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Excessive time was being spent by the emergency department (ED) staff, head nurse, and unit secretary on a complex 6-week manual self-scheduling system. This issue, plus inevitable errors and staff dissatisfaction, resulted in a manager-lead initiative to automate elements of the scheduling process using Microsoft Excel. The implementation of this initiative included: common coding of all 8-hour and 12-hour shifts, with each 4-hour period represented by a cell; the creation of a 6-week master schedule using the "count-if" function of Excel based on current staffing guidelines; staff time-off requests then entered by the department secretary; the head nurse, with staff input, then fine-tuned the schedule to provide even unit coverage. Outcomes of these changes included an increase in staff satisfaction, time saved by the head nurse, and staff work time saved because there was less arguing about the schedule. Ultimately, the automated self-scheduling method was expanded to the entire 700-bed hospital.  相似文献   

Research examining the relationships between nurse staffing, hospital costs, and length of stay is varied using a range of methods and definitions. This lack of coherence in definitions and measurement tools for cost and length of stay makes it difficult to conclude with certainty the results of nurse staffing on hospital cost and length of stay. However, the evidence reflected that significant reductions in cost and length of stay may be possible with higher ratios of nursing personnel in hospital settings. Sufficient numbers of RNs may prevent patient adverse events that cause patients to stay longer than necessary. Patient costs were also reduced with greater RN staffing as RNs have higher knowledge and skill levels to provide more effective nursing care as well as reduce patient resource consumption. Hospital administrators are encouraged to use higher ratios of RNs to non-licensed personnel to achieve their objectives of quality patient outcomes and cost containment.  相似文献   

This article is the first in a series examining the interplay between the aging of the nurse workforce and other factors driving the growing nursing shortage that are already affecting some specialty areas. Nearly 60% of the current RN workforce is over 40 years of age; and the percentage of RNs under age 30 has fallen by nearly 40% since 1980. The total number of FTE RNs is projected to shrink after 2010, likely resulting in shortages of RNs "when the large baby-boom generation of RNs starts to retire." Because ICUs have historically attracted younger RNs, the rapid decline in the number of RNs in the workforce under age 30 plays a large role in explaining the development of shortages in the ICU. The growing difficulties staffing operating rooms and other peri-operative services is seen as related to the aging work force as more diploma prepared nurses have been attracted to this specialty because they had educational exposure to this area.  相似文献   

When there are shortages of RNs, hospitals and health care organizations in competitive nurse labor markets respond by increasing wages: some hospitals will respond faster and some will offer higher wages than others. The wage increase brings about two important short and long-run outcomes that, together, will increase the supply of RNs in the labor market. Because wage controls prevent the flexibility of wages to adjust, they can cause a shortage to develop when the demand for RNs is increasing (as in the 1970s), and wage controls will lengthen the duration of a shortage once it has begun. The impacts of prolonged RN shortages are multifaceted and destructive to nurses, patients, and hospitals. Looking ahead over the next 15 years when the demand for RNs is expected to grow by roughly 3% per year and the supply of RNs by much less than that, a new nursing shortage is projected to develop and reach a deficit of 285,000 RNs by 2020. The worst thing that could happen to the nursing profession would be to impose wage controls on nurses as this would prevent the needed short and long-run labor supply responses from developing and thereby eliminate the shortage.  相似文献   

California's minimum nurse-to-patient staffing ratio law, the nation's first, was implemented in 2004. This study had two aims: (a) to evaluate the effect of the nurse-to-patient ratios law on nurse job satisfaction in order to advance the debate over the merits of nurse staffing law, and (b) to compare California nurses who were satisfied against those who were not, in order to facilitate the development targeted retention interventions based on empirical evidence. The sample's overall job satisfaction increased significantly as the years passed, suggesting the nurse-to-patient ratios law was associated with improvements in nurse satisfaction. Satisfied RNs were more likely to have a balanced and financially secure life that included a partner, children living at home, higher hourly wages, and higher income from sources other than a nursing job. Nurses working in direct patient care positions remained dissatisfied in larger proportions than those working in other types of positions, even after the nurse-to-patient ratios were implemented. More nurses are satisfied today than before the ratios; nevertheless, far too many nurses (18.5%) have job satisfaction scores that are neutral or worse.  相似文献   

Upenieks VV  Akhavan J  Kotlerman J 《Nursing economic$》2008,26(5):294-300; quiz 301
Spiraling costs in health care have placed hospitals in a constant state of transition. As a result, nursing practice is now influenced by numerous factors and has remained in a continuous state of flux. Multiple changes within the last 2 decades in nurse/patient ratio and blend of front-line nurses are examples of this transition. To reframe the nursing practice into an economic equation that captures the cost, quality, and service, a paradigm shift in thinking is needed in order to assess work redesign. Nursing productivity must be evaluated in terms of value-added care, a vision that goes beyond direct care activities and includes team collaboration, physician rounding, increased RN-to-aide communication, and patient centeredness; all of which are crucial to the nurse's role and the patient's well-being. The science of appropriating staffing depends on assessment and implementation of systematic changes best illustrated through a "systems theory" framework. A throughput transformation is required to create process changes with input elements (number of front-line nurses) in order to increase time spent in value-added care and to decrease waste activities with an improvement in efficiency, quality, and service. The purpose of this pilot study was two-fold: (a) to gain an understanding of how much time RNs spent in value-added care, and (b) whether increasing the combined level of RNs and unlicensed assistive personnel increased the amount of time spent in value-added care compared to time spent in necessary tasks and waste.  相似文献   

