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We calibrate a simple neoclassical growth model adapted to illustrate a process of structural transformation or industrialization to a group of nine South American countries. The paper shows that low levels of agricultural productivity can substantially delay the process of industrialization, which, together with low levels of non‐agricultural productivity observed in recent decades, satisfactorily explains the significant differences in gross domestic product (GDP) per capita levels among the countries in our sample. The results suggest that Argentina underwent the process of industrialization first followed by Uruguay, Chile, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Paraguay and Bolivia. The model predicts that the ranking of these countries in terms of GDP per capita would follow this order until convergence occurs. The empirical evidence confirms the prediction of the model with the exceptions of Uruguay and Chile which caught up with Argentina in terms of GDP per capita levels in the late 1980s.  相似文献   

本文认为气候是一种重要资源,对生产力特别是对农业影响甚大,充分而合理地开发利用气候资源和保护气候资源,有利于发展生产力;同时,气候灾害是生产力发展的重大制约因素,防治和减少气候灾害,对保障生产力持续发展起着重要作用  相似文献   

本文根据经济学中的生产率与效率和生态经济学理论,通过对生产率、绿色生产率与循环经济关系的分析,提出生产率水平提高是经济可持续发展的根本和基础,绿色生产率水平提高和循环经济发展是经济可持续发展的高层次要求等观点.  相似文献   

本文从生产力的基本结构入手,对教育对生产力发展的作用做了分析和探讨。通过对“应试教育”和素质教育社会功能的全面分析,认为素质教育是培养生产力发展所需优秀素质人才的有效途径,是推动现代生产力发展的重要力量  相似文献   

信息化作为经济高质量发展的重要推手,对于资源地区走出“资源诅咒”困境意义重大,但一直被学界忽略。创造性地将信息化发展水平引入“资源诅咒”论述中,采用DEA—Malmqusit指数方法测算了2003-2017年我国285个地级及以上城市的绿色全要素生产率(GTFP),分析了信息化发展水平在资源依赖与GTFP关系中的作用。结果表明:①信息化发展水平的门槛效应导致资源依赖与GTFP呈现倒U型曲线关系。当信息化发展水平低于门限值时,无论资源依赖程度如何变化,它与GTFP的关系总是处于倒U型曲线右侧,即位于“资源诅咒”部分,而当信息化发展水平高于门限值时,无论资源依赖程度如何变化,它与GTFP的关系处于倒U型曲线左侧,即位于“资源祝福”部分;②信息化发展水平是显著影响资源依赖与GTFP的倒U型曲线拐点右移的要素,信息化发展水平提升能推迟或阻止“资源诅咒”的到来。  相似文献   

选取2003-2016年中国30个省际面板数据和22个东道国面板数据,基于国际R&D溢出模型和包含金融部门的经济增长模型,探讨OFDI逆向技术溢出与金融发展提升全要素生产率的实现路径。研究结果表明:一是中国在实施"走出去"战略中,存在OFDI逆向技术溢出效应,且与金融发展水平、国内R&D活动和经济开放度对TFP均呈现显著正向效应,但存在明显的地区差异;二是中国东部和中部地区存在OFDI逆向技术溢出效应;东部地区溢出效应显著正相关,中部地区显著负相关,而西部地区溢出效应不明显;三是中国东部地区金融发展对TFP呈现显著正相关,而中部和西部地区虽表现出正相关性,但不显著;中国东部沿海地区金融发展普遍高于中西部地区,西部地区金融发展高于中部地区,地方经济增长水平与金融发展并不呈现显著相关性。如何充分利用OFDI与金融发展来有效推动地方经济的高质量发展是当前亟待解决的热点问题。  相似文献   

Wealth Effects, Incentives, and Productivity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Comparative static effects of varying the wealth level of a risk-averse agent in a moral hazard setting with limited liability constraints are investigated. There are two principal opposing effects of increasing wealth: the incentive effect, which allows stronger punishments for poor performance, thereby encouraging higher effort; and the preference effect, which reduces the agent's effort incentives owing to income effects in the demand for leisure. It is shown that optimal effort levels are initially constant, subsequently increasing and eventually decreasing in wealth. Hence agents with intermediate wealth levels are the most productive.  相似文献   

Market Size, Trade, and Productivity   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:25  
We develop a monopolistically competitive model of trade with firm heterogeneity—in terms of productivity differences—and endogenous differences in the "toughness" of competition across markets—in terms of the number and average productivity of competing firms. We analyse how these features vary across markets of different size that are not perfectly integrated through trade; we then study the effects of different trade liberalization policies. In our model, market size and trade affect the toughness of competition, which then feeds back into the selection of heterogeneous producers and exporters in that market. Aggregate productivity and average mark-ups thus respond to both the size of a market and the extent of its integration through trade (larger, more integrated markets exhibit higher productivity and lower mark-ups). Our model remains highly tractable, even when extended to a general framework with multiple asymmetric countries integrated to different extents through asymmetric trade costs. We believe this provides a useful modelling framework that is particularly well suited to the analysis of trade and regional integration policy scenarios in an environment with heterogeneous firms and endogenous mark-ups.  相似文献   

