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Present classifications of the developing countries are of limited usefulness as a basis for determining development policy priorities in the industrialised countries, argue our authors. They define a group of “key countries” which are of strategical importance for the world economy and outline the development risks facing these countries.1 They suggest that the OECD countries would be better advised to follow a policy of cooperation with these key countries rather than the “man mind thyself” policies which are presently gaining in popularity.  相似文献   

This article deals with the issues of health services for poor consumers in Third World countries. The health services in these countries have been modelled on the systems available in developed countries and meet the needs of the affluent sections of the population who control government policy. But these services are beyond the reach of the poor. There are wide disparities between the health indicators of the rich and poor consumers in the Third World. To provide adequate health services to the poor, there should be a re-allocation of resources away from high technology and hospital based curative services to preventive and promotive health services. It is often argued that low income countries cannot expect to improve the health of all their inhabitants without first increasing productivity. Evidence from selected Third World countries indicates, however, that visible improvements in the health status of the poor are quite feasible with low per capita GNPs if there is the political will to implement progressive policies in health and certain non-health sectors. The latter include policies on land reform and education, particularly education of women.
Verbraucherprobleme bei Gesundheitsdiensten in Drittweltländern
Zusammenfassung Der Aufsatz befaßt sich mit Problemen von Gesundheitsdiensten für arme Konsumenten von Drittweltländern. Die gesundheitliche Versorgung der Bevölkerung ist dort nach Vorbildern von Industrieländern eingerrichtet worden. Sie kommt den Bedürfnissen der wohlhabenden Oberschicht entgegen, die die Regierungspolitik kontrollieren. Die dieserart angebotenen Gesundheitsdienstleistungen sind jedoch für die Armen unerreichbar und unerschwinglich. Es zeichnen sich erhebliche Unterschiede in den Gesundheitsindikatoren zwischen den wohlhabenden und den armen Verbrauchern in Ländern der Dritten Welt ab. Um wirklich die Armen gesundheitlich zu versorgen, müßte eine Umverteilung der Resourcen weg von Hochtechnologie und stationärer Behandlung und hin zu präventiven und unterstützend-helfenden Maßnahmen erfolgen. Es wird oft behauptet, daß Länder mit geringem Volkseinkommen den Gesundheitsstand ihrer Bevölkerung nicht wesentlich verbessern können, bevor sie nicht erst ihre Produktivität steigern. Beweismaterial von Drittweltländern zeigt jedoch an, daß erkennbare Verbesserungen des Gesundheitszustandes der Armen in Ländern mit geringem Volkseinkommen möglich sind, wenn der politische Wille besteht, fortschrittliche Politiken in Gesundheitsdientsen und einigen verwandten Nichtgesundheitssektoren umzusetzen. Zu letzteren gehören Bodenreform und Erziehung, vor allem für Frauen.

Kumariah Balasubramaniam is pharmaceutical advisor to IOCU (International Organization of Consumers Unions), P.O. Box 1045, 10830 Penang, Malaysia.  相似文献   

The many groupings of developing countries formed in the fifties and sixties with a view to establishing a customs union have failed to achieve convincing results so far. Would another integration strategy have been more successful?  相似文献   

Third World     

The present financial policies of the developing countries are hardly likely to create favourable conditions for economic growth. A change can only be brought about if the financing of development projects and the imports of consumer goods can be successfully integrated in an overall plan for economic growth and the generation of new sources of revenue for the state.  相似文献   

Development failures are less the result of “natural” short-comings, but are caused instead by false conceptions and by the misapplication of experience from highly-developed economic systems to countries in the initial development stage. The following article points out the pit-falls and discusses some alternative strategies.  相似文献   

Development institutions are currently revising their traditional positions on the question of adequate trade policies for developing countries. Against this background the following article takes stock of the degree to which developing countries have become integrated into the world economy and considers the opportunities and risks which the integration process presents. Problems confronting national policies in less successful developing countries are then outlined which make further, efficient integration of these countries into the world economy more difficult. Finally, policies are identified which could ease further integration.  相似文献   

