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航空运输业是我国国民经济中的基础性、先导性产业,是国民经济的重要组成部分,长期处于国家垄断经营和严格管制之下。面对席卷全球的航空自由化浪潮,我国政府开始逐步放松对航空运输业的经济性管制。认真分析我国航空运输业政策的发展趋势,研究放松管制对航空市场产生的影响,对于航空运输企业采取科学的应对策略,在市场竞争中不断发展壮大,具有十分现实的指导意义。进入新世纪,我国航空运输业面临着国内外新的市场形势。国内方  相似文献   

现代产业经济学的“结构一行为一绩效”分析范式(Structure—Conduct—Performance),简称SCP范式。这一范式认为产业结构决定了产业内的竞争状态,并决定了企业的行为及其战略,从而最终决定企业的绩效。笔者通过对南京市道路客运行业SCP范式经济分析,运用理论找出问题,提出对策建议。促进行业更好更快发展。市场结构分析在SCP范式中,市场结构反映了市场竞争和垄断之间的关系,衡量指标主要有3个,即市场集中度、产品差别化和进入退出壁垒。  相似文献   

从运输业作为一种产业形式出现在历史舞台开始,其市场结构经历了从垄断、垄断与竞争并存和竞争上升为主要特征的历史变迁。 1.垄断的运输市场结构 经济学对垄断是这样定义的:垄断是指市场上只有唯一一个卖者的市场结构,卖者出售的商品或劳务没有任何接近的替代品;同  相似文献   

在美国航空业1978年规制放松改革后,直接的结果便是大型航空公司迅速建立起轴辐式网络航线结构来进行竞争,相应四大航空公司的集中度从1977年的56.2%上升到1987年的64.8%。欧洲的航空公司也提高了集中度,从而使新进入者很难打入市场。90年代航空运输业中低成本航空的迅速崛起,通过选择低成本经营和竞争战  相似文献   

李莉 《空运商务》2011,(24):7-9,12
尽管我国民航运输业的发展取得了巨大的成就,但和国际上发达国家的民航运输业相比,还存在比较大的差距。本文认为,当前我国民航产业的发展困境主要表现在低效率、资金瓶颈、运营成本过高和市场垄断等方面。本文还提出了发展我国民航产业的政策建议:一是放松政府规制,推进市场化改革:二是加快产业整合步伐,提升行业绩效;三是设计有效的规制政策,维护公平竞争。  相似文献   

一直以来,印度航空货运业是一个备受忽视的产业,铁路和公路是国内货运的主要方式。高度管制的铁路运输业和效率低下的国有航空企业垄断成为印度航空业发展的主要障碍。另外,在1992年以前的四十年里,严重滞后的基础设施和较高的行业税赋也严重制约了印度航空业的发展。  相似文献   

从1890年马歇尔首次使用"外部经济"概念以来,外部性被看成是市场失灵的一种共生现象.进入20世纪90年代后,人们非常关注交通运输业的外部性,认为运输业是外部性极强的产业.<英国交通运输业的未来>作为英国未来30年的指导性交通战略规划,始终坚持平衡发展,坚持长期而持续的投资,充分考虑今后30年面临的挑战,制定了近期及远期计划,针对不同运输方式提出一系列交通运输政策,充分体现了交通运输产业第三产业特性、公共产品理论、外部性理论和自然垄断理论.  相似文献   

杨威 《空运商务》2012,(13):33-36
交通运输业是国民经济中的基础产业,它与国民经济的其他产业相互依存、紧密相连,运输业的发展依赖于其他产业的发展,同时也促进其他产业的发展。这种相辅相成的密切关系,既说明国民经济其他产业的发展会对运输业的发展产生重要影响,也表明运输业的发展会对其他部门和国民经济的发展做出重要贡献。在经济全球化、国际经济贸易迅速发展的今天,航空运输对于促进经济的发展、改善人们的生产生活方式起着至关重要的作用。航空货物运输作为航空运输中的重要一环,随着我国经济结构的调整、进出口产业结构的优化,据预测,在未来20年我国航空货运市场的增长速度将高于客运增长速度。  相似文献   