李长萍 《生产力研究》2001,(2):59-60,71
在深刻领会邓小平关于“科学技术是第一生产力”理念的基础上,本文分析了高等教育在促进社会生产力发展中对提高国民素质、创造科技成果、推动经济发展及促进人的全面发展方面的重要功能,对于认识高等教育的本质具有一定的意义。  相似文献   

农业全要素生产率与农业优先发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王芳  曾令秋 《财经科学》2021,(2):121-132
提高农业全要素生产率是补齐农业现代化"短板"、实现农业优先发展的根本出路.由农村劳动力质量的提升和利益驱动下农民自觉的技术购买和使用所带来的技术进步,是农业全要素生产率提高的重要源泉,但技术无效率的扩大却减缓了全要素生产率的增速,这主要是由农业生产资源配置效率降低引起的.其中,农村劳动力流动的单向性是导致我国农业生产资源配置恶化的关键因素.因此,要提高农业全要素生产率实现农业优先发展必须从"人的因素"开始着力,这需要以教育变革为抓手提高农业人力资本水平,以农产品价格体制改革为先导、以土地制度创新为依托扩大农民收益空间,进而激发农业发展的内生动力.  相似文献   

要素市场扭曲、资源错置与生产率   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7  
要素市场政策扭曲会降低全要素生产率。本文在一个随机动态一般均衡模型框架下,定量考察我国偏向国有企业政策的效率损失。理论模型引入了垄断竞争的中间产品生产企业与内生化的进入退出选择,用不同的全要素生产率增长随机过程,刻画了要素市场面临政策扭曲的国有与私有企业。为了全面反映产业特征,本文用制造业企业微观数据,来校准企业全要素生产率随机增长。通过校准,定量模型表明,源于政策扭曲的资源错置,导致了非常高昂的效率损失。  相似文献   

This paper shows that the existence of endogenous growth, in the closed‐form solution, in a single sector economy with a convex technology in an overlapping generations (OLG) framework, which attempts to fill the current gap in endogenous growth theory. It finds there is an unbounded growth when trade, in the form of knowledge spillover, affects labor productivity through the formation of human capital with self‐education that is not an independent sector but builds the human capital here. This conclusion holds even though there is the “limited income” expressed as the “non‐increasing wage/investment ratio” for each generation. Moreover, it shows the convergence of growth rates for each country, which is unique and constant, while the growth rate per capita negatively relates with each country's population growth rate. Also, there is no “poverty trap” with the introduction of externalities that is different from existing literature.  相似文献   

The issue of communication between workers and firms has become important in recent political and economic policy debates. The most obvious example of this is the debate over whether the UK should adopt the Social Chapter of the Maastricht Treaty, which would make it mandatory for many firms to consult and communicate with their workforce. Another example is the debate over whether workers should be regarded as 'stakeholders'. In this paper we use establishment level data from the 1990 WERS survey to show that communication is associated with higher productivity growth. However, the strongest effects come from informal contact rather than through more formal bodies such as works councils. We argue that our results are consistent with a causal relationship where communication leads to higher productivity growth and further argue that the evidence is against the alternative interpretation of reverse causation. Our results have interesting policy implications: initiatives that increase communication can increase productivity growth, but will only be effective if they increase the amount of informal communication.  相似文献   

Journal of Quantitative Economics - The present paper considers cost-sharing contracts in the presence of firm-specific training and examines the optimal wage profiles in a hierarchical firm. Our...  相似文献   

The economic impact of unions has received increasing attention in the literature. However, the channels through which unions impinge on performance are seldom identified. This paper examines the impact of industrial conflict on output and factor productivity in a panel of British manufacturing industries for the 1970s. Production frontiers augmented by various dimensions of strike activity are estimated and strikes are found to have a negligible net impact on output. Furthermore, while there is some weak evidence to suggest that union presence adversely affects (relative) efficiency, this effect is not derived from higher levels of strike activity.  相似文献   

以2004-2017年中国内地261个城市数据为例,运用非线性门槛模型与动态空间效应分解模型,分别基于协调、非协调与空间溢出情境,对制造业集聚布局与城市化发展协同驱动绿色全要素生产率提升进行机制分析与实证检验。结果发现:虽然制造业集聚与城市化双轮驱动更能助推城市绿色全要素生产率提升,但当城市化水平超过0.424 1、制造业集聚度小于0.706 7或超过1.291 1时,非协调协同驱动下绿色全要素生产率激励机制便会失灵。全样本动态空间效应分解表明,短期内制造业集聚与城市化互动能够为整体地区间绿色全要素生产率提升创造机遇。但长期来看,地区间要素流动和重组将引致绿色先行城市制造业集聚与城市化协同稳态微妙失衡,从而导致期望的绿色全要素生产率增长路径中断。异质性城市动态空间效应分解表明,当前绿色极点仍集中在新一线、一线与二线城市,三线、四线与五线城市的绿色极化效应尚不显著,区域间绿色回流与溢出效应尚不明显。  相似文献   

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