Apker J  Ford WS  Fox DH 《Nursing economic$》2003,21(5):226-32, 207
Recruiting and retaining qualified nursing staff is of growing importance to today's hospital and nurse leaders. Findings from a survey completed by 190 RNs at a major teaching hospital revealed that nursing roles, professional autonomy, and supportive communication were differentially related to the nurses' organizational and professional identification. Professional autonomy was by far the strongest predictor of nurse identification, followed by manager and co-worker support. Co-worker support and traditional nursing roles predicted nurse professional identification, but neither traditional nor collaborative roles predicted nurses' identification with their organization. Communication strategies intended to help executives retain qualified nursing staff are presented.  相似文献   

Shortages of nursing staff in OECD countries have been a preoccupation for policy makers. Shortages of staff may be the consequence of uncompetitive pay. In the private sector, employers in different regions can offer different pay rates to reflect local amenities and cost of living. Hospitals in the UK however cannot set the pay for their employees, and as a result they might therefore incur staff shortages. Moreover, occupational groups do not operate in isolation. Shortages of staff may also be the consequence of the competitiveness of pay of an alternative group of staff. This is investigated using two distinct groups of nursing staff: assistant nurses (ANs) and registered nurses (RNs) working in English hospitals in 2003–2005 using national-level data sets. We find that an increase by 10% of the pay competitiveness of RNs decreases the shortage of both the RNs and of ANs by 0.6% and 0.4%, respectively.  相似文献   

Recessions are not uncommon in the United States, but the most recent recession is arguably the most severe economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Although recessions result in increases in national unemployment in most sectors of the economy, they have resulted in increases in registered nurse (RN) employment as many non-working married RNs re-enter the workforce when their spouses lose their jobs. Over the past decade, hospital RN employment increased by more than 400,000 with virtually all of this growth associated with the two recessions that occurred during this period. The most recent recession led to an increase in hospital RN employment that was not only unprecedented in size, estimated at nearly 250,000, but was marked by the employment of large numbers of RNs over 50 years of age. While national unemployment rates remain high, hospitals should prepare for an eventual jobs recovery when many RNs are likely to leave the workforce.  相似文献   

The concept enculturation, an essential component of integration into the work arrangement of professional contract nurses, also known as travel nurses, is analyzed. These registered nurses are contracted by hospitals through health care staffing service firms, for temporary work assignments. The work of travel RNs involves frequent recurring episodes of integration to health care teams at hospitals throughout the nation. Rodgers Evolutionary Method (Rodgers & Knafl, 2000) is applied to analyze the concept of enculturation, leading to a pragmatic perspective on its meaning and utility. This work may contribute new knowledge applicable to future nursing research.  相似文献   

This article assesses the effect of the minimum quality standards of deficiencies and nurse staffing requirements on the nursing home care practices of physical restraint, indwelling urinary catheter, and feeding tube use. National longitudinal data on nursing homes reveal that the effect of specific deficiency citations on care practice use depends on the clinical complementarity or substitutability of the deficiency and the specific care practice, while a high number of deficiencies can lead to a greater use of each care practice. Higher direct care staffing requirements increased the use of physical restraints and decreased the use of feeding tubes. Increases in licensed nursing staff requirements had no effect on the care practices studied. Regulators should be aware that using minimum quality standards when quality is multidimensional creates incentives for offsetting quality improvement practices.  相似文献   

New graduate RN retention in the first year of employment is a challenge for hospitals, ranging from a low of 25% to a high of 64%. he objectives of this study were to determine the retention and costs associated with the employment of new graduate RNs before and after the initiation of a specialized year-long critical care orientation program. Retention was compared between two independent groups of graduate RNs in the critical care units of two tertiary hospitals in a multi-hospital health care system in metropolitan New York. The major study findings were a significant difference in retention between the two groups at 3 months, 9 months, and 12 months, and an annual financial savings related to decreased nursing turnover. Specialized orientation programs that support new graduate RNs have documented increased retention and decreased turnover. Health care finances are positively impacted by specialized orientation programs.  相似文献   

Buerhaus PI 《Nursing economic$》2005,23(2):58-60, 55
This series on the state of the nursing workforce focuses on describing the results of the national surveys of RNs. The series begins with an analysis of RNs' perceptions of the current nursing shortage and whether they perceive the shortage has gotten better or worse over the past few years. Future topics will include RNs' perceptions of being a nurse and how they perceive certain aspects of their jobs; RNs' awareness of the J&J Campaign and whether they think it has been effective; RNs' perceptions of the impact of the shortage on the quality of patient care in hospitals; and various issues related to the age and diversity of the nursing profession.  相似文献   