运输结构优化调整是降低运输业碳排放和改善运输业发展带来的环境问题的重要手段。在阐述运输结构调整变化的基础上,从市场替代、能力短板、运输比价、运到时限、服务质量、联运不畅等方面,分析运输结构失衡的影响因素,探讨欧盟运输结构调整启示,提出我国运输结构调整策略,即增强推进"公转铁"的责任感、依靠创新驱动加快"公转铁"步伐、凝聚各方共推"公转铁"合力,有效推动运输结构调整目标有序转移,加快实现交通强国战略目标。  相似文献   

第五次全球航空运输大会以来的三年多,在国际航空运输自由化理论的影响下,我国航空运输业进行了较大的改革,促进了航空运输业的发展,但也有一些亟待改进的问题。世界经济全球化、自由化、私有化使世界经济产生了巨大的变化,国际航空运输业处在全球经济的浪  相似文献   

Despite the explosive growth of the Chinese aviation sector and the major industry reforms undertaken in recent decades, the Chinese domestic market remains highly concentrated with a significant element of regulation and governmental control in areas such as market entry and airline fleet planning. In this study, we investigate the frequency strategies and aircraft choices of airlines operating in this concentrated growth market. Our empirical investigation suggests that airlines mainly accommodate rapid traffic growth by flying more frequently, although increased aircraft size also contributes to market expansion. We also find a negative relationship between market concentration and flight frequency. Due to the more balanced market structure resulting from mergers among leading airlines since 2002, there has been a moderate reduction in market concentration at route level, contributing to a 3.7% increase in traffic volume from 2002 to 2008. The results of our study suggest that Chinese travelers have yet to fully enjoy the benefits of market liberalization, and airports should prioritize increasing capacity related to aircraft movements over the accommodation of larger aircraft.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the linkages between customer service, customer satisfaction, and firm performance in the US airline industry. In particular, the moderating effects of market concentration and firm dominance on the service-satisfaction-performance relationship are examined. Our major finding is that market concentration dampens the relationship between customer satisfaction and airline profitability. Although the same moderating relationship was not found for market power, these results, combined, indicate that airlines can increase profits in concentrated markets without providing for the same, concomitant increases in customer satisfaction as airlines operating in more competitive markets. From a public policy perspective, our results point to the importance of regulators monitoring airline actions, such as mergers and alliances, that serve to increase the concentration of markets, but may result in lower levels of customer satisfaction.  相似文献   

Connectivity measures have been widely used by researchers and practitioners in the air transport industry to evaluate the degree of transport provision at different levels of detail. This paper adds to the literature by presenting a comprehensive study of the predictive performance of connectivity indices in estimating aggregate itinerary market shares. Our empirical analysis encompasses both nonstop and connecting itineraries that originated or destined in Europe during 2018. The predictive accuracies of the respective measures are assessed against actual market shares and an ad-hoc benchmark derived from a logit-based calibrated index and evaluated in terms of their prediction-error distributions. Our results suggest that the use of connectivity indices can significantly improve the assessment of itinerary market shares relative to conventional size-based measures (up to 16.9% gain in accuracy over itinerary frequency). These improvements, along with their use of standard formulations and lack of a calibration requirement, make connectivity models a valuable tool for practitioners to use in allocating aggregate air travel flows. An examination of different scenarios—short-/medium (SH/MH)-vs. long-haul (LH) and sizeable vs. thin markets—reveals that determination of the best index is not a straightforward task and provides guidance to selecting the best connectivity measure.  相似文献   

