工程量清单计价中措施费计算方法进行讨论分析。  相似文献   

Quality of work life: perspectives and directions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The values that quality of work life (QWL) has brought to the workplace are in danger of being lost, say authors Nadler and Lawler; to avert this danger, they debunk several "definitions" of the concept that miss the point, give it a precise definition, and spell out ways to use it successfully. They delineate six factors that they believe separate more successful from less successful QWL efforts. The first success factor is a perception of need--that is, in successful efforts organization members actually perceive a problem. Second, the problem is salient to the organization. Third, a structure for participation is created. Fourth, rewards are provided both for the processes and for the outcomes of QWL activities. Fifth, multiple levels of management are involved. And, finally, QWL involves all organization members in a way that avoids "we-they" rivalries. With these factors in mind, the authors conclude that three major components of QWL efforts must be managed well if they are to succeed: (1) development of projects at different levels; (2) changes in management systems and structure; and (3) changes in senior management behavior--that is, if the QWL effort is to be credible to organization members, there must be some specific, tangible QWL activity in which senior managers participate.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the structuring of the corporate headquarters in a franchise organization. Four essential issues that are related to franchisors organizational structure are discussed—homogeneity and heterogeneity of franchisors structure, company-owned and franchise arrangement, the dynamics between strategy and structure, and performing innovative and administrative functions simultaneously in the headquarters. Propositions are given for each issue. The results of qualitative analysis associated with each issue are discussed.  相似文献   

信息技术影响企业绩效的机制研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以解释信息技术的生产率悖论问题为起点,探索信息技术与企业绩效之间的“黑箱”问题。重点考察了信息技术影响企业绩效的内在途径和关联结构。着重通过分析信息技术对企业战略、组织结构、业务流程与组织学习这四条路径的影响,来进一步分析其对企业绩效的间接影响。  相似文献   

Networks and geography in the economics of knowledge flows   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper reviews the literature dealing with the economic geography of knowledge flows by summarising the most relevant problems and open questions that, according to the authors’ view, have been dealt in the past and should be dealt in the future by network analysis in order to model, understand and measure the structure and dynamics of knowledge flows. The interaction between “networks” and “geography” elements within a theoretical, methodological and empirical perspective is discussed throughout the paper by making reference to previous works by the authors and to the established literature. Thus, these references, far from being complete and exhaustive, are instrumental to the achievement of the paper’s goal: to demonstrate that “networks” and “geography” are the necessary ingredients for every study of the innovative process at any level of analysis, from individual agent to institution/organization, from the regional to the national and international level.  相似文献   

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