Double standards in the regulatory status of pharmaceuticals enable the pharmaceutical industry to dump to third world countries medicines whose use is restricted or banned domestically. Numerous initiatives have been taken at the international level to tackle the problem, namely by the World Health Organisation. The European Community remained for a long time silent and promoted a laissezfaire policy, thereby giving carte blanche for the uncontrolled export of pharmaceuticals. However, a change of the European Community's attitude towards the export issue seems to be in the offing. The paper analyses the possibilities of the European Community to participate in the already existing WHO regulatory mechanisms and to design Community actions with the aim of curbing the trade with dangerous pharmaceuticals.
Die Regulierung des Exports gefährlicher Arzneimittel in die Dritte Welt durch die EG
Zusammenfassung Double Standards im regulatorischen Status von Arzneimitteln ermöglichen es der pharmazeutischen Industrie, Produkte, deren Vertrieb in den Industrieländern verboten oder streng beschränkt ist, in die Länder der Dritten Welt abzusetzen. Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) hat eine Reihe von Initiativen unternommen, um dem Problem Herr zu werden. Die Europäische Gemeinschaft hat sich zurückgehalten und bis in die 80er Jahre eine reine Laissez-Faire Politik betrieben. Exporte unterliegen auch nach den derzeitigen gemeinschaftlichen Regeln praktisch keinen Beschränkungen. Es mehren sich aber die Anzeichen dafür, daß diese Position nicht mehr haltbar ist. Dieses Papier unternimmt den Versuch, die Möglichkeiten der EG an einer verstärkten Teilnahme an den vorhandenen Mechanismen der WHO auszuloten. Hauptsächlich geht es aber um eine Klärung der Frage, ob die EG eine eigenständige Exportpolitik formulieren kann und welche Form sie haben könnte und müßte, um die Mißstände zu beseitigen.

Hans-W. Micklitz is a Research Fellow at the Centre for European Legal Policy, Universitätsallee GW1, D-2800 Bremen 33, FRG.The paper has arisen out of the author's activities as a consultant to the International Organization of Consumers Unions. It is part of a more comprehensive report, Exports of dangerous products to the Third World, distributed under the auspices of Bureau Européen des Unions des Consommateurs (Brussels) and Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Verbraucher (Bonn).  相似文献   

During the fifties and sixties many countries of the Third World endeavoured to set up steel Industries of their own. These efforts seem to have awakened a wide-spread desire in these countries to produce also their own motorcars. As was the case with steel production, this desire is partly motivated by prestige partly by economic considerations.  相似文献   

The EC’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) tends to restrict imports of farm produce to that part of demand which is not met by domestic production. The author analyses nature and extent of the problems arising therefrom for the LDCs that are heavily dependent on exports of agricultural goods.  相似文献   

付虹 《大经贸》2002,(3):56-57
为什么一些跨国公司总是把总部设在新加坡和菲律宾?为什么外资在进入中国许多年以后仍喜欢在东南亚设分厂?原来,在吸引外资方面,亚洲各国可以说是各出奇招,特别是在税收方面。  相似文献   

Klaus Boeck 《Intereconomics》1973,8(11):336-339
On December 31, 1973 ends the first phase of the gradual realisation of an economic and monetary union which the EC-states undertook to form between themselves1. Till then the Ministerial Council will still have to take a number of basic decisions, which are regarded as essential for a succesful conclusion of the first phase.  相似文献   

The stubborn weakness of growth in the industrial countries since the mid-seventies is a manifestation of a serious crisis of stabilisation and adjustment whose roots go far beyond the oil price increases. Against this background there was a marked turn in the direction of economic policy as a result of changes of government in 1979 in the United Kingdom and in 1981 in the USA and France. The programmes to stimulate economic growth were based on the supply-side concept in the UK and the USA but on the demand concept in France. Our article assesses the measures actually taken and the policy accent in the three countries against the background of previous economic developments and the prevailing political and institutional circumstances.  相似文献   

In this article, the author briefly outlines the present consumer safety laws in EFTA member countries. It seems that the EFTA countries are well prepared to adapt to the future EC Directive on Product Safety. Further, the author suggests that in the future, information on product safety matters should be diffused in a West European Safety Information Exchange System.  相似文献   

While foreign policy as well as economic, ideological and purely humanitarian considerations all continue to play a role in economic relations between the CMEA countries and the Third World, a shift in the relative weights of these various aspects has become discernible in recent years. What conclusions can be drawn as to the future behaviour of the CMEA countries towards the developing countries?  相似文献   

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