Staffing in hospitals has a history of being based in opinion and tradition, not evidence. In recent years, for many, staffing practices have spun out of control creating chaos in overtime, the use of incentives, entitlement behaviors, dissatisfaction and frustration among nurses, and has opened doors for such things as staffing ratio legislation. Unprecedented pressures around budgets and financial performance have no doubt compounded this situation. We are in a new day, where technology can help us more than ever in a move towards staffing excellence and staffing practices based on evidence. Highly successful implementations of new technologies are the result of good leadership. The effectiveness of staffing and scheduling has significant business, safety, and quality implications that sit at the heart of the nurse executive's role.  相似文献   

Letvak S  Buck R 《Nursing economic$》2008,26(3):159-165
The researchers document the individual and workplace characteristics associated with decreased work productivity and intent to stay in nursing for nurses employed in direct patient care in the hospital setting. Factors associated with decreased work productivity were age, total years worked as a RN, quality of care provided, job stress score, having had a job injury, and having a health problem. Nurse leaders must place additional efforts on changes needed to improve the hospital workplace environment to decrease job stress, improve RNs' ability to provide quality care, and to assure the health and safety of nurses. Reducing job stress and providing adequate staffing so quality of care can be provided will enhance job satisfaction which will also encourage RNs to stay at the bedside. Improved work environments may delay older RNs' retirement from the workforce.  相似文献   

As health care organizations increasingly adopt health information technology, time-sensitive data that track patients' requirements for nursing care and nurses' responsiveness to these needs might be available to support evidence-based nurse staffing decisions. care information technologies available in hospitals and on nursing units may provide valuable sources of information that can be translated into usable data. In this study, the usefulness of electronic data obtained from a nurse tracking call light system as a source of information for quality measurement was explored. The findings point to what might be under-utilization of existing health information technology to track patients' needs and nurses' responsiveness, patient census, and patient movements. The authors recommend health information technology be used less as support for other organizational systems and more as an administrative resource that can allow nurse executives to be more actively engaged within and across nursing environments.  相似文献   

Hyun S  Bakken S  Douglas K  Stone PW 《Nursing economic$》2008,26(3):151-8, 173
Over the last 15 years, evidence has been accumulating relating higher levels of nurse staffing in both quantity and experience to lower rates of adverse patient outcomes. Consequently, to promote quality patient outcomes efficiently, making staffing decisions based in evidence is of increasing importance. However, there is still limited data to help decide how to effectively allocate scarce nurse resources in practice. Existing principles, frameworks, and guidelines provide a foundation for nurse staffing decisions but face poor adoption. To determine optimal nurse staffing practices and provide evidence-based recommendations for policy, and integration into operations, comprehensive data are necessary. Information technology can assist nurse staffing decisions. Four informatics processes that may support evidence-based nurse staffing are described: (a) Data acquisition from multiple data sources, (b) Representation of data in a way it can be re-used for multiple purposes, (c) Sophisticated data processing and mining, and (d) Presentation of data in standardized and user-configurable ways.  相似文献   

Schmidt LA 《Nursing economic$》2004,22(6):295-306, 291
Noticeably absent in the discussions surrounding nurse staffing and adverse events is the patients' perspective, except for their satisfaction with various aspects of their hospitalization experience. The results of a study undertaken to test a theoretical model of patients' perceptions of nurse staffing, the nursing care they receive, self-reported adverse events, and overall satisfaction with the hospital experience are presented. Perception of nurse staffing only weakly predicted the number of adverse events reported by patients, but was a strong predictor of the perception of nursing care received, and the perception of nursing care received was the only significant predictor of overall satisfaction with the hospital experience.  相似文献   

More and more ambulatory care organizations are using nursing report cards to monitor and evaluate the quality and effectiveness of nursing care in the ambulatory setting. Nurse staffing levels is usually one of the items included in a nursing report card and the one most scrutinized by ambulatory care administrators. One strategy employed by the nursing leadership at the South Texas Veterans Healthcare System to justify nurse staffing levels is linking administrative staffing monitors with nurse-sensitive outcomes via workload and performance indicators. Through this approach, nurse leaders are able to justify nurse staffing level changes, needed technology changes, process improvements, and/or workflow needs to administrators with positive results and support.  相似文献   

This paper uses Australian Census data to examine the earnings of female professionals. Comparisons are made between Registered Nurses (RNs), Teachers, Social Professionals, Health Professionals and Business Professionals. Wage decompositions show that RNs earn significantly less than other female Professionals and that the observed differentials can not be explained by differences in human capital endowments. The evidence presented is strongly suggestive of monopsonist or oligopsonist power in the setting of nurse wages – with a manifestation being persistent labour market disequilibrium. Changing the relative reward structure for nurses may help address the on-going nursing 'shortage' in Australia, although further research in this area is called for.  相似文献   

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