《Transport Policy》2009,16(5):259-270
This paper focuses on the question whether or not the container liner shipping industry is an oligopoly. Although liner shipping literature has been occupied with this question, few authors have examined the market structure of the containerised liner shipping industry. The study of the market form at trade level fills in a gap in the literature. The empirical investigation uses concentration ratios to measure the degree of concentration. The results allow us to determine the degree and type of oligopoly. The conclusion shows that the containerised shipping industry is characterised by increased concentration. Some trade lanes may be characterised as a loose oligopoly; others as a tight oligopoly.  相似文献   

As the airline industry has become more competitive, carriers have looked to improve performance and competitiveness. During the last decade, market-oriented corporate strategy has emerged as a significant antecedent of organizational performance and is presumed to contribute to long-term success. This study investigates potential influences of market orientation on airline performance. Data were collected by mail survey, and MARKOR was used to specify the dimensions of a market-orientated organization. The results support the positive influence of market orientation on business performance.  相似文献   

The effects of “low cost carriers” (LCCs) such as Southwest Airlines and JetBlue Airways on the competitive landscape of the U.S. airline industry have been thoroughly documented in the academic literature and the popular press. However, the more recent emergence of another distinct airline business model—the “ultra low cost carrier” (ULCC)—has received considerably less attention. By focusing on cost efficiencies and unbundled service offerings, the ULCCs have been able to undercut the fares of both traditional network and low-cost carriers in the markets they serve.In this paper, we conduct an analysis of ULCCs in the U.S. aviation industry and demonstrate how these carriers' business models, costs, and effects on air transportation markets differ from those of the traditional LCCs. We first describe the factors that have enabled ULCCs to achieve a cost advantage over traditional LCCs and network legacy carriers. Then, using econometric models, we examine the effects of ULCC and LCC presence, entry, and exit on base airfares in 3,004 U.S. air transportation markets from 2010 to 2015. We find that in 2015, ULCC presence in a market was associated with market base fares 21% lower than average, as compared to an 8% average reduction for LCC presence. We also find that while ULCC and LCC entry both result in a 14% average reduction in fares one year after entry, ULCCs are three times as likely to abandon a market within two years of entry than are the LCCs. The results suggest that the ULCCs represent a distinct business model from traditional LCCs and that as the ULCCs grow, they will continue to play a unique and increasingly important role in the U.S. airline industry.  相似文献   

This study examines the total factor productivity (TFP) change of the UK airport industry from 2001 to 2009 using a Hicks-Moorsteen index method. The results show that the industry experienced an average annual growth in TFP of 0.32 per cent with efficiency change being the main contributor to the TFP growth. We find that private UK airports enjoy slightly higher TFP growth than those in public or mixed ownership. Regulation and airport size are found to have statistically significant effects on the airport productivity level.  相似文献   

This paper tries to measure the effect of airline market concentration on airport technical efficiency. With this aim, a Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) is applied, estimating with a one-step procedure technical efficiency and the effect of airlines' market power on that efficiency. Results suggest that when airports are lowly concentrated increasing concentration reduces such inefficiencies. However, this effect practically disappears when airports are highly concentrated. Additionally, the government's policies to improve airports' performance seems to have a positive effect in the short run.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of flight delay on market power in the U.S. airline industry. Consistent with the literature, our estimation results confirm that flight delays are associated with negative consumer welfare effects. Most importantly, we find that poor on-time performance negatively impacts product markup—proxy for market power. Furthermore, we are able to decompose these markup effects into price and marginal cost effects and evidence suggests that the source of these negative markup effects is primarily driven by negative price responses.  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between mergers in the US domestic market and service quality, as measured through late flights, mishandled bags, involuntary boarding denials and flight cancellations. We find that in the immediate years following a merger, service quality generally deteriorates, and that the drop in service is due simultaneously to the merger and the increased concentration of the market. Thus, recent mergers in the US, including Delta and Northwest, United and Continental, Southwest and AirTran, have likely resulted in increased market concentration and decreased service levels. From a public policy perspective, our results point to the importance of regulators monitoring airline actions, such as mergers and acquisitions, that serve to increase the concentration of markets, and may also result in decreased service quality.  相似文献   

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